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  • av David Gretch

    This revised version of Musings of a Mad Scientist has been edited by the author, to remove non-literary digressions and overly abrupt transitions. Of the original works, perhaps 75% are preserved, and appropriate transitions or endings have been introduced when indicated. The scope of Musings remains very broad... from our inner space, to the outer realms of the Universe. Dissecting difficult concepts is the woven goal of the Mad Scientist as he articulates his heartiest feelings on life.

  • av William Epps

    In order to get a clear understanding of what's being presented, we have to go to the beginning of the old testament, the book of genesis and loot at how it all started with Adam. IT was not any sin before Adam. Adam did not follow what God had set in motion for him to do.Today we are somewhat like Adam, because we don't do everything what God commands us to do. For we have been bit by sin.The book of genesis speaks about the human race from Adam to Abraham. Now we see Abraham being the father of all families. Now, what a blessing it is to know that Abraham's faith causes all of us on earth to be blessed.

  • av Leilani Faber

    Leilani Faber wrote this children's book as a college class assignment in 1982. The typed manuscript followed her through many moves over four decades until it was found in a box in 2018. She finally found an illustrator and worked closely with him to create this wonderful story. This is a labor of love written especially for all our red-haired, freckle faced, beauties.

  • av Flint Radigan McDowell
    200 - 326,-

  • av Christopher C. Bell
    186 - 326,-

  • av Margaret Aranda

  • av Edward L. Helmrich

    In 1961 at Garabandal, at the height of power of the Soviet Union, Mary told Conchita and the other three girls that "When Communism comes back, these things [marking the end of time] would begin." e girls asked: "Come back? Where is it going?" Now we've seen Communism go, overcome by Pope St. John Paul II and other leaders, and now we're seeing it come back.At Fatima, Mary said that if the Holy Father in union with the bishops of the world consecrated the world to her Immaculate Heart, "An era of peace would be granted to mankind." Pope St. John Paul II made this consecration in 1984. But how long is an era of peace? In the Psalms a man's life is 70 or 80 years, an average of 75. The Soviet Union lasted for 75 years (1917-1991). Perhaps the Chinese CCP will last for 75 years, having begun in 1949. If the era of peace is 75 years long, and if it began with the end of World War II in 1945, the era of peace ended in 2020.Mary also said that "in the end [her] Immaculate Heart would triumph."

  • av Edward L. Helmrich

    Perhaps the most fundamental barrier to faith is that every scheme of meaning is seen as a construction, i.e. that reality in itself is meaningless. One constructs a meaning and lives within it to make life more workable and bearable. This current view though is based on the assumption that reality in itself has no meaning.In contrast, the claim here is that reality is not meaningless in itself, and that Christianity and Catholicism in particular, and other schemes of meaning to the extent they agree with these two, are not constructions but are true in reality. Reality has meaning, and that meaning is revealed and accessible to us..

  • av Joe Schofield
    280 - 386,-

  • av P. C. Smith
    266 - 376,-

  • av Claudette Carter

    Walker's Way is a compelling true story of love, courage, and humility. Walker Carter inspired others through sports and teachings of true love based on God's word the Bible. Walker tried to love people regardless of their race and walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ who said in 1 John 2:6, " go on walking just as that one walked." (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures)

  • av Richard Johnson

  • av Richard Johnson

  • av Walter R. Hoge
    296 - 416,-

  • av Walter R. Hoge
    266 - 360,-

  • av Kathey Darnell
    190 - 340,-

  • av Olfet Agrama

  • av Sequoyah Hunter Klingele
    340 - 530,-

  • av Gayle Rogers

  • av Richard Johnson

  • av Maria J. Nieto
    280 - 416,-

  • av West Hand

  • av Jan Keegan

  • av Richard Dexter Russell

  • av James Blewett

  • av Rachi Ngaine
    200 - 340,-

  • av Howard Ziehm
    436 - 516,-

  • av Donna Deal

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