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  • av Nezha Djellal Ameur
    1 011

    Algeria's entrepreneurial and startup ecosystem is developing rapidly, offering hope in the face of the economic crisis. More and more young people are setting up innovative businesses. The Algerian government is implementing concrete measures to support this sector. Success stories are emerging to serve as role models. According to experts, startups could be a decisive growth driver for the country and a major source of jobs for young people. By 2025, more than 100,000 jobs could be created. The main challenge is to develop a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation within Algerian society.

  • av Radia Benyahia

    Breast cancer ranks first among all cancers worldwide, and is the leading cause of cancer-related death in women. It is therefore a major public health problem. The only means of preventing this scourge is screening mammography, which enables the diagnosis of infra-clinical breast lesions such as microcalcifications, which are related to a benign or malignant breast pathological process. The discovery of breast microcalcifications requires a precise, well-coded approach, ranging from the quality of the images to the action to be taken, i.e. description of the microcalcifications, their BI-RADS classification and, finally, the action to be taken as a result.We hope that this book will be a useful resource for all those seeking to learn more about breast microcalcifications. We are convinced that this resource will help healthcare professionals to better understand breast microcalcifications and provide appropriate management.

  • av Jenifer Montecinos Choque

    An effective and aesthetic technique for umbilical port closure is proposed, taking into account the risk factors that could trigger complications previously seen with other common techniques. The complications with the present technique were minimal, therefore the degree of acceptance by the patients is acceptable since the scar is practically invisible in the umbilical scar.

  • av Sergio Fitte

    Once again the author surprises us with the excesses of the everyday. The degradation not only of those next to us, but also of ourselves. A fundamental text for today's world. But beware, you must be very brave to enter these pages, otherwise you run the risk of losing the race and ending up as one of the sinister characters with which this author pleasantly surprises us. Serigio Fitte, a name to conquer.

  • av Henry Bueno

    In these times it is urgent to find ourselves, to know who we are and what we are made of. The species of the planet are in an adaptive race with man and have developed their intelligence in immeasurable ways, which is why it is valid to reconceptualise what makes us human, in the light of time. This book offers a glimpse from the psychological literature into a fundamental anthropological problem and throws us into the subject of creation in an exemplary way.

  • av Paulo Klein Junior

    This research aims to analyze the United Nations (UN) and its role in protecting the rights of minorities. In order to find a response to this issue, the following general objective was formulated: to define what the measures are and whether there is application and effectiveness of the policies taken by the UN (United Nations Organization) in defense of minorities. This from an international perspective, given the many ideological, political and cultural differences. The specific objectives are: a) to conceptualize what is considered to be a minority, and to identify which ones they are, what their legal situation is and whether there are threats to freedoms in the territories in which they are found; b) to narrate the historical evolution of the UN and what its structure is for promoting policies aimed at protecting human and minority rights; c) to elucidate whether the commitments made by countries to the UN for the defense of human and minority rights are applied effectively in the domestic sphere. In order to achieve the objectives, the research has a qualitative, theoretical approach, using bibliographical research, treaties and international legislation.

  • av Anibal Olivero

    In this book you will find critical thoughts and reflections based on the author's experiences, which is why he considers that education today must be configured through the management of socio-educational processes at a multidimensional and transdisciplinary level, under a pedagogical approach; using alternatives to overcome the adversities and/or crises of a country, which is in constant construction of future prospects and didactic and curricular transformation in the teacher of the 21st century.

  • av Marco Antonio Stancik (Org.

    Researching and teaching history are endeavors that, once articulated, tend to reinforce each other. This is the assumption behind this collection of studies, developed around extremely varied and diverse, broad and complex themes and problems. On purpose, the focus of the chapters alternates between teaching and historiographical research and debate. In doing so, the aim is not to present ready-made formulas, but to provide reflections, propositions and, in the best sense of the word, provocations.

  • av María Teresa Barbat Pérez

    For many years we were taught that we were Europeans, taken off the ships, but they forgot that for thousands of years, before the arrival of the European, America already existed and that the coasts of the South, of the great River as sea, the current Rio de la Plata, and many rivers and streams were crossed by canoes with thousands of original settlers, women and men who forged the foundation of my people. The oldest settlement in Uruguay is undoubtedly Santo Domingo Soriano, cradle and root of our history. It survives and dreams despite being relegated as if it were a bastard daughter. The first songs, agriculture, the search for sovereignty, the first cry for freedom, the Indian, the black and the gaucho together with the immigrants who came from all over the world to form human beings who lived together in peace and harmony despite their differences, women who shared their lives, their customs, their ideals and suffered their pains, but brought into the world the children who today are part of our population. From the womb to the tomb we must venerate our ancestors who make up these brief stories. There is much more history to tell....

