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  • av Natalia Samoilova
    456 - 640,-

  • av Vanessa Rasanen
    306 - 490,-

  • av Haley Warren

    What do a dentist, who also happens to be her country's foremost expert in identifying dental records, and a disgraced professional soccer player have in common? The answer, as it turns out, is letters, countries, and secrets.November never loved anyone the way she loved her best friend Arna, and she's certain she herself will never be loved again after Arna dies suddenly. Her best friend didn't do anything by halves-including dying-which is how November finds herself set on a quest the likes of which would only be found in the movies that sends her careening into Ethan Barclay. Literally.Too many warm beers and a thunderstorm later, November and Ethan are moving onto the next letter, country, and secret. Together. But not every secret should be shared, and everything November thought she knew about love, life, and friendship comes crashing down.

  • av S. P. Williams
    260 - 390,-

  • av Racquel Henry

    All the Ways a Heart Burns is a spellbinding YA anthology full of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction.

  • av Marlin R Price

    What does your police department need to be doing to be effective at controlling crime? Do they treat people right or does the department need to be "reformed?" These are critical questions for today's citizens and city leaders. Retired Chief Marlin Price provides readers with the specific questions to ask your department and what the answers should be. Police departments are accountable to their city councils and city leadership, and these city leaders not only have the authority to ask these questions, they have the obligation to do so. But many citizens and city leaders lack sufficient knowledge about policing to ask the right questions. Based on current law enforcement research and over 50 years of law enforcement service, Chief Price provides citizens and city leaders with what we know works and what doesn't work in policing to make departments effective in reducing crime. He provides detailed information on methods to determine how many officers are needed and the difficulties and problems encountered when a department is not staffed appropriately. Clear information on the training necessary for today's police officers allows evaluation of your own agency's training program. Determining whether your department needs to be reformed or just a few officers require a clear understanding of how police departments operate and control their officers' activities. Chapters on methods to identify and assess the results include critical questions that need to be answered. The use of early intervention systems combined with seldom discussed detailed analysis of racial profiling data can identify officers that may be at risk of future problems with community members. Chapters include: - A brief history of Policing in the United States- Politics, Policing Options, and Costs- Policing - what does and does not work- The Police Organization- Strategic Planning- Police Staffing Levels- Control and Supervision- Accountability and Reform Police departments often make monthly reports to city leadership providing a count of department activities over the past month. These are usually the number of calls answered and the number of arrests made, etc. These are just activities, not progress toward desired goals of lowering the crime rate or maintaining public trust. Discussion outlining the differences and how city leadership can build periodic reports as well as requiring certain audits and inspections will allow cities to keep their police agency on the right track.

  • av Pamela Chubbuck
    356 - 370,-

  • av Lisa Polk
    260 - 326,-

  • av Jeffrey Atwood
    256 - 346,-

  • av Klecko

    "A Bakeable Feast" by Klecko is a memoir of 45 years as a bread baker, poet, emcee and keen observer of a host of co-workers and colleagues from across the globe. Each 'Baking Memory' is a page in length and tells the stories of individuals who have populated the bread crew over the years - the memories vary from sweet to ribald, from funny to tragic, and everything in between. There are stories of drug users, Nutcracker collectors, pastry chefs, blizzards, holidays, loneliness, chess clubs, music, movies, nuns, magic, Munchkins, shuttered bakeries and Klecko's travels to Russia. He also writes of the opportunity that put him on the map in his hometown of St. Paul - baking a loaf of bread specifically for Mikhail Gorbachev when he visited Minnesota's capital. Klecko is one-of-a-kind - a talented baker, gifted writer and compelling storyteller. In the tradition of "Kitchen Confidential" by Anthony Bourdain, "A Bakeable Feast" takes the reader beyond the quest for our daily bread and honors the people - the "tribe" - that master bread baker Klecko has met along the way.

  • av Porsha M Stubbs
    440 - 456,-


    أهدي هذا العمل المتواضع..إلى رفيق دربي خالد أحمد عبدالرحيم الذي لم يتوانَ عن دعمي، ولم يبخل بوقت أو جهد لمساعدتي في إنجاز هذا الكتاب..وإلى أساتذتي الكرام الذين كرّسوا وقتهم وجهدهم لخدمة طلاب العلم، فلولاكم لما كنا في المكانة التي وصلنا إليها اليوم..وإلى طلاب الإعلام والاتصال الحكومي وممارسيه وخبرائه، متمنية لهم كل التوفيق في خدمة هذا القطاع الحيوي..


