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  • av J Wilbur Chapman

    An Inspiring 31-Day DevotionalIn The Secret of a Happy Day, J. Wilbur Chapman offers a heartfelt exploration of the timeless comfort found in Psalm 23. This 31-day devotional illuminates the profound truths and enduring promises within David's ancient song, revealing its relevance and power to uplift souls regardless of life's circumstances. Chapman, with the wisdom of a seasoned pastor, invites readers on a daily journey through "The Shepherd's Song," to a place where every need is met, fear is dispelled, and eternal goodness and mercy are assured.Through an intimate introduction and thoughtful breakdown, Chapman delves into the six divisions of the psalm - Possession, Position, Promise, Progress, Provision, and Prospects - each representing a facet of the Christian's walk with the Good Shepherd. Readers are encouraged to reflect on the Lord's shepherding presence that guides through green pastures, restores the soul, and offers comfort even in the darkest valleys.The readings of The Secret of a Happy Day are an invitation to experience the deep and personal love of God anew. As you journey through each day with Chapman, let the truths of Psalm 23 transform your understanding of God's presence in your life and lead you into a deeper, more joyous relationship with Him. Whether standing beside the grave of buried hopes or basking in the sunshine of God's love, this book promises to be a source of comfort, strength, and inspiration, helping you to live out the serene trust and unshakeable peace that David himself experienced.Top of Form

  • av Reuben A Torrey

    La actitud de Dios hacia el mundo es de amor infinito. La actitud de Dios hacia el pecado es un odio infinito. La actitud de Dios hacia Su Hijo es un amor indescriptible, pero Él entregó a ese Hi-jo para morir por ustedes y por mí. La actitud de Dios hacia el creyente es darle vida eterna, sin importar cuál haya sido su pasado. La actitud de Dios hacia aquellos que no creen es dejarlos en la perdición que tan locamente eligen. ¿Qué elegirán hoy: vida o muerte? La gente decide esa cuestión en unos minutos; una decisión para toda la eternidad. Dios les ayude a decidir bien.Además de ser salvos del poder del pecado, la fe real en que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios implica entregarle nuestra vida. Si Jesús es divino, si es el Hijo de Dios, si es Dios manifestado en carne, debemos entregarle todo lo que somos y todo lo que tenemos. Eso es lo que Él exige de nosotros y tiene derecho a exigírnoslo. Recuerden, ¡Jesús es el Hijo de Dios! ¿Le han entregado toda su vida a Él? Si no, ¿se la entregarán ahora?- Reuben A. Torrey

  • av Charles H Spurgeon

    "Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 5:15-16)Volume 12A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables.Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we'll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn't those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire.I can't put fine words together. I've never studied speech. In fact, my heart loathes the very thought of intentionally speaking with fine words when souls are in danger of eternal punishment. No, I work to speak straight to your hearts and consciences, and if there is anyone with faith to receive, God will bless them with fresh revelation.- Charles H. SpurgeonIn this twelfth volume, Charles H. Spurgeon expounds on the parable of the good shepherd, the vine and the branches, the secret to answered prayer, the light on a candlestick, the wise and foolish builders, building on the right foundation, the lost sheep, the sower and the ground, faith like a mustard seed, and the wedding banquet.List of ChaptersSheep Who Shall Never Perish (John 10:27-30)Life Eternal (John 10:28)A Sharp Knife for the Vine Branches (John 15:2)Without Christ - Nothing (John 15:5)The Secret of Power in Prayer (John 15:7)The Candle (Matthew 5:15-16)The Eye and the Light (Luke 11:33-36)The Two Builders and Their Houses (Matthew 7:24-27)On Laying Foundations (Luke 6:46-49)One Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:12-13)The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:4-7)Our Great Shepherd Finding the Sheep (Luke 15:4-6)Sown among Thorns (Matthew 13:7)The Seed upon Stony Ground (Mark 4:5-6)The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:4-8)Satan's Punctuality, Power, and Purpose (Luke 8:12)The Mustard Seed (Luke 13:18-19)The Pleading of the Last Messenger (Mark 12:6-9)

  • av Darryl Wilson

    In a world that is struggling under the weight of busyness and loneliness, change is much needed. It's time to refocus on relationships and care. It's time to stand up and say, "I care."Jesus said, "I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." If you love Him and care for others like He did, everyone will know you belong to Him.You can lead your Bible study group to care like Jesus. When your Bible study group cares for Him and each other, His love spills beyond the walls where we gather. It touches family and friends. Every act and conversation displays His love at school, work, play, and the marketplace. A caring Bible study group is the ideal place to practice and launch that kind of love. May this book help you lead your group to demonstrate, "We care!"

