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Böcker utgivna av Liberty Hill Publishing

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  • av Joseph Andrews

    This book: Donald Trump as a Gift: Lessons from the Wisdom of evangelical Support for President Donald Trump, was written to deepen, amplify, and accelerate the tempo of mobilization required within faith-based communities as they lead the entire country in the reelection of President Trump in the 2020 presidential elections. In 2016, evangelicals took charge in getting President Trump elected. During his first term as president he fulfilled the promises he made to the American people. On issues dear to Christians especially; the President exceeded expectations in many respects. Reminders are provided in this book about how evangelicals had needs which Donald Trump as a candidate was the best fit to address. A rational evaluation of the ability to keep his promises as a leader stands President Trump out as credible and effective in leadership. Rather than be applauded for honoring his commitment to the American people, a minority segment; self-serving elite, have arrogated to themselves the right to dispute the decision majority of Americans made when they elected President Trump their national leader in 2016. President Trump was not allowed any space to lead as enthusiastically as he ought to. Attempts to unseat him have been unsparing. They began even before he was formally sworn in. A second term for President Trump; buoyed by the credibility of his achievements in his first term, holds the promise of higher-order benefits for the United States as a nation. Increased innovation, national revival, and generalized prosperity in a Trump second-term are almost guaranteed. Christians have a duty to mobilize the country and reelect President Trump in 2020. If Christians fail, America, will elevate Lucifer-inspired ideas in government. Insights on how ideas inspired by Lucifer will dominate governments in the United States of America abound in this book. Joseph Andrews has a doctorate in Strategic Leadership from Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia. In addition to his formal education in the best thought-formations and practical applications of leadership, he has over two decades of leadership expertise. Having worked in emerging economies as well as in the United States, Dr. Andrews' leadership competences are enhanced by the multi-cultural environments he has operated in. Dr. Andrews is passionate about sharing leadership wisdom rooted in Judeo-Christian origins. He lives in Georgia with his wife and two children.

  • - How Voters Can Influence Our Elected Officials!
    av Bowersox Dennis R. Bowersox
    260 - 366,-

  • - Today's God-less America ... What Would Our Founding Fathers Think?
    av Boonstra Judge Mark T. Boonstra
    390 - 550,-

  • - Today's God-less America... What Would Our Founding Fathers Think?
    av Boonstra Judge Mark T. Boonstra
    426 - 650,-

  • - Shattering the Iron Fist of Marxism in America with the Wisdom of God
    av A L Marcantuono

    Have you ever felt that your intuition is being stifled by societal teachings that contradict your core values? Did you ever feel like you are drowning in a sea of anti-religious and anti-constitutional beliefs? Have you ever wondered where these teachings found their origins? In, Save Us, O God, From Oppression! Shattering the Iron Fist of Marxism in America with the Wisdom of God, A.L. Marcantuono delves into these issues including Marxism's atheistic teachings, how they currently threaten our religious liberty, and the means to overcome them. Writing with a theological inclination, A.L. Marcantuono investigates how society has been influenced clandestinely by Marxist atheism and how to regain a true sense of religious liberty through a renewal of Judeo-Christian virtues and values. In this book, you will discover: a general understanding and modern examples of Marxist philosophies the threat Marxism poses to human dignity and religious liberty an in depth view of the virtues of Christianity how to overcome threats to liberty through religious renewal the promises that follow a life of sacrifice and virtue A reawakening of religiosity is underway in America and if you are concerned with the loss of God and supernatural thought in society, this book is for you. A.L. Marcantuono has a master's degree in divinity and an undergraduate minor in philosophy. He is also a former adjunct professor of theology and a concerned father and husband of two beautiful children and a loving wife. His passions for history, current events, theology, writing, love of freedom, and God, guided him in writing this book.