    عُنيت الدراسات النقدية الحديثة بالمنحى الجمالي للنصوص، واستنباط القيم الجمالية والمثل الأعلى منها، رغبةً في استجلاء معالم كلٍّ من الوعي والذوق الجماليين لمجتمع من المجتمعات، ولم تمتدَّ موجة الدراسة الجمالية إلى الأدب القديم إلا بشكل خجول حيناً ومعممٍ سطحي حيناً آخر، ومن قناعتنا أن الدراسة الجمالية هي الكاشف والموضح الأول لكل من الثقافة والوعي في المجتمع والفن معاً،


    بعد تعدد العوامل والأسباب الموضوعية، التي أسهمت في بروز القصة القصيرة، ثم الرواية، وأخيراً القصة القصيرة جداً، وبخاصة في ظهور الصحافة والحركة الإعلامية فيما بعد، وكذلك اكتشاف النفط واستخراجه، كل هذا أسهم في حراك ثقافي عام، وأدبي بشكل خاص، وسردي تحديداً، حيث بدأ المشهد السردي في المنطقة بظهور القصة القصيرة في الربع الأول من القرن العشرين تقريباً، ثم الرواية التي مر على ظهورها أكثر من ثمانين عاماً،

  • av Kusum Choudhary

    The book is a wonderful collection of poems that captures the highs and lows of life, a view of total world from a different perspective. Each poem expresses a range of emotions and experiences, from joy and love to pain and sorrow. The words used are carefully selected to paint vivid pictures in the reader's mind, allowing them to experience the emotions and imagery described in the verse. This book is a true gem for anyone who appreciates poetry and wants to explore the various facets of life through the art form.

  • av Ahmed Hasan Farooqi T Bds

    *All subjects are arranged subject-wise and topic. *All subjects of BDS first year are included. *Only lucid mnemonics are included. *Useful for both BDS students and PG Dental entrance aspirants.

  • av Steve Jay

    "Aetherial Embrace" invites readers on an enchanting odyssey that transcends the boundaries between celestial and mortal realms. Within a world teetering on the precipice of cosmic uncertainty, Amelia, a resolute guardian, embarks on a profound quest guided by the luminous thread-an ethereal companion leading her through the mystical landscapes of the Shadowscape, Illusionist's Chamber, Nexus of Echoes, and beyond.Destinies weave together, and secrets gradually unfurl as Amelia grapples with the delicate interplay of trust, deception, and the enigmatic dance of cosmic forces. Each page of the narrative is imbued with suspense, mirroring the echoes of revelations that resonate through the cosmic winds. These revelations bear the weight of shaping the destiny not only of Amelia herself but also the fate of Eldridge and the intricately woven aetherial realms.As the narrative unfolds, the question lingers: will Amelia succeed in unraveling the profound mysteries delicately poised on the edge of celestial scales, or will shadows cast doubt upon the very fabric of reality itself? The journey through "Aetherial Embrace" promises not only an exploration of cosmic intricacies but also a gripping tale of trust, uncertainty, and the profound impact of choices on the destinies that bind both mortals and the aetherial realms.

  • av Steve Jay

    "Guardian of the Midnight Star" beckons readers into a universe where the night sky conceals a celestial secret, and a lone guardian is thrust into an otherworldly quest. As the cosmic clock ticks, the Guardian embarks on a spellbinding journey, navigating through mythical challenges and unlocking the radiant mysteries of the astral realm. Against the backdrop of cosmic forces and ethereal landscapes, the Guardian emerges as a luminescent sentinel, weaving a tale of duty and destiny that captivates the imagination. This is a narrative that transcends the ordinary, a symphony of celestial magic and mystical allure that unfolds against the canvas of the cosmos, inviting readers into a world where every star holds a story, and every constellation hides a profound truth. "Guardian of the Midnight Star" is a mesmerizing odyssey, an exploration of the extraordinary that ignites the imagination and leaves an indelible mark on the soul.

  • av Atanu Banerjee

    Since, majority of the fungal infections do not infect healthy individuals, their clinicalimportance tend to be underappreciated. As for the general public, apart fromdermatophytic infections of the skin and nails, awareness about fungal infectionsremains limited. However, with rise in the number of immunocompromisedindividuals and use of modern medical devices, invasive fungal infections havereached staggering numbers. Despite the fact that only a fraction of fungal species arepathogenic to humans, they are responsible for significant degree of morbidity andmortality (Pfaller and Diekema 2004; Srinivasan et al. 2014). Most fungal infectionsare predominantly caused by Candida, Cryptococcus and Aspergillus species.

