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Böcker utgivna av Old Paths Publications, Inc

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  • - A Study in the Book of Jude
    av Guy Lee

  • - The Revelation of Jesus Christ
    av Guy Lee
    300 - 390,-

  • av Patricia R Williams

  • av Patricia R Williams

  • av Abrams

  • - Ephesians 1:4-5
    av Steve Combs

  • av Leo R Lavinka

  • - The Greek Textus Receptus 1881 Edition By F.H. A. Scrivener Reformatted Global Edition
    av Frederick H a Scrivener
    490 - 666,-

  • - Taken From the New Testament, The First Fathers, Early Writers, and Historians of All Ages
    av George Herbert Orchard

  • - A Promise of Eternal Security
    av Ron Tobin

  • av Rick Tuttle

  • - From the First Settlement of the Country to the Year 1845
    av John T Christian

  • - Together With Some Account of Their Principles and Practices
    av John T Christian

  • - First Baptist Missionary to the Cherokee Indians
    av Robert Fleming

  • - From John the Baptist through The American Baptists
    av Thomas Armitage

  • - 5: The Final Triadic Declaration
    av Nick Sayers

  • av David L Brown

    There is no doubt about it! God has a blueprint for building strong, successful Marriages and Families! He has clearly drawn out that blueprint in the Bible. Discover the truth in this book: God's Blueprint for Marriage & Family 1. God's Blueprint For Married Couples: It is God's design and will that each married couple leave their parents, cleave to each other and become intimately involved (one flesh) with each other.2. God's Blueprint For Husbands: It is God's design and will that each husband love his own wife and lead her.3. God's Blueprint For Wives: It is God's design and will that each wife submit to her own husband and assist, aid and complete him.4. God's Blueprint For Communication: It is God's design and will that family members listen and talk with each other often, within the context of self-control.5. God's Blueprint For Commitment: It is God's design and will that each family member be committed to Christ, spouses be committed to each other, and parents be committed to their children.6. God's Blueprint For Parents: It is God's design and will that each parent rear their children biblically, communicate with them constantly, and love them fervently.

  • - Exploring Its Cause and Cure
    av William J Finnigan
    266 - 390,-

  • av Leo R Lavinka

    My book, "Are You Ready," contains six topics which I believe would help as the clear preaching of God's Word, at least in our nation, grows colder and colder. Hopefully, it will motivate all readers to search all the scripture, study it, hide it in their heart, meditate on it, obey it, and live by it.On further reflection I discovered one very important topic was left out. That is God's desire to hear our petitions (prayers) and answer them in accordance with His perfect will. He is our Father; we are His sons. I am convinced we do not receive many of the blessings He offers because we don't ask or really believe He will answer. We know He can, we just don't believe He will. When we do get answers we won't give God the credit and glory that he richly deserves. We shrug it off as coincidence.

  • av David L Brown

    The purpose of this book is to make you aware of the dark side of Halloween and show you how the demonic principles and practices are beguiling our children and our culture. I have researched this topic for nearly two decades and there is absolutely no doubt about Halloween's occult connection. Halloween has been the occultists' most effective tool in bewitching America! It has been and is being used by occultists of all stripes to interject their demonic doctrines into our culture.It was 1984 when I released the first printed edition of this book under the title, Halloween: Behind The Mask. It included only 16 pages of information exposing Halloween's occult connection. As a result of that little book, I had the opportunity to present the material in churches, at rallies, in Christian schools and on Christian radio and TV programs. Many people were skeptical at first. To my surprise, some of the most antagonistic people I encountered were pastors and heads of Christian ministries and colleges. Many insisted that I was over reacting and that Halloween was just harmless fun. I must tell you, by and large, that is not the response I am getting today. Indeed "the mask" is off of the unholy day. Witches are out of the "broom closet" and peddling their demonic wares on television, in the newspapers, in the bookstores, and in the public schools. Speaking of the public schools. What is happening in your school district? I get calls from around the nation telling me that the Christian celebrations of Christmas (the birth of Christ) and Easter (the resurrection of Christ) are snubbed, maligned and even expelled from some public schools, but, not the occult holiday of Halloween! That is the public school's biggest holiday. Children are often required to write reports on witchcraft. There are public schools that have even brought in witches to tell about their "wonderful, wholesome" religion. In the public schools, witchcraft is "IN" and Christianity is "OUT." While many Christians are waking up to the dark side of Halloween, Americans in general are increasingly being exposed to occult principles and adopting occult practices. Americans are being bewitched. Now, before I jump too far ahead, let's look at The History, The Heroes and The Harm of Halloween.

