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  • av Cacildo Teixeira de Carvalho Neto

    This construction of knowledge seeks to list the dimensions of ethics, understanding the human values that permeate the entire discussion, such as freedom, autonomy and otherness, among others. This construction encompasses theoretical references adopted by Social Work, which allows us to understand the relationship between ethics and Social Work in its historical process. Present in mediations, ethics is in the field of professions and thus chooses values and principles that guide its workers. The ethical principles adopted by the Social Service are set out in the 1993 Code of Ethics and Resolutions; the values implicit in them outline the social direction for the realisation of the professional ethical-political project. It is understood that this work does not exhaust the object researched, but the elements present here show a path towards facing the challenges and possibilities for the materialisation of these values that go beyond the profession, because by choosing freedom as a central ethical value, the search for democracy and citizenship, and aiming for the political emancipation of man, the profession advances into another sphere, that of totality.

  • av Mayra Sousa Resende

    This book aims to analyse the content of the news published by the G1 portal in the days following the attack on Manchester, which took place in May 2017 during Ariana Grande's concert. To do so, it uses Jaques Wainberg's perspective on the relationship between media and terror and Chris Anderson and Henry Jenkins' conceptualisations of the transformations that the internet brings to the relationship between individuals and information. The aim of the analysis is to highlight possible transformations in the mainstream media's approach to the attacks and their influence on the categorisation of Muslims.

  • av Martina Barbera

    Theory of Mind represents the ability to infer others' mental states; people diagnosed with schizophrenia report specific difficulties in inferring what others mean or think, and this impairment affects the quality of social interactions, and the way language is used. Language deficits concern more the pragmatic communicative aspect, i.e., the correct use of language (verbal and nonverbal) taking into account the context, intentions and needs of the interlocutor. The book, in light of the available scientific literature, presents a psychological analysis of the influence of Theory of Mind on communicative pragmatic impairment in Schizophrenia.

  • av Jean Faustin Bafwa Katombe

    Unlike almost all European countries, where abortion and contraception have been decriminalized and access to them has been liberalized, in many African countries abortion and contraception are still criminal offences, with a few rare exceptions. The advent of the Maputo Protocol, the most important international instrument on women's rights to reproductive health and the control of reproductive functions in Africa, ratified by the majority of the continent's countries, has emptied the essence of contrary national laws through its direct applicability, tacitly abrogating them.This study identifies the innovations brought about by the above-mentioned Protocol in the Congolese legal system, and examines the human rights obligations to which the DR Congo is subject.

  • av Khurshida Nishonova

    This study is devoted to the importance of using miniatures in teaching the works of Alisher Navoi in the field of literature teaching methodology. The importance of the use of miniatures in the teaching of Alisher Navoi's works, the advantages, possibilities and conveniences of innovative educational technologies used in the teaching of Alisher Navoi's works are highlighted, as well as the experience of their use in language teaching in our country and abroad is studied.The first chapter of the book describes the theoretical issues involved. The chapter describes the importance of using miniatures in the teaching of Alisher Navoi's works, as well as theoretical and scientific points of view on the analysis of miniatures and miniature schools. The second chapter describes the pedagogical basis for teaching the subject, the syllabus of the educational science program, comparative-typological analysis work during practical training on the subject, and methodological support for practical training.

  • av Nabil Beramtane Raaf

    The medical biochemistry occupies a place prepared in the charge of malades (diagnostic, pronostic, suivi thérapeutique¿).Ce Guide pratique présente les aspects pré-analytiques et analytiques des examens biochimiques courants en pratique quotidienne.La fiabilité des résultats de laboratoire ne dépend pas uniquement d'une technique d'analyse correctement exécutée, mais d'une preparation dans les règles de l'art de la phase pré-analytique et analytique.Plusieurs erreurs peuvent se développer durant la phase pré-analytique qui pourraient invalider inexorablement le bon déroulement des analyzes en ayant des répercussions néfastes sur la fiabilité des résultats cela génère un retard de diagnostic avec une augmentation de délai de la prize en charge thérapeutique mais aussi un e Erreur de diagnosis avec l'initiation des traitements inappropriés ainsi qu'un surcoût des soins.The choice of this ouvrage m'a semblé judicieux, et ceci dans le souci d'affiner la problématique du cycle analytique en biochimie médicale.The author remercie chaleureusement les co-auteurs pour leur collaboration dans les chapitres à consonance pédiatrique.

