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Böcker utgivna av New Harbor Press

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  • av Amy Foulke
    310 - 500,-

  • av Melinda Eye Cooper

    Cross My Heart is a compilation of Christian articles and devotions for anyone growing up spiritually. This book gives insight to some of life's struggles in our Christian walk. None of us is perfect and we all have a few things to learn along the way.

  • av Amy Sutton

    It is painfully obvious that we are living in an era of great apostasy, and there is considerable evidence that it is about to get much darker. How many of us are truly ready for this? How many of us are desperately clinging to our relationship with God and to His Word? In this engaging and inspirational account, you will uncover powerful Biblical truths often discovered through tragedy, and ultimately through obedience, as God turns the curse into a blessing and transforms the despairing into a truly surrendered disciple. We all need to surrender. We all need to go deeper. We all need God's Word and His truth spoken into our lives. We are at a critical point in history as the Bride of Christ. God is calling His remnant "out of her," that ancient and worldly system which plagues our lives today. The end of all things is at hand, and this message is for all of God's children.

  • av Manuel Giorgi
    270 - 650,-

  • av Curtis Braun

    The half-brother of Jesus issues a gospel call to his unconverted and unregenerate listeners who are marked by sinful and unrepentant behavior in James 4:7-10. James gives ten aorist imperatives which are not only a gospel call but are also characteristics of saving faith. This book will exposit these verses and demonstrate that James possessed deep theology on conversion which was manifestly influenced by Jesus Christ. This book will conclude with a warning from James on becoming teachers in the church, demonstrating that those who teach sacramental conversion and salvation should take heed and be humbled before the Lord.

  • av Amanda Jantzi

    As Christmas slips into the town of Appleton, Cole Greyson's heart fills with gratitude. Aunt Sue had given him a home after his parents' accident fourteen years earlier, and Cole treasures the bond they have formed. But when his aunt announces her unexpected plans on Christmas Eve, Cole's secure, comfortable world crashes around him. Dozens of questions chase away the Christmas cheer and leave Cole in tight-lipped turmoil. Will Aunt Sue still want him? Will he ever find answers? Does God not care or is He, perhaps, offering Cole a gift?

  • av John Zavicar

    In Revelation, Jesus provides the beginning church a mostly failing performance appraisal and a description of how he wants the church to be. Then, a large scroll with seven seals describes the complete future of the CJC and a little scroll explains how two witnesses officially welcome all nations and people into the kingdom of God. The CJC-initially represented as a pure and holy woman-is stolen from the followers of Jesus by a beast who transitions the church into the "Mother of Prostitutes." Find out what came after this transition and be aware of the future.

  • av Patrick Carberry

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Professor Peter Morley is a retired FBI Intelligence Officer and Christian who becomes a neutrino physicist at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He started using new technology which identified a new form of energy based on traumatic past events he calls "Traumergy" which display events in the form of holograms.While, working on a prototype of Traumergy Professor Morley identifies a conspiracy. The leaders of the company plan to go public based on stolen technology from MIT. Professor Morley works to find the truth using Traumergy and identifies a timeline which first started in 33AD.

  • av Carl Vincent

    It was at the cross that God manifested the greatest measure of love known to man. "Greater love has no man than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." Facing His crucifixion, Jesus said, "For this purpose I came to this hour." It is through what Jesus accomplished on the cross that you and I have access to God and His unfathomable gift of salvation. In the pages of this book the author expounds the many facets of what Jesus accomplished through His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.

  • av Clayton Johnson
    240 - 380,-

  • av John Zavicar
    310 - 476,-

  • av Jim Taylor

    When God needed someone to deliver his children from Egyptian bondage he was called Almighty God, and he called Moses to accomplish that task. But he was known as I AM to Moses and Israel. When God needed someone to deliver his children from the bondage of sin and death, he sent no one, he came himself, and he called himself I AM, the Messiah, the Christ, the Savior of the world.

  • av Steve Garrett

    As the church of today breeds the theology of brotherly love, hidden in plain sight is an ancient biblical judgment so historically devastating that it altered the course of history of this world forever. But was this judgment a one time event? Here lies the secret and here lies the mystery. Be a ringside witness as the author explores the transformation of this once great nation called America into an ungodly multicultural country that has placed itself on a collision course with destiny and with God Himself.

  • av Curtis Braun

    Sacramental conversion is a false gospel which is ubiquitous in the Catholic, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental, Greek, Episcopalian, Anglican churches and more. The apostle Paul is erroneously proof-texted and caricatured as teaching conversion, regeneration, and salvation by sacraments while Biblical consideration of his pre-conversion life as a ritualistic Jewish Pharisee is neglected. This book will explain prominent Jewish ceremonial rituals and observances, demonstrate their corruption during Paul's life, and show Paul's condemnation of sacramental conversion. We'll see that Paul responded to, taught, and proclaimed the reconciling gospel call of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • av James Kifer

    No one, and especially God has ever seriously contended that life is easy. Life's paths are strewn with obstacles, boulders, pitfalls and even mountains that challenge the ability to survive, much less overcome and prevail. No person has ever escaped walking through a dense, at times overwhelming landscape of obstacles. Fortunately, though, the truths of the Scriptures reflect that most of our obstacles may be overcome, or at least their effects moderated. Remaining, though, is the one true problem which makes all humanity kin, a problem which we have no ability to solve.

