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Böcker utgivna av Maple Publishers

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  • av Sandra Watfa

    Bear in mind, it didn't start by accident; it started with plotting and planning and with Arthur Balfour giving away what was never his to give, started with lies, myths and an avalanche of dehumanisation and hate speech. When people stopped caring and became desensitised, they turned into collaborators.A European-installed settler colony that resulted in the ethnic cleansing of over 750,000 Palestinians, the demolition of over 500 towns and villages, a plethora of massacres and a tsunami of ongoing war crimes and crimes against Humanity.

  • av Andrzej Potocki

    A unique view of the master storyteller through the eyes of a much younger neighbour. ¿Andrzej Potocki lived near Roald Dahl in Great Missenden, regularly meeting him over a period of 20 years. This book offers an unprecedented look at the characters of Dahl's books and how they interweave with the places and people they both knew.

  • av Dee Macqueen

    This is the story of a loveable friendly freshwater trout called Flappity, from his birth to his retirement on the river. Flappity loves to have fun with his school friends and always tries to be fair and kind, which I would like to think comes over in this book. As Flappity grows older he takes responsibility for his actions which doesn't go unnoticed by the hierarchy of the river.

  • av S. E. Raftery
    176 - 310,-

  • av Craig Horan

    Francis Bear and Little Yellow Duck are best friends. On a day out to their favourite space centre, they never expected to find themselves flying through space in a spaceship on a rescue mission.Join the intrepid heroes as they set out to rescue a stranded astronaut, who turns out to be, none other than Major Athena Banks.

  • av Kylie Anderson

    DID YOU KNOW THAT BUILDING YOUR INCOME & LONG-TERM WEALTHDOESN'T HAVE TO BE SCARY, COMPLICATED OR EVEN LONELY?Use this book to learn how to grow your income, create more wealth AND live a fulfilling life.No matter where you are on your wealth journey right now, this book has something for every woman ready to take the first step.18 inspirational women share their stories, insights and practical tips to get you started today.Read about winning strategies in Property | Trading | Philanthropy | Online business | Buying, Building & Selling Businesses Learn how to win in business and life by understanding money mindset, financial management, community building, personal branding and much more.Join me and thousands of other women on our journey towards fulfilment in business and fulfilment in life!

  • av Malcolm Fearnside

    Son papa lui avait dit qu'il devait quitter le nid car il était maintenant considérécomme un adulte. Dans la tradition Rouge-gorge un adulte ne pouvait pas rester àla maison. Son papa lui avait dit qu'il devrait partir et trouver son propre territoireailleurs quand il aurait l'âge adulte. C'était la première aventure de Bobby.C'était Noël. Il y avait de la neige sur le sol. Bobby avait du mal à trouver unendroit convenable et de quoi se nourrir. Finalement il trouva une maison qui avaitune mangeoire et de la nourriture. Il pensa que les habitants de la maison aimaientles rouge-gorges parce qu'à travers la fenêtre il apercevait beaucoup de petitesphotos de lui-même sur cartes de voeux suspendues aux murs. Il était heureux. Ilavait trouvé son nouveau territoire. Il n'y avait qu'un seul problème: un chat tigrése trouvait près de la mangeoire et un chien dormait dans sa niche! Le courageuxBobby réveilla le chien pour chasser le chat. Puis il s'envola vers la mangeoire. Iln'avait plus qu'à trouver un endroit covenable où s'installer avant de construireson premier nid.

  • av Harry Aslan

    In this crowning glory part of the series, Harry Aslan introduces readers to 11 super prayers for our happiness in this world andsalvation in the next. Though taken from the Catholic tradition, they are essentially inter-denominational and, in the case of The Fiat ofthe Eternal Father, the one and only Godhead, inter-faith. Each and all would benefit from this really inspirational read. A trulyindispensable, superbly written booklet for everyone's shelves, not just lists.

  • av Steven J. Scott

    Sammy Squirrel only wants a quiet life, but adventures just seem to seek him out, and soon the small family of red squirrels are leaving the suburbs to find a home in the Great Forest.Here they discover all manner of wonders - and dangers, for many creatures dwell in the woods, and not all of them are friendly ...Follow Sammy and his family as each new adventure unfolds in the most unexpected ways, for the Great Forest is a place of mystery and magic, and not all is quite as it seems ...

  • av Andrew Earnshaw

    Having circumnavigated North America in 2009, the author and his doughty pillion rider decide to tackle Russia and Georgia. It's a test ride really, a pre-cursor to attempting to ride their motorcycle across Siberia. Blocked from entering Georgia, they decide to ride around the Black Sea, heading for Turkey, then Georgia. In doing so they pass through Ukraine and Crimea, before getting thoroughly lost in Transnistria. Their journey, which took place in 2012, took them to twenty-one countries, one rebel breakaway republic and one British Overseas territory - in some cases areas that have now changed forever. There are numerous sub-plots woven into the narrative: discoveries of well-known and lesser-known cultural gems, vignettes of history and geography and the unusual tales of an extremely fortunate mule and a swashbuckling kidnapped rabbit.