  • - A Patriot's Call to Arms Against Racism, Cancel Culture, and Socialism
    av Jay Buenger

    "That's racist!" No statement in the twenty-first century triggers such a raw, polarizing, impassioned response as that short accusation. Racism is finding itself being applied to almost everything these days - politics, statues, history, graduations, books, movies, even math. Its role is no longer to describe oppression or genuine injustices in the world, but rather to promote and glamourize a political campaign, social movement, or fundraising effort in its name. In Divide & Conquer, author Jay Buenger analyzes the use of the political left's oldest and most trusted weapon - racism. He also dissects a number of other tools, from cancel culture, to government mandates, to propaganda, to mere feelings, that progressives and Washington elites are using to achieve their ultimate goal: power through division. Through the eyes of a long-time educator, Buenger warns of the true intentions of these weapons, and the effectiveness their use is having on our society - particularly on our minority communities and next generations. A cabal comprised of Democratic office holders, mainstream media, and the world of big tech are implementing a coordinated campaign to promote chaos and division, opening the door for excessive government reach and a one-way route to socialism. Divide & Conquer serves as a cautionary tale of the imminent dissolution our Republic faces if awareness and patriotism do not prevail. Jay Buenger was born and raised in the rural Texas town of Industry, TX - population 304. The son of a lifelong elementary teacher and country veterinarian, he developed the God-fearing, conservative values that he carries with him to this day. A love for sports and shaping America's youth led him into a career in teaching and coaching, a profession he has enjoyed for almost twenty years. Buenger currently resides just outside Brenham, TX with his beautiful wife, Elizabeth - also an educator of more than two decades. Along with a passion for writing, the two enjoy world-wide travel, cooking, and spending time outdoors in the tranquil Texas countryside. Jay is proud and excited to unveil Divide & Conquer, his debut publication.

  • - A Skeleton Key to Western Civilization
    av Rich Hoffman

    America's Art of War -- this book should be taught in every business school in America. Its awesome! - George Lang, Ohio Senator and Founder of the Small Business First Caucus. In The Gunfighter's Guide to Business, we learn why "shooting from the hip" is an example of quality and delivery that should be sought after, not avoided. Finally, an American book of strategy from a capitalist culture is a viable, modern interpretation of classics such as The Art of War, The Book of Five Rings, The Goal, and The Machine that Changed the World. In this work, the author unleashes through the sport of Fast Draw overlooked aspects of Western Civilization that gave rise to the greatest economy in the history of the world. Across the tapestry of human endeavor that was battle-tested during the Wild West in North America where East met West for really the first time in history and is poised to free unlimited success in the minds of the everyday businessperson working in the trenches in modern times. They may have traded their six guns for ties, pens, and emails, but the goals are the same as they have always been, success! A new view of management is unleashed here, termed by the author as "ghosting it," which refers to an obscure objective that allows definitions of leadership to evolve and brew into a work culture becoming legendary along the way, just as the old gunslingers of yesteryear proved possible. The old West is not dead but instead is very much alive as we aim our business goals toward space and look to conquer the next frontier, as we did the previous one, as humanity climbs further out into its own evolution against all odds and bravely faces tomorrow the way gunfighters faced down villains on dusty streets in a time not so long forgotten.