  • av Jacqueline Betteridge
    470 - 570,-

  • av William Tirre

    This book tells the story of Robert, a young man of white American and Sioux parents, who is coming of age and maturing in faith as the brutal Sioux Rebellion of 1862 unfolds. He meets and falls in love with an Ojibwa girl and must rescue her on two occasions, first from the Pawnee Skidi tribe who want to use her as a living sacrifice, and second from the son of the chief of the rebelling tribe. The story shows how Robert and his family rely on their Christian faith through their troubles and are delivered in the end.

  • av Jennifer Talley
    196 - 306,-

  • av Joelaan Quarles

    In the Fall of 2021 Joelaan, her husband Devin, and their pup Enya were hit by street racers in a head on collision. While this book offers a play by play through the lens and eyes of that awful night; there's so much more that God allowed to take place both before and after that evening. This book isn't just about the accident.If you are walking through grief, physical pain, disability, or a war with mental health; A Christ follower or a skeptic; if you've lost someone, or are lonely and need hope, this book it for you.

  • av Karen Todd
    160 - 256,-

  • av Michael Philliber

    Outrage is a high-octane emotion that activates us, gets us to move, vote, purchase, join, pay attention, gab, etc. It is infectious, makes us feel morally superior, and pays out quick dividends. But it also makes us easy marks. Philliber's book looks at how various media venues fuel this high-octane emotion, and then eight practices and perspectives to help us move beyond outrage to become steadier, more stable people.

  • av Stephen Barber

    The world has the right to know the truth. Did Jesus really come to lead everyone into the presence of God; will those who fail to follow Jesus see eternal life? This book examines the spiritual fitness of Jesus. What were his qualifications? Was he God? Was he capable of leading? The Resurrection of Life hinges upon trusting in the work of Christ; the Resurrection of Death hinges upon rejecting his work. Everyone needs to be aware of just how different these two resurrections will be. Prudence cries out demanding everyone to take the time to consider the difference.

  • av Steve Garrett

    Going back in time to uncover lost history is never easy, especially if it can influence long held beliefs of the Christian or threaten the theological arrangement of the established Church. For reasons never given and questions never asked, a gospel, once perfected by the living redeemer trickled down through the ages eventually unearthing a doctrine altered under the justification of perception. Armed in this perception the pulpits confessed their allegiance. Follow the author as he turns back the pages of time unmasking a history hidden and forgotten by the world, to unveil a truth as only God could define it.

  • av Mary Hammell

    "Pathway to Peace and Joy beyond Infertility" will minister to all infertile women by helping give voice to the sorrow they have experienced and make sense of their position in God's plan. Mary Hammell explores her feelings and attitudes and those of other women with a similar experience from a biblical worldview. The book will provide them with fulfillment and joy grounded in God's Word. It will also assist infertile women, over six million yearly, by addressing how infertility impacts their marriages and childlessness as a couple.

  • av Sejal Mawan

    When God gave me name "Heaven On Earth" for this book, He also explained me the meaning of it. Heaven is God Himself and Earth is us because we are made of dust. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God establishes His kingdom in us through Jesus Christ, that is bringing down Heaven on Earth. Know and understand the bible revelations in a deeper way. See God face to face Mind of Christ The day of Jesus' coming Physical body and spiritual body Manifestation of Antichrist Angles Visible Hell Mystery of the woman

  • av Mary Hammell

    "Pathway to Peace and Joy beyond Infertility" will minister to all infertile women by helping give voice to the sorrow they have experienced and make sense of their position in God's plan. Mary Hammell explores her feelings and attitudes and those of other women with a similar experience from a biblical worldview. The book will provide them with fulfillment and joy grounded in God's Word. It will also assist infertile women, over six million yearly, by addressing how infertility impacts their marriages and childlessness as a couple.

  • av Ralph Swearngin

    Having truly diverse people in a local congregation will involve multi-racial, multi-cultural, and multi-generational interactions. Believers. who should be connected as members of the Body of Christ, may find themselves disconnected from one another because of cultural differences that impact the methods and the message in the local congregation in a negative way. However, God has something better than Gorilla Glue to unify culturally disconnected people. When Christians are united by the common bond they share with one another in Christ, they can carry out the mission of the church in all cultural settings.

  • av James Kifer

    When the prophet Malachi finished his book circa 400 B.C. the Old Testament revelation of God was complete. He apparently spoke to mankind not at all for some four centuries thereafter. In these 400 years Western Civilization grew from infancy through the glory of Greece to the grandeur of Rome. Colossal figures such as Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar bestrode the world stage. Civilization had spread, but so had the darkness of evil until God's message delivered to a young girl in a small Jewish village heralded the dawning of Light and Life.

  • av Tim Cogar

    My book, The Janitor is easy to read, even for those that don't read much. It's fast paced enough to keep people that don't like to read, wanting to start the next chapter. It's a simple fiction book with a slant toward the Christian side, but don't let that fool you, as most everybody will identify with the books characters. The story is set in a small town, much like many in central West Virginia, and follows a small town preacher and some of his colorful members.

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