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  • av Jimin Lee
    250 - 330,-

  • av Byron Edwards

    While the destination may be important, sometimes the journey itself is more important. Join Jake Fleming as he travels around the world in search of clues to the ancient past. During this journey, he gradually grows closer to God.By going through two traumatic death experiences, Jake Fleming finds that, although initially extremely difficult to process, they both help him to grow spiritually. This contemporary (2005-2014) inspirational novel follows a man trying to grow as a Christian while constantly confronted by a culture in decline."Living In The Light" is not a typical Christian novel. It includes romance, adventure and mystery. It also answers the questions; "Why are we here?", "What is the purpose of life?"

  • av Calenthia Miller

    This book is a beautiful collaboration of inspiring individuals who have come together to emphasize the importance of self-perseverance and self-affirmation. Through their touching love letters, they showcase the uniqueness of their journeys, regardless of where they come from. The book is a testament to the power of self-love and serves as a beacon of hope for anyone seeking to overcome life's challenges.

  • av Jacalyn S Burke

    Catherine Grayston wants to save her marriage. A vacation in the quiet French village of Rousinac will surely help. Tom Grayston harbors a terrible secret that has pushed them apart. The town's secrets are far more frightening. When the couple doesn't return to England, Tom's work colleague and forensics specialist, David Frankel, sets off to France to find out what happened. He brings along eccentric and well-known criminal profiler James Harrison who can spot telltale patterns in criminal activity with savant-like brilliance and is sure to be invaluable to the case-as long as he keeps his promise to stay on his meds. What should be a routine investigation in Rousinac gets hampered at every turn by local residents who have a lot to hide. How far down the rabbit hole will David and James have to go to solve the mystery of the Grayston's holiday gone wrong? What does the frightening honeycomb of tunnels underneath the town have to do with the couple's disappearance? And why are the well-organized residents of Rousinac so hell-bent on covering up the truth at all costs?

  • av Ben Amar Faye

    Cette oeuvre a pour thème principal la superstition en Afrique subsaharienne. À travers huit nouvelles qui se situent dans le triptyque temporel, Ben Amar Faye tente de montrer comment la sorcellerie a mené vers l'esclavage et le sous-développement, comment la superstition contribue à la fuite des cerveaux, comment elle conduit à l'infanticide, au travail des enfants et à d'autres problèmes. En résumé, l'oeuvre cherche à représenter comment la superstition peut être la source des problèmes qui gangrènent l'Afrique.

  • av O M Afzal

    Set sail with "The Jolly Pirates of Treasure Cove," an enchanting children's tale, following Captain Patch and his merry band of pirates. As they set off on their pursuit of hidden treasure, these lively pirates encounter obstacles and forge enchanting friendships. Their discovery of the treasure leads them to a path of compassion, transforming them into the heroes of the sea. This captivating narrative celebrates courage, bravery, and the thrill of exploration, making it an ideal read for young adventurers.

  • av Hallie Bennett

    Scarred Army veteran Derek Housely wants to be left alone in his secluded cabin... but a curvy spitfire is determined to keep him company. Single Samantha Manning wants a love of her own, but small-town dating hasn't been kind to her... until a rugged mountain man enters her life. When the chance to claim Derek as her fake boyfriend arises, how can Samantha resist calling the quiet warrior her own? Welcome to Guardian Valley, Montana where protective heroes fall hard for the curvy heroines who steal their hearts!

  • av Bogart Nomad

    The Luxury of Time is an Existential Madcap FarceThis is another standalone book in the Dream Prophets of Mistletoe series.Take an Imagination Vacation into the world of Mistletoe, Texas, TackleBall and the Austin music scene of 1989. Meet the new friends of Table #17 at the best wedding reception ever.Feel the calmness of Camp Lone Hill, an oasis in the corrupt world of Pottersville, Texas. Raise a glass to figuring out life while sharing time with great relationships.>Would you like to be a character in a future book? Contact the author. You can also request a shared playlist from his personal collection.