  • av Jessie Rodz Melz

    La verdad ha sido develada, La fórmula E=C, P fue comprobada... -Nos preguntamos entonces, ¿De qué trata esta fórmula, - ¿Y por qué la misma es tan poderosa para este desquiciado maestro?... --¿Qué la hace tan poderosa?... Thriller El maestro Anthony Hopper es un vengador en contra de los estudiantes maléficos que actúan haciendo daño a sus propios compañeros de estudios y a la comunidad en donde viven... El educador dicta sentencia a todo aquel que quiebre los principios morales establecidos por la sociedad de cada lugar donde este presta sus servicios como maestro de Literatura Comparada. Su meta principal consiste en salvar a los buenos estudiantes de aquellos que tratan de impedir que reciban el pan de la enseñanza... Al pasar del tiempo este maestro se enferma mentalmente y se convierte en un asesino itinerante;... --Implacable y difícil de detectar para la policía, por el simple hecho de ser un criminal que emigra a diferentes estados de EUA para cometer sus asesinatos, -razón por la que ha sido imposible dar con su paradero... * * * * * El mayor deseo personal del maestro Anthony Hopper al retirarse de su profesión como Profesor de Literatura... --era vivir en una isla tropical, --la cual visitó cuando se casó con su actual esposa, Loraine. --Ahí pasaron su luna de miel. El matrimonio había quedado cautivo con la paradisiaca isla... Al cabo de un año, -luego de su retiro, se suscitó un evento con el cual no contaba este maestro jubilado. -Recibió una llamada telefónica inesperada que lo remonto a los tiempos de sus crueles matanzas, -al principio de los años 80's cuando dio clases en la escuela superior vocacional, New Jersey High... --Fue aquí donde tuvo su primera experiencia como maestro de literatura. --El maestro Hopper nunca se imaginó que tal llamada telefónica lo alteraría intensamente. Aquí comprendió, que la misión, --cual se había propuesto tiempo atrás, aún no había terminado...

    256 - 330,-

  • - Based Upon 25 Years of Research Jokes and Humor Widely Approved Human Tested Historic First Edition
    av The Biased Somm

    The Biased Somm was Born and Bred in California , Wine-Enlightened in Hawaii, and like a Pacific Salmon, returned to the Grizzly State for 3 years in the Micro Brew Universe before entering the World of Wine in Sonoma County in 2000 and becoming a Sommelier in 2006.Blending Decades of working with and around some of California and the World''s Best Winemakers and Pacific Rim Chefs, and interactions with Thousands of Wine Fans from around the World, the Biased Somm has distilled those experiences into this Fun, Textured and Witty Introduction to Wine Enjoyment.Like a good tonic, there''s Something For Everyone here! From A to Z.

    410 - 536,-

  • - The Fight for FSB Argonne
    av John Arsenault Ltcol Usmc (Ret) & Thomas Gourneau Uscg
    270 - 396,-

  • av Steven Schaerer
    290 - 410,-

  • av Yong Jen Ong
    256 - 330,-

  • av Gardella Raymond Gardella
    270 - 376,-

    316 - 456,-

  • - One Family's Journey of Courage and Hope
    av Eadie Pulkkinen Sickler

    Faith...Hope...Determination... words describing the Sippola family''s courage as they immigrated in early 1900s from their homeland of Finland to America. Their 13 children''s lives are highlighted in this interesting book, written by one of their granddaughters. Finnish recipes included! Edith (Eadie) Pulkkinen Sickler is a second-generation Finnish-American, and enjoys being of 100% Finnish heritage.Having lived in northeast Ohio most of her life, she now resides in north central Florida.Her writing background is in the field of journalism, having been a reporter, columnist and editor. She retired as an administrative assistant.Eadie enjoys writing, reading, home decorating, cooking, canning and entertaining. Her true joy, though, is in being a child of God and in being a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, and in her cherished family and friends.

  • av Melissa Tate
    256 - 360,-

  • - The Decade of The Unfolding: where are we going?
    av Anzos G Norwell
    256 - 360,-

  • av Michael E Riley

    In the cold hours of darkness on the last out shift, anything can happen. A profound incident occurs in South Philadelphia that affects every cop in the city and generates headlines worldwide. Although the death of his young son still haunts him, fifteen-year veteran Officer Tom Tabbozzi reluctantly agrees to train Nick Avner, a recruit fresh out of the police academy. Twelve years have passed since the rookie's dad was tragically killed in a construction accident, but he still feels the loss of his biggest fan. On the first day patrolling the inner city streets, Nick overcomes his fear when he quickly learns what it means to be a cop from Tommy's patrol wagon philosophy. Working together for five years, the two men become best friends, but after that fateful winter night, as he seeks out the truth, one of these officers will find himself investigating a life-changing case that mystifies the world. Set in the 1980s and 90s, The Long Last Out is a methodical page-turning police mystery featuring a memorable cast of characters and a twisting plot driven by humor, science, and suspense. Michael E. Riley, a retired sergeant from the Philadelphia Police Department, had a twenty-five-year career assigned to the Patrol Bureau, the Narcotics Special Operations Division, and the Detective Bureau. His many years within the law-enforcement field provided him with an abundance of material and characters to draw upon for his first police procedural mystery. He lives in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, with his wife Denise enjoying his retirement and writing novels.

