- Learn how your diet impacts your health, both good and bad, so that you can then use food as medicine.
av George Elder
Do you want to lose weight or do you need to reduce your medication? "Take back your health" outlines what I have learned about eating, diet and health. I have applied this to myself, shown friends and family and the results are spectacular. Much of the advice you see in magazines, on the Internet or on food packaging is there only to sell you something. It is not primarily intended to help you be healthy. This book helps you to understand what I have found to be real and what is fake. With your new knowledge, you can then make diet choices which will help you reclaim or take back your health. Has your doctor asked you about what you eat? Many do not.>Find out why women with higher cholesterol live longer, why higher salt is healthy, why you need dietary saturated fat, and why vegetable oils might be slowly killing you. Here is what one of the original editors said: >Can this book save your life? I believe it can certainly point you in that direction. Is a keto lifestyle profoundly life-saving? My research suggests that it can be..While the keto lifestyle has proven to be the right thing for my wife and I, it is important to remember that we are all individual and no one approach fits all. My wife and I require differing levels of fats, carbs and protein. It is, however, no problem to eat the same meals often it is just a matter of adjusting portion size and the number of meals..A hallelujah moment for me was discovering that the ex-CEO for the American Diabetes Association, Tracey D Brown, had spoken about adopting a low carb eating lifestyle resulting in a partial remission of her diabetes. She was hoping to be free of all medication within twelve months. Imagine if all diabetics following my book, adopted a low carb lifestyle and achieved those sorts of results. What a different world it would be for anyone currently facing years of ongoing medication and expense..Here is a note I received recently: Hey George. Hope you are well? Just a little feel good note for you.Ryan decided to do Keto when he went to sea last trip, now back on land after about 10-11 weeks total.I can't believe it, but he has lost 17 Kg. He says he likes keto because its so easy to stick to. I am giving you the credit because he wouldn't have tried it if we hadn't done it and talked about it so much, so that is all because of your influence. Thanks. Nathan.