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Böcker utgivna av Israel Academic Press

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  • - A Common Historical Narrative
    av Jack Berriault

    From Two Stories to One . . . Many historians have chronicled the tragic and persistent struggle between the peoples of Palestine and Israel, revealing the separate national stories generated and held close by both sides. But this book tells the story of Israel and Palestine from a unique perspective. Over two decades ago, Jack Berriault, founder of The Israel Palestine Project, asked the question, "What would be possible if Palestinians and Israelis embraced a single, common narrative in which both peoples were equally represented, understood and honored?" The journey of exploration and discovery that followed produced the book you now hold in your hands.Jack Berriault (1930-2016), Principal author and editor of Israel and Palestine: A Common Historical Narrative, was a visionary in the field of transformational theory and practice, and a life-long champion of a world at peace that works for all, with no one left behind.More information on Jack, and on his collaborators, Rick Phillips and Nancy Black, is available at "Essential reading for Palestinians and Israelis alike, and for anyone encountering this conflict for the first time.... A well-crafted story, carefully balanced and simply told!" - Moshe Ma''oz, Professor Emeritus in Middle East History and Islam, Hebrew University."By taking no side in the struggle between Israelis and Palestinians, . . . [this book] takes both sides, which is the side of Humanity!" - Richard Forer, author of Wake Up and Reclaim Your Humanity - Essays on the Tragedy of Israel-Palestine.

  • av Yitzhak Reiter & Dvir Dimant

    منذ‭ ‬نهاية‭ ‬القرن‭ ‬السابع‭ ‬الميلادي‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬العصر‭ ‬الحديث،‭ ‬ساد‮ ‬في‭ ‬العالم‭ ‬الإسلامي‮ ‬الاعتراف‭ ‬بالصخرة‭ ‬الموجودة‭ ‬في‭ ‬الحرم‭ ‬القدسي‭ - ‬جبل‭ ‬الهيكل‭ ‬كموقع‭ ‬هيكل‭ ‬سليمان‭ ‬والهيكل‭ ‬بناه‭ ‬اليهود‭ ‬العائدون‭ ‬من‭ ‬بابل،‭ ‬كأساس‭ ‬لتقديسها‭ ‬على‭ ‬ايدي‭ ‬الإسلام ولبناء‭ ‬قبة‭ ‬الصخرة في‭ ‬سنة‭ ‬ 27 ‭ ‬هـ‭. ‬هذا‭ ‬التقليد‭ ‬هو‭ ‬بمثابة‭ ‬تبني‭ ‬التقاليد‭ ‬اليهودية‭ ‬في‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬الموضوع،‭ ‬وتُعرف‭ ‬العقيدة‭ ‬الإسلامية‭ ‬كاستمرار‭ ‬لفكرة‭ ‬التوحيد،‭ ‬من‭ ‬إبراهيم‭ ‬خليل‭ ‬الله‭ ‬وإلى‭ ‬النبي‭ ‬محمد‭ ‬صَلَّى‮ ‬ٱللّٰهُ‮ ‬عَلَيْهِ‮ ‬وَسَلَّمَ ،‭ ‬والخلفاء‭ ‬والسلاطين‭ ‬الذين‭ ‬تبعوه‭.‬‮ ‬تستعرض‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬الدراسة‭ ‬لأول‭ ‬مرة‭ ‬على‭ ‬نطاق‭ ‬واسع‭ ‬العديد‭ ‬من‭ ‬المصادر‭ ‬الإسلامية‭ ‬القديمة‭ ‬التي‭ ‬تعترف‭ ‬بالصلة‭ ‬اليهودية‭ ‬ووجود‭ ‬تاريخ‮ ‬يهودي‭ ‬في‮ ‬جبل‭ ‬الهيكل‭ ‬والقدس‭, ‬مع‭ ‬الاشارة‭ ‬الى‭ ‬واقتباس‮ ‬التقاليد‭ ‬اليهودية‭ ‬القديمة‭ ‬التي‭ ‬تقوم‭ ‬عليها‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬المصادر‭.‬‭ ‬بالمقارنة،‭ ‬تستعرض‭ ‬هذة‭ ‬الدراسة‭ ‬المؤلفين‭ ‬المسلمين‭ ‬المعاصرين‭ ‬الذين‭ ‬ينكرون‭ ‬الصلة‭ ‬اليهودية‭ ‬والتاريخ‭ ‬اليهودي‭ ‬بالحرم‭ ‬القدسي‭ ‬ويزعمون‭ ‬أنه‭ ‬لم‭ ‬يوجد‭ ‬أي‭ ‬معبد‭ ‬يهودي‭ ‬في‭ ‬القدس‭ ‬أصلا وليس‭ ‬لليهود‭ ‬أي‭ ‬علاقة‭ ‬تاريخية‭ ‬أو‭ ‬دينية‭ ‬بموقع‭ ‬المسجد‭ ‬الاقصى‭ - ‬جبل‭ ‬الهيكل‭. ‬يشكل‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬الإنكار‭ ‬اساسا‭ ‬لقرارات‭ ‬اليونسكو‭ ‬من‭ ‬السنوات‭ ‬الأخيرة،‭ ‬متجاهلة‭ ‬التاريخ‭ ‬والقداسة‭ ‬اليهودية‭ ‬والمسيحية‭ ‬في‭ ‬جبل‭ ‬الهيكل‭ ‬ومواقع‭ ‬دينية‭ ‬أخرى‭.‬‭ ‬يدعون‭ ‬الباحثون‭ ‬في‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬الدراسة‭ ‬أن‭ ‬منكري‭ ‬الارتباط‭ ‬اليهودي‭ ‬بالحرم‭ ‬القدسي‭ ‬يلحقون‭ ‬الأذى‭ ‬دون‭ ‬قصد‭ ‬بشرعية‭ ‬حرمة‭ ‬موقع‭ ‬المسجد‭ ‬الأقصى‭ ‬وقبة‭ ‬الصخرة‭ ‬للإسلام،‭ ‬كما‭ ‬يشكون‭ ‬في‭ ‬مصداقية‮ ‬أهم‭ ‬المصادر‭ ‬العربية‭ ‬والاسلامية،‭ ‬وهي‭ ‬أصول‭ ‬ثقافتهما‮ ‬وهويتهما‭.‬

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