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Böcker utgivna av Jones & Bartlett Publishers

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  • av Linda Lewis Alexander
    1 527

    Revised and update to keep pace with changing issues that affect all women, the best-selling New Dimensions in Women's Health, Ninth Edition provides a modern look at the health of women of all cultures, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and sexual orientations. Written for undergraduate students within health education, nursing, and women's studies programs, the text provides readers with the critical information needed to optimize their well-being, avoid illness and injury, and support their overall health. The authors took great care to provide in-depth coverage of important aspects of women's health and to examine the contributing epidemiological, historical, psychosocial, cultural, ethical, legal, political, and economic influences. The Ninth Edition includes: - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on many aspects of women's health, from the workplace to violence, substance abuse and more. - Updates related to the Affordable Care Act and post-Medicaid expansion. - New information on diet and nutrition trends - The Dobbs decision and its impact on women's health - Updated information on mental illness disorder classification and mental illness resources. - New content on substance abuse trends along with cannabis and other legalization efforts. - Updated violence data to reflect intimate partner violence in domestic partnerships and LGBTQ relationships, among others.

  • av National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)
    867 - 1 481

  • av Julie Anderson
    1 657

    Revised edition of: Python programming in context / Bradley N. Miller, David L. Ranum, Julie Anderson. Third edition. 2021.

  • av National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)

    Hace más de tres décadas, PHTLS: Soporte vital en trauma prehospitalario transformó la evaluación y el manejo de pacientes con traumatismos en el campo, mejorando la calidad de la atención de los pacientes con traumatismos y salvando vidas alrededor del mundo. La décima edición de este confiable recurso integral continúa la misión de PHTLS de promover la excelencia en el manejo de los pacientes con traumatismos por parte de todos los profesionales de la atención prehospitalaria mediante la educación global. Desarrollado por primera vez por la National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) a principios de la década de 1980 en colaboración con el Comité de Traumatología de la American College of Surgeons (ACS-COT), este programa incluye contenido médico actualizado para reflejar el conocimiento y la práctica actuales basados en evidencia. PHTLS promueve el pensamiento crítico como base para brindar atención de calidad, sabiendo que los profesionales de SEM toman las mejores decisiones para sus pacientes cuando se les brinda una base sólida de conocimientos y principios clave para estimular sus habilidades de pensamiento crítico.Un enfoque claro para evaluar a un paciente con traumatismoEn el campo, cada segundo cuenta. La décima edición de PHTLS: Soporte vital en trauma prehospitalario enseña y refuerza los principios para evaluar rápidamente a un paciente con traumatismo utilizando un enfoque ordenado, tratando de inmediato los problemas que ponen en riesgo la vida a medida que se identifican y reduciendo toda demora para iniciar el traslado a un destino adecuado.La décima edición de PHTLS contiene: - Pautas Nacionales actualizadas de Triaje sobre el Terreno de pacientes lesionados del ACS- Un debate avanzado sobre los desafíos del tiempo prolongado en la escena- Consideración de cuándo cambiar los esfuerzos de búsqueda y rescate a recuperación en el caso de una víctima de ahogamiento- Pautas de United Kingdom Fire and Rescue (Bomberos y Rescate del Reino Unido) para búsqueda y rescate- Nuevo contenido sobre lesiones causadas por explosiones- Aclaración sobre la función de los inmovilizadores pélvicos- Presentación del rol emergente de la transfusión de sangre prehospitalaria en caso de choque hemorrágico para reducir la mortalidad de 30 días - Contenido actual que aborda consideraciones especiales, incluidas las armas de destrucción masiva y el trauma ambiental

  • av National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)

    "The AHDR Course Manual covers the features of a comprehensive response plan: communicating effectively during disasters; mutual aid and interoperability; managing resources such as supplies, medications, and equipment; triage and transportation strategies and challenges; patient tracking and evacuation; and adapting treatment for burns, blasts, crush, and other injuries when faced with limited resources. All Hazards Disaster Response teaches participants how to analyze potential threats in their area, assess available resources, and create a response plan that will save lives"--

  • av Bob Elling

    "Every year, thousands of EMS vehicle crashes cause significant property damage, injury, and death-underscoring the need for dedicated EMS vehicle operator training. EMS Vehicle Operator Safety (EVOS), Second Edition addresses the vehicle operations and transport safety knowledge gaps that lead to damage, injury, and death. Built on current research and featuring discussions of actual crashes and common driving scenarios-and lessons that can be learned from them-it challenges emergency vehicle operators (EVOs) to consider if they truly know how to arrive at a scene safely. The Second Edition profiles real-life incidents and provides practical vehicle operation pointers, emphasizing the critical principles needed to transform a culture of dangerous driving habits into a culture of safety"--

