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  • av Eva Chase

    Three possessive wolf shifters. A wounded woman finding her strength. A world of dangerous fae determined to exploit her unexpected powers.For years, the monsters who killed my family have held me in a cage. Brutalized and half-starved. Only kept alive so they can steal my blood.Until one evening when three eerily gorgeous men rescue me.They offer a safe haven under their protection with everything I need to heal. I'm not used to this kindness-or the desires their smoldering eyes and strong hands stir in my body and my heart.But these fearsome men aren't really men. Like my former captors, they're fae who can shift into wolves. A curse gripping the faerie realm turns them wild under the full moon.Only the strange power coursing through my veins can cure their rage.I'm a prize as much as a person to them. But I've survived this long without giving up. And as I recover my strength, I'm winning their hearts as well.Can this damaged human hold her own among the savage fae?*Bound to the Fae is a fantasy romance series featuring possessive shifters, dangerous fae politics, and a wounded heroine coming into her own. This collection contains with the first three books in the series-Captive of Wolves, Feral Blood, and Kings of Moonlight-as well as three bonus scenes.*

  • av Eva Chase
    277 - 351

  • av Eva Chase

    When psychos fall...A whole family of monsters has menaced my home for far too long. And in the battle to take them down, one of resurrected gangsters I love may have lost his life all over again.Am I pissed off? Understatement of the century. But my men have already survived one set of murders. I made it out of the looney bin and rescued my sister. We've proven we don't back down... even when maybe we should.The villains have way more people, more money and more power than we can wrap our heads around. But we've still got a few tricks up our sleeves. Can we expose them for what they are before they destroy more than we can ever fix?*Deathly Delinquency is the fourth and final book in a darkly humorous new paranormal romance series by bestselling author Eva Chase. If you love sarcastic heroines with unexpected powers, obsessive supernatural men who'll do anything to defend their woman, and plenty of mystery and mayhem, dive right in!*

  • av Eva Chase

    Psycho is as psycho does...As if falling for the ghosts of four murdered gangsters wasn't crazy enough, it turns out we've got a real live supervillain on our hands. One with mysterious powers that reach way farther than we could have imagined.And that villain has torn my sister away from me.I'll stop at nothing to bring her back and see my men get the vengeance they deserve. It's just a little hard to win a war when you're not really sure what kind of monster you're up against. Or how many you're up against, for that matter.There's a whole new dimension to my own powers that I'm only just starting to uncover-one that could level the playing field. But what if tapping into it makes me just as much of a monster as the pricks we're up against? *Grave Misconduct is the third book in a darkly humorous new paranormal romance series by bestselling author Eva Chase. If you love sarcastic heroines with unexpected powers, obsessive supernatural men who'll do anything to defend their woman, and plenty of mystery and mayhem, dive right in!*

  • av Eva Chase

  • - The Complete Series
    av Eva Chase

    Three brutal monsters came to my rescue. Now who's going to save me from them?Every beat of my heart is the tick of a time bomb, reminding me to squeeze as many thrills out of life as I can. A horde of nightmarish monsters jumping me in the middle of the night? Nope, that's too much even for me.So when three demonic figures leap out of the shadows to my defense, my choices are trust my unexpected champions... or die. Not exactly a tough decision.The beastly men wrench me away from my home, claiming they'll keep me safe. They say there's something special about me-something the others want to devour and they mean to protect.My monstrous saviors are just as brutal as the creatures they fought off, damaged in ways I'll never understand. But the more we dig into the mysteries surrounding my existence, the more I catch glimpses of tenderness beneath their vicious exteriors.And the touch of their fangs and tentacles makes me feel so shockingly alive, it's hard to remember why I ever feared them...Until I discover the real reason they're protecting me-and a power that could either save us or doom the entire world.*The Heart of a Monster is a thrilling urban fantasy series with a daredevil heroine and morally gray monstrous men who'll do anything to protect their woman. This set contains all four books in the series-Chosen by Villains, Courted by Beasts, Defended by Demons, and Hailed by Fiends-as well as a brand-new bonus epilogue.*

