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  • av Warren H. Lau

    While the world still contemplates on how impossible for China to solve her current economic problems, Warren H. Lau provides us a solution: Agricultural modernization, drive people into cities to absorb excess urban housing supply.In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing real estate crisis, China faces a pivotal moment defining its economic trajectory and role in the world. This book analyzes the country's current challenges centered around a depressed property market and excess housing supply. It argues that strategic policy reforms focusing on agricultural modernization can spark a revitalization. Through heavy investment in automation and technology to boost productivity on farms, China can wean itself off intensive labor-based farming. This would spare millions of workers who could migrate to cities as new residents and occupants for the oversupplied urban real estate. With more human capital populating urban centers, demand for housing and domestic consumption of goods and services would rise. The book outlines how coordinating initiatives across infrastructure, public works, tourism and development can convert rural economies, depopulate the countryside and smoothly reallocate human resources. Such an orchestrated effort can relieve stresses in the property sector, stabilize the financial system and refill urban population density. With a rebalancing of China's internal dynamics, strong ripple effects are plausible across global trade, investment and economic cooperation.

  • av Stephanie K. L. Lam

    Is it currently possible to truly love someone? A resounding "yes" is the response! In "50 Ways to Enjoy True Love," you'll find real-world strategies and examples to help you build a relationship based on love, respect, and mutual support. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to build a long-lasting, satisfying relationship, whether they are single and looking for love or are already in a serious relationship. If you're ready to learn about the many different ways to experience true love, let's get started and see what's possible!"50 Ways to Enjoy True Love" is a comprehensive guide to starting and keeping a loving, fulfilling relationship. In order to help you cultivate true love in your own life, this book provides examples as well as practical strategies. It is composed for any individual who needs to construct a more grounded, more significant relationship with their companion.The various aspects of building a strong relationship discussed in each one are all examined, including communication and intimacy to gratitude and forgiveness. Based on the most recent findings from relationship science and psychology, the book offers advice and insights that are supported by practices.Whether you are single and looking for love or are already in a committed relationship, "50 Ways to Enjoy True Love" is a useful resource that can help you deepen your connection with your partner and live a life that is more fulfilling. Because of its engaging and easy-to-understand style, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to build a relationship based on love, respect, and mutual support.

  • av Stephanie K. L. Lam

    In a world where the simplest bodily function can become a Herculean task, my personal battle with constipation led me on an unexpected odyssey of self-discovery, resilience, and ultimately, the triumph of natural healing.My Struggles with Constipation - A Journey to Freedom and Natural HealingIn a world where even the simplest bodily function can become a daunting challenge, My Struggles with Constipation is a captivating memoir that chronicles one individual's remarkable journey from debilitating discomfort to the liberating embrace of natural healing.Within these pages, the author courageously shares her personal battle with constipation, a seemingly mundane issue that transformed her life into a daily struggle. Frustrated by conventional treatments that yielded little relief, she embarked on a quest for answers, determined to find a solution that would restore her well-being and quality of life.What unfolds is a gripping narrative that takes readers on an unexpected odyssey of self-discovery, resilience, and triumph. Through a vivid and heartfelt account, the author reveals the profound impact that chronic constipation had on her physical, emotional, and mental state, offering a relatable perspective to those who have ever felt imprisoned by their own bodies.As the author delves into the depths of her struggle, she uncovers a hidden truth: the power of natural remedies. Intimately exploring the interconnections between diet, lifestyle, and overall well-being, she shares the profound insights gained from her journey. With unwavering determination, she experiments with herbal supplements, dietary modifications, and gentle exercise routines, uncovering the transformative potential of the natural world.My Struggles with Constipation is not just a personal narrative; it serves as a guiding light for readers seeking relief from their own battles with digestive issues. Through the author's experiences, she demonstrates the importance of holistic approaches, mindfulness, and stress management in the pursuit of optimal health. With each chapter, she provides practical advice, empowering readers to listen to their bodies, embrace natural healing, and embark on their own transformative journeys.This powerful book is a call to action, inviting readers to challenge the status quo and reclaim their right to vibrant health and vitality. It offers solace, inspiration, and valuable insights to those who have ever felt trapped by their own physical limitations, transforming the way we think about constipation and offering hope for a brighter, freer future.My Struggles with Constipation is a compelling memoir that transcends the boundaries of a single health issue, capturing the essence of the human spirit's relentless pursuit of well-being. It is a testament to the incredible potential within each of us to overcome adversity, find healing, and embrace a life of vitality, joy, and fulfillment.