  • av André Majors Akoa

    In countries where political culture is a disease, or at the very least lacking, the roles of one side and the other are blurred. Here, it's hard to tell who's in power and who's on the opposing side. The practice in these countries is to turn one's back on politics if one feels that one's interests are at risk.What do we really call an opponent? What should their role be in Africa's new democracies? Their status? Are we heading for a confusion of roles and political classes?

  • av Etienne Fakaba Sissoko

    This study explores the security challenges affecting the education system in the Segou region of Mali. School closures, both voluntary and involuntary, represent a major obstacle to access to education for children, particularly girls, exacerbating problems such as early marriage. These closures also expose children to an uncertain future, marked by increased risks of violence, delinquency and recruitment by armed groups.The article proposes strategic solutions to address these issues, such as substantial investment in educational infrastructure, the development of alternative educational programs, as well as enhanced protection measures for children. These recommendations, if implemented, can make a significant contribution to improving access to education and the quality of the education system in the Ségou region. Urgent, coordinated action by the authorities, communities and development partners is needed to ensure a promising educational future for the young residents of Ségou.

  • av André Gomes Santos

    The book: Formação do professor de matemática e sua atuação no ensino remoto durante a pandemia: comparativo escola pública e escola privada presents a comparative study between a public school and a private school.The study is based on the assumptions of the legislation that organized and guided the implementation of remote teaching - legal devices of the Federal Government, the State Government of São Paulo, and the municipal government. It is also based on authors who deal with teacher training, such as Nóvoa, Libâneo, Tardiff, and Shulman, as well as authors such as Barcelos, Behar, Passerino, Miranda, Ponte, and Canavarro, who discuss the relationship between technology and teaching, and between mathematics teaching and the resources used. The objective of this research is to compare how a state public school and a private school offered remote teaching, comparing aspects of infrastructure, training and teaching performance of the mathematics teacher and contributing to a reflective and amancipatory practice in the process of knowledge construction.

  • av Christian Ngalamulume

    Electrical energy is becoming increasingly essential to modern life, especially in terms of development and comfort. Capturing the sun's rays and transforming them into electric current is now possible and easy, thanks to technological expansion in the field of solar voltaic panel manufacture. But then the great difficulty lies in storing the electrical energy produced. Storing electricity as efficiently as we can store water or petrol is impossible at present (solar PV or other energy sources). In solar systems, inter-seasonal storage is virtually impossible to implement. With a solar pump that runs on the sun, we can store water rather than electricity. New forms of storage may borrow from the properties of lithium-based intercalation chemistry.

  • av Boko Pascal Akabassi
    1 151

    Zingiber officinale (Gigembre; Dotè) is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antipyretic, antifungal and antioxidant. Chrysantellum afroamericanum (Golden chamomile; Adjalalaman) has hepatoprotective properties, supports the venous circulatory system, has choleretic, hypolipidaemic, antioxidant, antiradical, cholesterol-lowering, anti-oedematous and anti-lithiasic effects. Hibiscus Sabdariffa (Guinea Sorrel; Bissap) has anti-inflammatory, soothing, anti-asthenic, antispasmodic and slightly laxative, slimming and toning properties. Vernonia Amygdalina (Amavivé, Alloman) is effective against fever, malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, infertility, hepatitis, coughs and infertility, migraines, stomach pains, parasitic worms, painful menstruation, headaches, rheumatism, diabetes, dermatoses, cancer and obesity. Capsicum (Pepper, Atakin-winiwini, Atakin-hètablè) is effective against cancer, obesity and diabetes, intestinal infections, gout and uterine haemorrhage.

  • av Cicero Jose Barbosa Da Fonsêca

    This work was born out of researchers' concerns about education and contemporaneity. It focussed on understanding education in current times, which is increasingly marked by the contemporary conditions in which we are all immersed. The evolution of societies in recent decades has demanded that the teacher training paradigm for this new millennium be underpinned by very complex and complete theoretical and practical assumptions, in order to provide a quality response to the multiple and growing demands for education arising from this whole context, in other words, the contemporary need for a reflective, critical, creative, intellectual, investigative and innovative teacher.