  • av Lance T Ketchum
    636 - 846,-

  • - Considered in the Historical, Chronological, and Geographical Relations
    av Samuel J Andrews

    This is a 698-page book about the details of the life of Christ on Earth published in 1862 and a revised in 1891. Dr. Solomon Andrews said: "This book was [first] published in 1862. That it has continued in request for so many years, shows at least that it meets a want not otherwise adequately met. It has seemed to me, therefore, little less than a duty carefully to revise it, and to make it, so far as I am able to do, more worthy of the favor it has received. In this revision the character of the book has not been changed. It deals with the life of the Lord on the earth in its chronological, topographical, and historical relations only…In regard to reference to other books and writers, a few words may be said. The grounds on which they are made are these: To enable the reader to verify the statements of his author; to furnish him the means of further pursuing his inquiries; to show by enumeration of names where the weight of authority lies; and incidentally to indicate if any writer of importance has been neglected. We may err here either on the side of excess or defect; perhaps many will think I have erred in the former way. But those who know how much time is wasted in hunting for passages where references are scanty, will pardon me…Again, after so many years, and with a deeper sense of its truth, I say: "How poor and unworthy of Him, the external aspects of whose earthly life I have endeavored in some point to portray, my labors are none can feel more deeply than myself. I can only pray that His blessing-the blessing that changed the water into wine-may go with this book, and make it, in some measure, useful to His children."" [my addition in brackets, HDW]As publisher of this revision, which was originally released in 1891, we would make this comment: the full realization of the corruption of manuscripts by critical scholars such as Westcott and Hort was just taking root. However, the historical, topographical, and chronological particulars presented by this author is invaluable to serious students of God's Words. Therefore, we are reprinting it because of its usefulness. One learns in life that one needs "to take the meat and leave the bones." H. D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D., President, The Old Paths Publications, Inc. aka TOP Publications.

  • - Preaching Verse by Verse
    av D Waite

    The Glory Is Certain. In Colossians 1:27, Paul wrote about a "mystery." Then he explained that the "mystery" among the Gentiles was "CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY." Though Paul was in a Roman prison, he was not without "HOPE." He wrote about it. Paul was absolutely certain about this "HOPE."The Glory Is Shared. Since the Lord Jesus Christ had given "HOPE" to the Apostle Paul, he wanted to share that "HOPE" to the Colossian believers. Rather than being led to MOPE, as, perhaps, other prisoners in Rome, Paul was filled with certain "HOPE," because of his strong faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, His Saviour. He felt he must share this good news of "GLORY."The Glory Is Defined. While living in inglorious surroundings, Paul was thinking of "GLORY." This was his "HOPE." The only One Who was able to make that "HOPE OF GLORY" possible was the Lord Jesus Christ, "OUR HOPE" (1 Timothy 1:1). This "HOPE OF GLORY" is possessed by everyone who has been born-again by genuine faith in the Saviour. All the re- deemed ones will receive this "GLORY" when they see their Saviour, and be "like Him" (1 John 3:2).The Glory Shall Be Received. Paul looked forward to the day when his body would be "fashioned like" Christ's "GLORIOUS body" at the "first resurrec- tion" (Philippians 3:20-21; Revelation 20:5-6).The Glory Is Certain. In Colossians 1:27, Paul wrote about a "mystery." Then he explained that the "mystery" among the Gentiles was "CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY." Though Paul was in a Roman prison, he was not without "HOPE." He wrote about it. Paul was absolutely certain about this "HOPE."The Glory Is Shared. Since the Lord Jesus Christ had given "HOPE" to the Apostle Paul, he wanted to share that "HOPE" to the Colossian believers. Rather than being led to MOPE, as, perhaps, other prisoners in Rome, Paul was filled with certain "HOPE," because of his strong faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, His Saviour. He felt he must share this good news of "GLORY."The Glory Is Defined. While living in inglorious surroundings, Paul was thinking of "GLORY." This was his "HOPE." The only One Who was able to make that "HOPE OF GLORY" possible was the Lord Jesus Christ, "OUR HOPE" (1 Timothy 1:1). This "HOPE OF GLORY" is possessed by everyone who has been born-again by genuine faith in the Saviour. All the re- deemed ones will receive this "GLORY" when they see their Saviour, and be "like Him" (1 John 3:2).The Glory Shall Be Received. Paul looked forward to the day when his body would be "fashioned like" Christ's "GLORIOUS body" at the "first resurrec- tion" (Philippians 3:20-21; Revelation 20:5-6).

