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  • - My Retirement Life in Thailand 1 (in traditional Chinese characters)

    這是作者B杜的第一部散文,記錄她在泰國的養老生活,內容風趣幽默,不僅介紹泰國的風土人情和描寫日常生活中與英籍丈夫的文化碰撞,同時也讓讀者從"長住居民"的角度一窺真正的泰國,是一部能讓人徹底放鬆,並且開懷大笑的休閒書,值得您擁有。Humorous true and unpredictable events arising from the culture shock of retirement in Thailand. With her British husband, the author takes readers on a journey to see the real Thailand from the perspective of long term expats. This is B Du's first journal diarising her retirement life in this tropical paradise.

  • - My Retirement Life in Thailand 1 (in simplified Chinese characters)

    这是作者B杜的第一部散文,记录她在泰国的养老生活,内容风趣幽默,不仅介绍泰国的风土人情和描写日常生活中与英籍丈夫的文化碰撞,同时也让读者从"长住居民"的角度一窥真正的泰国,是一部能让人彻底放松,并且开怀大笑的休闲书,值得您拥有。Humorous true and unpredictable events arising from the culture shock of retirement in Thailand. With her British husband, the author takes readers on a journey to see the real Thailand from the perspective of long term expats. This is B Du's first journal diarising her retirement life in this tropical paradise.

  • - Fashion Design Through Cultures(written in traditional Chinese characters )

    《時尚設計文化》乃從中國時尚設計文化思想與時尚設計制度的角度入手,梳理從古代時尚設計至今,所經歷的制度和精神文化層面的變遷,同時探討時尚設計發展對中國人內心世界的影響。此書選材新穎,內容詳實,具有很強的前瞻性和實用性,為這個領域提供了較為系統的理論依據與實踐基礎,很適合對時尚設計感興趣的學生、教育工作者和業內人士閱讀。Fashion Design Through Cultures studies the various perspectives of Chinese fashion design, culture and ideology throughout history and notes how it influences current local fashions. This book features innovative content and insights, providing a systematic theoretical foundation and practical basis for the field. It is of interest for anyone in fashion design such as students, educators and industry insiders.

  • - The Witch & Warlock Teahouse on Huansha Road (Six connected love stories in traditional Chinese characters)

    浣紗路的兩旁種了很多楊柳樹,某天,路上出現了一家奇怪的店--巫覡茶館。前後有六位客人進入,他們皆有感情方面的困擾,在收到店主人的預言和忠告後,不僅解開了心中疑惑,同時有了比較明確的人生方向......這是作者B杜繼《巫覡咖啡館》之後的又一力作,同樣可視為短篇愛情故事集(文中的六位客人便是六篇愛情故事的主角)。這六篇故事互為因果且環環相扣,情節跌宕起伏,有喜有悲,值得一讀!Six customers enter a curious, little tea shop - The Witch & Warlock Teahouse - on the weeping-willow tree-lined Huansha Road. Each guest shares their relationship problems with the teahouse owner and departs with a clear path in their intertwining destinies. This is another unmissable series of love stories by author B Du.

  • - The Witch & Warlock Teahouse on Huansha Road (Six connected love stories in simplified Chinese characters)

    浣纱路的两旁种了很多杨柳树,某天,路上出现了一家奇怪的店--巫觋茶馆。前后有六位客人进入,他们皆有感情方面的困扰,在收到店主人的预言和忠告后,不仅解开了心中疑惑,同时有了比较明确的人生方向......这是作者B杜继《巫觋咖啡馆》之后的又一力作,同样可视为短篇爱情故事集(文中的六位客人便是六篇爱情故事的主角)。这六篇故事互为因果且环环相扣,情节跌宕起伏,有喜有悲,值得一读!Six customers enter a curious, little tea shop - The Witch & Warlock Teahouse - on the weeping-willow tree-lined Huansha Road. Each guest shares their relationship problems with the teahouse owner and departs with a clear path in their intertwining destinies. This is another unmissable series of love stories by author B Du.

  • - A Word to the Wise ( Tales 601~700 in traditional Chinese characters)

    B杜極短篇故事集(601 700)囊括了100則小故事,文字雖淺顯,但寓意頗深,值得一讀。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales six hundred and one to seven hundred.