  • av Charles H Spurgeon

    "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep." (John 10:14-15)Volume 11A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables.Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we'll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn't those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire.I can't put fine words together. I've never studied speech. In fact, my heart loathes the very thought of intentionally speaking with fine words when souls are in danger of eternal punishment. No, I work to speak straight to your hearts and consciences, and if there is anyone with faith to receive, God will bless them with fresh revelation.- Charles H. SpurgeonIn this eleventh volume, Charles H. Spurgeon expounds on the prodigal son, the unrighteous steward, Lazarus and the rich man, the persistent widow, the repentant publican, the servants and their talents, and the Lord as our shepherd.List of ChaptersThe Prodigal's Return (Luke 15:20)The Prodigal's Reception (Luke 15:20)Prodigal Love for the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:20)The Reception of Sinners (Luke 15:22-23)The Sunday School Teacher - A Steward (Luke 16:2)The Bridgeless Gulf (Luke 16:26)A Preacher from the Dead (Luke 16:31)The Importunate Widow (Luke 18:1-8)The Search for Faith (Luke 18:8)A Message for the Worst Man on Earth (Luke 18:13)Confession and Absolution (Luke 18:13)The Servants and the Pounds (Luke 19:12-13)Our Own Dear Shepherd (John 10:14-15)Other Sheep and One Flock (John 10:16)The Sheep and Their Shepherd (John 10:27)

  • av Dwight L Moody

    God was in Christus de wereld met zich zelven verzoenende en de mensen tot zich trekkende. Maar vele harten verzetten zich tegen de werkingen des Geesten. God trekt de mensen hemelwaarts, en de duivel trekt hen hellevaart. De Heer gaf Johannes te schrijven aan de gemeenten. Zijne pen bewoog zich snel. En aan het einde liet de Heer hem schrijven: De Geest en de bruid zeg gen: Kom; en die het hoort, zegge: Kom." Maar omdat er doven zouden zijn, werd erbij gezet: ¿En die dorst heeft, kome," en alsof dit nog niet ruim genoeg ware, komt er achteraan: ¿En die wil, neme van het water des even om niet." Wat kunt gij meer hebben dan dat? En het Boek is daarmede als het ware verzegeld. Het is de laatste uitnodiging in den Bijbel. ¿Die wil, neme het water des levens om niet." Gij zijt dorstig. Gij verlangt naar water. Ik houd u een glas voor en zeg: ¿neem dat." Nu moet gij uwe hand ernaar uitsteken, maar niet zeg gen: Als het beschikt is dat ik het zal hebben, behoef ik er geen moeite voor te doen;" want dan zult ge het nimmer krijgen. En als gij ooit de zaligheid zult deelachtig worden, moet gij uwe hand ernaar uitsteken en haar aannemen. ¿Ik zal den beker der verlossingen opnemen, en den Naam des Heeren aanroepen." Wilt gij de zaligheid nu aannemen? Het is eenvoudig genoeg. ¿De bezoldig der zonde is de dood, maar de genadegiften Gods is het eeuwige leven."

  • av Andrew Murray

    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. - 1 John 1:9When a physician takes charge of a patient, the first thing he seeks to know is the nature and extent of the evil he must deal with. That is why he spends so much time and thought on the careful observation of the symptoms. The success of the treatment depends entirely on the accuracy of the diagnosis.Even so, in dealing with the great question of the lack of conversions in the church of Christ, it is not enough that we acknowledge the truth of what is said, or actively set out to specify what we think is the best way to bring about a change. If the church is to fully realize what is wrong with her condition, and if it is to find the path in which God alone can lead her out of it, then believers and ministers must be brought low before the Lord and seek Him, the Great Physician, to reveal and remove the sin and restore that conversion power that comes from Him alone.Let us, then, in the spirit of humbling ourselves before God, and in dependence upon the Holy Spirit, ask God to show us what the allegation implies - that the church of Christ is losing the power of conversion, of bringing sinners to the Savior.List of ChaptersThe EvilWhat the Evil MeansThe CauseThe Cure

  • av Torrey Reuben A. Torrey

    From many hearts there is rising a cry for more power - more power in our personal conflicts with the world, the flesh, and the devil.

