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  • av Christopher Valkenburg

    Some people deserve to die. Marci Kovács chooses who. Budapest, AD2132. In a city this big, opportunities for promotion are rare unless you're willing to do anything, and Kovács is. As an Adjudicant, he oversees state computer MARTHA's Employee liquidation program. The winners get a shot at eternal life. The rest end up as statistics. MARTHA is infallible-so Marci believes. That's until colleague Alex discovers eighty-three murders concealed in her archives. The link? All had friends or relatives who vanished overnight. No mean feat in a sealed city. But Alex and Marci aren't the only ones intent on learning the truth. And the deeper they delve, the closer they come to unravelling a conspiracy that threatens the lives of millions-starting with their own.

  • av Rebel Press Media

    Ce livre expose l'agenda des élites mondiales et la réinitialisation à venir de la civilisation humaine.Rebel Press Media explore en profondeur la vérité inédite sur la façon dont les grands médias ont vendu et continuent de mentir sur ce qui se passe réellement...Reliant les points entre l'état actuel du monde et la vérité sur les prochaines guerres mondiales, le contrôle de la population, les puces à vaccins et les passeports.Rebel Media Press explique comment la Grande Réinitialisation va se dérouler et comment nos gouvernements, les mondialistes, la Chine et la Russie vont dicter la politique future de l'Occident.Ce livre vous montrera ce qui s'en vient dans les 10 prochaines années et comment vous y préparer. Il vous dira également comment mieux reconstruire après cette réinitialisation, afin d'éviter un autre âge sombre comme celui qui a suivi la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ce livre exposera la vérité sur ce qui se passe réellement dans le monde.- Quel impact "Build Back Better" aura-t-il sur vous ?- Que se passera-t-il lors de la prochaine guerre mondiale ?- Quel rôle le coronavirus jouera-t-il dans l'avancement du Nouvel Ordre Mondial ?- Que signifie tout cela, et comment pouvez-vous vous préparer au prochain chapitre de notre histoire ?Vous méritez de savoir ce qui se passe afin de pouvoir vous préparer pour l'avenir, ou au moins être en mesure de le raconter à vos enfants lorsqu'ils vous demanderont pourquoi les choses étaient différentes à l'époque.Procurez-vous ce livre aujourd'hui et apprenez comment nous en sommes arrivés là et où nous allons ensuite. Vous devez savoir ce qui se passe avant que cela ne se produise ! Achetez votre exemplaire aujourd'hui !

  • av Rebel Press Media

    'After cyber attack, we will lose our access to the internet' - 'Live Free or Die' now more applicable than everThe WEF (false flag) cyber attack resulting in a massive blackout in Europe, intended to push through the Great Reset while framing Russia and having a pretext for unleashing World War III, seems close at hand as major countries in Central Asia were hit yesterday by a massive power outage affecting millions. Lights, water, toilets, refrigerators, heating - nothing worked anymore. Countless people got stuck in elevators and ski elevators. Traffic degenerated into chaos. Considering the Western-induced war tensions around Ukraine, the period February-March could become very exciting in this respect as well, especially if it is considered that exactly in this period the EU will 'practice' for 6 weeks on a so-called 'Russian cyber-attack'.Buy now and read more!

  • - New Covid Strains & The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, 5G Chips and Vaccine Passports? - Deep state & The Elite - Population Control - a Globalist Future?
    av Rebel Press Media

  • - Il Grande Reset - NWO - Crollo Economico, Iperinflazione e Carenza di Cibo - Dominio del Mondo - Futuro Globalista - Depopolazione Esposta!
    av Rebel Press Media

  • - The Great Reset - NWO - Economic Collapse, Hyperinflation and Food Shortage - World Domination - Globalist Future - Depopulation Exposed!
    av Rebel Press Media

  • - Novas Cepas Covid e o Grande Reset, Agenda 2030, Chips 5G e Passaportes de Vacinas? - Estado Profundo & a Elite - Controle Populacional - um Futuro Globalista?
    av Rebel Press Media

  • - O Grande Reposicionamento - NWO - Colapso Economico, Hiperinflacao e Falta de Alimentos - Dominio Mundial - Futuro Globalista - Despovoamento Exposto!
    av Rebel Press Media

  • - The Truth about Agenda 2021-2030, New Covid Variants, Vaccines & Medical Apartheid - Mind Control - World Domination - Sterilization Exposed!
    av Rebel Press Media