  • av Carlane Rodrigues

    Authors: CARLANE RODRIGUES COSTA and LUANA PEREIRA DA COSTA. TITLE: ORGAN DONATION: THE ROLE OF NURSING WHEN DEALING WITH BRAIN-DEAD PATIENTS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. Monograph presented to the UnirG University Centre, as a partial requirement for obtaining the degree of Bachelor of Nursing. Supervisor: Profª Ms Nicoly Aguiar. Approved on 2nd December 2015. Gurupi-To. Dedications: Carlane Rodrigues Costa - I dedicate this first to God, for giving me peace in my times of anguish, for being my guardian, my refuge and my guide throughout this journey. I dedicate it to my father Roberto Carlos and my mother Gildete Alves for trusting and supporting me from the beginning. Luana Pereira da Costa - First of all, I dedicate this great achievement to God, for supporting me when my strength waned, protecting me when I felt insecure, and for always being by my side, giving me the best advice from the heart. To my parents who have always cheered me on and been by my side, always showing me the right way and the right thing to do, everything I am and will be is because of you.

  • av Lima Roberta

    This book began with an experimental study of the effect of perinatal malnutrition on locomotor parameters in adult female rats during the oestrous cycle. The ovarian cycle of the rats was determined by means of a vaginal smear between the 60th and 90th day of age. The locomotor activity of adult Wistar females was analysed from day 60 to day 65 during the fertile and non-fertile phases of the ovarian cycle. We observed a reduction in the weight and physical characteristics of the malnourished group compared with the fed group. In the next stage, in humans developed at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) - France, we examine the effects of possible variations in the menstrual cycle on strength, voluntary activation and reflex excitability in the sural triceps muscle group in young women. All the parameters analysed: muscle twitch kinetics, amplitudes and latencies Tmax, Tmin, Hmax, Mmax, were not affected by the phases of the menstrual cycle. The neuromuscular efficiency for Tmax and Mmax were not modified during the phases of the menstrual cycle.

  • av Médard E. Tambwe Mangala

    Promoting the growth of the tourism industry in Kasayi Oriental, a landlocked province in the centre of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is without doubt the objective pursued by the author of this book. With the decentralisation of the country into 26 provinces, the tourism sector is set to become one of the major pillars of economic growth in the country's smallest province in terms of surface area (9,481 km2). In Kasayi Oriental, diamond mining (both industrial and artisanal) has revealed its limitations in terms of developing the province, so it is now up to us to develop a perspective that incorporates the post-mining issue. Tourism is the best alternative. Médard Emmanuel Tambwe Mangala uses fact-based arguments to encourage readers to reflect on the concrete and real possibilities for transforming our potential into efficient wealth. As a connoisseur of the global tourism sector in recent decades, he explores and analyses the reality on the ground, which often escapes the untrained eye of most of us.

  • av Marcel Emeric de Araujo

    Rondonia's Rural Space: Prospects for the Future in Agrarian Reform Settlements - Vanessa Settlement (Guarajús) in Corumbiara and Margarida Alves Settlement in Nova União, Rondonia - Presenting the new forms of economic, social and environmental sustainability in Agrarian Reform Settlements in Rondonia (Amazonia, Brazil) is the way to show the prospects for the future of the family farmers who live there. This is the purpose of this book, which is made up of a short collection of articles by various authors (in addition to the authors, Agronomy students involved in research) on rural Rondonia.

  • av Amanda de Deus

    A study based on the cultural-historical theory of human development aimed to understand and comprehend the ways in which teachers can help and mediate students during the process of school development using affectivity and student involvement with the object of teaching, and through field research, some of the ideas presented in the theory described throughout the text can be concretised.

  • av Conceição Flores
    1 031

    In this reading of the Gospel, from José Saramago's perspective, the reader finds a way of feeling and thinking about reality from the point of view of man, of human values. This is one of the strengths of this study by Conceição Flores on the controversial novel by the Portuguese author, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature. To this end, the free play of the writer's verbal creation - according to the scholar - calls for de-automatisation and questioning of the established Christian myth, appropriated by religious and political powers. Not to replace it with other dogmatic discourses, but to place it in a critical dialogue with (his) fictional text. In this way, the writer reveals human self-determination against all forms of authoritarianism. The dogmatic discourse of origin, the bearer of a single, essentialist truth, is therefore opposed to the historicity of Saramago's literary discourse. He de-sacralises myth by moving it from the heights to which it has been elevated by the powers that be, to the prosaic nature of human existence. Benjamin Abadla Júnior (USP).