  • - Fashion Design Through Cultures (written in simplified Chinese characters)

    《时尚设计文化》乃从中国时尚设计文化思想与时尚设计制度的角度入手,梳理从古代时尚设计至今,所经历的制度和精神文化层面的变迁,同时探讨时尚设计发展对中国人内心世界的影响。此书选材新颖,内容详实,具有很强的前瞻性和实用性,为这个领域提供了较为系统的理论依据与实践基础,很适合对时尚设计感兴趣的学生、教育工作者和业内人士阅读。Fashion Design Through Cultures studies the various perspectives of Chinese fashion design, culture and ideology throughout history and notes how it influences current local fashions. This book features innovative content and insights, providing a systematic theoretical foundation and practical basis for the field. It is of interest for anyone in fashion design such as students, educators and industry insiders.

  • - A Word to the Wise ( Tales 501~600 in traditional Chinese characters)

    B杜極短篇故事集(501 600)囊括了100則小故事,文字雖淺顯,但寓意頗深,值得一讀。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales five hundred and one to six hundred.

  • - A Word to the Wise ( Tales 401~500 in simplified Chinese characters)

    B杜极短篇故事集(401~500)囊括了100则小故事,文字虽浅显,但寓意颇深,值得一读。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales four hundred and one to five hundred.

  • - A Word to the Wise (Tales 101~200 in traditional Chinese characters)

    B杜極短篇故事集(101 200)囊括了100則小故事,文字雖淺顯,但寓意頗深,值得一讀。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales one hundred and one to two hundred.

  • - Jessica (A novel in simplified Chinese characters)

    住在海狮小镇的迪伦和住在红橡树小镇的洁西卡相知相惜,婚后鹣鲽情深,可是一场意外却夺走了洁西卡的性命,迪伦从此一蹶不振,直到在水族馆偶遇一条被他唤为"洁西卡"的白鲸,他才又重新振作起来,并进一步为了买下白鲸铤而走险......这是一场凄美的人鱼恋,结局感人,值得一读!This is a sad, yet beautiful, love story about Dylan who lost his wife, Jessica, the love of his life, in an accident. He, subsequently, grew depressed, losing enthusiasm for life, until he came across a small white whale housed in an aquarium. He decided he would save to buy the little whale at all cost ...

  • - A Word to the Wise ( Tales 401~500 in traditional Chinese characters)

    B杜極短篇故事集(401 500)囊括了100則小故事,文字雖淺顯,但寓意頗深,值得一讀。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales four hundred and one to five hundred.

  • - The Adventures of Ma Li (2): Eldorado (A novel in simplified Chinese characters)

    马力和收养家庭一同到南美洲寻找他的父母,由于亚马逊河流域非常大,他们打算从上游的秘鲁找起。因为一只鹦鹉的提示,他们上到马丘比丘,在那里找到了一个赤陶圆盘,加上采药人给的线索,绑架马力父母的人呼之欲出。他们是谁?既然地球已经被解救了,为什么还不放走人质?难道与传说中的黄金国有关?这是B杜一系列悬疑探险小说中的第二部,内容曲折离奇、险象环生,读完像经历了一场奇妙之旅,适合各个年龄层的读者阅读。Ma Li and his adoptive family went to South America to find his real parents. Since the Amazon river is so long, they planned to start from Peru, the source of the Amazon River.Thanks to a parrot, they climbed to Machu Picchu, where they came across a terracotta plate. Later, aided by a local herb gatherer, they discovered the identity of Ma Li's parents' kidnappers. Even though the Earth had now been rescued, why would they still not let the hostages free? Was it to do with Eldorado?This is the second in a series of adventure novels by B Du. Suitable for all ages.