  • - Why Christians Ought to Pray
    av Edward M Bounds

    New, updated and annotated edition.And all things, whatever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. - Matthew 21:22Persistent prayer is a mighty movement of the soul toward God, and it stirs the deepest forces of the soul toward the throne of heavenly grace. It is the ability to hold on, press on, and wait. Restless desire, restful patience, and strength of grasp are all embraced in it. Prayer is not an incident or a performance but a passion of soul. It is not a want or half-needed desire but a sheer necessity. List of ChaptersCh. 1: Prayer and FaithCh. 2: Prayer and Unwavering FaithCh. 3: Prayer and TrustCh. 4: Prayer and DesireCh. 5: Prayer and FervencyCh. 6: Prayer and PersistenceCh. 7: Prayer and PerseveranceCh. 8: Prayer and CharacterCh. 9: Prayer and ObedienceCh. 10: Prayer and SurrenderCh. 11: Prayer and VigilanceCh. 12: Prayer and the Word of GodCh. 13: Prayer and PreachingCh. 14: Prayer and the House of God About the AuthorEdward McKendree Bounds was born in Shelby County, Missouri, on August 15, 1835, and died on August 24, 1913, in Washington, Georgia. He was admitted to the bar in 1854 at the age of nineteen, but left the profession five years later when he answered the call of God to the ministry. Beginning in 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, he became the chaplain of the Fifth Missouri Regiment of the Confederacy.Bounds married Miss Emmie Barnett of Eufaula, Alabama, in 1876. By this union, he became the father of two daughters, Celeste and Corneille, and a son, Edward, who died at the age of six. His wife Emmie died in 1886, and later Bounds married Miss Hattie Barnett, Emmie's cousin. Together they had six children: Samuel, Charles, Osborne, Elizabeth, Mary, and Emmie. However, Charles died at the age of one, so in the end, the family consisted of seven children.After serving several important churches in St. Louis and other places to the south, Bounds became editor of the St. Louis Christian Advocate for eight years and, later, associate editor of The Nashville Christian Advocate for four years. The trial of his faith came while he was in Nashville, and he quietly retired to his home without even asking for a pension. His principal work in Washington, Georgia (his home), was rising at four o'clock in the morning and praying until seven o'clock. He filled a few engagements as an evangelist during the eighteen years of his life work in Washington, Georgia.

  • - Being a Man of Character in a Babylon World
    av Dwight L Moody

    Original Title: Daniel the Prophet. New, updated edition.Riches and honour and life are the remuneration of humility and of the fear of the LORD. - Proverbs 22:4God will exalt us when the time is right. We needn't try to promote ourselves; we needn't struggle for position. Let God put us where He wants us and let us be true to God. It is better for a man to be right with God, even if he holds no great earthly position. It is honest and humble men whom God will promote, if He so desires.This study illustrates what Daniel did, and also what Daniel didn't do, which caught the attention of God and kings alike. Few are the men in history of Daniel's caliber, even though the principles he followed can be implemented by all. Are you ready to be a truly great man, one that will cause God and men to take notice?About the AuthorDwight L. Moody, determined to make a fortune, arrived in Chicago and started selling shoes. But Christ found him and his energies were redirected into full-time ministry. And what a ministry it was. Today, Moody's name still graces a church, a mission, a college, and more. Moody loved God and men, and the power of a love like that impacts generations.

  • - A 31-Day Study
    av Andrew Murray

    "Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you." And they went. - Matthew 20:4The first objective of this book is to remind all Christian workers of the greatness and the glory of the work in which God gives a share. As we see that it is God's own work that we have to work out, and that in our working, His glory rests on us and we glorify Him, then we shall count it our joy to live only and wholly for His work.The purpose of this book at the same time is to help those who complain, or perhaps do not even know enough to complain, that they are apparently laboring in vain, by helping them discover what may be the cause of so much failure. God's work must be done in God's way and in God's power. It is spiritual work to be done by spiritual men in the power of the Spirit. The clearer our submission to God's laws of work, the surer and richer our joy and reward in it will be.Follows Waiting on God, also by Andrew MurrayAbout the AuthorAndrew Murray (1828-1917) was a well-known South African writer, teacher, and pastor. More than two million copies of his books have been sold, and his name is mentioned among other great leaders of the past, such as Charles Spurgeon, T. Austin-Sparks, George Muller, D. L. Moody, and more.