    عندما ننظر إلى الكتاب "الأصول النحوية في كتاب الأصول لابن السراج" للأستاذ الدكتور حامد أيوب، نجد أنه يقدم دراسة مفصلة حول أصول النحو ومنهج ابن السراج فيها. يعتبر ابن السراج واحدًا من أعلام النحو وإمامًا من أئمة الثقافة، ولذلك فإن دراسة أصوله وعمله لها أهمية كبيرة في فهم وتحليل النحو العربي.تم اختيار هذا الموضوع لعدة أسباب. أولاً، لأن ابن السراج يعتبر من العلماء الأوائل الذين كتبوا في أصول النحو، وقد قدم في كتابه "الأصول في النحو" مسائل النحو والصرف وناقشها بأسلوب علمي. وثانيًا، لأن كتاب الأصول يعتبر أول كتاب في هذا المجال وحظي بتقدير القدماء، حيث وصفوه بأنه "غاية الشرف والفائدة" وأنه أول كتاب جمع أصول العربية ومقاييسها.الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو فهم وتحليل آراء ابن السراج في أصول النحو والتعرف على مدى تأثيرها والتزام النحاة بها. يعتمد الكتاب في دراسته على مصادر متعددة، بما في ذلك دراسات سابقة حول ابن السراج نفسه وأصول النحو.من خلال هذا الكتاب، يقدم الأستاذ الدكتور حامد أيوب فهمًا متعمقًا لآراء ابن السراج ويساهم في تسليط الضوء على دوره وأهميته في تطور النحو العربي. يتناول الكتاب موضوعات مختلفة مثل السماع والقياس وغيرها من الأصول النحوية التي تشكل أساسًا لبناء القواعد النحوية.من المهم أن نشير إلى أن هذا الكتاب يساهم في توسيع معرفتنا بالنحو العربي وفهمه بشكل أعمق. كما يعتبر مرجعًا قيمًا للباحثين والمهتمين بدراسة النحو وتاريخه.باختصار، يعد كتاب الأصول النحوية في كتاب الأصول لابن السراج من الكتب الهامة التي تساهم في فهم وتحليل أصول النحو وتاريخه، ويساهم في إثراء المعرفة النحوية. يستحق الكتاب الاهتمام والدراسة الشاملة، ويمثل مرجعًا قيمًا للباحثين والمهتمين بالنحو العربي. يعكس كتاب الأستاذ الدكتور حامد أيوب رؤيةً عميقةً ودراسةً متقنةً لأصول النحو وتراث ابن السراج، ويساهم في إثراء البحث النحوي وتطويره.من خلال قراءة كتاب الأصول النحوية في كتاب الأصول لابن السراج، يمكن للقارئ الاستفادة من المعلومات والتحليلات العميقة التي يقدمها الكتاب. يتناول الكتاب موضوعات متنوعة مثل مفهوم الأصول النحوية وأهميتها، ومنهج ابن السراج في كتابه، وتأثيره على النحو واللغة العربية بشكل عام.تُعد خبرة الأستاذ الدكتور حامد أيوب في مجال النحو والصرف والعروض مرجعًا هامًا لكتابه هذا. إنه يجمع بين المعرفة العلمية والخبرة العملية، مما يجعله قادرًا على تقديم تحليلات دقيقة وشاملة لأصول النحو ومنهج ابن السراج.باختصار، كتاب الأصول النحوية في كتاب الأصول لابن السراج لل


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect career for themselves, starting today!In today's world, the opportunities for young minds to discover their ideal career path are limitless. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of sea captains.Packed with stunning illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Sea Captain' is perfect for children who are intrigued by the ocean, fascinated by navigation, or simply curious about life at sea.With this book, children can dive into the world of sea captains and learn about the types of ships, where they sail, and what challenges they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of the maritime industry in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a sea captain.Whether your child dreams of commanding a massive cargo vessel, navigating a luxury cruise ship, or captaining a small fishing boat, 'I Want to Be a Sea Captain' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and rewarding professio