  • av Eva Chase
    321 - 421

  • av Eva Chase

    Je commence enfin à me faire à l'idée que je suis la dernière métamorphe dragonne en vie, destinée à m'unir aux quatre leaders métamorphes qui seront mes âmes-s¿urs et à unir tous les groupes de métamorphes quand plus de problèmes font leur apparition. Le groupe de renégats qui a massacré ma famille est toujours assoiffé de sang, et ils se moquent de qui ils peuvent blesser au passage.Mes âmes-s¿urs et moi sommes décidés à écraser la rébellion une bonne fois pour toutes. Mais les renégats ont des alliés que nous ne soupçonnions pas, des alliés assez puissants pour me faire douter. Ajoutez à cela un challenger qui espère arracher la position de leader à un de mes hommes, et vous avez une métamorphe dragonne qui a atteint ses limites. Comment une femme qui a découvert qu'elle était une métamorphe il y a juste trois semaines peut-elle réparer seize ans de chaos ?

  • av Eva Chase

    Le monde paranormal ne semble pas vouloir m'accorder du répit. Juste quand je pensais pouvoir enfin avoir une vie normale, enfin... une vie relativement normale, en tant que métamorphe dragonne avec mes quatre âmes-s¿urs, je découvre que mon peuple est au bord d'une guerre surnaturelle. Les vampires ont décidé qu'ils allaient exterminer tous les métamorphes, et ils ont la puissance de feu nécessaire pour atteindre leur objectif.J'ai une grande puissance de feu aussi, mais je ne suis qu'une seule dragonne et il y a toute une armée de vampires. Alors que je me creuse la tête pour protéger tout mon peuple et pour comprendre ce qui se passe avec le dernier de mes âmes-s¿urs, je ne peux m'empêcher de penser que c'est un défi que mes âmes-s¿urs et moi ne pouvons relever seuls.Les secrets enfouis dans le domaine de la métamorphe dragonne pourraient détenir la réponse, mais la trouver va me forcer à questionner tout ce que je pensais savoir à propos de ce monde nouveau.

  • av Eva Chase

    La dernière métamorphe dragonne rencontre ses quatre âmes-s¿urs, leaders de leurs communautés de métamorphes. La vie est sur le point de devenir dangereuse. Quand je pars à la recherche de sensations fortes le jour de mon 21ème anniversaire, me faire kidnapper ne faisait pas partie de mes plans. Tout comme découvrir que les métamorphes existent, et que j'en fais partie aussi. En tant que dernière des métamorphes dragonnes, j'ai un rôle à jouer. Accepter les leaders des quatre groupes en tant que mes âmes-s¿urs et réunir tous les clans de métamorphes. Pas de pression, n'est-ce pas ?C'est dommage que mon destin ne soit pas aussi simple que de juste me mettre en couple avec quatre mecs super sexy. Il y a des gens qui en ont après la lignée des métamorphes dragonnes, bien décidés à finir ce qu'ils avaient commencé il y a des années. Si je ne trouve pas le moyen de ranimer mes pouvoirs dormants, ma vie partira en fumée.* Les âmes-s¿urs de la dragonne est une série de romance paranormale dans laquelle l'héroïne n'a pas à choisir entre ses hommes. Attendez-vous à des situations sexy, des actions intenses et un quartet de métamorphes séduisants composé d'un loup, un ours, un jaguar et d'un aigle dont vous souhaiteriez qu'ils soient vos âmes-s¿urs. *

  • av Eva Chase

    Découvrir que tu es peut-être la dernière métamorphe dragonne en vie, et que tu es destinée à t'unir à quatre métamorphes qui seront tes âmes-s¿urs, peut te faire tourner la tête. Mais maintenant que je contrôle mes pouvoirs et mes ennemis, ma confiance remonte. Une petite randonnée dans la montagne pour découvrir le dernier secret de ma mère ne semble pas être grand-chose surtout avec mes hommes à mes côtés.Dommage que la vie ait d'autres plans. Plus j'avançais, plus les secrets de ma mère faisaient surface. Des secrets qui menacent la paix fragile entre les métamorphes et les fae. Des secrets qui pourraient détruire le lien que je suis en train de former avec mes âmes-s¿urs. Avec des ennemis auxquels je ne m'attendais pas à tous les tournants, il va même falloir toute cette nouvelle force que je me découvre pour survivre dans la mêlée.