  • av Stephanie K. L. Lam

    Is it true that you're exhausted because you feel overwhelmed by the state of the world? Are you ready to break the downward spiral? Given that this is valid, then, this moment is the perfect open door to communicate goodbye to doomsday and embrace a really encouraging future time. This book offers an aide for how we can deal with the best troubles inside late memory and make a world that is doable, just, and sure.In "Say Goodbye to Doomsday," author Stephanie K.L. Lam offers a refreshing and optimistic perspective on the biggest challenges facing humanity today. From climate change to global pandemics, from inequality to political polarization, it's easy to become overwhelmed by the problems we face. But this book argues that there is reason for hope.Drawing on the latest research and cutting-edge innovations, the author shows how we can rise to the challenges of our time and create a brighter future for ourselves and future generations. From renewable energy to regenerative agriculture, from personalized medicine to space exploration, the book showcases the incredible progress that is being made in a wide range of fields.But this is not just a book about solutions; it's also about mindset. The author argues that we need to shift our perspective from one of fear and despair to one of curiosity and optimism. By doing so, we can tap into our innate resilience and creativity, and find new ways to tackle even the toughest problems.So if you're tired of the constant doom and gloom, if you're ready to embrace a brighter future, then this book is for you. It's time to say goodbye to doomsday and join the movement for a better world.

  • av Warren H. Lau

    Are you struggling to keep up with the ever-changing needs and preferences of your customers? Do you want to deliver personalized experiences that drive greater customer loyalty and satisfaction? Discover the power of ChatGPT and natural language processing in enhancing your digital marketing strategiesIn today's digital age, businesses need to stay ahead of the competition by delivering personalized experiences that meet the evolving needs of their customers. ChatGPT is an advanced AI language model that can be used to enhance digital marketing efforts through the use of natural language processing (NLP) techniques. In this practical guide, you will learn how to use ChatGPT to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs, and create personalized experiences that drive greater customer loyalty and satisfaction. Starting with an overview of ChatGPT and NLP, the book covers a range of topics, from building chatbots and recommendation engines to generating content and analyzing sentiment. Each chapter follows a step-by-step approach, with practical examples and writing prompts for AI writing tools to help you put theory into practice. With this book, you will:- Understand the basics of natural language processing and how ChatGPT works- Build a chatbot and integrate it into your website or social media channels- Develop a recommendation engine to provide personalized product recommendations for your customers- Generate engaging and relevant content for your website, blog, or social media channels- Analyze sentiment to improve your customer service or brand reputation- Explore advanced topics such as topic modeling and speech recognition to further enhance your digital marketing strategies- Whether you are a marketing professional, business owner, or anyone looking to enhance their digital marketing efforts, this book provides a practical and comprehensive guide to using ChatGPT and NLP to create personalized experiences for your customers.

  • av Stephanie K. L. Lam

    The 22nd century New Millennials are an age dissimilar to some other ever. They were born into a world that is very different from the norm. Robots and artificial intelligence now play a larger role in everyday life than ever before thanks to rapid technological advancement.These newest millennials have been exposed to an unprecedented amount of technology throughout their childhoods. They communicate, acquire knowledge, and remain up to date on the ever-changing world around them through the use of smartphones, computers, and computers. The opportunities to interact with people from all over the world and gain access to information have increased exponentially since they have access to the internet.The world has become smaller as a result of this technological revolution. No longer are international borders a barrier. In ways that were previously unimaginable just a few decades ago, the New Millennials can connect with one another.These millennials, in contrast to previous generations, have the ability to determine their own future. Through their ideas, voices, and actions, they have the potential to change society, advocate for social justice, and bring about positive change. This is about their world and how the New Millennials will adapt to the ever-developing environment around them.This book is about this special generation; an investigation into their goals and aspirations, their strengths, and the potential changes they are faced with. This book will talk to our New Millennials about their world and expectations for the future. It will also talk about what it will take to make their world a better place.