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of fashion design.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Fashion Designer' is perfect for children who are interested in fashion, curious about the design process, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can dive into the world of fashion design and learn about the different types of designers, where they work, and what obstacles they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of fashion in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a fashion designer.Whether your child dreams of creating beautiful clothes, designing trendy accessories, or working in the fast-paced world of fashion shows, 'I Want to Be a Fashion Designer' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling indust


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of architecture.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be an Architect' is perfect for children who are interested in design, curious about architecture, or just want to learn more about this fascinating field.With this book, children can dive into the world of architecture and learn about the different types of architects, where they work, and what challenges they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of architecture in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as an architect.Whether your child dreams of designing skyscrapers, creating sustainable buildings, or planning urban landscapes, 'I Want to Be an Architect' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industr


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the fascinating world of biochemistry.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Bio-Chemist' is perfect for children who are interested in science, curious about bio-chemistry, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can dive into the world of bio-chemistry and learn about the types of bio-chemists, where they work, and what challenges they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of biochemistry in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a biochemist.Whether your child dreams of discovering new cures for diseases, developing new materials, or creating innovative technologies, 'I Want to Be a Bio-Chemist' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industr


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the fulfilling world of teaching.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Teacher' is perfect for children who are interested in education, curious about teaching, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can hop into the world of teaching and learn about the types of teachers, where they work, and what obstacles they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of education in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a teacher.Whether your child dreams of shaping young minds, designing engaging lesson plans, or making a positive impact in their students' lives, 'I Want to Be a Teacher' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and rewarding profession.


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of journalism.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Journalist' is perfect for children who are interested in writing, curious about journalism, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can dive into the world of journalism and learn about the types of journalists, where they work, and what obstacles they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of journalism in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a journalist.Whether your child dreams of reporting from war zones, conducting interviews with celebrities, or breaking news stories, 'I Want to Be a Journalist' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industr


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of game development.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Game Developer' is perfect for children who are interested in video games, curious about game development, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can dive into the world of game development and learn about the types of game developers, where they work, and what obstacles they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of video games in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a game developer.Whether your child dreams of creating their own video games, programming complex gameplay systems, or designing immersive worlds, 'I Want to Be a Game Developer' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industry!

  • av Passionpoet

    "So ... what's reality?I've built my popularity on sensuality, sexualityBut every time I step on stage I proclaim that Passion isn't always sexSo ... it's time for a lesson in vulnerability.... Authenticity...." (Reality or Fallacy) Passion isn't always sex.Known for his explosively penetrative poems, PassionPoet dived deeper into the different aspects of a person's psychological make up with "Passion - The Gemini Project".Over the years, fans of the author's work wanted to dive deeper than the erotic, wanting to know more about who PassionPoet is as a person and a writer. Hence the Gemini Project was born.This award winning anthology of poetry (Book of the Year - Gine On?! People's Choice Award 2019) marries the sizzling poems that he is known for with more personal pieces, taken from the author's own poetic journal. With poems about self-image, recovery after loss and personal growth, GEMINI PROJECT brings balance to his collection with this work, now reimagined and re-released for a new generation of readers.

  • av Elena Herrero Mayoral

    Do you want to enhance your communication skills and improve your personal and professional relationships? If social situations or public speaking make you uneasy, this book is here to help.Do you feel uncomfortable in social settings or when speaking in public? This book is for you. Discover how, through practical exercises and advanced techniques, you can: Master Body and Verbal Language: Learn to open doors in both personal and professional environments and become the center of attention.Develop Life Skills: Foster empathy and assertiveness, crucial elements for improving interpersonal relationships.Apply Emotional Intelligence Techniques: Enhance your communication skills in any environment, whether it be at university, at work, or in daily life.Avoid Conflicts: Handle bad news gracefully and avoid unnecessary conflicts.Included Practices and Tools: Tests and ReflectionsMind MapsCase Studies>This book offers the strategies and exercises you need to build self-confidence and make a lasting impression, whether on campus or in the workplace. Embrace the opportunity to transform your life with proven techniques for effective communication. Start your journey today!

