av Jam Muhammad Zafar
1 146,-
The book entitled introduction to research methods. This book is helpful for the researchers and scholars to study the quantitative as well as qualitative research methods. This book comprised of 13 chapters and major areas are the introduction to educational research, fundamental of educational research, quantitative research methods, qualitative research methods, mixed methods, data analysis, development of research proposal, introduction to research tools, properties of tools of research, review of literature, rules for writing research report, bibliography, references, citations, citations. The introduction to educational research focuses the scientific method, limitations, applications, background of quantitative approach, and background of qualitative approach, mixed methods approach, basic research, applied research, action research, and evaluation research. The fundamental of educational research emphasizes the concept of research, educational research, characteristic of research, benefits of research, characteristics of literature review, research design, types of research designs, population and sampling, questionnaires and its types.