  • - A Collection of essays from the Western Livestock Journal, 2019-2020
    av Matthew A Cronin

    This book is a collection of essays published in 2019 and 2020 in the Western Livestock Journal, a weekly newspaper serving the livestock industry. The topics covered include wildlife, endangered species, and science relevant to livestock and the natural resource industries of timber, mining, oil and gas, and agriculture. A primary focus is the biased science used by environmental groups and governments to regulate and prevent these important industries from operating. Matthew Anthony Cronin is a biologist, with a Ph.D. from Yale University, an M.S. from Montana State University, and a B.S. from the State University New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry. He has worked in the university, government, and private sectors, and published papers in the scientific literature. Dr. Cronin served as an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. He has three children and after three decades in Alaska now resides in Montana.

  • - For the Common Citizen
    av Salazar J.B. Salazar
    260 - 360,-

  • - How we have been deceived into thinking abortion is acceptable, and the scientific, legal, moral and philosophical proof that it is not.
    av M a M Ed Rick Garrett

    "The Duping of America" is the result of two years of research and thorough examination of multiple facets of the abortion debate, with more than 150 citations from medical, scientific, legal and ethics experts. The goal of the book is to educate readers about abortion and motivate them to take a stand to protect life based on objective evidence. It examines the social and cultural trends that led to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and what the effects have been, and reveals the inner workings of Planned Parenthood. Presenting the impact the media and Hollywood have had in promoting abortion and shaping public opinion, it equips the reader with facts to disprove the fourteen most common anti-life arguments. Different types of abortions and their legal implications are described based on former abortionists' testimony, and also considers who were among the 61,000,000 people we have aborted so far. The role of crisis pregnancy centers in helping women in problem pregnancies as well as serving post-abortive women and sources for healing are outlined. In addition, the book includes statistics and the politics of abortion, as well as the role played by religion. It concludes with a challenge to the reader to take a stand to defend unborn human life, and offers seven specific actions the pro-life advocate can take. As a lifelong pro-life advocate, Rick has always been interested in justice issues and probing the core of complicated, sometimes controversial subjects. "The Duping of America" is his first attempt at publishing a fact-based approach to examine such a topic. With two bachelor's degrees from Eastern Illinois University and two graduate degrees from UCLA, Rick was raised in Illinois, but has lived in Southern California for many years. He and his wife have two adult children and are expecting their third grandchild in 2020. His goal is to educate readers and listeners about abortion and motivate them to take a stand for life. He enjoys traveling, gardening, food, hiking, ocean kayaking, and touring visitors around southern California. He is available for speaking engagements and fundraisers for pro-life organizations and crisis pregnancy centers.

  • av Michael Saxon Pikunas

    In the far western province of Xinjiang, China, expat operatives ready for a covert incursion at the U.S.-Mexico border. In Mexico City, the kidnapped son of a wealthy land owner is held for ransom. In a Washington DC monastery, a priest steels himself against a demonic force while in Alabama, a child known as the Little One points to something in the night sky. DSS agent Louis Ledlow is suddenly called to Washington where he's briefed on his next assignment. With the assistance of his brother, Father Joe, a newly appointed Exorcist, they enter the fray to untangle the snarl of human villainy and supernatural evil. The two brothers, each combatting ominous threats-one of human origin, the other supernatural, find themselves entangled in a perilous web with the United States President and First Lady caught in the middle, while a desperate battle to defend the homeland rages in the airspace above the Pacific. This is a gripping and timely tale of a three headed monster, an alliance of the most sinister ideologies: the Marxist PRC, the blood thirsty Mexican drug cartels, and the infamous MS-13 street gang. Transporting the reader across the globe and historical timelines, HELLBENDER The Crucible is an intensely written story filled with chills and spills...a fresh and compelling read! Michael Saxon Pikunas is retired from a career in federal law enforcement. He and his wife Margaret (Peggy) have four grown children and one grandchild. This is his first book.