  • av Patti R Rose
    1 011

  • av Mick J Sanders
    9 257

    Featuring current print and digital content, engaging illustrations and photos, and accessible technology, Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Premier Access resources spur critical thinking for paramedic students and provide a must-have reference for emergency physicians. The new edition has been reviewed and endorsed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), and its content meets or exceeds the scientific recommendations by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and is consistent with the ECC Guidelines as established by the American Heart Association and other resuscitation councils around the world. Sanders' robust resources for educators and students deliver teaching and learning solutions to best fit educators' unique classroom needs. Its single volume provides portability to learners while limiting repetition of content, and its inclusion of detailed anatomy and physiology negate the need for additional reference texts. Even more, its emergency drug index incorporates detailed drug information in an easy-to-find location. Developed by a renowned team of authors, Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Premier Access provides a comprehensive training program and curriculum to prepare students for long-term success in the field and focuses on inclusion and diversity to engage every student. Interested to hear what paramedic instructors and program coordinators think about the Sixth Edition? Check out the reviews below from three of our early textbook reviewers: Bill Comella, Chris McLaughlin, and Michael Simon.Review - Bill Comella, Paramedic Program Coordinator & Instructor at Monroe Community CollegeReview - Chris McLaughlin, Chief Resident, General Surgery, Penn State Hershey Medical CenterReview - Michael Simon, Enterprise EMS Education Manager at Cleveland ClinicWhat's new in the Sixth Edition: - Updated discussion of core EMS guidelines, including EMS Agenda 2050, the National EMS Scope of Practice Model 2019, and the 2021 National EMS - Education Standards - Expanded discussion of paramedic well-being and mental health, including self-care, injury prevention, stress management, resilience, avoidance of compassion fatigue, and suicide prevention - Emphasis on current spinal motion restriction guidelines - Updated descriptions and discussions of medications, including analgesics, sedative-hypnotics, push-dose drugs, and medications used in fibrinolytic therapy and the management of diabetes- Inclusion of special considerations for geriatric and pediatric patients - New insights on evolving topics, such as diagnostic testing methods and use of analgesics for abdominal pain - New guidance to ensure personal safety when responding to behavioral emergencies - Increased focus on cultural awareness, advice on avoiding implicit and explicit biases, and guidance on using gender-sensitive language Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Premier Access includes the following resources: - Print textbook- Audiobook - eBook - Instructor Guide - Assessments - Learning Objectives - Slides - Lecture Outlines - Case Study Slides - Simulation Training Support and Scenarios document - Skill Videos - Active Learning Activities - Practice Activities - TestPrep - Flashcards - Simulations (Soft-Skill Simulations; First Responder Resiliency and Support Simulations) - Interactive Lectures - Virtual Ride-Alongs

  • av Robert Shimonski
    2 101

    Print Textbook & Cloud Lab Access: 180-day subscription.The cybersecurity Cloud Labs for Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications provide fully immersive mock IT infrastructures with live virtual machines and real software, where students will learn and practice the foundational information security skills they will need to excel in their future careers. Unlike simulations, these hands-on virtual labs reproduce the complex challenges of the real world, without putting an institution's assets at risk. Available as a standalone lab solution or bundled with Jones & Bartlett Learning textbooks, these cybersecurity Cloud Labs are an essential tool for mastering key course concepts through hands-on training.Labs: Lab 1: Implementing Access Controls with Windows Active Directory Lab 2: Using Access Control Lists to Modify File System Permissions on Windows Systems Lab 3: Configuring Microsoft Encrypting File System and BitLocker Drive Encryption Lab 4: Identifying and Removing Malware from Windows Systems Lab 5: Managing Group Policy within the Microsoft Windows Environment Lab 6: Auditing Windows Systems for Security Compliance Lab 7: Creating a Scheduled Backup and Replicating System Folders Lab 8: Hardening Windows Systems for Security Compliance Lab 9: Securing Internet Client and Server Applications on Windows Systems Lab 10: Investigating Security Incidents within the Microsoft Windows Environment

  • av Jamille Nagtalon-Ramos
    1 147

    Kelsey's Midwifery & Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide, Sixth Edition is a comprehensive review designed to help midwives and women's health nurse practitioners prepare for their certification exams. Based on the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) and the National Certification Corporation (NCC) test blueprints, it contains numerous questions with answers and rationales representing those found on the exams. Furthermore, it provides guidance on how to study effectively, so readers feel confident and prepared to take and pass the exams.Kelsey's Midwifery & Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide, Sixth Edition is published in partnership with the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) and the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health (NPWH).

