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Böcker utgivna av Ivan R Dee, Inc

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  • - The Struggle Againist the Great Depression as told in Their Own Life Stories

    The struggle against the Great Depression as told in excerpts from the life stories of sixteen talented and influential women who confronted the problems that affected "ordinary" women. "A landmark collection."-Mary Banas, Booklist.

  • - The Meaning of Tianamen
    av Lee Feigon

    A fascinating book on the China rising and the meaning of Tiananmen.

  • - Prelude to Doom
    av Adam Czerniakow

    Before he killed himself in 1942, Czerniakow was for almost three years the Nazi-sponsored "mayor" of the Warsaw Ghetto-yet a Jew, devoted to his people. This secret journal is not only the testimony of an unbearable personal burden but the documentary of the Ghetto's terminal agony. It is the most important diary to emerge from the Holocaust.

  • - The Story of a Fire
    av David Cowan

    The story of one of the deadliest fires in American history that took the lives of ninety-two children and three nuns at a Catholic elementary school in Chicago. "An absorbing account...a tale of terror."-New York Times Book Review.

  • - A Basic Guide
    av Linda Apperson

    Explains the procedures and responsibilities of stage management, from auditions to closing night. Useful for novice and experienced theatre persons, this book includes samples of various scripts and other stage managers tools.

  • - A Chicago Landmark
    av Douglas Bukowski

    An entertaining, abundantly illustrated history of a Chicago landmark, inspired by Daniel Burnham and a feat of engineering, now a grand locale for public recreation.

  • - CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations from World War II Through the Persian Gulf War
    av John Prados

    A newly revised and updated study of CIA and Pentagon covert operations from World War II through the Persian Gulf-a landmark book about U.S. intelligence agencies in the postwar era. An important book."-New York Times.

  • av Gertrude Himmelfarb

    A biographical, historical, and philosophical study of the impact of Darwinism on the intellectual climate of the nineteenth century, challenging the conventional view of Darwin's greatness. "A thorough and masterly book."-Times Literary Supplement.

  • - The Background and Consequences of American Secruity Policies
    av Edward Shils

    One of the few minor classics to emerge from the cold war years of McCarthyism-an essay in sociological analysis and political philosophy that considers the cold war preoccupation with espionage, sabotage, and subversion at home, and the agitation so wildly directed against the "enemy." "Brief...lucid...brilliant."-American Political Science Review. With an Introduction by Daniel P. Moynihan.

  • - The American Armed Forces in World War II
    av Anne Sharp Wells & Clayton D. James

    A compact but comprehensive history of the American armed forces in World War II, examining the strategy, logistics, high command, operations, and home-front aspects of the military campaign. "Consistently absorbing....As inclusive and compact a rundown as general readers are likely to get anytime soon." -Kirkus Reviews. American Ways Series.

  • - Mississippi 1964 -- The Turning of the Civil Rights Movement in America
    av Nicolaus Mills

    Provides an account of the Mississippi Summer Project of 1964 and the turning of the civil rights movement in America. This book recalls the triumphs of the episode and shows how the quest for racial solidarity turned divisive and laid the foundations for the black power movement.

  • - American Extremism, the New Deal and the Coming of World War II
    av Geoffrey S. Smith

    A brilliant study of the relationship between domestic politics and the shaping of foreign policy, showing how fascists, anti-Semites, and other right-wing extremists became unwitting allies of the Roosevelt administration in the debate over American entry into World War II. With a new epilogue by the author bringing up to date his discussion of American extremism.

  • av Anton Chekhov

    Chekhov's treatment of theatre and love against the background of a magical lake attempts to define the role of the artist in the modern world. Plays for Performance Series.

  • - The Legacy of the 1980s in America

    Fifteen brilliant essays on the kind of culture created by the "magic of the marketplace" in 1980s America, from architecture to the yuppie ascendancy. "Amusing, caustic and cleverly written....What makes Culture in an Age of Money fun to read is its refreshing candor." -New York Times.

