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  • - Islamic Book for Kids - Islamic Activities Book - Grade 1 to 7
    av Rakiyabibi Dosh

    Virtue of Memorising HadithsIf the believer learns the Sunnah by reading and studying the hadiths, he will have a great reward, because this comes under the heading of learning knowledge. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever follows a path in order to acquire knowledge thereby, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise." Narrated by Muslim. This indicates that studying knowledge, memorising hadiths and discussing them are among the means of being admitted to Paradise and being saved from Hell. Similarly, the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Whenever Allah wills good for a person, He causes him to gain understanding of the religion." Agreed upon. Gaining understanding of the religion is attained through the Qur'an and Sunnah, and gaining understanding of the Sunnah is an indication that Allah wills good for a person.Based on the above and other virtues of learning hadiths we have prepared this book for every age most properly for kids, young and adult to learn Authenticate hadiths. Also we have added so many stories related to hadiths so the learner have easy to understand of hadiths. Books have mentioned every hadiths reference where they have got it from.

  • av Islamic Book Store

    The Treasure of Dua ¿¿¿¿We have been taught by Rasulullah( PBUH ) to recite duas at different occasions of our life. In this manner our entire day passes in the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala. It is mentioned in the Hadith that Rasulullah( PBUH ) used to remember Allah Ta'ala at all times. A great amount of the constant remembrance was by means of the recitation of the duas for the various occasions. The recitation of these duas also strengthens our bond with Allah Ta'ala and increases the love for our Creator in our hearts.Benefits of Reading Manzil. Manzil prayers are a collection of verses and short Surahs taken from the Quran which are practiced as a remedy for protection and antidote. The manzil prayer may be used for protection from several factors which include ruqya from black magic, jinn, witchcraft, sihr, sorcery, evil eye and so forth. It gives a person protection from various other harmful and evil forces. The manzil prayer is endorsed to be perused one or three times in one sitting. This has to be performed more than one time. Ideally, it should be recited once in the morning and once at night. This dua is the best cure for magic and evil effects. This dua is also very beneficial for curing any kind of sickness or ailment.Please note this Manzil prepared in Arbic with Urdu translation.¿¿¿It is a divine order that good is rewarded with good. After Allah Ta'ala whose favours are beyond calculation, it is the one who was sent by Allah Ta'ala as the mercy to the worlds, Muhammad PBUH the last Messenger who was the greatest benefactor mankind has ever had. The Prophet PBUH was sinless, and had the guarantee of Allah's Ta'ala eternal and infinite love, yet he spent night after night, day after day, begging Allah Ta'ala for our salvation. The physical torture hurled at him by the opposition for propagating Islam, the psychological anguish suffered by him when seeing his beloved followers persecuted and the mental torment undertaken by him in his unending concern for his people are all but a small part of the debt that we owe to this selfless man PBUH.

  • av Mufti Zakariyya Makada

    Following topics are cover in this book, The Command of Durood in the Quraan Majeed The Rights of Rasulullah [PBUH]The Various Masaail Pertaining to Durood Virtues of Durood The Multiple Virtues for Reciting Durood from the Hadith [39 Hadiths]The Angels Conveying the Durood and Salaam of the Ummah The Virtues of Gatherings of Zikr and Durood Warnings for those who Neglect to Recite Durood Occasions for Reciting Durood and Salaam Wordings of Durood and SalaamBeautiful Incidents regarding the Blessings of Durood and Salaam [59 Incidents]Inspirational Incidents regarding Love and Sacrifice for Rasulullah [PBUH] [31 Incidents]Virtues of Visiting the Raudhah Mubaarak of Hazrat Rasulullah [PBUH]Sunnats and Aadaab of Madinah Munawarrah Poems in Praise of our Beloved Nabi [PBUH]Forty Durood upon Hazrat Rasulullah [PBUH]