  • av Eva Chase

    Quand la vie vous offre des démons, autant semer la destruction.Je pensais que je voulais savoir ce que j'étais. Maintenant que j'ai découvert que les réponses ne sont pas si jolies, il s'avère qu'il n'y a pas de retour en arrière possible.Les monstres les plus puissants du monde craignent cette voleuse mortelle. Malheureusement, cela signifie qu'ils sont déterminés à supprimer mon existence. Le démon qui était mon meilleur allié est pris entre deux feux, sa liberté et sa vie sont en jeu.Et c'est sans compter le psychopathe génocidaire qui s'apprête à déclencher une catastrophe qui pourrait détruire nos deux mondes à lui seul.J'ai du pain sur la planche, même avec mes monstrueux amants à mes côtés. Remporterai-je la victoire sur mes propres ténèbres ou celles-ci vont-elles me consumer ?Quoi qu'il en soit, ce sera une sacrée aventure.* Une sombre victoire est le quatrième et dernier tome de la série Les Monstres et moi. Si vous aimez les héroïnes qui ont du culot à revendre, les monstres qui ont leur propre sens de la moralité et les histoires d'amour torrides où il n'est pas nécessaire de choisir, plongez dans ce livre et vous verrez qu'il y a de quoi faire. *

  • av Eva Chase

    Un peu de pyromanie peut mener loin...La Compagnie de la Lumière était déjà sur ma liste noire avant qu'elle n'enlève l'un de mes amants monstrueux. Et maintenant ? Je suis prête à les envoyer tous griller dans les flammes. Surtout quand il s'avère qu'ils ont peut-être abîmé mon démon chéri de façon irrémédiable.Le problème, c'est que ces flammes ne sont pas très gentilles. Après avoir goûté à la liberté, mon feu intérieur semble vouloir s'en donner à c¿ur joie, et cela inclut de me brûler pendant que je brûle les méchants.Si je veux maîtriser le dangereux pouvoir qui est en moi, je dois comprendre d'où il vient, et d'où je viens. Mais trouver les réponses que je cherche pourrait être pire que de rester dans l'obscurité.Mes ennemis se multiplient de minute en minute, et le pire d'entre eux... pourrait bien se tenir juste à côté de moi.

  • av Eva Chase

    Une voleuse pyromane impertinente, trois monstres sexy à souhait et une conspiration paranormale aux proportions épiques.C'était un travail ordinaire. Une autre nuit, un autre salaud collectionneur de surnaturel. Je libère quelques pauvres petites bêtes de leurs cages, j'empoche quelques babioles pour payer mes factures, et je brûle l'endroit en partant. Vous pouvez m'appeler le Robin des Bois de l'émancipation des monstres.Je n'avais pas prévu que trois monstres virils me suivraient à la maison comme des chiots perdus. Des chiots perdus étonnamment sexy, mais tout de même. Maintenant, j'ai un incube séduisant et effronté, un démon gentiment enthousiaste et un ange sinistrement stoïque qui campent dans ma cuisine. Ils sont déterminés à me remercier pour mon aide et ne quitteront pas mon appartement tant qu'ils ne seront pas convaincus que nous sommes quittes.Pour être franche, ils n'ont pas d'autre endroit où aller. Une bande de chasseurs clandestins a capturé leur patron, et la piste est gelée. Je donnerai un coup de main si cela signifie que je peux les faire partir... et quand il semble que nous soyons confrontés aux mêmes crapules qui ont assassiné la personne que j'aimais le plus, vous feriez mieux de croire que je suis tout à fait d'accord.Traquer les méchants.Récupérer le patron.Ne pas se faire tuer en chemin.Oh, et peut-être sortir avec un ou deux beaux gosses monstrueux.C'est du gâteau.Je vais vraiment le regretter.* La Voleuse d'ombres est le premier tome d'une nouvelle série d'urban fantasy de l'auteure à succès Eva Chase. Si vous aimez les héroïnes qui ont du cran, les monstres qui ont leur propre sens moral et les histoires d'amour torrides où les hommes savent partager, plongez dans cette série dès maintenant ! *