  • av Warren H. Lau

    The labor market is undergoing rapid change as a result of AI and automation. In this book, we investigate what simulated intelligence is meaning for various businesses and callings, and deal pragmatic guidance on the most proficient method to explore this new scene. Whether you're a new student searching for your first job, or an old pro trying to remain important in your field, this book will assist you with understanding how artificial intelligence is changing the world of work, and how you can use this innovation to advance your career.

  • av Angela Nancy

    In the eyes of most people, 22-year-old Angela Nancy is just a young pretty girl. She's got a good job and a nice apartment, and she's never had any trouble finding boyfriends. But Angela isn't like most people. She's been through a break up with her true love, and she's not sure she's ready to date again. It had been going great for a few months, until one day he just broke up with Angela. He didn't know why, but it just felt like the right thing to do. Angela was young and pretty, but he was ready for something new. So Angela Nancy set off to Australia for a vacation to heal herself, during her trip, she wrote these beautiful poems as she tried to heal herself, hoping her beloved one will come back and unbreak her heart. About the AuthorAngela Nancy was born in Charleston, South Carolina. Born to a single parented family, Angela Nancy was desperate to feel fatherly love when she was young. Her longing for a father figure attention did led her to fall in love with caution, and caused dramas in her romantic life. The wounds from her childhood manifest in her poetry, when you read between the lines, you could feel her poetic, passionate, yet bitter sweet loneliness.

  • av Fan Xi Yu

    Why Our Homes Are Full of Stuffs That We Don't Need: A Look at Materialism and Our Spiritual Well-BeingWe all want our homes to be comfortable, inviting and clutter-free, but often, our homes are overrun with senseless objects bought on impulse or without a true purpose. Why Our Homes Are Full of Stuffs that We Don't Need takes a deeper look at why we fill our homes with useless clutter and how this affects our spiritual well-being.The book explains that the cluttered and chaotic homes we live in is a direct symptom of materialism running rampant in our society today. We are always looking for ways to buy more things, whether it be with the latest trends, marketing campaigns, or just playing into our own sense of insecurity. In extreme cases, some people accumulate so much stuff that their homes become cramped, cramped and health- hazgered, deteriorating their mental and physical health.The book goes on to explore why materialism does not make us happy. Although retail therapy might offer temporary relief, it can quickly lead to guilt and overspending, creating a cycle of unhappiness. As we seek validation in things that don't provide any true fulfillment, we become disconnected from our life's mission and from a spiritual perspective.The book illuminates how reorganizing our home and giving ourselves permission to part with the things we don't need can help restore balance to our lives. It explains that taking control of the clutter around us can be beneficial for our mental health and for our spiritual journey.Should you choose to read this book, you can expect to learn about how your home can become a sanctuary of peace and why materialism will not make us happy. You will be provided with a roadmap of reorganizing your home to create a more balanced living environment and reap the rewards of spiritual well-being.