  • av Mufti Zakariyya Makada
    187 - 247

  • av Ali Ibn Sultaan Muhammad Al-Qaari

    Introduction to the revised editionAll praise is due to Allah Ta'ala, The Supreme Master of the worlds. Countless Durood and Salaam be upon our beloved Nabi, Sayyiduna wa Mawlana Muhammad [PBUH]. Just as the Qur-aan-e-Majeed is a living mu'jizah (miracle) of our beloved Nabi Muhammad [PBUH], so too are the mubaarak duas of Rasulullah [PBUH]. Every dua that Nabi [PBUH] made is applicable to every period of time and will be applicable till the day of Qiyaamah. The great Muhaddith, Mullah A'li Qaari (rahmatullahi alayh), most excellently compiled the duas mentioned in the Qur-aan-e- Kareem as well as the duas and supplications of our beloved Nabi Muhammad [PBUH], in his booklet titled Al- Hizbul A'zam. These include the duas that Nabi [PBUH] made at the Ka'bah Shareef, in the Hateem, the duas made on the occasion of Haj, in Mina, Arafaat and Muzdalifa, the duas that Nabi [PBUH] made at the time of Tahajjud and in the different battles and expeditions that took place in the twenty-three year period of his Nubuwwat. Each dua was divinely inspired by Allah Ta'ala and will remain a balm for ailing hearts till the day of Qiyaamah. These duas are a means of protection for all Muslims against the harms of this world and the next. It is mentioned in a Hadith, "Dua is the essence of ibaadah." How wonderful it would be to invoke, beg, plead and ask from Allah Ta'ala in the very words of His beloved Nabi [PBUH]. Undoubtedly the words of Nabi [PBUH] will have its own noor (light) and barkat (blessings), as compared to making dua in our own words. This book is excellently divided into seven sections, thus making it easier for the reader to recite one section per day. Many of our Akaabir (elders) would instruct their students and mureeds to recite one section daily as part of their ma'moolaat (daily practices). This masterpiece has indeed gained great acceptance in the court of Allah Ta'ala. People all over the world recite these duas daily and gain great solace from these Prophetic Duas. Hadhrat Shaikhul Hadeeth, Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahmatullahi alayh) in particular, was very punctual on its recitation. The 40 durood and salaam has now also been included at the end of the kitaab. May Allah Ta'ala accept this translation and make it a means of idaayat for the ummah as well as Sadaqah-e- Jaariyah for us all. Aameen.

  • av Islamic Book Store

    Hajj is amongst the five fundamentals of Islam and is generally the fulfilment of every person's life ambition. It has been made Fardh once on every person who has the means and therefore it is extremely necessary that extreme caution be taken in fulfilling the obligation of Hajj. Before preceding for Hajj and/or Umrah it is imperative to teach all the Masaa'il (Islamic Laws) regarding and relating to Hajj, Umrah, Salaah, Salaah on journey, the laws of Purdah in particular, and above all our behaviour and the conduct to be adopted in the Mubarak places of Makkah Mukarramah and Madina Munawwarah. Originally the name of this kitaab was Five Days of Hajj, but due to some sincere brothers' advices the kitaab is now reprinted including some other important Masaa'il and with the Ziyaarat of (visit to) Madina Munnawwarah added on.On the journey of Hajj special care should be taken in regards to respect and Aadaab. Increase the remembrance of Allah and Istighfar. Additionally we should adopt the mannerism and even appearance of the Messenger [PBUH]. Do also take special care in ensuring that you read all your Salaat while on this journey, and especially in the Mubarak places of the Haramayn Shareefayn. In spite of this advice and guidance some learned and pious Aalim's guidance is still required.Maulana Shabbir A. Saloojee CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION 2. HAJJ AND THE TYPES OF HAJJ 3. UMRAH 4. FORBIDDEN THINGS IN IHRAAM 5. HAJJ-E-IFRAAD 6. HAJJ-E-QIRAAN7. HAJJ-E-TAMATTU 8. MASAA'IL OF LABBAIK (TALBIYAH) 9. 8th ZIL HIJJAH (YAUM-UT-TARWIYAH) 10. 9Th ZIL HIJJAH (THE DAY OF ARAFAAT)11. WUQOOF-E-ARAFAAT (BEING IN ARAFAAT) 12. DUAAS FOR ARAFAAT 13. FROM ARAFAAT TO MUZDALIFAH 14. THE 10th PROCEEDING TO MINA 14.1 RAMI (PELTING OF SHAYTAAN) 14.2 MASAA'IL OF ZABAH (QURBAANI 14.3 HALAQ (TO SHAVE THE HAIR) 14.4 TAWAAF-E-ZIYAARAT (THE FARDH TAWAAF OF HAJJ) 15. METHOD OF TAWAAF AND IMPORTANT MASAA'IL PERTAINING TO IT16. ZAM-ZAM 17. SA'EE BETWEEN SAFAA AND MARWA 18. 11th ZIL HIJJAH 19. 12th ZIL HIJJAH 20. 13th ZIL HIJJAH 21. FROM MINA TO MAKKAH MUKARRAMAH 22. TAWAAF-E-WIDAA (TAWAAF OF FAREWELL)23. NOBLE CHARACTER OF RASULULLAH [PBUH]24. VISIT TO MADINAH AND THE ROWDHA MUBAARAK 25. AADAAB (ETIQUETTE) OF VISITING RASULULLAH [PBUH] AND MASJID NABAWI 26. AADAAB (ETIQUETTE) OF MADINA MUNAWWARAH 27. WHEN VISITING BAQI 28. STORY OF HAJJ (SHEIKH SHIBLI)29. RELATED AHAADITH & VIRTUES 30. A BEAUTIFUL SALUTATION ON OUR BELOVED NABI [PBUH] WITH TRANSLATION