  • - How Normal People Endure the Left
    av Turner M. Randall Turner
    290 - 410,-

    256 - 360,-

  • av Greg Powell
    260 - 360,-

  • av Eric Whetstone

    Instant communication. Nonstop news cycles. Self-driving autos. That's what our world had become. Staring at our "devices" while autobots drove us to work. It was a lot to absorb for old-school types like Jake. He'd achieved urban success and was doing his best to evolve. Like everyone else, he was dependent on the grid. It brought the power, carried the news and entertainment, and tracked the distribution of food, water, and life for all. But past experiences had turned Jake into a bit of a "prepper." He worried if he was a bit crazy. But then it all goes dark. The nation's power grid collapses. At a breaking point from societal and governmental pressures, a natural disaster brings it all down. Jake and Rachel's family is separated by thousands of miles, without communication, without technology - without the grid. All they have are the plans and musings Jake's instilled. As the country unravels, this small family will work to hold it all together. Will the darkness last days, weeks, or years? Whatever the duration, it will change your life in a moment. Will you be ready? What do you do when you find yourself "gridless"? A professional designer and communicator, Whetstone lives in north Texas. As a small-town farm boy, he's also shared conference tables with top CEOs and logged miles in tour buses of top entertainers. His experiences are incredibly diverse. Whetstone's seen his vehicles in magazines, written an album ("Rocket Fuel") and performed stand-up comedy. Now, he's written his first novel ("Gridless"). Whetstone also works alongside his beautiful wife, a former fashion model, on a number of ventures. Currently, they're renovating a historic home in Grapevine, Texas. And, they do have a cabin in Montana, where she catches bigger fish than he does.

  • av Sybil Wyner

    The Second Generation provides a window into the world of children raised by parents who either perpetrated or survived the horrors of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and death camps.The novel is based on the true story of the friendship between a priest and a rabbi. Although neither was aware of his parent's role in the war, the priest's father had in fact been the commandant of the camp in which the rabbi's father was a prisoner.It describes the efforts of parents who were determined to give their children a proper upbringing, to raise them to be productive and constructive members of society, but whose efforts were shackled by their own psychological traumas.The history of the concentration and death camps will weigh on humanity for generations to come. Regardless of religion, background or place of birth, each person must confront this evil by trying to understand what led to the creation of the camps and why a civilized world permitted them. The Second Generation contains adult themes of friendship, jealousy, marriage, divorce, rape and betrayal. It is hoped that this book will impress upon readers their individual importance to humanity and give them the courage to take part in tikkun olam, repairing the world. Sybil Wyner was a social studies teacher at Elizabeth High School for 31 years. She is considered a "master educator" and was twice honored as "Teacher of the Year" by the Elizabeth Board of Education. She received the Governor's Award for Excellence in Teaching. She is listed in "Who's who among America's Teachers: The best teachers in America selected by the best students." After 12 years of night school, Ms. Wyner earned her certification in public school education for kindergarten through high school. She earned a BA in World History from Rutgers University, an MA in Judeo-Christian Studies from Seton Hall University, and certificates of continuing study from Temple University, Loyola University, Gratz College, Bowie State Teachers College and Drake Business College. Ms. Wyner has enjoyed writing and directing plays and presentations for public and religious schools. She has authored six books, including this novel about second-generation Holocaust survivors, as well as short stories for children. A story about her mother won a prize for publication in a "Legacy" book.

  • - Volume II: The Fortress Crisis
    av Leigh Robert D. Leigh
    340 - 540,-

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