  • av Warren H. Lau

    "It takes as little as only one second for any news to change the direction of a stock chart."- Warren H. LauIn short, Quantum Strategy a new school of investment strategy which is grounded through studying the correlations among stock price movement and different statistically measurable factors.Stocks generally tend to move with a very high degree of correlation. An investor can get an experience of the way properly two stocks correlate by searching at whether or not one outperforms or underperforms the common investor's return through the years. A correlation of one takes place whilst shares circulate in sync with every other and after they pass in opposition to each difference.When one stock is going up and the alternative goes down, the two stocks have a perfect negative correlation (-1). The coefficient is negative, which indicates that once the negative correlation between them will increase, the one share that binds to the other declines. If the correlation among two stocks is 1.0, the costs of the stocks flow in parallel with their average expenses.This measure is referred to as a correlation coefficient and is used to measure the diploma and path of correlation between stocks. Many advisers use the equity correlation in advanced portfolio calculations, and it has a price of 1.0 to 10.In the case of investments, correlation is a measure that suggests the volume to which the prices of two belongings are relative to their suggest. To find the correlation among stocks, you need to first determine the average fee of each stock. Using the Pearson correlation coefficient, we will determine how carefully two shares correlate.The low profile mysterious yet legendary investor Warren H. Lau has finally released his investing books series: Winning Strategies of Professional Investment. Warren H. Lau has spent more than ten years in the investment career, and succeeded through a combined application of fundamental, technical and news analysis.The Winning Strategies of Professional Investment is a series of investment education books for people who are not experienced to the stock market, and wish to build fast investment knowledge, and make money quickly. This series saves you time by offering the right paths.

  • av Warren H. Lau

    "It takes as little as only one second for any news to change the direction of a stock chart."Warren H. LauIn short, Quantum Strategy a new school of investment strategy which is grounded through studying the correlations among stock price movement and different statistically measurable factors.Stocks generally tend to move with a very high degree of correlation. Investors can get experience of the way properly two stocks correlate by searching at whether or not one outperforms or underperforms the common investor's return through the years. A correlation of one takes place whilst shares circulate in sync with every other and after they pass in opposition to each difference.The low profile mysterious yet legendary investor Warren H. Lau has finally released his investing books series: Winning Strategies of Professional Investment. Warren H. Lau has spent more than ten years in the investment career, and succeeded through a combined application of fundamental, technical and news analysis.The Winning Strategies of Professional Investment is a series of investment education books for people who are not experienced to the stock market, and wish to build fast investment knowledge, and make money quickly. This series saves you time by offering the right paths.Quantum Strategy is the third book in this series. In this book, you will learn about:- The catalysts that triggers stock prices and ETF prices movement.- How does asset prices in the open market respond to news; and- The correlation of stock prices movement in different sectors.

  • av Alison Atkinson

    The pandemic affects everyone, I know it is not easy to have lost someone dear to us, or our dream job, or our chance for education. There is a need to take better care of our spirit and mental health. And that is why I start writing this book. Prolonged turmoil in family lives, social lives and financial stress will have long term damage to our mental health. But if we address these issues timely, we still have a chance to stop turning a season of mourning into a lifetime of grief. I am lucky to be born as a millennial. So, like my peers, the society label me as such, and as usual, I rebel such labels as most millennials did.Until, when I met my fiancé, and spent time in knowing his family, I get to understand more about the silent generations and the baby-boomers. Then, by comparison, I realize that the 'characteristics' of millennials, as described by the internet, are somewhat authentic. In January 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic begins, I predicted this event would come to an end within several months, like most of the world's population did. These miscalculations did cost me a lot. Borders between nations were closed, and my life was stuck here for two years, without any option and ability to move forward, and financial stress starts to become overwhelmed. I never did imagine that one day I would become an author. It was the pandemic, this special situation that left me no choice but to pursuit a completely new career path, and thus, I chose to start writing books. The next question is, what topics to write? Hence, I start writing about self help books. I think humanity as a whole has experienced something unique in our time of history, and such traumatic experience will take up several years even after the pandemic has past, to recover.In any time and situation, being optimistic is the best choice. We cannot control the outside world; all we have control is ourselves. The danger and chaos are real. But being optimistic or pessimistic, is simply a choice that we have free will to make. This is what I learnt from my fiancé, during the Covid-19 Pandemic. I hope this would help you to get through any tough situations.