  • av Eva Chase

    Qu'y a-t-il de mieux que trois monstres sexy ? Pourquoi pas quatre...En aidant le trio de monstres sexy comme pas possible qui m'ont suivie chez moi, j'ai perdu mon appartement, mon sens de la sécurité et plus de sang qu'il n'en fallait. D'une certaine manière, mes nouveaux amants me donnent l'impression d'avoir obtenu la meilleure part du marché.Malheureusement, leur patron fraîchement sauvé n'est pas très enthousiaste à l'égard des humains. J'ai l'impression qu'il préférerait m'écarteler plutôt que de m'accorder le temps d'une journée. Dommage pour lui, mes compétences de mortelle sont trop utiles pour qu'il s'en débarrasse. Après tout, il nous reste une conspiration de psychopathes tortionnaires de monstres à détruire.Mais entre les tentatives de séduction du chef autoritaire et la traque de nos ennemis, la chose la plus troublante que j'ai rencontrée pourrait bien être ce qui se cache sous ma peau. Je possède des pouvoirs qu'aucun humain n'est censé exercer.Qu'est-ce que cela fait de moi ? Je n'en ai aucune idée, mais trouver comment exploiter mon côté surnaturel pourrait être ma seule chance de venger la femme qui m'a élevée et tant d'autres qui ont été assassinés depuis. Et la seule chose dont je suis sûre ? Cet escroc ne recule pas.

  • av Eva Chance

    Raised to rule the criminal underworld... Born to skate her heart out.As heir to my family's mafia throne, I've learned to threaten, torture, and kill. But the only place I really feel at home is on the ice.So when Mom has my coach murdered to end my figure skating dreams, I know it's time to run. With my hot but off-limits bodyguard by my side, I flee to a little town where she'll never find me.All I want is to lie low and perform in secret at the local rink. But a chance meeting with two passionate, damaged men seeking their own healing on the ice opens up new possibilities-both for my skating and my heart.They have no idea who I really am. And with a gang terrorizing my new neighbors and a stalker leaving me gruesome gifts, I don't know how long I can keep my violent history in the past.Can I defend my new life without turning into the brutal mafia princess I never wanted to be?*Blades of Havoc is a complete dark contemporary romance series from bestselling author Eva Chase (writing as Eva Chance) and Harlow King. Prepare for thrills on the ice, in the streets, and between the sheets with four hot, passionate men and a heroine who refuses to play by the rules. This set contains all four books in the series: Shotgun Spin, Pivot Point, Skid Spiral, and Death Drop.*

  • av Eva Chase
    331 - 421

  • av Eva Chance

    My stepbrother used me and threw me away. Now he's the only one I can turn to.When my car is stolen outside my new college dorm, my roommate points me to "The Vigil"-a trio of students who tackle crimes when campus security drops the ball.The last thing I expect walking into the Vigil's office is to find Logan Brooks staring back at me.I want nothing to do with the stepbrother I once had the world's hugest crush on. Two years ago, patching up his mysterious injuries led to a passionate hookup on the bathroom sink. And then he totally ghosted me.But even though he looks at me like I'm dirt under his shoe, he and his distractingly hot friends insist on taking my case.No way am I letting them investigate on their own. Working with them will give me the chance to find out what's really up with Logan. Why he was bruised and bleeding that night. Why he's shut off the whole family.Except when our search takes an unexpected turn, I realize the truth is even more horrifying than what I thought I knew...*Vigilante Kings is a complete dark contemporary romance series from bestselling author Eva Chase (writing as Eva Chance) and Harlow King. Imagine the Hardy Boys all grown up and gone vigilante, a spirited heroine who can hold her own, and a murderous conspiracy they must unravel together. This omnibus contains all four books in the series: Savage Secrets, Reckless Games, Wicked Love, and Twisted Empire.*