  • av Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Saahib Ra

    The Fazaail-e-Aamaal, of Hadhrat Sheikhul Hadith, Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Khandelwi (RA), is among the most famous and well known Islamic books in the world. Allah Ta'ala has granted this book great acceptance and popularity throughout the globe.Thousands of people read this book and benefit from it. To date it has been translated into more than a dozen languages.Following chapters are cover in this book, Page No.Stories of the Sahaabah R.A. 4Virtues of Qur-aan 255Virtues of the Salaah 365Virtues of Zikr 487Virtues of Tabligh 727Virtues of Ramadhaan 773The Downfall of the Muslims & it's Only Remedy 8656 Points 903

  • av Sarah Hegger

    A hell prince bent on vengeanceAn angel who cannot lieA grumpy-sunshine supernatural adventure where the stakes couldn't be higher. Haziel loves her archangel, Ramiel. She always has. So, when he sends her on a mission to monitor his opposing hell prince, Wrath, Haziel is happy to serve. Once bitten twice shy, Wrath is hell-bent on finding his daughter, the Nephilim Edme. Certain Lucifer responsible for Edme's abduction and the growing demon rebellion in hell, Wrath is on the warpath.He doesn't count on an unfailingly honest, vivacious seraph tagging along-an unwelcome and increasingly intriguing distraction. Haziel is horrified when her feelings for boorish, frustrating Wrath start to complicate her mission. Not wanting to betray her first love, Ramiel, she fights her growing attraction.Haziel and Wrath discover the demon revolution is a greater threat than the combined gathering of heaven, hell, and earth suspect. And the end of days countdown has begun as the first horseman of the apocalypse wakes.While they battle a spiraling situation that heralds the end of all creation, Haziel is forced to choose between Wrath and Ramiel. And Wrath must overcome his bitterness and take a chance on a love that shouldn't exist.

  • av Joshua Free

    Each 'Professional Course' lesson-booklet offers simple exercises and techniques that directly apply the philosophy of Systemology to increase your true knowingness and improve your capabilities in this life.

  • av Isabel Kuri

  • av Isabel Kuri

    Little Coco dreams of flying for Santa's sleigh. She just needs to figure out what she is good at and then make sure Santa Tita sees it!

  • av Jacquelyn Benson
    370 - 546,-

  • av Jim Minick

    The Intimacy of Spoons explores the many metaphors of the spoon: from love and marriage to the spoon of a grave that holds our bodies; from the darkness of loss and night, where "the Big Dipper is nothing but / the oldest spoon pointing us home"; to the darkness of lungs transformed into art. The poems cover a wide variety of topics-cultural, political, familial, and natural-and always, underlying these poems is the song of birds-with broken wings or clear voices, avian muses filling our forests now or long gone. There are nods to Basho and Thoreau, to Eliot and Frost, Dickinson and Milton, this last, a long poem that retells the story of Adam and Eve from the point of view of Mal, the apple. Likewise, The Intimacy of Spoons shares a variety of forms, from sonnet, sestina, and villanelle to syllabics, lyrics, and a ballad. At the center of the book is the long poem, "Elegy for My Body," which uses wordplay and contrasting voices to explore mortality, because "You can't really do time; / it simply does us, / or undoes us, / us beings in the time being being beings / on Times Squared / waiting for the big ball to fall." The poems of The Intimacy of Spoons return us to everyday stories and objects, common yet profound, that we touch so often and that enter us with every meal and every breath.

  • av Paul Baugh
    240 - 336,-

  • av Joshua Free

    Each 'Professional Course' lesson-booklet offers simple exercises and techniques that directly apply the philosophy of Systemology to increase your true knowingness and improve your capabilities in this life.

  • av Joshua Free

    Chart Your Course For Ascension... Then Let Your Spirit Fly!Unlock your ultimate spiritual potential by removing barriers to your true native state.Learn how to easily attain Self-actualization and help to actualize others along the way.A greater appreciation and understanding of Spiritual Life and Existence awaits you. Expand your reach to achieve your dreams."The Arcs of Infinity" is the fifteenth lesson-booklet in this series.Each 'Professional Course' lesson-booklet offers simple exercises and techniques that directly apply the philosophy of Systemology, assisting to increase your true knowingness, improve your capabilities in this life, and even decide what you will do in your next.At the Mardukite Academy of Systemology, the 'Professional Course' lessons in this series are presented to Seeker's that have completed the 'Basic Course', previously released as six lesson-booklets, or the six-in-one single volume edition "Fundamentals of Systemology."This new presentation of the Systemology "Pathway-to-Ascension" takes Seekers from "Zero" to "Infinity" at lightning-fast speeds!Discover Who You Really Are... Because You Were Never "Human"!

  • av Annie Anderson
    650 - 830,-

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