  • av Hervé Kouakou

    Law, as an essential pillar, permeates all aspects of our daily existence, forming the foundation that sustains our relationships with others and within various institutions. The imperative to conform to guidelines and standards is indisputable, embodying the well-known principle "Ubi Societas, Ubi ius" - where there is a society, there is law. This fundamental vision of law, in line with J. Salmond's perspective, defines it as the set of principles recognized and implemented by the state in the administration of justice. This undergraduate Ivorian law course explores in depth the multiple dimensions of law, offering a comprehensive understanding of its crucial role in society. Through careful analysis, students will be guided in the exploration of the various branches of Ivorian law, including civil law, criminal law, business law and other relevant areas. The aim is to provide learners with a holistic perspective that transcends theoretical concepts, helping them to apply this knowledge practically in their daily lives.

  • av Claude Iluta Engambi

    Natural prenatal education, based largely on the know-how and interpersonal skills of traditional society, has existed in all human communities, particularly in the African communities of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Although recent scientific and psychotherapeutic work is in line with the traditional teachings on the child in utero that have long been practised, particularly in Congolese society, through the recommendations laid down for future parents, the family and the community, these teachings need to be examined in depth in view of the shortcomings of our societies in terms of prenatal education. Today, the World Organisation of Associations for Prenatal Education has joined traditional African knowledge in making natural prenatal education its special field of investigation. A close relationship has been established between the socio-economic environment and the mother of the child she carries during pregnancy. We need to fill the gaps in our current societies by creating a collective awareness of the 9-month period during which the future person is built.

  • av Thiago Valim Oliveira

    "PENCIL IN HAND OR ROLL ON THE FLOOR? - Early Schooling and Corporeality in Early Childhood Education" is an essential book for broadening the horizons of those who work in early childhood education, as it denounces a situation that often goes unnoticed by many teachers and managers and raises the importance of motor skills in the construction of knowledge, encouraging the valorisation of the body in the school ethos.

  • av Sérgio Nunes Lopes

    When it comes to Historical and Cultural Heritage, various segments of society create a different image. What is Historical and Cultural Heritage? What are the points of convergence between the academic conception of this object and the legislative definition? What is the educational potential of historical heritage? The unease that questions like these give rise to permeated the research that resulted in this work. A contextualised reading of research such as that carried out in this work addresses the issues surrounding the field of discourse from an academic perspective. On the other hand, it raises political-administrative responsibilities. Between possible answers and still unsolvable questions, the reflection, based on the concreteness of the examples given, is a port of passage while treading a path that is being built synchronously and observing the socio-cultural transformations of this millennium's threshold.

  • av Abdelhafid Mimouni

    This book explores in detail the Pt(NH3)2(C6H11O6)2 complex, a novel derivative of cisplatin, focusing on its analysis by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS). Cisplatin, a well-established chemotherapeutic agent, targets the DNA of cancer cells to hinder their proliferation. The Pt(NH3)2(C6H11O6)2 complex is distinguished by the replacement of cisplatin's chlorine atoms with glucose molecules, a modification potentially decisive for its biological efficacy. This book aims to examine the structure and reactivity of CisDD/glucose, highlighting its anticancer potential and the implications of its unique structure.

  • av Marcela de Lacerda Valença Queiroz

    Serological tests for HIV and HCV are based on the detection of antibodies present in the donor's blood. This is what is known as the immunological window, a period in which, even if infected, the individual's serology is negative. The aim was to carry out a comparative study with a critical analysis of the screening methodologies for HIV and HCV testing in donors at the Hematology and Hemotherapy Center of the State of Piauí - HEMOPI. The comparison between the methodologies showed that although the agreement between the HIV tests was 99.7% and that between the HCV tests was 99.8%, the two methodologies are complementary, since the Kappa coefficients were 0.25 (fair) and 0.50 (moderate) respectively. In this way, it can be inferred that, as there are still no serological tests on the world market with 100% sensitivity and specificity, an alternative proposed to guarantee transfusion safety is the association between complementary methodologies, as is currently suggested by the Ministry of Health, through Health Surveillance.Keywords: Hemotherapy, HIV, HCV, Serology, NAT test.

