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Böcker utgivna av Mkuki na Nyota Publishers

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  • av S Ndunguru

    The story unfolds as two Tanzanian officials, Tom and Chris, discuss about a forthcoming mission to Sweden. While in Sweden, Linda, daughter of a Swedish billionaire, who was in Tom's company, is abducted. To rescue her one has to try and please two sharp-shooters hidden in a park and in control of powerful telescopic rifles. Immense wealth, politics and terrorism are at play in the corridors of power. An unforgettable thriller, well crafted and well written by the author of "A Wreath for Fr. Mayer" and "Divine Providence", both used as set books for A-levels in Tanzania.

  • - Development possibilities in pursuing technological autonomy
    av Gussai H Sheikheldin

    "The most fundamental difference between 'developing' and 'developed' societies is technology, in a broad yet specific sense"; so states the author of this important study, Liberation and Technology: Development possibilities in pursuing technological autonomy. The ways in which technology is developed, institutionalized, animated and celebrated, form the core of 'development' (human, economic, environmental, etc.) and ultimately civilization itself. But 'techno-spheres' are not only technical. They are also social, political, and ideological. For societies and countries that have long been kept from realizing their own prosperity and dignity, development is also liberation.The main treatise of this book is that each developing society ought to seek to achieve technological autonomy in its quest for positive transformations and prosperity for its people. Technological autonomy is about attaining a high level of self-determination in planning and managing technological affairs. Attaining endogenous capacity to guide and execute decisions on production and innovation; creating and transferring key technological products and services; steering relevant foreign and local investment as well as trade; setting own priorities of development free from external manipulation; are goals that must be central to such planning efforts. With evidence and argument, and in plain language, this book suggests a novel way of thinking about development, through envisioning and building better techno-social systems.For these reasons this book is a welcome addition to the body of ideas informing practitioners and theorists in the field of development-political leaders, economists, sociologists, engineers, technologists, scientists, scholars, planners and activists who are involved in relevant development processes and liberation struggles.

  • av Julius K Nyerere

  • - Au Siku Elfu Moja Na Moja: Kitabu Cha 9

    This is the first unabridged translation into Swahili of the Arabian Nights. This translation was made from English and German texts, two western languages in which Arabian Nights were first translated by the orientalist Sir Richard Burton and published in the west.The first Swahili translation was made in 1928, but parts of the original works deemed offensive by missionaries were expurgated from the texts. This volume is Book 9 of nine books; the full edition is the first and complete translation by a distinguished Tanzanian Swahili language scholar and writer, Hassan Adam, who has command of three languages, German, English and Arabic. Until recently Hassan Adam was for many years lecturer at the Institute of African Languages at the University of Cologne.

  • av Athumani B Mauya

  • av C G Mung'ong'o

  • av Mwamgwirani J Mwakimatu

    Mria is a good student who excels at science and math, she dreams of skyscrapers and one day training to be an engineer. However, her father has different ideas, he would rather see her become a lawyer, believing that science is not a suitable subject for girls to study. With the support of her best friend Sipe and teachers at schools, Mria tries to ¿nd a way to show her father her talents and importance of following her dreams. Mwamgwirani J. Mwakimatu has crafted memorable characters with real-life dilemmas in this touching and entertaining, award-winning novel. Young readers and adults alike will enjoy this tale which shows the importance of following your dreams and believing in yourself.

  • av Samir Amin, Thandika Mkandawire & Professor Wole Soyinka

  • - Identity, Tradition, and Social Change in Tanzania
    av Fadhili Safieli Mshana

  • av Charles Cantalupo

    "Charles Cantalupo has written a book that crosses all the genres: Where War Was: Poems and Translations from Eritrea is part translation, part reflection, part epic, illustrated with starkly beautiful photographic images by Lawrence Sykes. Cantalupo's poetry recounts his own journey in Eritrea, and his translations of poems by Eritrean writers are authentic and memorable." - Alexandra Dugdale, Editor, Modern Poetry in Translation Charles Cantalupo has two previous collections of poetry - Light the Lights and Animal Woman and Other Spirits. His translations of Eritrean poetry include We Have Our Voice, We Invented the Wheel, and Who Needs a Story, and he has written War and Peace in Contemporary Eritrean Poetry. Distinguished Professor of English, Comparative Literature, and African Studies at Penn State University, he is also the author of books on Thomas Hobbes and Ng¿g¿ wa Thiong'o and a memoir, Joining Africa - From Anthills to Asmara.

  • av Hossea M M Rwegoshora

    Social security is a basic human right and a fundamental means for creating social cohesion; it is important not only for the well-being of workers, but also for their families and other community members at large. An indispensable part of government social policy, social security is an important tool to alleviate poverty and if well managed can enhance productivity by providing income security and social services. Through a growing economy and active labour market policies, social security serves as an instrument for sustainable social and economic development. Whereas social security is a cost for formal organizations, it is also a future investment for the well-being of the people. With globalization and structural adjustment policies, social security becomes more necessary today than ever. Social Security Challenges in Tanzania: Transforming the Present - Protecting the Future includes a comprehensive overview of social security perspectives at both the international and regional level. The text focuses specifically on Tanzania, analyzing in detail the policy and legal frameworks for social security provision. Engaging and authoritative, it is an essential text for those interested in the evolution, current challenges, and opportunities in addressing the needs of Tanzanians through social security provisions.

  • av Toby Green

  • - The Story of an Ancient African Community
    av Aniceti Kitereza

  • - Minorities of Indian-Pakistani Origin in Eastern Africa

  • av Juma Mwamgwirani Mwakimatu

    Mria is a secondary school student who is in love with David, a young man from her neighbourhood. David is a promising law student. Their relationship seems idyllic but is put under strain when David brings up the issue of pre-marital sex. Despite her love and fondness for David, Mria is against it. She has goals in her life, including graduating from secondary school; she refuses because she is afraid of becoming pregnant and being forced to quit school and give up her dreams.

