This book offers glimpses into the rich history of Bayfield, Wisconsin's most eclectic restaurant, Maggie's. From its inception as a corner bar with really good food to an expanded eatery, its days have been filled with ribald pranks and humor accompanied by fresh bright salads, juicy burgers, the famous spicy Flamingo Tenders (to name just a few), and the best Bloody Mary in the land. Mary Rice, who started all of this, bought the bar on the corner of Manypenny and South 3rd Street in part because it had a liquor license, reported to be hard to come by in Bayfield. The place was small, so a pool table covered with plywood served as a dance floor.Every holiday and anniversary was an excuse for a parade, lots of food, costumes, special menus, music, and overall tomfoolery. The dominant color was pink due to the flamingo decorating theme: hanging off the walls, framed, and tacked to the ceiling. Who knows how it all began but as Mary said, "The flamingos started off as a joke in awfulness. The stuff just pours in the door. "Flamingos and customers alike poured through Maggie's door. They all wanted to be part of its unique welcoming energy and of course, to munch, imbibe, laugh, and take a little Maggie's love home with them. On these pages are just a few of the great memories contributed by cooks, servers, bartenders, and visitors. Some are hilarious, some tender, all of them heartfelt. Enjoy!