  • - Love in Canada (A novel in simplified Chinese characters)

    葛冰冰是加拿大家喻户晓的花样滑冰选手,可惜跨入成年组后每下愈况,连赞助费也被取消。为了不增加父母的负担,她投奔在多伦多的好友-梅莉,靠担任滑冰教练糊口,还因此结识一个奇特的家庭。男单选手欧阳睿是葛冰冰的师兄,他爱她,在她陷入低谷期时予以支持;她也爱他,但爱在心里口难开,加上从小到大的竞争对手Alice时不时介入,造成很多误会。就在一连串不如意事件中,还好有个堪称人生导师的网友(三叔)给予她慰藉,他像一束光照亮她的黑暗时刻,他是谁?中断滑冰事业的葛冰冰最后会不会再披战袍?Ge Bingbing was a well-known, Canadian figure skater, whose performance unfortunately waned when she moved into the adult league. The sponsorships dried up and so she went to Toronto to join her friend, Mei Li, making a living as a skating coach.Male Figure Skater, Ouyang Rui is Ge Bingbing's senior. He loves her and supported her when she was at rock bottom. She also loves him, but it is hard for her to admit,while vying for his attention, her competitor, Alice, often intervenes.

  • - The Adventures of Ma Li (2): Eldorado (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)

    馬力和收養家庭一同到南美洲尋找他的父母,由於亞馬遜河流域非常大,他們打算從上游的秘魯找起。因為一隻鸚鵡的提示,他們上到馬丘比丘,在那裏找到了一個赤陶圓盤,加上採藥人給的線索,綁架馬力父母的人呼之欲出。他們是誰?既然地球已經被解救了,為什麼還不放走人質?難道與傳說中的黃金國有關?這是B杜一系列懸疑探險小說中的第二部,內容曲折離奇、險象環生,讀完像經歷了一場奇妙之旅,適合各個年齡層的讀者閱讀。Ma Li and his adoptive family went to South America to find his real parents. Since the Amazon river is so long, they planned to start from Peru, the source of the Amazon River.Thanks to a parrot, they climbed to Machu Picchu, where they came across a terracotta plate. Later, aided by a local herb gatherer, they discovered the identity of Ma Li's parents' kidnappers. Even though the Earth had now been rescued, why would they still not let the hostages free? Was it to do with Eldorado?This is the second in a series of adventure novels by B Du. Suitable for all ages.

  • - Love in Thailand (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)

    季言言夢想成為有名的服裝設計師,奈何造化弄人,她只能暫且飛往曼谷成為瑪妮太太的服飾搭配師。乍侖先生是瑪妮太太的老公,生性風流,後來性侵了季言言。 季言言破碗破摔,索性成為乍侖先生的情人,讓他為她的留學夢買單。傑森是季言言的英文老師,他愛上眼前這位既有魅力又有才華的女子,季言言也同樣被他吸引,然而曾有過的骯髒交易是硬傷,她要如何洗白?'Love in Thailand' is the fifth book of B Du's series of Romantic Odyssey novels. Ji Yanyan always dreamed of becoming a famous costume designer; however, money was in short supply. In order to make a living, she flew to Bangkok to become Mrs. Khun's personal stylist. Receiving the unwelcome attention of Mr. Khun, Ji Yanyan was raped. But, instead of going to the authorities, she chose to be his lover, and earn enough to study in the United States. Jason, Ji Yanyan's English teacher, fell in love with this charming and talented woman, and she was attracted to him. How could she hide her shameful past to be with Jason?

  • - The Adventures of Ma Li (3): The Treasure of Cocos Island(A novel in simplified Chinese characters)

    马力和收养家庭一同到古巴寻找他的父母,然而来到古巴后,他们怀疑马力的父母已经不在那里。因为一只鸡(白雪)的指引,他们从古巴远渡重洋到据说埋藏了很多宝藏的可可岛。在岛上,他们遇到来此寻宝的四名亡命之徒,一场抢夺藏宝图的追逐就此展开。最后马力一行人有没有摆脱困境,找到传说中的24箱宝物?马力的父母是否真的在岛上?久别重逢的场面有没有发生?这是B杜一系列悬疑探险小说中的第三部,内容曲折离奇、险象环生,读完像经历了一场奇妙之旅,适合各个年龄层的读者阅读。Ma Li and his adoptive family travelled to Cuba to find his birth parents. From there, Snow White, their pet chicken, guided them across the sea to Cocos Island, known as the island of countless treasures. But first, they would have to overcome the four treasure-seeking desperadoes who would stop at nothing to possess their treasure map.This is the third in a series of adventure novels by B Du. Suitable for all ages.