  • av Harry T. Williams

    How the temperaments and moral courage of the three great Union generals affected their military leadership-explored with intelligence and wit by one of our most distinguished historians of the Civil War.

  • av Aristophanes

    Aristophanes' great anti-war drama, with comedic overtones, glorifies the power of fertility in the face of destruction. Plays for Performance Series.

  • av Paul W. Glad

    A study of the crucial election of 1896 that became a conflict between two great national myths-the yeoman farmer and the self-made man of success. "Well written and balanced in its judgments...[and] touching upon one of the central problems of the 20th century, the 'problem of advancing and applying democratic principles in a period when social, economic, and technological changes were more rapid and far-reaching than ever before.'"-Journal of American History.

  • av Henrik Ibsen

    A play of stinging contemporaneity-about religious and societal hypocrisy, guilt that feeds on innocence, the terror of the inevitable, and the battle between truth and darkness, freedom and constraint. Plays for Performance Series.

  • av Tess Slesinger

    "An intensely feminine book, in which bleakness, unemployment, heartache, and heartlessness are combined with an agreeable feeling of settling down for conversation with an intimate, disillusioned, gossipy, malicious, and often very witty friend."-New Statesman.

  • av Miles Wolff

    The story of the Greensboro sit-ins-how four African-American college students sat down at a Woolworth's lunch counter in North Carolina and ignited the civil rights movement in America. "A remarkable account.... Wolff has recaptured these days with a sense of their drama."-Book World.

  • - America's Quest for Informal Empire, 1893-1901
    av Thomas J. McCormich

    How American leaders sought the fabled overseas market at the turn of the century in an effort to achieve economic stability at home. "A most important book."-American Historical Review.

  • - American Thought 1917-1930
    av Roderick Nash

    A major reinterpretation of American thought from 1917 to 1930, with a lively foray into the popular culture of the supposedly roaring twenties.

  • av Seymour J. Mendelbaum

    Amidst the turbulent political and social conditions of a metropolis in the making, Boss Tweed was, according to Mr. Mandelbaum, the right man at the right time-"a master communicator" who "united the elements in a divided society." This is a cogent case study in the democratization of American society. With a new preface by the author.

  • - The Secret Passion
    av Joseph Epstein

    Sketches of eminent Americans and a pointed reconsideration of the ingredients of the American Dream form a fascinating social history. "Should be must reading in executive suites as well as college classrooms."-Forbes.

  • - The Great Depression in Town and Country

    Twelve historical articles describe the problems of the Great Depression in town and country, on a scale we can all comprehend. "A real breakthrough in our understanding of the depression." -Alfred B. Rollins, Jr.

  • - Studies in the Changing Structure of Nineteeth Century Marketing
    av Glenn Porter

    A unique account of the rise of modern marketing in 19th-century America, showing how growing industrial capacity, market concentration, and advancing technology forced new methods of distribution. "No one has so carefully delineated the transition from the old mercantile to the new industrial world."-Choice.

  • - A Comparative Study of Virigina and Cuba
    av Herbert S. Klein

    Comparing the workings and effects of slavery in two New World colonies-Virginia and Cuba-Mr. Klein dramatically confirms institutional differences in Latin American and North American slavery.

  • av Theodore Dreiser & Howard Fast

    An extraordinary collection which reminds us how great a talent Dreiser was."He has no peer in the American short story....Among the moderns, there is almost no one capable of writing tales like these." -Howard Fast.

  • av Clarence Darrow

    Edited by Arthur and Lila Weinberg. A remarkable collection of the great attorney's writings which reveal why he was such a force in the court of law and in the court of public opinion. "Fascinating.... Whether Darrow is condemning capital punishment, questioning immortality, or extolling free trade, he is usually incisive, never boring, and always unafraid of speaking his mind." -William M. Kunstler, New York Times.

  • - Farming on the Illinois and Iowa Prairies in the Nineteenth Century
    av Allan G. Bogue

    From Prairie to Corn Belt, first published in 1967, examines the development of farming in the prairie states. Bogue focuses on the individual farmer and the problems and developments that have forced changes in the family farm business.

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