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Böcker utgivna av MX Publishing

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  • av Caiden Cooper Myles
    246 - 450,-

  • av Brenda Rossini
    316 - 546,-

  • av Margaret Walsh
    176 - 356,-

  • av James Heatherly
    190 - 360,-

  • av Chris Chan
    190 - 356,-

  • av Paul D. Gilbert
    176 - 356,-

  • av Ian Jarvis

    A modern-day Sherlock Holmes, Bernie Quist operates as a consultant detective from Baker Avenue in York. His assistant is Watson, although this Watson is a streetwise youth from the Grimpen housing estate and he's definitely no doctor. The mismatched duo take on bizarre cases which invariably lead into the realms of the supernatural, a shadowy world that, thanks to his dark secret, Quist is all too familiar with.It's almost Christmas and the ancient streets of York are filled with twinkling lights, bustling Yuletide markets and the occasional cloudburst of dismal British sleet. A mundane investigation leads Quist and Watson to an isolated village on the wintry Northumbrian coast, where two faces from the past await: an infamous practitioner of the black arts, and someone they were hoping never to see again. What begins as an intriguing mystery soon becomes the detective's most dangerous and horrific case, with Quist discovering the terrifying secret of the Mulgrave Ritual and his life hanging precariously in the balance.The Rumba of the Beast, a festive tale of gruesome murders, black magic and ballroom dancing.A dark and very peculiar game is afoot...

  • av Paul D. Gilbert

    Autumn 1898. London. A scandal in the making.Dockworkers are stunned by the arrival of the Matilda Briggs, a long overdue tea cutter returning from Calcutta. Abandoned by its crew, the dust-covered vessel has seems to have drifted into a vacant berth guided by an unseen hand.The only member of the crew aboard is a lone cabin boy in the throes of death, following a murderous attack. The ship's log has also vanished without a trace. All that remains is a series of indecipherable markings have been scratched into the ship's decking.Sherlock Holmes and his faithful Watson are called to divest the Matilda Briggs of its secrets, only to be subtly warned off by the ship's insurers. Then a young man appears at 122B Baker Street with a mysterious packet from his missing father - who disappeared journeying to London from Calcutta. A confounding conspiracy seems set to boil over.What was in the cargo besides innocent tea chests? Will the violence and rebellion that follow shift the tides from the favour of the Great Detective?Is the world finally ready for this tale?

  • av Paul D. Gilbert

    In the fog of London town, a man is hounded by mysterious attackers. Each morning John Harden is silently menaced by a different passenger on his train. Objects keep disappearing in his house, then reappearing in bizarre places. Is he losing his mind, or can Holmes and Watson find a pattern to this sly terrorisation?Holmes and Watson are just coming to grips with this mystery when another lands on their doorstep. So marks the beginning of an unprecedented spate of cases, each more alarming than the next: a tormented translator, an assaulted actress, a murder with the hallmarks of Jack the Ripper...It can be no coincidence that the world's greatest detective is presented with so many cases at once. The crimes have been designed with the sole aim of bringing him face-to-face with a deadly adversary.Holmes and Watson are drawn into a dangerous four-handed game against an organisation of immense power and ruthless intent.In a dastardly final move, their foe make the consequences of losing the game appallingly concrete.In the second part of the beautifully written Odyssey of Sherlock Holmes Trilogy, Paul D. Gilbert pitches Holmes and Watson against a teeming criminal underworld.

  • av Paul D. Gilbert

    Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson reunite after a long and hazardous journey through the icy mountains of Bavaria.They face a dramatic encounter within the walls of a secluded castle. Sherlock Holmes and his brother, Mycroft, give chase, only for their quarry to escape. The three men, in the company of a new and mysterious ally, return to London knowing that an old adversary will be seeking a deadly revenge.Almost at once Holmes and Watson are presented with an intriguing case, one that brings back disquieting memories.However, this only serves as a temporary diversion. Before long, Holmes is challenged by a deadly but beautiful stranger. In a spectacular final showdown, their vengeful enemy proves just how far they're willing to go.In this beautifully written rendering of the Holmes universe, and the highly anticipated finale of the Odyssey of Sherlock Holmes Trilogy, Paul D. Gilbert continues the legacy of Conan Doyle.

