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  • av Bay Sinclair

    "Dominance and submission isn't about punishing you for every little mistake you make." But that's all Nell knows.Punishment. Beatings. Branding.>She lost everything before she ran away and found a Domme who could help her. Mistress Freya gave her a job, a place to live, and a community filled with the kink she craves-though she can't give Nell everything she needs. But she knows who can. Rafe has a reputation. Hard, mean, and the strictest of the Doms at Fairford Manor. He has his reasons. Reasons he never shares with anyone. But he can help Nell. Help her submit and trust a Dom to push her without breaking her. Give her pain that leads to pleasure, not scars. Get back her family, her confidence . . . her life. In the process, he might find exactly what he needs-a life that includes more than the walls of a luxury kink resort. But to do that, they need to figure out how to look forward instead of staying trapped in the past. How to move beyond the pain that scarred them. They have seven days to figure it out. Time's ticking.

  • av Ran Bedi

    'Sensual Wit' is a compilation of jokes intended for a mature 18+ audience. The book aims to bring light-hearted fun and humor derived from daily life experiences. It includes jokes related to Golf, Tennis, and Bridge, games that the author pursued during his army career. The book has been created by observing everyday life through the prism of laughter and smiles.

  • av Ângela Linhares

    O livro é qual um jogo africano antigo, vindo do território indiano, o mankala, que se pode dizer ser um jogo popular de semeaduras. Cada jogador ou personagem semeia no campo do outro, o que é uma metáfora do modo do amor acontecer no romance, que também se reporta ao esquecimento e às travessias que as linguagens percorrem no ofício de lembrar. Assim, mediante estranhamentos e cenas imprevisíveis, os personagens enfrentam a tarefa recomeçante da memória; é que estão como que acidentados pela deslembrança, uns; outros, pelo que no lembrar dificulta a tarefa de viver. De todo modo o romance ficciona as possibilidades dos recomeços, após campos e história em derrocadas, trazendo do amor, enquanto movimento de singularização na vida, acervos de alimento ao kalah - depósito símbolo do jogo de semear. O romance parte do momento em que o recomeço se dá, após a derrocada de extensa e inominável barragem, onde na artesania do sonho e do improvável cada personagem vai fazer suas sobreviventes semeaduras. As devastações sofridas por cada um remetem a processos de certo modo também políticos, e, ainda assim, qual o semear do mankala em jogo, os movimentos renascentes dos personagens dizem da potência de amar, vária em cada um deles. Carreando ao trecho mínimo o resguardo das sementes criollas para viver, dentre solitudes e duetos, margens e ensaios grupais, vê-se nos atos mais ínfimos o desígnio e desenho da resistência possível, bela e rica, paradoxalmente despojada de quase tudo o que fora construído como vida coletiva antes. Sem decifrações mais definidas sobre o lugar exato onde se passa a história ou o jogar das semeaduras, embora se saiba ser no múltiplo Brasil, há uma remessa que cada personagem traz, de seus troncos étnicos diversos, de modo que algumas marcas de processos civilizatórios vividos perduram. Muito embora o passado fique como fundo incorpóreo, ante o caráter recomeçante do viver e da memória, que agora conta com o invisível de modo incomum, falante e presente, a própria fundação do lugar como território amado chama a esperança utópica como música de atos. Os lugares: matinhos de caatinga arbórea quais interiores a descerrar sertões; restos de um porto e duna; mangue coleante e aquoso, onde se cata o que seria o comum; homens-ramagens, cujas vidas se dizem assubidas em árvores altíssimas, para dar conta das quedas de seres-coisas quais restos das barragens que não param de cair, um gueto de remanescentes quilombolas, um migrante português e uma índia reabrindo constantemente a cena da relembrança... vão compondo os arruados de Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos. Quais contas de um fio que vai comunicar-se, a vida grupal se diz em cada recomeço, a gotejar sua urdidura de águas novas em torno de cada um dos personagens do romance. É assim que vicejam semeaduras reais e imaginadas, no jogo de resistir, depois das perdas do comum na vida coletiva. Ao lado da rolante enxurrada de corpos, planta e bicho e terra e águas, que continua ao largo, cada um dos personagens, invisíveis no campo do poder oficial, procura reconstruir o lugar e a si próprio, de modo minúsculo, como uma epopeia do gesto mínimo, dos atos eletivos que o esperançar pode tecer. Entre a arte e os desenhos minúsculos do amor, reacende-se o aprendizado de viver dentre devastações.