  • av Angela Nancy

    The pandemic influences everybody, I realize it isn't not difficult to have lost somebody dear to us, or a truly amazing job, or our opportunity for schooling. We need to take better care of our mental and spiritual well-being.I started writing this book for this reason.Long-term mental health damage will result from prolonged social, family, and financial turmoil. However, if we address these issues promptly, we may still be able to prevent a season of mourning from becoming a lifetime of mourning.Being a millennial at birth is a blessing. As a result, society views me as such, as do my peers, and I, like the majority of millennials, reject such labels.Until I met my future husband and got to know his family, I didn't know much about the baby-boomer generation or the silent generations. Then, I see that the "characteristics" of millennials that the internet describes are somewhat accurate.I predicted that the Covid-19 pandemic, which began in January 2020 and affected the majority of the world's population, would end within a few months. I ended up paying a lot for these wrong calculations. My life was halted here for two years due to the closure of the borders between nations, and my financial stress began to become overwhelming.I had no idea that I would one day write books. I decided to start writing books because the pandemic, this unique circumstance, forced me to pursue a completely new career path. The next concern is which subjects to write about.As a result, I begin to write about self-help books. I believe that humanity as a whole has undergone something unprecedented in our time, and it will take several years to recover from such a traumatic experience, even after the pandemic has passed.Be optimistic at all times and in any circumstance. The external world is beyond our control; We can only control ourselves. The chaos and danger are real. However, being either optimistic or pessimistic is merely a decision that we are free to make. During the COVID-19 pandemic, my fiancé taught me this.I hope this will assist you in overcoming any challenging circumstances.

  • av Warren H. Lau

    Are you aware that computer systems nowadays have become more sophisticated and convenient to use, but the convenience comes at a price? Nowadays, systems are more vulnerable to cyber attacks. If your computer, smartphone, or website server is compromised, it can be a nightmare. You may lose your data, your privacy may be violated, and you may even become a victim of identity theft. If your email account is PWNed, you may lose access to your email and other accounts that are linked to it. If your friends, relatives, or employers face the above problem, you may want to help them.In this book, you will learn about the most recent hackers' tricks and the most prevalent forms of cyberattacks that personal computers and website managers nowadays have to deal with. You will also learn how to protect yourself from these attacks and what to do if you become a victim of one. The book will cover topics such as phishing scams, malware attacks, ransomware attacks, social engineering attacks, and more. You will learn how these attacks work and how to prevent them from happening.The book will also cover what to do if your computer/smartphone/website server is compromised. You will learn how to detect a compromise and what steps you should take to recover from it. You will also learn how to secure your email account and what to do if it is PWNed.Overall, this book is an essential guide for anyone who wants to protect themselves from cyberattacks. It is written in an easy-to-understand language and covers all the important topics related to cybersecurity.

  • av Warren H. Lau

    YouTube marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools of the digital age and is a must have in any modern marketing plan. YouTube offers a wide variety of resources and tools to help marketers create engaging and powerful campaigns that will capture the attention of their target audiences. YouTube's easy-to-use platform, combined with its diverse user base and its immense reach, make it an ideal medium to reach a wide range of audiences from all parts of the world.In this book, You will Learn:- How to create contents in youtube that will go viral;- Understanding the workings and features of youtube for content creators; and- The tactics and strategies used by the most successful youtube marketers and content creators.

  • av Warren H. Lau

    If you only want one book for SEO guide, this will be your chocie!In this book, I am not gonna repeat SEO = Search Engine Optimization. Let's get straight to the topic!In this book, you'll learn how to get out into the field and start your journey to become an SEO expert in easy steps. With some research and a lot of practice, anyone can learn how to do SEO for their business. Knowing SEO and how to use it properly can make a huge difference in the future of your websites. In this book, topics covered include: the history of search engines, how do nowadays search engines operate, understanding the search engine crawlers, algorithms and page rank, and the html coding skills, copywriting skills to master in order to build the most search engine optimized websites and mobile sites, and rank in the first page of SERP. "ALL SEO SECRETS is the most valuable book on the topic we have EVER purchased."- Catherin M. "My Business is getting better and better as I learn more about it. This is unbelievable. After applying the knowledge in this book my buisness skyrocketed!"- Lindsey E. Ellen "ALL SEO SECRETS saved my business. After readin ALL SEO SECRETS my business grown exponentially! You've saved our business! ALL SEO SECRETS is exactly what our business has been lacking."- Eleonora T. Johnson

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