  • av Chiquita Dennie

    Can this billionaire baseball player catch more than just the World Series?Gage Young is used to getting his way. As the hottest player in the league, this billionaire catcher is leading his team to the World Series. To make his fans swoon even more, he's a single dad that's not afraid to show off how much he adores his daughter.Enter Nina Mitchell. As a little league softball coach, and helping out with the family business, Nina knows when its time be stubborn and how to deal with pressure, especially now that her family is being forced to sell out to make room for another strip mall. But she's not used to dealing with arrogant baseball players used to running the show. She adores Gage's daughter but when it comes to Gage, despise is an understatement about how she feels about this cocky single dad. They're at odds about almost anything, except the attraction they can't seem to ignore. Can Gage and Nina set their differences aside, or will rules and regulations get in the way of what could be the love of a lifetime? ¿Enjoy this single dad sports romance that hits all the sweet spots with secrets, seduction, and of course a home run or two.

  • av Michael Anderer
    986 - 1 390,-

  • av Tasha Wall
    266 - 390,-

  • av Alina a Rubi
    1 140,-

    Книга, полная эзотерических знаний. Белая магия, зеленая магия, синяя магия, красная магия и золотая магия. Пифагор, Леонардо да Винчи, Исаак Ньютон и Рене Декарт - вот лишь несколько примеров самых важных ученых, которые верили в эзотеризм и практиковали магические искусства. Многие произведения Шекспира деликатно переплетаются с магическими верованиями. Зигмунд Фрейд был известен своим суеверием, а Карл Густав Юнг настолько серьезно и глубоко изучал магию, что многие из его недоброжелателей обвиняли его в увлечении мистицизмом.Астрология - это точная, целостная наука. В древности, в средневековье, чтобы стать астрологом, нужно было учиться много лет. Поскольку это была материнская наука, вы должны были изучить астрологию в течение семи лет, прежде чем вы могли посвятить себя медицине, архитектуре, живописи или любой другой дисциплине.Астрология является дополнением к любой технике личностного роста, она дает вам возможность узнать, в чем заключается ваша жизненная миссия, узнать, к чему вы пришли в этой реинкарнации и каковы ваши проблемы в этой жизни, то есть узнать свою натальную карту.Натальная карта позволяет вам узнать себя гораздо лучше до точки понимания, например, почему вы не можете найти своего идеального партнера, или почему ваши партнеры так мало держатся, или подтверждают, что вы приняли правильное решение, или почему у вас такие конфликтные отношения с членом вашей семьи, или потому что вы переживаете очень сильный кризис на работе и т. д. Карта рождения объясняет, почему и почему возникает та или иная ситуация и кто вы, она дает вам информацию о том, как и когда эти вопросы будут решены, отмечая изменения, которые ваша душа просит вас сделать. Таро - это древняя практика, путь, по которому мы начинаем понимать себя, свой священный интерьер. Таро - это оракул, средство, с помощью которого мы каким-то образом и через его рисунки и цвета стимулируем нашу психическую сферу, самую глубокую часть, которая выходит за пределы рационального.

  • av Shubhi Saxena

    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of meteorology.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Meteorologist' is perfect for children who are interested in weather, curious about meteorology, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can explore the world of meteorology and learn about the types of meteorologists, where they work, and what challenges they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of meteorology in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a meteorologist.Whether your child dreams of forecasting severe weather, studying climate change, or tracking hurricanes, 'I Want to Be a Meteorologist' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industry.