  • av Fatimah S. Salleh

    Love Memory is a book of both memoir and practice. Fatimah Salleh, a Black/Malaysian/Puerto-Rican girl from Brooklyn, NY offers a splattering of her love stories. This memoir speaks of finding love abundant in the exceptional moments of the everyday. Salleh shares what can be gathered from her own love memories, and what that love beckons from her in turn. The practice shows how love memory works, both within the writer herself and within her beloved community. Funny, serious, heartbreaking - this book invites you into a glimpse of Salleh's love circle to celebrate love overflowing and how it beckons to be passed on.

  • av Patricia Skipper

    A light-skinned beauty assumes the identity of a dead White baby in the Jikm Crow South. Her charmed life ends with the birth of her firtst child who is diagnosed

  • av Praveen Rao


  • av Rachid Hachi

    Un ouvrage unique dans son genre qui aborde un sujet explosif, d'une gravité sans pareil. L'attentat du café de Paris qui a eu lieu à Djibouti dans la nuit du 27 au 28 septembre 1990 a fait couler beaucoup d'encre. L'auteur nous fait voyager dans le temps et à travers les coulisses ténébreux de l'affaire. Aucun ouvrage n'a traité cette affaire avant celui-ci, c'est pour dire la dangerosité du sujet, qui jusqu'à date est sous la loi de l'omerta. Aux familles qui ont été victimes de l'acte odieux et lâche, à celles qui ont perdues un être cher, à ceux qui ont vu les leurs subir la torture, l'humiliation, l'injustice dans toutes ses formes 33 années d'attente de justice.Ce livre est un témoignage poignant qui jette la lumière sur les dessous de cette affaire. L'attentat restera éternellement gravé dans la conscience collective de chacun et chacune qui ont été éprouvés de près ou de loin. Viendra un jour où les commanditaires, jusqu'au plus haut sommet de l'État, seront amenés à répondre devant la justice.Je terminerai en précisant que de nature je ne suis pas un émotionnel, mais j'avoue pour la première fois, je n'ai pu retenir quelques larmes en parcourant le livre. Il ne faut ni oublier, ni pardonner une injustice: toutes les fois qu'une injustice est commise dans le monde, quelque part des hommes deviennent plus mauvais par découragement.

  • av Claire Rudy Foster

    In a future where rain is a luxury enjoyed exclusively by the ultra-rich, the world's only umbrella-maker is framed for the high-profile murder of the quadrillionaire patriarch who controls the earth's last natural resources. Beautiful and horrific, The Rain Artist is pitched as Succession meets The Fifth Element and asks the question of how art and artists can thrive under commercialized capitalism.

  • av Kelly Jo Pardue

    Part Two finds our practically perfect couple of Dia and Troy Harlow still torn apart. Dia, or Heather "Flashpoint" Stone to her captors, still lives on Earth, unaware of who or what she is. All she knows of her true Florian self is the dangerous and immense power she has now honed while residing with Dr. Carl Johnson and his team. In the meantime, with a crew of family and friends, Troy has been trying desperately to find their lost loved one. All the while knowing their greatest enemy, the Coronians, are lurking, planning their next move against the Florian planet of Rygone. Will the Rygonians find Dia in time to save their people? Is Earth safe from the alien menace up above? But most importantly, will Troy and Dia ever be reunited?

  • av Jane E. Ruth

    A goodnight book for toddlers 1-3 years old. The parent or caretaker and toddler will enjoy the various breeds of puppies shown while the child is getting ready for bed. The book is a teaching tool for the little ones to recognize that there are different kinds of dogs worldwide.>Un libro de buenas noches para niños de 1 a 3 años. El padre o cuidador y el niño pequeño disfrutarán de las diversas razas de cachorros que se muestran mientras el niño se prepara para ir a dormir. El libro es una herramienta de enseñanza para que los más pequeños reconozcan que existen diferentes tipos de perros en todo el mundo.En la contraportada del libro, hay dos páginas con los nombres de las razas de cachorros y sus fotografías. A medida que los niños crecen, podrán aprender los nombres de los diferentes tipos de perros. ¡Y los adultos pueden aprender ahora si no conocen las especies de cachorros!


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of emergency medical services.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Paramedic' is perfect for children who are interested in helping others, curious about emergency medicine, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can hop into the world of emergency medical services and learn about the different types of paramedics, where they work, and what challenges they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of emergency medical services in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a paramedic.Whether your child dreams of responding to 911 calls, performing life-saving techniques, or working in a fast-paced environment, 'I Want to Be a Paramedic' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industry.

  • av Passionpoet

    The sound of the poet as He tickles the nether regions of your mindPlaces kinda ... intimate (Poet Speaks PassionPoet) Are you a lover of intellectual intercourse? Do you want to be enthusiastically entered with searing stanzas that leave your mind dripping with desire? With SEDUCTION, erotic word artist PassionPoet continues where he left off from his first poetry anthology EROTIC and intends to bring a level of sensual intimacy to your reading time with his second anthology.Starting with fiery pieces to seduce you to mental orgasms in the first section, SEDUCTION & CULMINATION, he will ease you back down to feelings of contentment in the second section, AFTERGLOW.Complete the journey from seduction to afterglow. Are you ready?