  • av Paul D. Gilbert

    A colourfully dressed Bedouin brandishing a sword interrupts Holmes and Watson at their breakfast table. He brings a cryptic warning: stay out of the affairs of his people, or face the consequences.Just as the detecting duo begin unravelling that mystery, they are summoned to Vatican City. Cardinal Tosca, the Pope's right-hand man, has been murdered at his desk and his translation of an ancient scroll has been stolen from the Papal palace.The great detective and his faithful Watson find themselves battling a fog of secrecy. Rumours swirl about a lost gospel and mysterious packages from Egypt, and whispers of a clandestine group known only as the 'Unholy Trinity' grow louder.What was the Bedouin intruder so desperate to hide? Why was Cardinal Tosca's scroll worth killing for?To find the answer Holmes and Watson must go further than they have ever gone before to uncover a centuries old conspiracy.Does this mystery run too deep for even the world's most famous detective to unravel?In the first part of the carefully crafted first of the Odyssey of Sherlock Holmes Trilogy, Paul D. Gilbert sends this beloved British sleuth from his native Baker Street over land and sea to solve new mysteries.

  • av Victor Daniel D. Victor
    160 - 356,-

  • av Mike Foy

    So we are up to Volume 4 of Sherlock Holmes: A Study in illustrations and sorry to say we are back in the world of monochrome illustrations, and although some may say that we are now in the minor leagues, we have some fine collections to look at. This is a very eclectic mix of talent and draws heavily on French Illustrators and so within our major artist is Brazilian-born French illustrator Gaston de Forseca and his remaining 128 images to complete his Sherlock Holmes work. Some of his illustrations are not particularly flattering (Lord Robert St. Simon) or where of incidents that are referred to in back stories (Apache attack on Frank Moulton) or of people who are mentions in passing (Francis Prosper) or my favourite little Edward Rucastle.Next we have 100 illustrations from Czech born Josef Freidrich and while his drawings may remind you of similar scenes from Sidney Paget, they are different, as if they were taken from a different camera angle. These are the two big major players in this book as we look at 6 illustrations from a French newspaper by Solar D'alba.We cross to America and 13 book illustrations from Charles Raymond Macauley from the 1905 edition of the Return of Sherlock Holmes. Still in America John Richard Flanagan next takes to the stage with work he did for Collier's magazine, after Frederic Dorr Steele left. He did 8 illustrations and was originally from Australia.The next 4 illustrators share a common publication, namely the San Francisco Call, they are Stanley E. Armstrong, R. Thomson, Reginald Gordon Russom and Walter W. Francis and this group have 55 images between them.We continue with another American illustrator, Joseph Clement Coll, more famous for his other Doyle stories produced a montage of his work with an illustration of Sherlock Holmes.Back to France with 20 illustrations from Pierre George Dutriac for the 13 stories in the Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes , published in 1921.Back to America and the St. Louis Republic newspaper 1902 and 13 drawings of the Hound of the Baskervilles by B. Widman and then in 1907 Paul Henri Thiriat illustrated a French serialized version of the same story.Across the Channel to England where Henry Matthew Brock and Joseph William Simpson illustrated the red circle in the strand.Finally we have Arthur Ignatius Keller and his 11 illustrations from the New York Tribune in 1914.This makes a total of 398 illustrations for this volume, and that's it until Volume 5.

  • av Glenn Searfoss

    Responding to an urgent summons, Dr. Watson arrives at 221B to find Sherlock Holmes swathed in filth and in a state of deep shock. To ensure Holmes' safety, he must retrace the detective's last movements and discover the source of his debility. The investigation leads to a fire-gutted warehouse where nothing remains except an open cesspit and the enigma of an unburned circle.But answers are not forthcoming and he must rely on a convalescing Holmes, who unravels the mystery by relating his encounter in the riverside warehouse with a time traveler. With a lack of physical evidence and only Holmes' account of what transpired, Watson must determine if the related events are real or a fabrication of Holmes' fevered mind.