  • av Islamic Book Store

    Please note: Urdu VersionTaleef - Mufti Muhammad SalmanFasting is exclusively for Allah: He states, "Fasting is for me and I shall give its reward. And good is (rewarded) with ten times its like." al-Bukhari. It is the month that is generally known as the month of fasting. It is in this month that Muslims, the world over, abstain from eating, drinking and sexual activity from dawn till sunset. With these abstentions there are much deeper meanings than merely staying hungry. In this act of fasting Muslims from all over the world, from all backgrounds and from all financial levels, together leave aside their most basic needs and turn their attentions to Allah, acknowledging that none besides Him can provide. It is a time when the rich feel the hunger of the poor, and thus increase their alms-giving and their expression of gratitude. It is a time when even the irreligious leave bad habits behind them to present themselves before Allah the All-forgiving. One automatically notices the increase of religious fevour that Ramadan brings about. This would be a natural step, judging that Ramadan brings about an increase in reward of each deed by a minimum of ten times. Besides fasting, there is an abundance of ways and actions that a person can adopt to try to please his Lord. These have been presented in this book as well as the relevant Masail of Ramadan. It is hoped that the actions that one finds time to perform in Ramadan, will be developed as a habit to continue throughout the year.

  • av Islamic Book Store

    The greatest gift that Allah Ta'ala blesses any person with is undoubtedly the gift of Imaan. Any person blessed with Imaan, has to take care and look after his Imaan very carefully until eventually he is blessed with death on Imaan.In order to live and die on Imaan, we have to obey all the commands of Allah Ta'ala. Every day of our lives we engage in acts of Ibaadah (worship) like Salaah, Saum (fasting), Zakaat, Haj, etc. If we fulfill these actions correctly and properly we will be rewarded tremendously by Allah Ta'ala. But if we are ignorant of the laws of Allah, we may end up doing our Ibaadah (worship) incorrectly.May Allah reward the four great Imaams of Fiqh who made it so easy for us by explaining the laws of Islam so that we can easily and correctly follow the teachings of Rasulullah [PBUH].Following topic is in this book, Part One The Masjid Nafl Salaah Ma'zoor Salaah of a Sick Person Death Ghusal Kafan Masaa'il Janaazah Salaah Burial Inheritance Part Two Nikaah Waleemah Talaaq (Divorce ) IddatVirtues of Earning Halaal Harms of earning Haraam Good Business ConductRibaa (Interest) Working for Someone (Labour)