  • - O Grande Reset, Construir Melhor e o Total Colapso Economico - Agenda 2021 - 2030 - Controle da Populacao - Futuro Globalista?
    av Rebel Press Media

    Este livro expõe a agenda das elites globais e o próximo restabelecimento da civilização humana.A Rebel Press Media mergulha profundamente na verdade incalculável sobre como a grande mídia se esgotou e continua a mentir sobre o que realmente está acontecendo...Conectando os pontos entre o estado atual do mundo e a verdade sobre as próximas guerras mundiais, o controle populacional, os chips de vacinas e os passaportes.A Rebel Media Press explica como A Grande Reposição se desenvolverá e como nossos governos, globalistas, China e Rússia ditarão as políticas futuras no Ocidente.Este livro mostrará o que está por vir nos próximos 10 anos e como se preparar para ele. Também lhe dirá como reconstruir melhor após este reinício, para que possamos evitar outra era obscura como a que se seguiu à Segunda Guerra Mundial. Este livro vai expor a verdade sobre o que realmente está acontecendo no mundo.- Que impacto o livro "Construir de volta melhor" terá sobre você?- que vai acontecer na próxima guerra mundial?- Que papel o coronavírus desempenhará para fazer avançar a Nova Ordem Mundial?- que tudo isso significa, e como você pode se preparar para o próximo capítulo de nossa história?Você merece saber o que está acontecendo para poder se preparar para o futuro, ou pelo menos ser capaz de contar a seus filhos quando eles perguntarem por que as coisas eram diferentes naquela época.Pegue este livro hoje e saiba como chegamos aqui e para onde estamos indo a seguir. Você precisa saber o que está acontecendo antes que isso aconteça! Pegue seu exemplar hoje mesmo!

  • - The Great Reset, Build Back Better and Total Economic Collapse - Agenda 2021 - 2030 - Population Control - Globalist Future?
    av Rebel Press Media

    This book exposes the agenda of global elites and the coming reset of human civilization.Rebel Press Media delves deep into the untold truth about how the mainstream media has sold out and continues to lie about what's really going on...Connecting the dots between the current state of the world and the truth about the next world wars, population control, vaccine chips, and passports.Rebel Media Press explains how The Great Reset will unfold and how our governments, globalists, China, and Russia will dictate future politics in the West.This book will show you what's coming in the next 10 years and how to prepare for it. It'll also tell you how to build back better after this reset has happened, so that we can avoid another dark age like the one that followed World War II. This book will expose the truth about what's really going on in the world.What impact will "Build Back Better" have on you?What will happen in the next world war?What role will the coronavirus play in advancing the New World Order?What does it all mean, and how can you prepare for the next chapter of our history?You deserve to know what is happening so you can prepare yourself for the future, or at least be able to tell your kids about it when they ask why things were different back then.Get this book today and learn how we got here and where we're going next. You need to know what's happening before it happens! Get your copy today!

  • - Economic Crisis, Hyperinflation, Fuel and Food Shortage, World Wars and Cyber Attacks (The Great Reset & Techno-Fascist Future Explained)
    av Rebel Press Media

  • - Vaccine Chips & Passports, The Great reset & The New Normal; Unreported & Real News
    av Rebel Press Media

  • - The Undeniable Principles That Separate the Good From the Great in Sports, Business and Life.
    av Marke Z Freeman
    251 - 321

  • - Bed Time Stories Rhyming Picture Book

    Special Edition 52 Page - Perfect Bound Paper Back - Includes mini activity book!"An outstanding children’s book should have certain elements – a relatable story for the child; expressive, descriptive prose; stimulation for a child’s imagination; an important teaching; beautiful illustrations. Happy Bubble by Two Astronauts has all these ingredients."-Deborah Lloyd for Readers’ Favorite"Bubbles were here, bubbles were there, "Make a wish" her mother said. "For what you will share the bubbles will care and carry your dreams ahead."The heart-warming story of a child's magical wish to bring a happy bubble to life. Through all obstacles Bubble searches for a home, always cheerfully singing, "Happy happy bubble life, where did I come from?"Features 42 beautifully illustrated pages, large clean artwork, and beautiful rhyme by revered American duo Two Astronauts. + 7 page mini Activity book"This story is a delectable treat for children and their parents alike."ΓÿàΓÿàΓÿàΓÿàΓÿà 5 Stars - 

  • - Bed Time Stories Rhyming Picture Book

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