  • av Eva Chance

    A deadly female assassin, four brutally tempting hitmen, and a dark conspiracy that could end them all.I'm the girl you'll never see coming. Blink and you're dead, another target checked off my list.Until one night my carefully ordered existence falls apart. A bloodbath and a car crash later, I find myself in the grasp of four gorgeous, intimidating men.My captors claim they're holding me for my protection. I can't quite believe that.Even if seeing how skillfully they handle their weapons makes me wonder what their hands would feel like all over me.I have vengeance to wreak, and no man, no matter how powerful, is going to keep me caged for long.They think they've caught a wounded little mouse. How could they know they've brought a killer into their home?But the more I fight for freedom, the more I realize my entire life has been a cage of horrific lies.What if these brutally tempting men are the answer to my problems rather than the cause of them?We might just burn down the world together.*The Chaos Crew is a complete dark contemporary romance series from bestselling author Eva Chase (writing as Eva Chance) and Harlow King. This set contains all four books in the series-Killer Beauty, Killer Lies, Killer Heart, and Killer Reign-as well as an exclusive new bonus epilogue.*

  • av Eva Chase
    321 - 457

  • av Eva Chance

    Even when I'm halfway around the world, my mother won't leave me be.I'm never going to become the mafia princess she hoped for. I'm going to show the whole world who I really am--on the ice, with the grace and beauty I've always dreamed of.But the competition is tougher than ever, both in the figure-skating community and in the criminal underworld I left behind. If Mom forces my hand, can I find a final move that'll free me from her control forever... or will I be the one who'll lose everything?*Death Drop is the final book in the Blades of Havoc series.*

  • av Eva Chase

    We are blood. And so are they...We're finally free-and we intend to stay that way. But our most dangerous enemy has plans that could upend the entire world.To carry out those plans, he's making more like us. More people twisted into something monstrous and forced to serve his psychotic ends.My guys and I have to stop him. It's our only hope of getting the peace we've dreamed of-for us and everyone else we've come to care about.But how can we even fight when the foes standing in our way... are shadowbloods just like us?*Fearsome Dream is the final book in Shadowblood Souls, an urban fantasy series for those who love savagely possessive men and fierce heroines who'll fight for what's theirs.*

  • av Eva Chase

    Scoprire che potrei essere l'ultimo dei draghi mutaforma - e che sono destinata a prendere quattro affascinati uomini come miei compagni - mi ha messa a dura prova. Ma ora che ho riavuto i miei poteri e ho vinto una battaglia contro i miei nemici, ho finalmente ritrovato la fiducia in me stessa. Una piccola gita in montagna per scoprire l'ultimo segreto di mia madre sembra un gioco da ragazzi, soprattutto con loro al mio fianco.Peccato che la vita abbia altri piani in serbo per me. Più vado avanti, più segreti vengono a galla. Segreti che minacciano il fragile equilibrio di pace tra i mutaforma e le fate. Segreti che potrebbero distruggere il legame che sto costruendo con i miei compagni. Con nemici inaspettati dietro ogni angolo, ci vorrà tutta la mia forza per sopravvivere alla battaglia.

  • av Eva Chase

    Il mondo paranormale non sembra volermi dare tregua. Proprio quando pensavo di potermi creare una vita normale - beh, relativamente normale - come l'ultimo dei draghi mutaforma insieme ai miei quattro compagni, la mia gente si trova sull'orlo di una guerra soprannaturale. I vampiri hanno deciso di sterminare tutti i mutaforma, e hanno abbastanza armi per riuscirci.Certo, anch'io ho le mie armi. Ma sono solo un drago contro un sacco di vampiri. Mentre lotto per proteggere tutte le famiglie e capire cosa diavolo succede all'ultimo dei miei compagni, non posso fare a meno di pensare che questa sfida sia più di quanto io e i miei uomini siamo in grado di affrontare da soli.I segreti dei draghi mutaforma potrebbero essere la risposta, ma trovarla mi costringerà a mettere in discussione tutto ciò che pensavo di sapere su questo nuovo mondo.

  • av Eva Chase

    Mi sto finalmente abituando all'idea di essere l'ultimo drago in vita. Sono destinata a prendere i quattro capifamiglia come compagni e legare tra loro tutti i mutaforma. Ma ecco altri pericoli incombere all'orizzonte. Il gruppo di ribelli che ha massacrato la mia famiglia è ancora assetato di sangue. Faranno a pezzi chiunque si metta sul loro cammino.Per stroncare la rivoluzione una volta per tutte, sono partita insieme ai miei quattro compagni. Ma i ribelli hanno alleati nei luoghi più inaspettati, e sono così spaventosi da far vacillare la mia determinazione. In più, qualcuno vuole sfidare uno dei miei uomini per rubargli il potere. C'è un limite a quello che riesco ancora a sopportare. Come può una donna, che sa di essere una mutaforma da sole tre settimane, rimediare a sedici anni di caos?