  • av Islamic Book Store

    All praise is due to Allah Ta'ala alone who created man and women, and, by the institution of marriage, creates a loving and merciful bond between two complete strangers. Salât and salaam upon our beloved master, Rasulullâh [PBUH], who taught us and guided us in marital matters and who serves as a wonderful role-model for us until the Day of Judgement, as well as the sahâbah, tâbi'în, and those who follow their path. Âmîn.This booklet on the sunnah method of marriage, since many incorrect ideologies have entered into our marriages. Today millions are wasted in marriage ceremonies, whereas this money could be fruitfully used in so many other noble endeavours. Sins are committed wholesale at such functions, and all vestiges of shame and modesty are thrown aside. Evil is committed in the name of Islam. We lay our complaint to none else but Allâh Ta'ala.This book is cover following topic,INTRODUCTION SIMPLICITY IMPORTANCE OF MARRIAGE BENEFITS OF MARRIAGEHARMS OF NOT MARRYING RULING OF MARRIAGE HASTENING OF MARRIAGE BASIS FOR CHOOSING A PARTNER VIEWING THE PROSPECTIVE BRIDE SIMPLICITY IN NIKÂH - EXEMPLARY MARRIAGES SUMMARY THE WALÎMAH CUSTOMS CHRISTIAN CUSTOMS: HINDU CUSTOMS WESTERN, MODERN CUSTOMSOTHER EVILS ACTIONS AFTER MARRIAGE PROHIBITTED ACTIONS ETIQUETTES OF SPOUSES ETIQUETTES FOR HUSBANDS ETIQUETTES FOR WIVES CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY

  • av Store Islamic Book Store

    Allah Ta'ala has created the human being as 'ASHRAFUL MAKHLOOQAAT' (the best of His creation). In order to guide His creation, He sent many messengers and revealed Divine Books.The change from childhood to adulthood for a Muslim begins with Buloogh (puberty). Apart from physical changes (which take place inside our bodies), we undergo emotional changes (the way we feel), as well as mental changes (the way we understand things). It is, therefore, very important for us to understand and prepare for this transformation and change.In Arabic there is a saying, "Youth is a kind of Madness." This statement shows the delicate nature of the youth. They can be swayed in any direction depending on the environment and company they keep. Many challenges and evil influences are gripping the youth of today. It is important that we provide them with guidance to protect themselves from these evils.This book was compiled to help the youth identify these evils and dissuade them from it. It also provides them with some solutions if they have succumbed to these influences. It is the responsibility of the teachers to expand on the topics provided in the book and give them detailed explanations and answer their questions. Some sections are of a sensitive nature and should not be discussed in the presence of young children.

  • av AlQaari Shaikh Ali ibn Sultaan Muham... AlQaari

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  • av Islamic Book Store

    Noorani Qaida is the very first book for understanding how to read the holy Quran from the beginning. Anybody who wants to learn Arabic can use it to learn the basics of Arabic words for Quran reading. Following Lessons are in this Noorani Quida to cover, LESSON ONE - Basic Arabic Alphabet reading LESSON TWO - Joint LettersLESSON THREE - Huroofe-Muqatta'at (individual letters), (which appear at the beginning of some Surahs)LESSON FOUR - Recite the Zabar, Zer and Pesh swiftly without dragging even slightly. Now in each block practice, the spelling as well as the swiftness and fluency.LESSON FIVE - Practising Harkats and Huroofe-IllatLESSON SIX - Tanween and Noon Saakin. Tanween means a double Zabar, double Zer or double PeshLESSON SEVEN - Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween ( Rule No.:1: Izhaar (to read with no nasal sound, Rule No.:2: Ikhfaa to read with slight nasal sound )LESSON EIGHT - Qalqalah (to read with an echoing sound)LESSON NINE - 4 Rules of StoppingLESSON TEN - After recognising the Tashdeed sign make the pupil understand that the Tashdeed is recited twice. LESSON ELEVEN - If the Raa has a Dhammah or a FathahLESSON TWELVE - How to read with a full mouth empty mouthLESSON THIRTEEN- Practice of Tashdeed followed by another TashdeedLESSON FOURTEEN- Tashdeed coming after the letters of MaddLESSON FIFTEEN - Practice of Meem SaakinLESSON SIXTEEN - The remaining laws of Noon Saakin and TanweenLESSON SEVENTEEN- The unique script and writing of the QuraanLESSON EIGHTEEN- The signs of Waqf (stopping).LESSON NINETEEN - Revision

  • - Abridge version of Seeratul Mustafa [PBUH]

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  • av Islamic Book Store

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