  • - Why and How Pastors Ought to Pray
    av Edward M Bounds

    Original title: Preacher and Prayer. New, updated and annotated edition."What the church needs today is not more and better machinery, not new organizations or more innovative methods, but men whom the Holy Spirit can use - men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Spirit does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not show up on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men - men of prayer." - E. M. Bounds List of ChaptersCh. 1: The Need for Preachers Who PrayCh. 2: Depending Solely on GodCh. 3: Preaching that KillsCh. 4: Pastoral Tendencies to Be AvoidedCh. 5: The Preacher's Main Business is PrayerCh. 6: What Prayer Can Do for Your MinistryCh. 7: Make Time for PrayerCh. 8: Examples of Praying MenCh. 9: Early Morning PrayerCh. 10: Devoted PrayerCh. 11: An Example of DevotionCh. 12: Preparation of the HeartCh. 13: Working from the HeartCh. 14: The Necessity of AnointingCh. 15: Anointed PreachingCh. 16: Genuine AnointingCh. 17: Spiritual Leaders PrayCh. 18: Prayer for the PreacherCh. 19: Giving Yourself to PrayerCh. 20: A Praying Pulpit Begets a Praying Pew About the AuthorEdward McKendree Bounds was born in Shelby County, Missouri, on August 15, 1835, and died on August 24, 1913, in Washington, Georgia. He was admitted to the bar in 1854 at the age of nineteen, but left the profession five years later when he answered the call of God to the ministry. Beginning in 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, he became the chaplain of the Fifth Missouri Regiment of the Confederacy.Bounds married Miss Emmie Barnett of Eufaula, Alabama, in 1876. By this union, he became the father of two daughters, Celeste and Corneille, and a son, Edward, who died at the age of six. His wife Emmie died in 1886, and later Bounds married Miss Hattie Barnett, Emmie's cousin. Together they had six children: Samuel, Charles, Osborne, Elizabeth, Mary, and Emmie. However, Charles died at the age of one, so in the end, the family consisted of seven children.After serving several important churches in St. Louis and other places to the south, Bounds became editor of the St. Louis Christian Advocate for eight years and, later, associate editor of The Nashville Christian Advocate for four years. The trial of his faith came while he was in Nashville, and he quietly retired to his home without even asking for a pension. His principal work in Washington, Georgia (his home), was rising at four o'clock in the morning and praying until seven o'clock. He filled a few engagements as an evangelist during the eighteen years of his life work in Washington, Georgia.

  • - A True Tale of Escape, Capture, Rescue and Faith
    av Arlene Hess Elkins

    He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust. (Psalm 91:4)"It's neat up here," Arlene called out to her friends from atop the ridge that surrounded their hidden jungle home. "I can see way past the valley." They ran along the ridge shouting and laughing. Then they ran down the steps, past the big house to the creek they called the river. Whole troops of monkeys came chattering through the trees. The children ran to watch them go by. Outside their hidden jungle haven, things were different. The world was at war. As her family sang songs and read the Bible every evening, Arlene knew God was taking care of her. One day, Arlene heard some bad news."The enemy has taken over Zamboanga City, Our soldiers have surrendered. They can't help us now!"

  • - Breaking Generations of Silence
    av Rebecca Borntrager Graber

  • - Answers and Tools to Overcome Terrorism with Love
    av David Witt

  • - Giving Voice to Destitute Children of the World
    av Elizabeth Ann Carpenter

    Children around the world are living in dire conditions without even the basic necessities of water, food, shelter, and love. They often suffer in silence, struggling simply to exist among the unexplainable and irreversible conditions in which they find themselves. Many are so young they do not even know what they lack - the love of a family and the comfort of a home. Survival is their only concern as they grow up in a world of adults who seem to have forgotten them or are so busy with their own survival that they really do not have time to care.These first-person narratives are compiled from conversations with dozens of boys and girls in India. The stories put a voice to the suffering that they and thousands more like them endure every day. Children bravely share their stories of being caste bound, trafficked, beggars, witnesses to murder, unwanted, and of suffering great loss. Each child is a witness to his or her own story of survival. From their voices can be heard the desperate plea for someone to care, if not for themselves, then for those even less fortunate whose voices have not yet been heard.