  • av Eva Chase

    L'ultimo drago mutaforma incontra i suoi quattro compagni. La sua vita sta per diventare molto pericolosa.In cerca di emozioni, la sera del mio ventunesimo compleanno, l'ultima cosa che mi aspetto è di essere rapita. E come se non bastasse, scopro che i mutaforma esistono e che anch'io sono una di loro. Rappresento l'ultima della stirpe dei draghi, e ho un compito da assolvere: prendere i capi delle quattro famiglie come miei compagni e legare tutti i mutaforma tra loro. Nessuna pressione, giusto?Peccato che il mio destino non sia semplicemente spassarmela con quattro bellissimi uomini. Qualcuno sta dando la caccia ai draghi, con l'intenzione di finire il massacro cominciato anni fa. Se non trovo il modo di sbloccare i poteri sepolti dentro di me, la mia vita andrà in pezzi.*I compagni del drago mutaforma è una serie di romanzi paranormali decisamente piccanti. La protagonista vivrà avventure entusiasmanti, ma anche molto bollenti, insieme a un quartetto di mutaforma irresistibili: un lupo, un orso, un giaguaro e un'aquila. Alla fine, non potrai far altro che desiderarli come i tuoi compagni.*

  • av Eva Chase

    Kinda dead. Straight-up psycho. Totally obsessed with her.I did a bad, bad thing.Thanks to a blank in my memory, I'm not sure what that thing was, but it was horrible enough to get me locked up in the psych ward for seven years.When I'm released back into a town determined to rub my unknown sins in my face, the past isn't the only thing that's haunting me.The four "imaginary" friends who made my childhood bearable are back... and undeniably real. Not to mention crude, criminally inclined, and more than a little unstable after ages trapped in afterlife limbo.All they want is to protect me. Worship me. Avenge me.So they'll bludgeon, maim, eviscerate-tear a strip of havoc right through this sleepy town.Even rise from the dead.Maybe I'm still not all that sane either, because part of me finds them strangely appealing. In ways very different from how I felt as a kid. And that's not the only strangeness stirring inside me...I promised myself I'd stick to the straight and narrow from here on. But what if the only way to set things right is to get a little ghoulish?*Gang of Ghouls is a darkly humorous new paranormal romance series by bestselling author Eva Chase. If you love sarcastic heroines with unexpected powers, obsessive supernatural men who'll do anything to defend their woman, and plenty of mystery and mayhem, dive right in! This set contains all four books in the series-The Stalking Dead, Criminal Spirits, Grave Misconduct, and Deathly Delinquency-as well as a brand-new bonus epilogue.*

  • av Eva Chance

    I should have known I could never run fast enough to stay free of my family's clutches.Now I'm back under my mother's thumb, being prepped as the heir to her mafia throne... and for other plans so shady she's keeping them secret.But I'm not giving up on my figure-skating dreams or on the men who've stood by me.It's a dangerous game that Mom's dragged me back into, but I'm going to play it to win. And I'd better... because one misstep, and it's the men I love who'll be paying for my failure.

  • av Eva Chase

    I thought we'd faced the worst possible horrors already. I was wrong.My men and I have fought the guardians who held us captive for so long. Refused to let them harness our powers yet again.But there's another villain lurking in the shadows. One who doesn't even pretend to care about anyone's interests other than his own.With every move he makes, I feel one step closer to breaking. How can we ever escape while a man like this controls our future?The path to freedom could lie in the past we left behind. But our history holds secrets that are just as likely to destroy me...

  • av Eva Chance

    With the men who're stealing my heart by my side, my skating career is taking off in ways I never imagined were possible. But my criminal past keeps haunting me.Not even my devoted bodyguard-turned-maybe-more has been able to stop my psycho stalker and his sick gifts. I can only hope we'll leave him in our dust when we pack our bags.But chasing the next level of competition brings its own challenges-and fears. The closer I get to the spotlight, the more chance there is that my family will track me down.Can I protect my new loves from the violence of my old mafia life? Or will I drag them into the darkness I worked so hard to escape?

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