  • - Love in Canada (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)

    葛冰冰是加拿大家喻戶曉的花樣滑冰選手,可惜跨入成年組後每下愈況,連贊助費也被取消。為了不增加父母的負擔,她投奔在多倫多的好友-梅莉,靠擔任滑冰教練糊口,還因此結識一個奇特的家庭。男單選手歐陽睿是葛冰冰的師兄,他愛她,在她陷入低谷期時予以支持;她也愛他,但愛在心裏口難開,加上從小到大的競爭對手Alice時不時介入,造成很多誤會。就在一連串不如意事件中,還好有個堪稱人生導師的網友(三叔)給予她慰藉,他像一束光照亮她的黑暗時刻,他是誰?中斷滑冰事業的葛冰冰最後會不會再披戰袍?Ge Bingbing was a well-known, Canadian figure skater, whose performance unfortunately waned when she moved into the adult league. The sponsorships dried up and so she went to Toronto to join her friend, Mei Li, making a living as a skating coach.Male Figure Skater, Ouyang Rui is Ge Bingbing's senior. He loves her and supported her when she was at rock bottom. She also loves him, but it is hard for her to admit,while vying for his attention, her competitor, Alice, often intervenes.

  • - The Adventures of Ma Li (3): The Treasure of Cocos Island (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)

    馬力和收養家庭一同到古巴尋找他的父母,然而來到古巴後,他們懷疑馬力的父母已經不在那裡。因為一隻雞(白雪)的指引,他們從古巴遠渡重洋到據說埋藏了很多寶藏的可可島。在島上,他們遇到來此尋寶的四名亡命之徒,一場搶奪藏寶圖的追逐就此展開。最後馬力一行人有沒有擺脫困境,找到傳說中的24箱寶物?馬力的父母是否真的在島上?久別重逢的場面有沒有發生?這是B杜一系列懸疑探險小說中的第三部,內容曲折離奇、險象環生,讀完像經歷了一場奇妙之旅,適合各個年齡層的讀者閱讀。Ma Li and his adoptive family travelled to Cuba to find his birth parents. From there, Snow White, their pet chicken, guided them across the sea to Cocos Island, known as the island of countless treasures. But first, they would have to overcome the four treasure-seeking desperadoes who would stop at nothing to possess their treasure map.This is the third in a series of adventure novels by B Du. Suitable for all ages.

  • - Love in Dubai (A novel in simplified Chinese characters)

    苏青青是个外表阳刚的女同性恋者,某天看到有关罗布泊小河公主的报导后,整个人像被勾了魂似的,她甚至报考考古系,只为了亲眼目睹那个美丽但已逝去四千年的女子。打从一眼万年,不可思议的事陆续发生。因缘巧合下,苏青青怀着老教授的遗愿来到迪拜,目的是打败"邪恶力量",同时解救不断生死轮回的公主......这是B杜异国恋情N部曲中的第12部,时空跨度相当大,诡异的气氛无所不在,算是作者的一次大胆尝试,敬请关注!After seeing a TV program about Princess Xiaohe in Lop Nor, Su Qingqing was immediately attracted by her. So, Qingqing decided to study archaeology at university infatuated by this woman who died four thousand years ago.Granting her professor's last wish, Qingqing traveled to Dubai to defeat the 'evil forces' there and save the reincarnated Princess Xiaohe......This is B Du's 12th novel in the Romantic Odyssey Series.

  • - Love in England (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)

    才華洋溢的小提琴手柯貝貝嫁給IM公司的執行官,過著養尊處優的生活。一天,一個鋼琴演奏家出現,一步步把柯貝貝帶離原有的軌道。他是誰?深愛她的丈夫是否能將她叛離的心拉回?這是作者B杜一系列異國戀情N部曲中的第四部,故事發生在英國,優柔寡斷的女主角把自己的一副好牌打爛,而愛她的男人同樣深陷泥沼,她能否浴火重生?敬請期待。'Love in England' is the fourth book of B Du's series of Romantic Odyssey novels. Talented violinist Ke Beibei lives the good life after marrying a prosperous company executive, but, her attention is soon captured by a fellow musician. Can her husband win her back?