  • av Tresa Kaur
    1 217

    "The Nurse Educator's Guide to Assessing Learning Outcomes, Fifth Edition is a widely-used resource for both faculty and nursing education students that covers the assessment of critical thinking, the development of learning objectives, and the creation of tests, including detailed tips for writing many kinds of individual test items. The book also covers the analysis of test reliability. Examples of effective and ineffective test items are included throughout to help faculty and nurse educators deepen their understanding of how to create effective tests and assess student learning"--

  • av Ronald B Gillam

    Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice, Fifth Edition is the ideal introductory text for undergraduate students enrolled in their first course in communication sciences and disorders. Written by experts in the field, this text contains fundamental information about speech disorders that are related to impairments in articulation, voice, and fluency, while providing the essential information on the speech, language, and hearing sciences combined with practical information about assessment and intervention practices. This new edition provides readers with a wide-angle view of communication disorders, covering the variety of topics that speech, language, and hearing scientists study, and the variety of individuals that Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists treat.

  • av Mary A Miller
    1 027

    Client Education: Theory and Practice, Fourth Edition teaches nursing students the important skills of patient education and health promotion. The authors use their unique Miller-Stoeckel Client Education Model as the organizing framework to emphasize the importance of the Nurse-Client Relationship and how this relationship is paramount to the success of client education. They focus on the key role that nurses play in educating individuals, families and groups in clinical settings.The updated Fourth Edition addresses the need for health education in nursing by covering the learning process and discussing the needs of clients across the age span. The authors' thoughtful revision includes updated statistics on chronic diseases and new data on generations Z and Alpha. Furthermore, they teach students how to work with culturally diverse populations by presenting specific teaching approaches.

  • av Kathleen Masters
    1 121

    "Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice, Seventh Edition, is a comprehensive resource to guide students along their journey as professional nurses. It focuses on the foundations of professional nursing practice, including career development, as well as the management of quality and safe patient care. Through theory, classroom activities, and case studies, the text explores topics such as teamwork and collaboration, communication, leadership, evidence-based practice, patient-centered care, informatics, and ethical and legal issues-essential knowledge and competencies that nursing students need for a successful of safe patient care"--

  • av Janet Houser
    1 521

    "Nursing Research: Reading, Using, and Creating Evidence, Sixth Edition is a foundational nursing textbook for teaching and learning the basics of creating and using evidence in nursing practice. Written in a conversational tone, the hallmark of this text is its readability and the author's skillfulness in simplifying otherwise complex topics such as evidence-based care, qualitative and quantitative studies, and translation of research to practice. Nurses need to demonstrate proficiency in reading research, determining its use in their practice, and participating in the research process. The Sixth Edition is intuitively organized around the three main competencies - reading, using, and creating evidence - all of which enable the student to translate research into evidence in a practical way. This nursing textbook is intended to teach and support the clinical practice of nursing students, professional nurses returning to school, and practicing nurses that must apply evidence to patient care"--

  • av Paula Derr

    Now in its ninth edition, the Emergency & Critical Care Pocket Guide is an indispensable resource for physicians, nurses, and paramedics. Thoroughly reviewed and updated by emergency medicine experts Paula Derr and Michael McEvoy, it consolidates critical information from desk references into a convenient 3" x 5" pocket-size format that emergency professionals can take anywhere. The Ninth Edition includes the following updates: - Revised and updated content to reflect the most current guideline and medication dosage recommendations- New sections on troubleshooting ICDs, Mechanical Circulatory Support, resuscitation team dynamics, and vascular access devices- Enhanced information on pacemakers- New content on I-gel supraglottic airway- Enhanced information on noninvasive ventilation- New details on neuromonitoring- Updated content on pediatric medications to reflect best practice recommendations- Completely revised Emergency Medications chapter to include dozens of new medications and pediatric dosing- New content on Ebola, monkeypox, and COVID-19- Completely revised trauma triage algorithm to reflect 2022 recommendations- Completely revised Poisoning chapter, adding GHB, beta-blocker overdose, calcium channel blocker overdose, Jimson weed, khat, LSD, and mushrooms- Updated Lab Values chapter to include procalcitonin, C-reactive protein, high-sensitivity troponin, BNP, and D-dimer values and interpretation- Completely revised Prescription Drugs chapter to reflect hundreds of brand-name and generic drugs