  • - Preaching Verse-by-Verse
    av D a Waite

    The Beginning. This book is the seventeenth in a series of verse-by-verse preaching from various New Testamentbooks of the Bible. It is an attempt to bring to the minds of the readers two things: (1) the meaning of the words in the verses, and (2) some practical applications of those words to the lives of both genuine Christians and non-Christians. Paul is the apostle of Jesus Christ by God's will. Before this, he imprisoned and agreed to the killing of Christians. The Lord Jesus Christ met him as he was going to Damascus to imprison Christians. On his way there, the Lord Jesus Christ saved him and called him to be an apostle. I believe Paul, not Mathias, was chosen by the Lord Jesus Christ to take the place of Judas Iscariot who betrayed the Saviour. Timothy was with Paul when he wrote 2 Corinthians and he was right there in the church of Corinth with all the genuine Christians in Achaia or northern Greece. This was Paul's second letter to them. In his first letter, he excoriated them because one of the men had committed incest with his father's wife. Paul is trying to encourage them in the things of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • - A Journey of Reaping the Unexpected
    av John Jay Ricci

    Have you ever felt you lacked the desire or knowledge to effectively start a gospel-centered conversation with a non-Christian? Would you like to learn some new and creative methods to share the gospel with people? Would you like to see God's hand move mightily in your life in fresh and unmistakably amazing ways? If you answered yes to those questions, then this book is for you! From the first few pages, this highly practical book weaves in stories of real-life witnessing situations with inspiration from some giants of the Christian faith such as Moody, Spurgeon, Judson and more. It also provides easy action steps and additional resources that will help Christians to recognize and then seize the soul winning opportunities right in front of them so they can enjoy one of the many benefits of evangelism that much of Christendom has largely forgotten about today. Daniel 11:32 says, "The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." Yet many Christians have inoculated themselves from the exploits awaiting them because they have bought the lie that since soul winning is a command of our Lord, then by default it must be dull or boring. The aim of this book is to show you otherwise. As you read about the adventures the author has been on and the fruit it has stirred, not just around him, but in him, may it likewise produce a desire in you to open your own evangelism treasure chest. Bible believers know that taking part in the Great Commission is not an option but a responsibility. However, Christians shouldn't obey out of guilt or even out of fear of divine chastening as these are very poor motivators. We ought to obey out of love for our Saviour and for the expectation of the heavenly power and joy we will overflow with. As God's people, we often forget that our Lord's commands (especially concerning evangelism) fill up our joy not take it away. This book will help change your perspective on soul winning and the Great Commission from: we have to instead to: we get to. Beloved, our Lord didn't give you commandments to ruin your life, but to enhance it (John 10:10). Under the Old Covenant, God gave commandments to His people for their benefit (Deut 6:24) and it is no different for Christians under the New Covenant. God has orchestrated it in such a way that when we obey His command to be His witnesses, it is we who will have cause for celebration and rejoicing. Just like the Apostles, in order for today's Christians to get and stay enthusiastic about the huge task of world evangelization, we must view each evangelism opportunity, not as another burden to carry but as a new adventure to experience. It is the prayer of the author you too would get excited about what God waits to do in you, for you and through you as the Great Commission becomes a great commitment in your life. This book is his way of putting feet to his prayers. May it empower and encourage you to be passionate about what Jesus Himself was most passionate about, the lost souls around Him.

  • - What Does the Bible Teach About Bible Translating for All Nations
    av Steve Combs

    The Study of translating is one of the most important in modern times and probably one of the most neglected. All Christians will profit from this book. You will be inspired, challenged and enlightened by this must-read book. A careful reading of this book will assist translators around the world to come to a knowledge of what God expects from those handling His Words "to make them known." Man cannot and should not assume that he can establish the "rules' for how to "make them known," because God has " magnified [His] word above all [His] name" (Psalm 138:2f),and the following verse indicates how high He has exalted His name. This book shows the "why" and the "how" to carry over God's Words into the languages of the world, according to God's standards, not man's. This book is not just for translators. It is for all Christians who love the Word of God. Textual scholars have taught us that we still do not yet fully know what the original Scriptures said. They tell us all our Bibles have places that are uncertain and may have errors. But, God has inspired and preserved all His Words. We can be fully confident that every word of God is available to us. This book can build confidence in the Bible. It will lift your view of God's Word and encourage your faith. Dr. Combs' qualifications to author this book are evident by his extensive research and teaching of translation. He has spent many years consulting with translators, studying and gleaning from the scriptures. He has modeled the importance of using Biblical principles to produce a faithful, accurate and true translation of God's Word. Writing about this vital topic is the result of labor that has been years in the making. You will be inspired, challenged and enlightened by this must-read book.