  • av Rufo Quintavalle

    A city of romance, a city of trash, a city of tourists, a city perpetually burning. For those who can see and hear the poetry in Paris, no matter what state it's in, Rufo Quintavalle's incisive collection, which addresses subjects and towns well beyond la France, is the perfect élixir for enfants terribles and modèles de vertu alike.

  • av Bianca Cole

    Mon erreur me vaudra une punition.Tout le monde sait qu'il ne faut pas voler un Romano, mais j'ai paniqué. J'ai failli m'en tirer, j'avais déjà un pied dehors mais les vigiles m'ont ramenée au club.Quand Léo Romano entre dans son bureau, je sais que je suis une femme morte. Il n'y a pas d'issue. Ils m'ont attachée à cette chaise sans espoir de me détacher. Son regard me donne le frisson, d'autant que Léo est beau comme un dieu.Je m'attends au pire, j'ose à peine le regarder approcher, jusqu'à ce qu'il me fasse assoir sur ses genoux. Je ne devrais pas apprécier, et pourtant. J'apprends vite à supplier le bras droit de la mafia de me punir dès que l'occasion se présente.Il a décrété que je lui appartenais et qu'il pouvait me châtier à sa guise, tel est notre marché. Pourvu que châtiment rime avec toujours.Le Chef de La Mafia est le deuxième tome de la série La Mafia Romano. Une histoire qui ne vous laissera pas sur votre faim, avec un happy end et sans tromperie. Ce roman comporte des scènes torrides, aborde des sujets sensibles et emploie un langage vulgaire.

  • av Sandy Appleyard

    An unforgiving past. A future on the chopping block. And a secret revealed days before Christmas, that can redeem or ruin everything they've been fighting for. The strike comes before I can stop it. Before I know it, my eyeball feels like it'll explode and Jovi is chasing the perpetrator out the door, not before the sheriff shows up and takes the dirtbag to jail. This is my life. I work in a bar with some great people. It's the drunks and juvenile delinquents that ruin it all. And it's Christmas. Y'all would think that my luck would change, but it hasn't. As if it couldn't get any worse, my car breaks down, and Jovi has to drive me home. The third strike of the night comes when the lock on my door is broken, and I have to get Jovi to help boost me up into my own bedroom window. You'd think my fate would change after that. But what I do next is something so stupid, so impulsive, but so life changing, that I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. *** Rickie is one of those women that is so strong and independent, I wouldn't dare tell her what I've been feeling for her, until she walks in on me doing something I was keeping secret from everyone. Somehow, I convince her to do the same and change her life, despite the mistake that led to the decision. But that's in the past now. She's got her own past, which makes it easier for us to find common ground. But as we hear the sleighbells ringing, the sonogram pulsing, and the future calling, I find that I'm the one standing on solid ground, enough for the both of us. That is, until a final test, just days before Christmas, that sends us both in a tailspin. And I don't know which one of us is strong enough to wait for that final call with the answer to our it too late for a Christmas miracle? Holiday romanceChristmas romanceSecond chance romanceHappily ever after romanceSteamy romanceMedium heatMild foul language

  • av Jonathon Mast

    They can't go back to the Ark... Time to explore a new world.The last people in the world have made it out of the Ark. There's a whole world for Cade to explore. Who knows what might be out there?New can sometimes be scary, though. Everything is so huge out here. And Cade freezes up far too easily. Can he overcome his fear as the world proves far more dangerous than they ever expected?

  • av Donna McDonald

    My bad luck with men is a joke in my family.Can you believe my daughter at twenty thinks I'm the naive one about men? And my mother agrees with her! Conn warning me every three seconds about my stagnant libido doesn't help either. What difference does it make to them if I'm dating or not?Turning forty didn't make me extra picky and people need to stop judging me for saying no. Colonel Benson is happily married, and I turned down the sexy elf Conn dangled in front of me on principle. I don't have time to deal with ancient winged creatures, eccentric Fairie Folk, and back stabbing demons playing matchmaker.The last thing I need is another man trying to ruin my life. Jack Derringer did a bang-up job of that already.Speaking of my ex, and I really wish I didn't need to, but it seems Jack is involved in something extremely shady. Plus, he may have sent me to prison to line his wallet. Should I be flattered that my absence was worth so much to someone?No one's paying me to help them these days, but I still need to sort this all out, find a way to permanently lose the guy I divorced, and maybe find the one that flew away from me before he gets captured again.40 Ways to Lose a Guy is an exhilarating new paranormal women's fiction tale from USA Today Bestselling Author Donna McDonald.