  • - Mlinzi Mkuu wa Mwalimu Nyerere
    av Peter D M Bwimbo

    On 20th January 1964, at the Colito Army Barracks just outside Dar es salaam, 15 officers of the Tanganyika Army that was inherited from the colonial state led a mutiny against the independent Tanganyika government. One group went to the State House with the intention of forcing President Julius Nyerere to accept their demands. What would have happened if they had succeeded in entering the State House and if President Nyerere had refused to accept their demands, as he most likely would have done? Anything could have happened and in the worst case scenario Tanzania's history and indeed the history of the whole of Africa would have been seriously affected. This book is about the courage and quick thinking of Peter Bwimbo, the then head of the Presidential Protection Unit and Nyerere's Chief Body Guard who, alone, planned and executed an ingenious and successful evacuation of President Nyerere and Vice President Rashid Kawawa, whisking them away from the State House before the mutineers got there. By a clever ruse he convinced the ferry operators on duty before dawn to ferry them across the Kigamboni Creek. From there they walked several miles to a hiding place in a house that was offered by an ordinary citizen and where they stayed until the situation was normalised several days later.

  • av Joanna Skelt

  • av Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Sarah-Jane Seel & Peter Mgawe

  • av Pat Caplan

    Pat Caplan is a social anthropologist who began doing research on Mafia Island for her Ph.D. in the 1960s when Mikidadi and his relatives made her part of their family . She has continued to revisit the island periodically since then and has published several books and written many articles based on her research. Her books include 'African Voices, African Lives' and she has also made a film about Kanga village: Life on Mafia Island ( with a Swahili version 'Maisha ya Watu Kisiwani Mafia'. In addition, she maintains a web site about Mafia: which includes a historical photo gallery. Pat Caplan is retired from full-time teaching, but still gives lectures and conference papers, carries out research and publishes. She also enjoys her five grandchildren. The book:  The idea for this book has grown out of an engagement with Mafia Island, Tanzania over the last forty-five years, during which time I have made seven research trips there, and published numerous articles and books. Some people on the island have become close friends, indeed quasi-kin, and I have been closely involved in their lives. One such person, whom I knew when he was an adolescent back in 1965, was Mikidadi Kichange, who treated me as his older sister for all the years of our friendship, until his untimely death in 2002. Apart from our meetings when I was in Tanzania, he shared through regular letters his education, training in forestry, national service, marriage and the birth of two daughters, the care of many children of relatives, his employment and his founding of an NGO for the betterment of the island. Although Mikidadi never managed to return to full-time education as he had wished, he read widely in Swahili, English and Arabic. By the time of our last meeting in the summer of 2002, when we worked together for several months on Mafia, he had become a colleague and interlocutor, as well as a 'younger brother' and friend. Since his unexpected death in the autumn of 2002 at the age of 49 I have considered how he might be remembered by the writing of a book about his life which would also illustrate the profound changes which have taken place on Mafia Island, and in Tanzania more widely since independence. I would call this work biographical history, as well as historical biography in which the lives of ordinary people reveal their struggles, constraints, and, as in this case, an extraordinary ability to overcome their circumstances.


    Yes, In My Lifetime is a collection of selected articles and essays by Haroub Othman, written over the span of his career of nearly four decades. Originally appearing in a wide range of fora, the writings reflect Othman's growth as an intellectual and an activist. They also encapsulate his life's passions - the plight of the people and their struggles for their rights, the state of the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, and international solidarity with the oppressed the world over. A child of Zanzibar, Othman fought long and hard for the unity of those islands, and for their continued presence in the Union, and the set of articles in that section pay homage to that work. Haroub Othman was a professor of development studies at the University of Dar es Salaam, having specialised in international law and political science. He was still working with the University when he passed away in 2009. His many Kiswahili writings are unfortunately not included in this book.

  • av Margareth Maganga

    Many of us may live our lives without ever stopping to think "What if I couldn't see?" We hardly ever ask ourselves this question because, to say the least, we take or eyes for granted. I, like most people, had never thought about it until 11th January 2008. My mother came to wake me up that morning and asked what I was still doing in bed and confidently I replied, "It is still dark outside Mum". She told me it was 8am and the sun was shining bright (a typical African morning!). I rubbed my eyes, opened them wider and yelled out, "I can't see! I can't see!" That was the beginning of a long journey through darkness.

  • av Lawrence E.Y. Mbogoni

  • av W. E. Mkufya

    Nancy slaps palms with her friends and laughs a lot. She wears bell-bottom pants which swing when she walks through Uhuru Gardens. Nancy will finish secondary school this year, but she doesn't really know what will happen to her after that. Deo reads seriously, but he also spends many evenings in bars. He works in a factory laboratory, where his Form VI education elevates him above the other workers. He knows that there are some "big men" who live off the sweat of the others at the factory; it isn't right, but what does a lone youth do about it? Deo also wants to marry Nancy. Magege, the manager of 'Mountain Goat Rubber Factory', has the means to fulfill all his personal wants-including his taste for young girls. Nancy's mother, Maria, has no private means except selling her own body and her dream of a better life for her daughter. The Wicked Walk swirls around the lives of these four, set on a backdrop of workers' struggles and the rhythm of Dar es Salaam as city dwellers, and especially youths, know it. In this searingly honest, and at times poignant, novel the author raises important questions about the position of women in society, the causes of prostitution, corrupt and inefficient managers, and the groupings of youth who struggle towards ideological clarity as they attempt to understand their society.

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