  • av Pieter Voges

    What are we? Have we evolved from apes, as the Paleontologists would have us believe? Or are we created by the Creator to potentially share Angel's status and existence? What does the Bible say? This book examines various facts, asks profound questions, and shows what the sacred scriptures say about us and our incredible potential! Chapter 1 asks profound questions and shows unresolved issues with the atheist theory that we are mere apes.Chapter 2 deals with our physical, spiritual, and human beginnings.Chapter 3 delves deeper into the book of Genesis.Chapter 4 discusses our early development. It shows how some descended to animal behavior while others reached out to their Angelic potential.Chapter 5 shows how we can draw closer to our Creator.Chapter 6 gets closer to the real potential of humankind when Christ returns and begins the Seventh Millenium.Chapter 7 provides clear guidance for correct understanding. It helps to avoid clear misunderstandings that could seriously hinder our development.

  • av Olivia I Thigpen Esp

    ¡Descubre la guía esencial para comprender y potenciar la fuerza de las mujeres con TDAH!Sumérgete en "Mujeres con TDAH (Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad)", un libro revolucionario que arroja luz sobre la extraordinaria diversidad de las mentes femeninas. Con un enfoque único, este ebook te lleva más allá de los estigmas, ofreciendo una visión profunda y compasiva de cómo el TDAH influye en la vida de las mujeres. ¿Qué hace especial a este libro? Perspectiva Holística: Desde experiencias personales hasta investigaciones científicas, este libro aborda el TDAH en mujeres desde todos los ángulos, proporcionando una visión completa y enriquecedora.Empoderamiento Femenino: Descubre historias inspiradoras de mujeres que han convertido el TDAH en una fuerza impulsora en sus vidas. Este libro te guiará para liberar el potencial único que existe en cada mujer con TDAH.Consejos Prácticos: Ofrece estrategias prácticas y herramientas para afrontar los desafíos diarios, desde la organización hasta la gestión del tiempo, permitiéndote vivir una vida plena y exitosa.Apoyo y Comunidad: Encuentra consuelo y comprensión en las historias compartidas, y conéctate con una comunidad que entiende tus desafíos y triunfos. ¿Por qué deberías adquirir este ebook? Visión Integral: No es solo un libro, es una guía que transformará tu perspectiva sobre el TDAH en mujeres, ya seas una mujer con TDAH, una cuidadora, o simplemente alguien interesado en comprender mejor esta condición.Empoderamiento: Obtén las herramientas para convertir el TDAH en una fuerza positiva, abrazando la singularidad y la fortaleza que cada mujer posee.Información Científica Accesible: Basado en la última investigación, pero presentado de manera accesible, para que todos puedan beneficiarse de este conocimiento.Compra "Mujeres con TDAH (Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad)" hoy y comienza tu viaje hacia la comprensión, el empoderamiento y el descubrimiento de las maravillas de las mentes femeninas con TDAH.¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de cambiar vidas y crear un mundo más inclusivo y comprensivo!

  • av Américo Moreira

    Neste livro, Convido-o a entrar num espaço de reflexão profunda e diálogo aberto sobre a questão que tem permeado a mente humana desde tempos imemoriais: a existência de Deus. No entanto, este não é um livro convencional sobre teologia ou filosofia da religião. Em vez disso, é uma tentativa ousada de abordar essa questão a partir de duas perspectivas distintas, muitas vezes vistas como opostas.Ao longo dos anos, as discussões sobre a existência ou não existência de Deus têm sido marcadas por debates acalorados, polarização e, em muitos casos, a incapacidade de compreender e apreciar a complexidade inerente a esse tópico. Por um lado, há aqueles que defendem apaixonadamente a existência de um ser supremo, apoiados por uma miríade de argumentos e evidências. Por outro lado, existem aqueles que, com igual fervor, negam a existência de Deus, sustentando-se em argumentos igualmente convincentes.Meu objectivo neste livro é fornecer um espaço onde essas duas perspectivas possam coexistir, onde o leitor possa explorar, de maneira imparcial, os argumentos a favor e contra a existência de Deus. Compreenderemos que essas duas visões não são mutuamente excludentes e que a realidade é muito mais complexa do que podemos imaginar.Numa abordagem única, este livro combina os argumentos da existência de Deus e da não existência de Deus numa dança intelectual que nos permite explorar a riqueza das ideias que surgiram ao longo dos séculos. Nossa jornada nos levará a explorar a teologia, a filosofia, a ciência e a espiritualidade, bem como a ponderar as implicações profundas dessas crenças em nossas vidas e sociedade.Convido-o a ler estas páginas com mente aberta, procurando compreender as complexidades que cercam o conceito de Deus. Afinal, a procura pela verdade e pela compreensão é uma das aspirações mais nobres do ser humano. Independentemente de suas crenças pessoais, espero que este livro o inspire a questionar, a reflectir e a abraçar a diversidade de perspectivas que moldam o nosso entendimento do divino.Que a dança da existência nos guie em direcção a um maior respeito, tolerância e compreensão mútua em nossa procura conjunta pela sabedoria.