  • av Nola A Schmidt
    1 271

    "Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research is an essential resource for teaching students how to translate research into practice. This text is built upon the foundation of the five step IDP process (knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation), guiding students through the hierarchy of evidence while interweaving concepts such as the evolution of nursing science, quality improvement projects and how they relate to evidence-based practice, as well as search strategies and how to choose a specific research design"--

  • av Jones & Bartlett Learning

    The 2024 Nurse's Drug Handbook is an up-to-date, practical, comprehensive and user-friendly drug reference guide for current nursing students and practicing nurses alike. Written in a straightforward style with approachable terminology, it offers concise and consistently formatted drug entries organized alphabetically from A-Z. The 2024 Nurse's Drug Handbook ensures that all nurses, both new and experienced, can easily access accurate information they need before administering any medication, ensuring proper patient care and safety.The 2024 Nurse's Drug Handbook includes: - Index of all generic, trade, and alternate drug names;- Chemical and therapeutic classes, FDA pregnancy risk category, and controlled substance schedule;- Indications and dosages, as well as route, onset, peak, and duration information;- Incompatibilities and contraindications;- Interactions with drugs, food, and activities;- Adverse reactions;- Nursing considerations, including key teaching points for patients;- Mechanism-of-action illustrations.- Warnings and precautions- Updated appendices, including Uncommon Drugs- Bolded life-threatening Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs)

  • av Mick J Sanders
    3 987

    Featuring current print and digital content, engaging illustrations and photos, and accessible technology, Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Essentials Access resources spur critical thinking for paramedic students and provide a must-have reference for emergency physicians. The new edition has been reviewed and endorsed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), and its content meets or exceeds the scientific recommendations by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and is consistent with the ECC Guidelines as established by the American Heart Association and other resuscitation councils around the world. Sanders' robust resources for educators and students deliver teaching and learning solutions to best fit educators' unique classroom needs. Its single volume provides portability to learners while limiting repetition of content, and its inclusion of detailed anatomy and physiology negate the need for additional reference texts. Even more, its emergency drug index incorporates detailed drug information in an easy-to-find location. Developed by a renowned team of authors, Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Essentials Access provides a comprehensive training program and curriculum to prepare students for long-term success in the field and focuses on inclusion and diversity to engage every student. Interested to hear what paramedic instructors and program coordinators think about the Sixth Edition? Check out the reviews below from three of our early textbook reviewers: Bill Comella, Chris McLaughlin, and Michael Simon.Review - Bill Comella, Paramedic Program Coordinator & Instructor at Monroe Community CollegeReview - Chris McLaughlin, Chief Resident, General Surgery, Penn State Hershey Medical CenterReview - Michael Simon, Enterprise EMS Education Manager at Cleveland ClinicWhat's new in the Sixth Edition: - Updated discussion of core EMS guidelines, including EMS Agenda 2050, the National EMS Scope of Practice Model 2019, and the 2021 National EMS - Education Standards - Expanded discussion of paramedic well-being and mental health, including self-care, injury prevention, stress management, resilience, avoidance of compassion fatigue, and suicide prevention - Emphasis on current spinal motion restriction guidelines - Updated descriptions and discussions of medications, including analgesics, sedative-hypnotics, push-dose drugs, and medications used in fibrinolytic therapy and the management of diabetes- Inclusion of special considerations for geriatric and pediatric patients - New insights on evolving topics, such as diagnostic testing methods and use of analgesics for abdominal pain - New guidance to ensure personal safety when responding to behavioral emergencies - Increased focus on cultural awareness, advice on avoiding implicit and explicit biases, and guidance on using gender-sensitive language Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, 6th Edition with Navigate Essentials Access includes the following resources: - Print textbook- Audiobook - Instructor Guide - Assessments - Learning Objectives - Slides - Lecture Outlines - Case Study Slides - Simulation Training Support and Scenarios document - Practice Activities

