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  • av Mell Eight

  • av Larry Mellman

    Venice, 1368.War hovers in the wings with the fate of the Republic at stake when the old doge dies. Fourteen-year-old Nico, a street urchin from the poorest Venetian parish, is chosen at random to tally votes in the upcoming election for a new leader. Uprooted from his old life and transplanted to the doge's palace, Nico becomes an alienated outsider at the mercy of scheming nobles.Andrea Contarini, sixtieth doge of Venice, wants the ducal throne less than Nico wants to be ballot boy. Both walk a golden tightrope over treachery and deceit. When he witnesses a court clerk burned at the stake for being gay, Nico despairs. His romantic attraction to men is as powerful as his fear of fiery death and an eternity in Hell.Taking advantage of the fraught transition in the Doge's Palace, the hostile duke of Austria pushes Trieste to rebel against Venetian domination, jeopardizing her mastery of the Adriatic Sea. The Venetian nobles split, trapping the doge between hawks rabid for war, and rich merchants desperate for peace. With his own life on the line, Andrea Contarini opts to attack decisively and end the crisis swiftly, but his gambit is sabotaged. Trusting only the boy at his side, Contarini sends Nico to Trieste to be his eyes and ears. As the Venetian commanders wrangle over tactics, Nico falls for Astolfo, the young, charismatic lord of Castle Moccò, an indispensable but unreliable ally.Will Nico return to Venice a celebrated hero? Or will he be forever haunted, guilt-ridden, and still concealing his deepest secret?

  • av Isabelle Adler

  • av Steve Burford

  • av Shannon Blair

  • av Amy Marsden

    It''s Jennifer''s 24th birthday and she planned to spend it having fun with her friends. Instead, she ends up running for her life through the dark streets of London.Her world is torn apart by a new disease, the likes of which have never been seen before. The government''s decision to conceal its deadly nature exacerbates the panic, and in all the confusion Jennifer is bitten by an infected person.That''s it, right? Her life over.Wrong.Immune to the virus''s ravaging effects, Jennifer finds herself with a small group of survivors. Together they must fight to stay alive long enough for a cure to be found. Humanity won''t be beaten so easily.But madness looms large, and safety seems forever out of reach.

  • av Lbj Harris

  • av Vincent Traughber Meis

  • av Klehr Kevin Klehr

  • av Habecker C.D. Habecker & Nyx Luna Nyx

  • av Egan Laury A. Egan

    The summer of 1964. Four teenage lives intertwine as each searches for love, identity, and a passage through painful family conflicts, social isolation, and the confusion of sexual orientation.During a sailing class, four teenagers meet.Jessie Schaffer is fourteen, an intelligent and solitary girl, who dreams of becoming a writer. When she sees nineteen-year-old Lindsay Ames, the instructor, standing on a dock, sunlight illuminating her blond hair and blue eyes, Jessie falls in love but is too afraid of her feelings and what they mean.In an attempt to reassure herself she is "normal," Jessie becomes involved with two boys in the class: Kenny Crenshaw, also fourteen, a darkly handsome and flirtatious guy, and Calvin Brayburn, a year younger, who will be in their freshman class because he's academically brilliant.On the first day of sailing, Cal is smitten with Jessie, though he is hindered by shyness. As the romantic relationships take unexpected twists, Jessie, Lindsay, Calvin, and Kenny relate their individual stories, their hopes, fears, and longings, all the while being buffeted by intense pressures.Set in coastal New Jersey, the plot roams from its beautiful rivers to lush scenes in St. Thomas and Vietnam's jungles during the war.

  • av Alicia Thompson

    When his father died, David Mulkerin gave up teaching in Sydney to come home and run the family farm in western NSW. He is driven by personal demons and family tragedy to see it through, despite his love of teaching and the ongoing drought and debt.When David meets the new local doctor Martin James, there is a meeting of minds and dark pasts. Martin is intrigued by David''s closed demeanour and makes an effort to reach him. They strike up a friendship, able to understand the pain in each other''s past. When David discovers that Martin is gay, he feels duped and betrayed, but the revelation forces him to confront what it means to love someone and how sometimes we don''t get to choose.

  • av John Patrick

  • av Cynthia Hamill

  • av Isabelle Adler

  • av Rick R Reed

  • av Rachel Ford

  • av Nicole Bea

  • av J K Pendragon

  • av Ennis Rook Bashe

  • av Jen Michalski

  • av Alex Powell

  • av Alex Powell

  • av Winnie Frolik

  • av Dianne Hartsock

  • av Megan Hart, Fiona Zedde & Brenda Murphy

  • av Jack Stevens

  • av J R Hart

  • av Patrick John Patrick

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