  • - A Biblical Explanation of Matthew 24-25, The Pre-Tribulational View Verified
    av Cooper P Abrams

    The Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24-25, without question, is one of the most misunderstood and subsequently one of the most misinterpreted passages in the New Testament. The result is that various views such as the Pre-Wrath, Mid and Post Tribulational have brought great confusion among today's Christians. At the heart of the problem is that interpreters do not apply sound rules of hermeneutics, make the grave mistakes of mixing God's plans, and purpose for Israel with that of the Christians in this the Church Age. This book is a verse by verse, exegetical examination of the Olivet Discourse, which shows that Church Age saints are not present during the seven years of the Tribulation. Further, it demonstrates that the New Testament teaches the Pre-Tribulational rapture of Christians at the end of the current dispensation of the Church Age. Although the shed blood of Jesus Christ saves all believers, God makes a distinction between how He works with Israel and Christians in this age. God is not finished with His chosen people Israel, the Old Testament dispensation and Daniel's prophesied 490 years to the Second Coming. (Dan. 9:24) Daniel's 70th Week is the Tribulation and God's completion of the end of the age, which is the Old Testament dispensation. He will then establish the promised Kingdom to Israel. In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus answers the questions of His disciples about the details of Daniel's 70th Week and His Second Coming. Jesus' discourse shows conclusively that Church Age Saints are not viewed in Matthew 24-25.

  • - 7-8: The Unjustly Exscinded Text of the Three Divine Witnesses
    av Michael Maynard

    Dr. Moorman said: "It is my privilege and joy to commend the work of a man whom God has raised up to defend one of the most vital "pieces of ground" in all of Scripture- I John 5:7-8. Those who feel a kindred spirit in their stand for the Received Text and Authorized Version will be thankful that God has endowed the author with the spiritual insight, scholarship, and linguistic ability for such a defence. It is tragic that so many in fundamentalism are prepared to surrender what is in fact the Bible's central Trinitarian passage, but it is here that the stand must be made, and it is with gratitude that such a landmark contribution has now been made. Ostensibly the work is a bibliography, but in reality, it gives a succinct history of the debate that has raged over the Johannine Comma through the centuries. It is also a promise of further research from the author, and it is my prayer that he be encouraged and given every assistance in the crucial areas in which he is working." Dr. Jack A. Moorman, London, England"This document is an uncorrected draft copy received from Michael Maynard in March of 1991 by Pastor D. A. Waite, Bible for Today, Collingswood, NJ. It is an enlargment upon a paper originally prepared for Classical Philology 510 submitted to Dr. Holt Parker of the Classics Department at the University of Arizona. The book in its final form was still being revised but unfortunately Michael Maynard has gone on to his reward. I had the priviledge of talking with Brother Maynard before he passed away. He was a librarian in Texas whose research was impeccable. The Old Paths Publications, Inc. is republishing this document using the original formatting with the hope that the information will be helpful because the work is now out of print and old copies are being sold at extreme prices." H. D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D., President, The Old Paths Publications, Inc.,,

  • - The Book of Ephesians
    av Steve Combs

    The Book of Ephesians tells us about a mystery kept secret since the foundation of the world. The book is about learning "what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ" (Eph. 3:9). The book reveals a life of strength and a life of wisdom and a life of power and a life of victory in a troubled world. Successful living depends on following God's instructions for life. The Book of Ephesians reveals God's instructions on:Our Spiritual Blessings in HimElection and PredestinationDispensation of the Fullness of TimesUnity of the Church in ChristDoctrinal Truth and PurityUnity of Love in the ChurchMoral living in a Dark WorldThe Filling of the SpiritWhat is Christian Music?Marriage: a Picture of the ChurchChildren and FathersOther RelationshipsThe Warfare of the ChurchThe Book of Ephesians is also the greatest book in the New Testament on the doctrine of the church. It reveals the spiritual nature of the church as well as an emphasis on the doctrinal, love, and moral unity of the church. It deals with false doctrine about the church, salvation, and what God is doing in this dispensation. It gives you a foundation for living a successful Christian life. With this book, you may partake with Paul in the fellowship of the mystery.

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