  • av Alasdair Stroyan

    Bade in Rome, it was business as usual.Even with so dark a cloud hanging over them.In many villas across the city, children were being chastised by their mothers for bad behavior. Fathers were away, and mothers were often at their wits' end.If normal scolding failed to work, there was always one sanction to fall back on. They would grab hold of their offspring look them directly in the eye, and mention that phrase of all phrases to strike terror into their young hearts -"Behave yourself! Hannibal is at the gates!"But as the months went by, the threat became nothing more than symbolic - symbolic of a time when Rome had faced its worst fears, and scarcely survived.Hannibal may have lost his driving ambition, but his name would forever remind Rome of bow close their empire had come to oblivion.This book is a romanticized saga of the life of Hannibal. It is a historical fiction aimed at adults or older children. Available in paperback and eBook.

  • av Alan Davies
    160 - 236,-

  • av Jean Richards

    This book is an anthology of verse and prose. It is a collection of beautiful poems which share life lessons as experienced by the authors.Imagine Just Imagine is written by Jean and Roy are retired and live in Dorset, in a flat overlooking the sea. They have a largefamily, scattered around the country, and as far afield as Australia.Jean is the more romantic and sentimental writer, whereas, Roy prefers science fiction andfantasy. Indeed, he describes himself as a frustrated inventor at heart, more than a writer. Hehas already had a book published called "Empty Eye," which is a fantasy about mattertransportation.They enjoy travel, golf, bowls and social interaction with family and friends.They are hoping that they will soon be able to relax and take life easier; reading, watching the tide going in and out, and the ships sailing past.

  • av Levi Ames

    A View of the world from a suicide survivor, someone who has battled with their mental state disturbed by the horrific events we are all witness to on our Television, the traumas of one's loves and losses working through a world of fear to gain a love of life.

  • av Luna Rose Carrington

    If you like reading a mix of different rhymes, then you are in luckThere are rhymes about animals, painting and much more in this bookYou can have a go at writing your own rhymes, I have put some tips to help youSoon you will be writing your own special and exciting rhymes too

  • av Ben Greene

    It was Charles II who, after the Restoration, in the abuse of Royal prerogative, first altered the established pattern of the Constitution by using stealth to insinuate the beginnings of a political dictatorship in England. This attempt changed the time-honoured Privy Council format of Executive procedure. Instead, it collectivised ministers within a secret body, hitherto unheard of in England, that would become known as 'the Cabinet.' This secrecy, and the rise of nepotistic influence within Parliament, gave rise to conditions in which political dictatorship, could emerge and take hold without effective censure and control. But this had not gone unnoticed and in 1701, Parliament introduced clauses in the Act of Settlement that would outlaw Cabinet-style government and the channels through which undue influence could operate. However, confusion arose when, soon after, the need to suspend these clauses temporarily was put into effect. Failure to resolve the issues around this confusion would, later, enable those who, while they claimed to be faithful experts of England's constitution, were secretly hostile to it, and would be experts in none other than promoting its dysfunction. In Britain, one long-term consequence of this would mean that competition between political parties would primarily be the competition with and for the abuse of power rather than its responsible exercise. Meanwhile, the influence of such 'expertise' would bring Britain into violent conflict with her colonies in North America. And not dissimilar forces a generation afterwards, while not so apparent to us in Britain today, would impose what was to be the forerunner of all other mass ideologies of the state - that of materialism itself. Joining the Labour Party as a young man with an idealistic determination to do what he could to stop another World War and remaining true to his ideals and Quaker values throughout, enabled Ben Greene to observe in a detached manner the political processes of government going on around him. His refusal to allow himself to be sucked into the Party Machine would cause a rift between himself and the Labour Party and, suspicions created by his steadfast Quaker neutrality, as WW2 broke, led him to be imprisoned under the Section 18B code. Falsely accused, and afterwards maligned to provide cover for those who had wronged him, his experiences led him on a path that would explore the English Constitution in great depth.

  • av Julie Lowndes

    Woosa is a collection of beautiful poems with some hand-drawn illustrations.¿¿¿¿¿Written by Julie Lowndes, Illustrated by Sam Lowndes and Book Layout by White Magic Studios. Order now and enjoy your copy!

  • av Gerry Hogg

    Can you run a marathon? Is there a charity close to your heart?If you feel this venture is for you, there is certainly a pathway from the start of your training to the finish line. There is a mystique to running marathons, and this is often heightened if you are an amateur runner or a first-timer because you are delving into the realms of the unknown. It is also given an extra edge if you decide to run a marathon for charity.This book will help you successfully negotiate and sidestep many of the hidden hazards in marathon running. It will give you a training schedule that is easy to follow without any of the extra pressures associated with more competitive and regimented training plans. The book covers diet, injury prevention and your own training plan. It provides brief andinspiring stories from people like you who have successfully completed a marathon and raised funds for charity.This book will instill in you a positive attitude towards your goal. Millions of people have run for charity, and you are no different. You will be guided all the way to the finish line - where you'll have a well-earned medal hung around your neck and you'll experience a feeling of elation and triumph.