  • - A Word to the Wise ( Tales 301~400 in simplified Chinese characters)

    B杜极短篇故事集(301~400)囊括了100则小故事,文字虽浅显,但寓意颇深,值得一读。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales three hundred and one to four hundred.

  • - A Word to the Wise ( Tales 301~400 in traditional Chinese characters)

    B杜極短篇故事集(301 400)囊括了100則小故事,文字雖淺顯,但寓意頗深,值得一讀。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales three hundred and one to four hundred.

  • - The Witch & Warlock Café on Wutong Road (A novel in simplified Chinese characters)

    梧桐路的两旁种了很多梧桐树,某天,路上出现了一家奇怪的店--巫觋咖啡馆。前后有六位客人进入,他们皆有感情方面的困扰,在收到店主人的预言和忠告后,不仅解开了心中疑惑,同时有了比较明确的人生方向......这是作者B杜继异国恋情N部曲之后的又一系列小说,可视为短篇爱情故事集(文中的六位客人便是六篇爱情故事的主角)。另外,小说中还藏着小惊喜,就等着读者去发现,可别错过了!Six customers enter the curious shop, The Witch & Warlock Café, on the sycamore tree-lined Wutong Road. Each guest shares their relationship problems with the cafe owner and departs with a clear path in their intertwining destinies. This is another unmissable series of love stories by author B Du.

  • - Love in Beverly Hills (A novel in simplified Chinese characters)

    卫萌萌是个在好莱坞闯荡的小演员,落魄时曾被好心人艾玛收留。艾玛的新男友Steven是加州最大电影制作公司总裁的小舅子,有个古灵精怪的外甥女Sabina。因缘巧合下,卫萌萌成了Sabina的兼职保姆。当Steven向卫萌萌表达爱意时,她很纠结,因为这个丧偶男人陷入谋杀妻子的疑云中。为了解开谜团,卫萌萌决定亲自寻找真相......这是作者B杜一系列异国恋情N部曲中的第八部,故事讲述跑龙套女演员最后成为大明星的故事,其间穿插悬疑的情节,引人入胜。Actress, Wei Mengmeng, was a nobody in Hollywood and so took a job as a live-in nanny while 'resting'. She was employed the president of California's largest film production company whose brother, Steven, was coincidently the boyfriend of her previous landlady, Emma. Mengmeng knew that Steven was widowed and some surmised that had indeed murdered his wife. So, when Steven expressed his love to Wei Mengmeng, she felt conflicted, but had to discover the truth about this man for herself ... This is the eighth book of a series of exotic romance novels by B Du. An absorbing romance novel with a touch of suspense in which an unsung Chinese actress eventually becomes a star.

  • - The adventures of Ma Li (1): The Time Axis (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)

    馬力是一名13歲少年,某天,他的父母突然消失,他因此被送去福利院。 兩個月後,一個家庭收養了他,他不得不跟著來到一個杳無人煙的地方。自從加入這個五口之家後,奇怪的事接二連三發生。在一個偶然的情況下,他發現自己那對平凡的父母其實是赫赫有名的天文學家及地質學家,而收養他的家庭則來自外太空,因為居住的馬爾星爆炸,他們乘坐飛行器來到地球,目的是希望馬力的父親能幫他們找到另一個宜居的星球,同時試著阻止馬爾星爆炸後所產生的核輻射影響到地球的生態環境。最終,馬力的父母有没有安全歸來?能解救地球的地球軸心又是否被找到?這是B杜一系列懸疑探險小說中的第一部,內容曲折離奇、險象環生,讀完像經歷了一場奇妙之旅,適合各個年齡層的讀者閱讀。One day, the parents of 13-year-old Ma Li mysteriously disappeared and so he had to be sent away to a welfare centre for minors. Two months later, he was adopted, then a series of strange events began. First, he discovered his real parents were not just ordinary folk, but were both 'universally' famous scientists: his father in astronomy and his mother in geology. Next, and more bizarrely, that the family who adopted him had arrived from outer space. Just prior to the explosion of planet Ma Er, his new, alien parents and their children had miraculously succeeded in escaping the devastation by spacecraft, which eventually reached Earth. The alien's hope was that Ma Li's father could help them discover another livable planet. Their other ambition was that they might also try to prevent the nuclear radiation produced on planet Ma Er from affecting the Earth.Will Ma Li reunite with his real parents? Has the Time Axis, which can save Earth, been found?Suitable for all ages, this is the first in a series of adventure novels by B Du.