  • av Jasmine Larue

    "I Win" is a testament to God's regenerative power. Throughout this book, readers will learn how to apply biblical principles to their daily lives, regardless of their situation. They will also learn to triumph over their circumstances and continue to live in victory. The phrase "Jesus healed every disease and sickness" should serve as a reminder to readers that He truly did heal without exception. There is nothing God cannot heal, whether the reader needs healing on a physical, mental, emotional, or financial level. Begin today by telling yourself, "I Win," every day. Considering that you already have the victory walk in it,

  • av Earl Martin

    Several of Earl Martin's short films have been selected and nominated by festivals across the U.S., England, Canada, and Ukraine. The topic of compassion toward others is his heartbeat, which motivated him to write this short story.

  • av Nathan Muszynski

    This short story offers an enchanting new take on the well-known parable of the prodigal son from the vantage point of the faithful older brother. Jeremy vies for his father's authority and love while slaving away in the family vineyard, striving always to bring fruit and profit through drought and storm. He wrestles with his own identity and worth as a son, convinced that his convictions of righteousness and forgiveness that war within him put him on the high road in life, but a startling awakening in a storm of hatred realigns Jeremy back to his true self in time to reconcile with his family.

  • av Valencia Lloyd
    160 - 306,-

  • av Jonathan Reule


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of culinary arts.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be a Chef' is perfect for children who are interested in food, curious about cooking, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can dive into the world of culinary arts and learn about the different types of chefs, where they work, and what obstacles they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of food in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as a chef.Whether your child dreams of creating beautiful pastries, cooking up savoury dishes, or running their own restaurant, 'I Want to Be a Chef' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling indus


    Don't let your kids miss out on discovering the perfect careers for themselves, starting today!In today's ever-changing world, it can be challenging for children to discover the perfect career path. That's why Unibino's series exposes children to an array of career possibilities, including the exciting world of performing arts.Packed with colourful illustrations and clear explanations, 'I Want to Be an Actor' is perfect for children who are interested in acting, curious about the performing arts, or just want to learn more about this exciting field.With this book, children can discover the world of acting and learn about the different types of acting, where actors work, and what challenges they may face on a daily basis. They'll be introduced to the importance of acting in today's society and explore the possibilities of a career as an actor.Whether your child dreams of performing on stage, acting in movies or TV shows, or becoming a voice-over artist, 'I Want to Be an Actor' is sure to inspire and inform them about the possibilities of this dynamic and fulfilling industry.

  • av Shridhar Naik

    Minor boys sexually exploited.Youth fired by unrealistic idealism.Misguided youth ending up as terrorists.The elderly abandoned by their children.Politicians exploiting tragedies for their own selfish ends.Children failing parental ambitions.Self-destruction; a brilliant editor dies in oblivion.Each of these common issues and many more find expression in this collection of absorbing stories which speak of the ills that plague the society-the ugly truth of the everyday citizen; the elephant in the room.


    Enjoy the world of "Artful Animals: A Poetic Colouring Delight. Get ready for a colourful adventure that sparks kids imagination.

  • av Jask Leo

    Join us as we explore the many dimensions of self-love, from nurturing your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, to cultivating deep self-acceptance and embracing your unique qualities. Within its pages, you will find strategies to quiet your inner critic and cultivate self-compassion, techniques to heal past wounds and embrace forgiveness, exercises to discover and embrace your authentic self, and tools to establish healthy boundaries and prioritize your needs. Remember, self-love is not a destination but a lifelong journey. It requires practice, patience, and a commitment to valuing and honouring yourself. When you learn to love yourself unconditionally, you unlock the door to a fulfilled, joyous, and purposeful life.

  • av Manisha Kumari Deep

    "Twisted Tales" is a unique collection of short stories for teens and young readers who like mystery and sci-fi. This collection has something for every popular genre readers. Twisted Tales will surprise it's young readers with Sci-fi, Horror, Adventure and more short stories.

  • av Leticia Siqueira Da Silva

    A agricultura desempenha um papel crucial na saúde humana. Envolve diversos aspectos, desde a qualidade dos alimentos que consumimos até o impacto ambiental das práticas agrícolas, além do abastecimentos de matéria prima das industrias que utilizam plantas com compostos secundários para elaboração de fitoterápicos, nutracêuticos, cosméticos entre outros. A qualidade e a diversidade dos alimentos disponíveis em uma determinada região depende diretamente das práticas agrícolas locais. As práticas agrícolas, como o uso de pesticidas e fertilizantes, podem contaminar os alimentos com resíduos químicos que podem ser prejudiciais à saúde humana. É essencial regular e monitorar de perto esses produtos químicos para garantir a segurança dos alimento.

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