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Böcker utgivna av Niggli Verlag

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  • av Klaus Neuburg

  • - Revolution Field Manual
    av Massimo Menichinelli & Camille Bosque

  • - On Practical Knowledge and Manual Creativity
    av Stefan Moritsch

  • - A Handbook
    av Damien Gautier

  • av Werner Blaser

    Drawing on photographs from his impressive archive, which he accompanies with short explanatory texts, Werner Blaser vividly demonstrates the basic foundations of architecture and perception.

  • - Web & Typography
    av Tabea Hartwich

  • - New Liberated Living?
    av Christoph Thun-Hohenstein & Martina Fineder

    When it comes to the development of a self-made furniture culture, this book project combines time design history research and consumerism theory with numerous historical and contemporary construction instructions and interior design recommendations.

  • - Anatomy & Identity of the City
    av Robin Renner

    There is a long tradition of comparing cities with organisms as they have similarities in their anatomy. In this book, through charts and maps generated from satelite images various city structures are compared across five different dimensions and their influence on the city's identity through the lived experience of the inhabitants is discussed.

  • - The New Spirit of Printing
    av John Z. Komurki

    Die Risographie, benannt nach der japanischen Firma Riso, ist ein Schablonendruckverfahren nach Art der Siebdrucktechnik, welches in der Übergangsphase vom mechanischen zum digitalen Drucken entwickelt wurde. Obwohl die Druckmaschine aussieht wie ein Kopiergerät, wird die Farbe ohne Anwendung von Hitze und Chemie auf das Papier gebracht, also energiesparend und ökologisch. Heute haben Grafiker und Designer aus der ganzen Welt den Risographen - und die entsprechenden Maschinen für ähnliche, schon fast vergessene Techniken wie die Mimeographie- für sich entdeckt und eine unerwartete Renaissance des analogen Druckens in Gang gesetzt. Auf eine sorgfältig recherchierte Einführung über Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft folgt ein Beitrag über wichtige Pioniere der aktuellen Risographie-Szene. Im Kapitel Risoworld werden besondere risographie-affine Verlage, Druckereien und Designstudios aus der ganzen Welt vorgestellt. Das Herzstück des Bandes sind wunderbare, ganz unterschiedliche Arbeiten wie Postkarten, Magazine, Poster, Flyer und experimentelle Druckerzeugnisse, die allesamt durch die Kraft der Farben der ganz eigenen Textur und vor allem der perfekt unperfekten Authentizität der Risographie begeistern.

  • - A guide to the most spectacular failures in the history of modern and contemporary architecture
    av Alessandro Biamonti

    With a tongue in cheek approach, this book presents a selection of the most spectacular architectural flops from the 20th century to the present.

  • - A Primer for Visual Language
    av Eduard Helmann

    The theoretical insights gained from this provide designers with a wealth of knowledge that facilitates analysis, idea generation, and argumentation along with a deeper understanding of the design process.

  • av Hans Gunter Schmitz

  • av Ricardo Camacho

    Following a first volume with 150 carefully selected exemplary buildings, this second volume features interviews, essays and arguments, as well as transcripts of contemporary publications from between 1949 and 1989.

  • av Slanted Publishers

  • av Marc Rolli


    Innovative and imaginative communications design from the highly respected Berlin firm Moniteurs.

  • - Pinhole Cameras and their Pictures
    av Peter Olpe

  • av Jorg Kurt Grutter

    Experiencing architecture means seeing architecture. Certain aspects and contexts of the perception of architecture can best be explained by means of images. This is the idea upon which this book is based.

  • - Furniture for Roethilsberger Kollektion
    av Trix Haussmann

  • - When Imagination Challenges Reality
    av Vienna Technical University

    During the nineteen sixties and seventies in particular Utopias served as a source of inspiration for many architects. In the following decades Utopias continued to be a relevant issue in the humanities, but now tended to be pushed aside in architectural discourse. Re-searching Utopia sets out on a journey of discovery to find the contemporary role and possibilities offered by Utopias.

  • - The Evertible Cube. Polysomatic Form-Finding
    av Paul Schatz Stiftung

  • av Max Bill

    One discovers Max Bill as the tireless creator of highly individual types and commercial logos as well as a designer with a sense of visual humour. This book offers a comprehensive view of an area of work from Bill: typography, advertising and book design.

  • av Hans Rudolf Bosshard

    Offers a collection of about two dozen typographic works of the author including books, brochures and art catalogues.

  • av Peter Olpe

    The electronic creation and production of images in all the design professions has led today to fundamental changes in the design processes. Hence, drawing has gained a new importance. This work focuses on drawing as the catalyst of design processes.

  • - in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
    av Rahel Lämmler

    The East German engineer Ulrich Muther contributed an important chapter to the European history of shell construction. His career of more than 30 years saw many milestones which are described in this book. This book was awarded the DAM Architecture Book Prize in 2009.

  • av Willi Kunz

    Typographic design begins with a set of information and a concept. The designer, facing a blank sheet of paper or a computer screen, is anxious about the first step to take in developing a design. The elements of typography are an obvious starting point, but often do not get the attention they deserve.

  • - Architecture Manual
    av Barbara Burren

    The architectural possibilities of the pitched roof seem almost unlimited and are interesting for architects. This title shows the spectrum of possibilities that are opened up by pitched roofs. It shows their potential for the design of the outer facade of the building, and its relation to context and interiors.

  • - Islamic Architecture from the 16th to the 18th Century
    av Werner Blaser

    The conquering by the Persian Safavid dynasty in 1502 ushered in the golden age for today's Iranian city of Isfahan - the city whose name is not without reason translated as 'The Pearl of the Orient'. This title presents the masterworks of Persian architecture and horticulture from the 16th to 18th centuries.

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