  • av Rose Sybil

    Joyful Spots tells the story of traits passed down through a family over generations, highlighting a living chain of meaning in new life. Rose models healthy emotional expression and connection. As our children's minds are shaped by symbols and values, she wanted to create a positive alternative to harmful media by sharing her family's joyful spots. Although their freckles skipped Rose's face, she remembers them fondly on her grandmother and now enjoys seeing them on her children.

  • av Thor Otto Alexsander
    1 170,-

    I wrote this book to share my knowledge and experience with apometry, a technique that I believe has the potential to help people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT).At its heart, this book is a testament to the power of innovation and the relentless pursuit of solutions. It introduces you to the concept of Apometry, a revolutionary therapeutic approach that goes beyond conventional boundaries, offering hope and healing to those who have long been searching for answers.We delve into the intricacies of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Regression Therapy, and Hypnosis, unveiling their potential as complementary tools in the treatment. These techniques, often viewed with skepticism, are explored with a sense of curiosity and a commitment to discovering their true efficacy.CMT is a complex and challenging condition, and there is no cure. However, there are many things that can be done to manage the symptoms and improve quality of life.Apometry is a complementary therapy that can be used in conjunction with traditional medical care. It is based on the belief that all diseases have a mental or emotional component, and that by addressing these underlying issues, it is possible to facilitate physical healing.I have been practicing apometry for many years, and I have seen firsthand the positive effects that it can have on people's health. In this book, I will share with you what I have learned about apometry, including its history, theory, and practice.I hope that this book will help you to learn more about apometry and to consider whether it is a therapy that could be helpful for you.

  • av Melony Ann

    Runaway. That's what I'm called back home. A runaway. No one seems to believe that I didn't actually run. I left because it was the only way for me to survive. If I hadn't, I would've given into the demon that torments me daily. Two years later, in the Florida sun, I'm finally free of the suppression that held me down. But not from the darkness. I exist in a world that frightens me and keeps me moving in one direction. I walk a very straight line down the path of safety. Assurance. Where no one can hurt me except the evil fiend in my mind. Until one day, my entire world is flipped upside down. I'm shoved violently into the midnight blackness that exists in my own head. Then, a glint of light comes in the form of two men. Two police officers with the Gainesville Police Department. They want to be my light in the darkness. To help me destroy it. They're determined to prove that love is the greatest weapon of all. While I want to believe them, I'm not sure I can. Sometimes, the pull of the shadow world is too strong... ~ This book is a steamy, age gap, cop romance ménage with MF, MFM and MM scenes. It mentions past SA and contains violence and threats, obsession (not perpetrated by MCs or FMC), intense description of a mental breakdown, PTSD induced panic attacks, and PTSD and mental health themes that may not be suitable for all readers. ~ Firebird Award Winner for LGBTQ+ Nonfiction

  • av Andrew Baxter

    MOST PEOPLE WANT TO IMPROVE THEIR FINANCIAL POSITION - THE CHALLENGE IS HOW DO YOU DO THIS IN TODAY'S UNCERTAIN WORLD?The Wealth Playbook provides you with a step-by-step game plan to help you reduce financial stress.

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