  • av Mick J Sanders
    6 361

    Featuring current print and digital content, engaging illustrations and photos, and accessible technology, Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Advantage Access resources spur critical thinking for paramedic students and provide a must-have reference for emergency physicians. The new edition has been reviewed and endorsed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), and its content meets or exceeds the scientific recommendations by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and is consistent with the ECC Guidelines as established by the American Heart Association and other resuscitation councils around the world. Sanders' robust resources for educators and students deliver teaching and learning solutions to best fit educators' unique classroom needs. Its single volume provides portability to learners while limiting repetition of content, and its inclusion of detailed anatomy and physiology negate the need for additional reference texts. Even more, its emergency drug index incorporates detailed drug information in an easy-to-find location. Developed by a renowned team of authors, Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Advantage Access provides a comprehensive training program and curriculum to prepare students for long-term success in the field and focuses on inclusion and diversity to engage every student. Interested to hear what paramedic instructors and program coordinators think about the Sixth Edition? Check out the reviews below from three of our early textbook reviewers: Bill Comella, Chris McLaughlin, and Michael Simon.Review - Bill Comella, Paramedic Program Coordinator & Instructor at Monroe Community CollegeReview - Chris McLaughlin, Chief Resident, General Surgery, Penn State Hershey Medical CenterReview - Michael Simon, Enterprise EMS Education Manager at Cleveland ClinicWhat's new in the Sixth Edition: - Updated discussion of core EMS guidelines, including EMS Agenda 2050, the National EMS Scope of Practice Model 2019, and the 2021 National EMS - Education Standards - Expanded discussion of paramedic well-being and mental health, including self-care, injury prevention, stress management, resilience, avoidance of compassion fatigue, and suicide prevention - Emphasis on current spinal motion restriction guidelines - Updated descriptions and discussions of medications, including analgesics, sedative-hypnotics, push-dose drugs, and medications used in fibrinolytic therapy and the management of diabetes- Inclusion of special considerations for geriatric and pediatric patients - New insights on evolving topics, such as diagnostic testing methods and use of analgesics for abdominal pain - New guidance to ensure personal safety when responding to behavioral emergencies - Increased focus on cultural awareness, advice on avoiding implicit and explicit biases, and guidance on using gender-sensitive language Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Advantage Access includes the following resources: - Print textbook- Audiobook - eBook - Instructor Guide - Assessments - Learning Objectives - Slides - Lecture Outlines - Case Study Slides - Simulation Training Support and Scenarios document - Skill Videos - Active Learning Activities - Practice Activities - TestPrep - Flashcards - Simulations (Soft-Skill Simulations; First Responder Resiliency and Support Simulations)

  • av Lachel Story

    "Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach, Fifth Edition provides an innovative, practice-ready, approach to foundational pathophysiology for nursing students. The text is organized by body system and is presented in an easy-to-read format with vibrant graphics and practice tools. This student-friendly approach empowers readers to take a more active role in learning pathophysiology.The Fifth Edition is unique in its application to practice. Key features walk the reader through challenging topics and latest insights in pathophysiology, leveraging recent ground-breaking studies discussed in the Emerging Research sections, and offering Application to Practice callouts that deepen the connection between classroom and clinical setting. Students and faculty praise this text for its innovative presentation, helpful NCLEX questions, approachable reading style, dynamic images, and coverage of current research"--

  • av Susan Sienkiewicz & Sandra Megerdichian
    1 127

  • av Richard R. Abood, Kimberly A. Burns & Frederick Frankhauser
    1 731

  • av Robert J Bensley
    1 111

    "This text teaches students to effectively communicate health education messages and positively influence the norms and behaviors of both individuals and communities. Written by and for health education specialists, this text explores the methods used by health educators, including didactic techniques designed to guide others toward the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle"--

  • av Brian Luke Seaward
    1 581

    "Managing Stress provides a comprehensive approach to stress management, honoring the balance and harmony of the mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Referred to as the "authority on stress management" by students and professionals, this book equips students with the tools needed to identify and manage stress while teaching them how to strive for health and balance. The holistic approach gently guides the reader to greater levels of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being by emphasizing the importance of mind-body-spirit unity"--

  • av Leiyu Shi
    1 091

    Johnson & Stoskopf's Comparative Health Systems: A Global Perspective explores the evolving landscape of health care delivery worldwide. Part I introduces fundamental concepts including health and disease, health policy and economics, and the role of international health organizations. Part II delves into the health systems, practices, and policies of over 20 countries, considering factors such as geography, culture, and historical context. Each country is thoroughly assessed in terms of cost, quality, access, and innovation. The third edition examines the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on health care systems and the response of different countries. It also addresses other challenges and opportunities, such as global pandemics, disasters, conflicts, changes in the U.S. health system, and the role of non-governmental organizations.Updated throughout, the 3rd edition also offers 13+ new chapters including: Global Health and Disease (3) emphasizes the importance of integration of the healthcare system with the public health system for effective intervention in the cycles of diseasesDistinct chapters on 10 new countries --Cuba, Norway, Finland, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Egypt, South Africa, Taiwan, and SingaporeThe Business of Health Care (27) discusses value-based care and long-term care as it relates to the business of healthcare.11 Bonus Chapters in the eBook, including a new chapter on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) along with 10 chapters covering the health systems and policies of 10 additional countries including Peru, Ireland, Finland, Türkiye, Poland, Nigeria, Botswana, and more.

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