  • - From the Dark Clouds of China to the Blue Skies of America
    av Sarah Liu

  • av Dwight L. Moody

  • - The Blessedness of Forsaking All and Following Christ
    av Andrew Murray

  • - The Doctrine of the Plain People Compared with Scripture

    The majority of Amish and conservative Mennonites are certain concerning church and lifestyle practices, but are content to avoid diving into most deep, biblical topics. That lack made compiling this book a bit of a challenge, so we drew heavily from The Dordrecht Confession of Faith and information provided by Anabaptist scholars of today to make sure we accurately portray what the majority of plain people believe.Each chapter focuses on one important biblical topic and is essentially an Amish and Mennonite systematic theology study. In addition, each section includes a closer look at what the Bible teaches about each topic. That biblical context makes this an informative resource for those who wish to know more about the plain people and a helpful book for Anabaptists who wish to better understand what they themselves are being taught and believe.This study defines: Who is God the Father? Who is Jesus Christ? Who is the Holy Spirit? What is the Bible? What and Who is the Church? What are Angels, Demons, and Satan? What is Humanity and Who are Men and Women? What Happens at the End?

  • - The Vital Role of Blood for Redemption, Sanctification, and Life
    av Andrew (The London School of Economics and Political Science University of London UK) Murray

  • - Lessons from Our Lord's Miracles and Parables
    av Charles H Spurgeon

    He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed and walk. - John 5:11bOriginal title: Miracles and Parables of Our Lord.Volume 2A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables.Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we'll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn't those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire.I can't put fine words together. I've never studied speech. In fact, my heart loathes the very thought of intentionally speaking with fine words when souls are in danger of eternal punishment. No, I work to speak straight to your hearts and consciences, and if there is anyone with faith to receive, God will bless them with fresh revelation.- Charles H. SpurgeonIn this second volume, Charles H. Spurgeon expounds in marvelous detail on the following miracles:About the AuthorCharles Haddon (C. H.) Spurgeon (1834-1892) was a British Baptist preacher. He started preaching at age 16, and quickly became famous. He is still known as the "Prince of Preachers," and frequently had more than 10,000 people present to hear him preach at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. His sermons were printed in newspapers, translated into many languages, and published in many books.

  • - A Skeptic Discovers More to Life than What We Can See, Touch, and Measure
    av Bierle

  • - A Christian 9 Step Program
    av Larry Skrant

  • - Updated, Modern English. More than 100 Original Illustrations.
    av John Bunyan

  • - A Guide for Excellent Christian Parenting
    av Andrew (The London School of Economics and Political Science University of London UK) Murray

    I will put my trust in Him ... Behold I and the children which God has given me - Hebrews 2:13This book is different from most books on raising children. It is a plea for the parents to truly know and walk with God - for them to love God and His Word. In the correct order, focusing first on the parents, Andrew Murray then urges parents to sincerely and consistently love their children and in all tenderness and gentleness teach them as God also teaches us.Children are a most precious gift that we receive from God, and they deserve our very best. Our faithful training will not be lost on our children; this is a promise found over and over again in the Scriptures. If our hearts are right towards God and our children, the world's influence will not impact our children. We can and must exercise faith, so our children and our children's children will be able to impact the world for Christ and inherit eternal blessings.A few of the parenting topics covered in this book: What sin did to the family and how to redeem that which was lost. The distinct and also shared roles of fathers and mothers. How and why to teach children manners. How to show children the Scriptures in a way that takes root in the heart. How to teach with a quiet, gentle spirit, as God teaches us. How to intercede effectively in prayer for our children.

  • - How to Lead Sinners to the Saviour (Updated Edition)
    av Charles H Spurgeon

  • av Dwight L. Moody

    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness - 1 John 1:9There is life in Christ. Rich, joyous, wonderful life. It is true that the Lord disciplines those whom He loves and that we are often tempted by the world and our enemy, the devil. But if we know how to go beyond that temptation to cling to the cross of Jesus Christ and keep our eyes on our Lord, our reward both here on earth and in heaven will be 100 times better than what this world has to offer. This book is thorough. It brings to life the love of God, examines the state of the unsaved individual's soul, and analyzes what took place on the cross for our sins. The Way to God takes an honest look at our need to repent and follow Jesus, and gives hope for unending, joyous eternity in heaven.About the AuthorDwight L. Moody, determined to make a fortune, arrived in Chicago and started selling shoes. But Christ found him and his energies were redirected into full-time ministry. And what a ministry it was. Today, Moody's name still graces a church, a mission, a college, and more. Moody loved God and men, and the power of a love like that impacts generations.

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