  • av Jennifer Rose Welch

    Cheeky Poetry is a charming poetry collection exploring highly relatable topics with bags of humour and witty rhyming verses. It gives us both hilarious and profound observational accounts of the everyday human experience, told with compulsive honesty and warmth.Ever had an existential crisis? Bad dating experience? Over indulged a bit too much? Yep, it has you covered!

  • av Maria Norwell & Maple Publishers
    266 - 380,-

  • av Malcolm C. Brooks

    The Mediterranean Mystery There is bloodshed and hysteria when an unknown man of Mediterranean appearance is murdered on Brighton beach. His body is discovered under a towel by Winnie, who herself is later found battered and left for dead.Experienced DCI Harry Webb and new young detective Andrew Brown are paired by DCS John Street to solve the web of crimes which ensue, made more complex by all possible suspects seemingly linked in one way or another. Two illusive men dressed in black and driving a black Ford are established as the prime suspects.As well as looking for murderers, the detectives soon realise they have stumbled on a diamond smuggling racket. Bags of diamonds are found behind the radio systems of MGB cars rented out by the Classic Cars garage owned by Max Grey. Initially Max is most unhelpful and a prime suspect until an attempt is also made on his life.Clues found in Mr Pantazis's (the murdered man's) hotel room and clients wanting to rent MGBs specifically from Max Grey lead the two detectives to follow up investigations in Cyprus where Chief Galanis of the Cypriot police is their contact. Much to Harry and Andrew's amusement he also has a remarkable penchant for literary quotes, especially by Lewis Carroll - a theme picked up throughout the book.On the plane over to Cyprus Harry revealed to Andrew the work he did in the past with Special Branch could now well make him a target for revenge attacks by relatives of those he convicted. Hence a major part of Andrew's job would be to watch his back.... This theory goes horribly wrong however when Andrew is mistaken for Harry on the very first evening and is violently abducted from his hotel room by the two men in black. He is held prisoner at an isolated old farm house near the Greek/Turkish border deep in the Troodos mountains.He eventually managed a daring escape and fled to safety to the heavily guarded RAF Mount Olympus Radar Station. From there Harry, Andrew and Chief Galanis are reunited. They find a lady from hotel cctv footage, who is Mr Pantazis's partner, Angie Sakalis. She has a beautiful young daughter Chloe who Andrew immediately took to ...Information from them linked the two men in black to the non-convicted murder of Mrs Sakalis's husband. They were probably working for an ex partner in their diamond emporium, Mr Nico Castellanos, who used the pseudonym Bert Barber in England.Cypriot police eventually discover the mountain hideout of the two wanted men. Harry and Andrew are fitted out with bullet proof vests and guns and a gun fight ensues at the deserted farmhouse. As a result two men are shot dead, two are badly injured and there follows a race against time to the nearest hospital.There is speculation on who is responsible for this - Harry has his thoughts but Andrew thinks his theory is right ... after intensive investigations and with the aid of an airline bookings office the truth unravels - but not before the astonishing revelations and subsequent suicide of ...

  • av Laura Kate

    Henrietta Hedgehog lived by the big bog that rotted at the bottom of Hawthorn Street...Can her neighbours come together to find a fix real quick to get rid of the terrible pong that's taking over their homes AND save the beasties and bugs who live there? Join the residents as they use teamwork and friendship to work out a solution.Henrietta Hedgehog's Bog is the first book to be published from The Homes on Hawthorn Street collection, a series of stories for children by Laura Kate.

  • av Paulette Hallam

    Jack and his amazing friend Walter, a spud with special superpowers help GP make a very sad day alright again.It's OK to feel sad, but it's also OK to be happy again, and sometimes it even involves chips!

  • av White Magic Studios & Colin A. Mason
    190 - 310,-

  • av Daniel P Stimson

    You are exactly where you are meant to be! It may not be where you want to be, but you are a product of your decisions, and that, unfortunately, is the harsh reality of life.Being dyslexic, extrovert and introvert, coupled with being artistic and analytical in equal measure has given me (in my opinion) a unique perspective on the puzzle we call life.I have written this book to contextualising my own personal 14-point system for success. I'm hoping it with help you move the needle in your life or at least give you a push in the right direction. The rest is up to you........Sink ? or Swim?Spoiler alert! This is not a book about dyslexia it's just written by won!

  • av Alan Lloyd Jones

    Blueprint for Tomorrow is unique in assessing today's management performance and guiding the reader in planning for a bright sustainable future. The majority of the book consists of fourteen named protocols, not of instructions, but posing questions whereby the reader can qualitatively and quantifiably use their replies to create a sustainable strategy. There are novel sections on Change Management, Leadership and a proposed Code of Management, all backed by an assessment tool to measure performance and progress. This is a novel and enthralling book, guiding the reader in creating their own comprehensive strategy.Enjoy creating and owning your future!

  • av John Hymas

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