  • av Aicha Djalab

    This book brings together general information on photovoltaic systems, the constitution and effect of photovoltaic cells and their operating principle, as well as the design and modeling of a photovoltaic system and the operating principle of each of the elements that make up the photovoltaic cell, the static converter and the MPPT controller, along with their characteristics.

  • av Martin Kuengienda

    Leadership Coaching: - A strategy for success?At a time when the quality of being, and of being together, is becoming a major growth and sustainability issue for all organizations and human communities. It provides all those who have to manage a support relationship (with individuals, teams or organizations) - coaches, managers, trainers, educators, executives - with original, relevant concepts and tools to help people transform and build themselves. Fully-assumed freedom and responsibility are the common thread running through this process of meaning-generating alliance.The contents of this book should be of interest to coaches in training or in practice. They will find in it as many points of support for "theorizing their practice" and "practicing their theory". Whether therapists, trainers, teachers, coaches, social workers or consultants, we hope that all those whose job it is to support others will also find food for thought in the contents of this book.

  • av David Francisco Camargo Hernández
    1 481

    Dealing with unruly teenagers is a challenge for parents. A transitional stage in an individual's life, characterized by hormonal, emotional and cognitive changes. During this period, adolescents seek independence and autonomy, which manifests as rebelliousness, defiance of authority and disruptive behaviors. However, understanding and addressing these behaviors effectively can lay the foundation for a stronger relationship and a healthy transition into adulthood.Adolescent rebelliousness should be recognized as a search for identity and self-determination. Adolescents are trying to define themselves and establish their place in the world, resulting in a range of seemingly challenging behaviors. Instead of reacting with frustration or anger, it is critical to practice empathy and see things from their perspective.One strategy for dealing with rebellious teens is to encourage open and respectful communication. Establish an environment in which teens feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings without fear of excessive judgment or punishment and facilitate mutual understanding. Active listening.

  • av Aldjia Outaleb-Pellé

    These days, debates about the role of schools and language teaching and learning are subjects that intrigue teachers, book designers and, in particular, parents. In language teaching in general, and French as a foreign language in particular, innovations and methodologies are constantly invading the teaching field. For the most part, they are the product of demands external to the language. This has been the case since the emergence of the audio-oral method (in the USA in the 1940s) up to the present day, with the skills-based approach. Thus, for more than half a century, innovation has been the priority in language teaching. It is important to recognise that considerable efforts have been made in pedagogical discourse and that the aim of these didactic and methodological trends is to improve the quality of teaching.

  • av Abdelhafid Mimouni

    This book is aimed at all those interested in exploring new methods for diagnosing adrenal insufficiency, particularly in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Adrenal insufficiency is a complex medical condition that requires accurate diagnosis for effective treatment. Current diagnostic methods, while useful, have certain limitations. This book presents a promising new method for diagnosing adrenal insufficiency, involving the use of 61Cobalt-labeled eplerenone and MRI.In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this method could prove particularly useful, as the virus can affect blood pressure regulation and potentially cause conditions such as hypertension or hypotension.We hope this book will be a valuable resource for those seeking to improve the diagnosis and treatment of adrenal insufficiency.

  • av Gontran Nsi Akoue
    1 157

    In the search for solutions against various pathologies, researchers use several approaches including the study of animal self-medication. In this book, we present the nutritional and therapeutic potential of plant species belonging to around thirty botanical families consumed by Mandrills in the Lékédi Park and the indigenous human populations of Bakoumba. Specifically, we present the phytochemical and pharmacodynamic properties, ethnobotanical and ecological uses of plants used by the two populations of primates (human and non-human) as well as their energy contributions.Given the diversity of molecules, it follows that zoopharmacognosy or the study of the self-medication behavior of animals in general would be a new source of discovery of biologically active molecules that could constitute a source of therapeutic and nutritional knowledge for alternative medicine. efficient.This futuristic approach to research applicable in Dietetics and Medicine also makes it possible to enrich the ethological knowledge of animals and increase animal well-being.

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