  • av Arthur Hall

    More tales from the despatch box of Doctor John Watson. These ten stories have appeared previously in various volumes of The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories and other anthologies. They come together as a collection for the first time. The Adventure of the Christmas ThreatThe Adventure of the Disappointed LoverThe Adventure of the Incessant WorkersThe Adventure of the Injured ManThe Adventure of the Maligned MineralogistThe Adventure of the Murderous GentlemanThe Adventure of the Resurrected BrotherThe Adventure of the Paternal GhostThe Adventure of the Tinkers ArmsThe Adventure of the Troubled Wife

  • av Susan Knight

    After the excitement of her recent adventures in Paris, Mrs Hudson goes to stay with her married daughter Eleanor in Bilbourne, a little village in Kent, the Garden of England. It is September, and the hop-harvest is in full swing at the nearby plantation belonging to Thomas Brakefield. But if Mrs Hudson was hoping for some peace and quiet away from the city, she is to be disappointed, soon caught up in dark passions that culminate in a brutal murder. At great risk to herself, Mrs Hudson goes in pursuit of the perpetrator. With a rich cast of characters that include the tyrannical Thomas himself, his beautiful and aloof wife Lydia and neglected daughter Eve, his arch-enemy the bluff Squire Simister and his dandified son Freddie, as well as disgruntled hop pickers and the poor work-house boy, Timothy, that Mrs Hudson takes under her wing, the stage is set for a tense and thrilling drama.

  • av Paul D. Gilbert

    A sparkling collection of three new Sherlock Holmes stories draw on details and hints from the pages of Conan Doyle's classic works. From the pen of the acclaimed Doctor John Watson readers are introduced to previously unsolved mysteries, as referenced in many of the original stories. The Dundas Separation Case, The Abernetty Mystery and The Adventure of The Reluctant Spirit.

  • av Harry Demaio

    Octavians on a Cruise Ship! Bearoness Belinda's suggestion that she and Octavius retire has produced some interesting results. Can he actually become a Consulting Detective EMERITUS? They agreed on a one year sabbatical tour with the Twins, away from UUI, the Hexagon and above all, criminals. Off they went to Australia and then three exoplanets in Multiverse Space. In Volume 18, The Bear Faced Liar, they set off on a Caribbean cruise on an ecologically advanced ship -The Solarwind; Now Volume 19, Bears at Sea, continues the sea going saga. Another death, a fierce storm and a theft. Sail along with us. Was Bruce Wallaroo right when he asked "You're not really going to retire, are you? Leopards can't change their spots and bears can't change their fur." Doesn't seem like it, does it. We'll see!

  • av Paul D. Gilbert

    In the tradition of Holmes pastiche, travel to Baker Street to finally hear the full stories of The Baron Maupertius, The Cutter Alicia, The Remarkable Disappearance of James Phillimore, The Red Leech, The Aluminium Crutch, The Abominable Wife, and The Mumbling Duellist: Isadora Persano. What is the connection between an impoverished dowager, an attempt on Mycroft's life, and Holmes' deadliest adversary? Can Holmes discover if a ship really disappeared in a patch of mist or if his client's father is insane? Who or what is the red leech?

  • av Harry Demaio

    Octavians on a Cruise Ship! Bearoness Belinda's suggestion that she and Octavius retire has produced some interesting results. Can he actually become a Consulting Detective EMERITUS? They agreed on a one year sabbatical tour with the Twins, away from UUI, the Hexagon and above all, criminals. Off they went to Australia and then three exoplanets in Multiverse Space. For their next trip, they set off on a Caribbean cruise on an ecologically advanced ship -The Solarwind; only to find more threats, a death and Octavius' ne'er do well stepbrother, Agrippa - The Bear Faced Liar. Sail along with us. Was Bruce Wallaroo right when he asked "You're not really going to retire, are you? Leopards can't change their spots and bears can't change their fur." We'll see!

  • av Frank Emerson

    Perhaps the most well known of all the world's serial killers, Jack the Ripper continues to befuddle would-be investigators and inhabit the nightmares of children and adults everywhere. However, although people are well aware of this monster, even now a century and a half after the killings began, conflicting opinions still abound as to Jack's true identity. In this book, Frank Emerson has uncovered a previously lost narrative by Dr. John H. Watson that illustrates how he and Sherlock Holmes, working in tandem with Detective Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline of Scotland Yard, conducted an intense fifteen-year investigation and pursuit that culminated with the unmasking, arrest, trial and ultimate execution of the real Jack the Ripper.

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