  • - A Word to the Wise ( Tales 1~100 in simplified Chinese characters)

    B杜极短篇故事集(1~100)囊括了100则小故事,文字虽浅显,但寓意颇深,值得一读。A varied collection of 100 short stories authored by B Du. These adult modern fables are each simply written but every one encompasses a meaningful and worthwhile lesson. Tales one to one hundred.

  • - Love in New Zealand ( A novel in traditional Chinese characters )

    新西蘭留學生張可可為了生計,替大律師毛景然的母親朗讀書報,這位視力不佳的老太太二十幾年前有個小情人,她希望在百年之前能與之再次相見。張可可在圖書館偶遇中文系老師湯尼,一見鍾情,孰料湯尼和大律師毛景然之間竟有不能說的秘密。莫亦辰一直在旁守候張可可,没想到一句話的誤會,讓莫亦辰以為可可仍深愛著湯尼,自己不過是備胎而已,斷然提出分手。悲傷過度的張可可決定幫助毛奶奶和二十幾年前的小情人見面,藉以彌補內心的空虛。會面的過程困難重重,莫亦辰不願見可可孤軍奮戰,決定助她一臂之力,就在長途旅程中,他們發現彼此的關係產生了微妙的變化......Love in New Zealand is the third book of B Du's series of Romantic Odyssey novels. This is a touching and tearful love story about two foreign students in New Zealand.

  • - The Witch & Warlock Café on Wutong Road(A novel in traditional Chinese characters)

    梧桐路的兩旁種了很多梧桐樹,某天,路上出現了一家奇怪的店--巫覡咖啡館。前後有六位客人進入,他們皆有感情方面的困擾,在收到店主人的預言和忠告後,不僅解開了心中疑惑,同時有了比較明確的人生方向......這是作者B杜繼異國戀情N部曲之後的又一系列小說,可視為短篇愛情故事集(文中的六位客人便是六篇愛情故事的主角)。另外,小說中還藏著小驚喜,就等著讀者去發現,可別錯過了!Six customers enter the curious shop, The Witch & Warlock Café, on the sycamore tree-lined Wutong Road. Each guest shares their relationship problems with the cafe owner and departs with a clear path in their intertwining destinies. This is another unmissable series of love stories by author B Du.

  • - Love in Beverly Hills (A novel in traditional Chinese characters)

    衛萌萌是個在好萊塢闖蕩的小演員,落魄時曾被好心人艾瑪收留。艾瑪的新男友Steven是加州最大電影製作公司總裁的小舅子,有個古靈精怪的外甥女Sabina。因緣巧合下,衛萌萌成了Sabina的兼職保姆。當Steven向衛萌萌表達愛意時,她很糾結,因爲這個喪偶男人陷入謀殺妻子的疑雲中。為了解開謎團,衛萌萌決定親自尋找真相......這是作者B杜一系列異國戀情N部曲中的第八部,故事講述跑龍套女演員最後成爲大明星的故事,其間穿插懸疑的情節,引人入勝。Actress, Wei Mengmeng, was a nobody in Hollywood and so took a job as a live-in nanny while 'resting'. She was employed the president of California's largest film production company whose brother, Steven, was coincidently the boyfriend of her previous landlady, Emma. Mengmeng knew that Steven was widowed and some surmised that had indeed murdered his wife. So, when Steven expressed his love to Wei Mengmeng, she felt conflicted, but had to discover the truth about this man for herself ... This is the eighth book of a series of exotic romance novels by B Du. An absorbing romance novel with a touch of suspense in which an unsung Chinese actress eventually becomes a star.

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