  • av Pablo Ulloa

    This book reflects the joint effort of all the medical staff of the different specialties since cancer is a pathology that can only be treated in a multidisciplinary way, unfortunately the reality that we live in Ecuador, is a late detection of stomach cancer accompanied by a high morbimortality in spite of the adequate treatment, It is also necessary the accompaniment and support of the patients' families, the low survival figures show the difficult struggle they have, being a highly lethal pathology makes them true warriors, in many cases they do it alone or with few resources and in spite of this they are victorious.

  • av Dora Gutiérrez Martínez

    The new transformations of basic secondary education require students with a comprehensive general education, as well as with a teaching-learning of mathematics in the resolution of problems related to practical life. However, the way it is developed is insufficient, due to the needs they still present to solve mathematical problems, corroborated in the low results in this cognitive domain in the seventh grade evidenced in: limitations in interpreting the given situation, insufficiency in determining what is given and what is sought in looking for the solution way and solving it.

  • av Nabonswendé Toussaint Wobraogo
    1 171

    This book deals with import-export operations and, more generally, international trade transactions in Africa, in the context of the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).It is aimed primarily at trade professionals, but can also be used for academic purposes, particularly at higher education level, or as a guide for those responsible for drawing up trade policies.Written in a practical style, it first provides a good understanding of the Multilateral Trading System. Secondly, it raises the main questions every import-export professional needs to answer before embarking on an export venture, if he or she is to achieve lasting success in international trade.Finally, it presents the techniques, tools and aids required for a successful export operation. The illustrations in this book are drawn from the author's experience as an international trade expert, and from his activities as a player in the long chain of trade policy-making in Africa.

  • av Günther Dichatschek
    1 011

    The study is justified by the topicality of the subject and the need to take measures to promote human resources management. For the author, his educational and professional biography are decisive in dealing with the breadth of the subject area. Part I looks at the principles of general personnel development and mobility promotion, while Part II takes a complementary look at the management level, particularly in the education sector and analogously in other areas, from the perspective of lifelong learning as a necessity for socio-economic and socio-cultural development. Essentially, it deals with changes in strategic orientation, personnel roles, organizational structures and performance processes.

  • av Rudá Ryuiti Furukita Baptista

    The e-book aims to analyze the applicability of the Dialogue of Sources Theory in the solution of apparent legal antinomies in consumer relations developed in e-commerce through the digital environment. The legal system, after the crisis of post-modernity, provides for a plurality of legal norms applicable to the same concrete fact, so the guiding problem of the research focuses on the need to overcome this apparent conflict of normative sources. Along these lines, the aim is to study the possibility of resolving these conflicts by adopting the dialogue of sources, which advocates the simultaneous, harmonious and coordinated application of multiple legal sources, with the consequent overcoming of the three classic criteria for resolving antinomies (hierarchical, specific and chronological) which imply the exclusion or derogation of one law to the detriment of another. The topic chosen is justified insofar as, given the expansion and popularization of e-commerce, there is a need for the jurist to act in resolving conflicts arising from the conflict of normative sources present in the so-called "age of disorder".

  • av Gabriel Pérez Almoza

    "Hypnotherapeutic protocol for suicidal behaviour in adolescence" is a text that introduces us to the practical world of Hypnosis and its applications in Medical Sciences. Suicidal behaviour is a phenomenon that is on the increase and needs effective tools for its adequate control and professional follow-up. I invite you to acquire new knowledge and skills. The author.

  • av Deirys Olivera

    This book analyzes the relevance of the communication variable in the organizational climate in Higher Education Institutions in the municipality of Sincelejo; it was conducted under the guidance of a study with a qualitative approach and descriptive type of research, indicating that the relevance of the communication variable is transcendental, on the one hand referring to the fact that most authors focused on this conceptualization give it an important attention, since it affects the motivation of employees, as well as the commitment and involvement in corporate tasks.

  • av Elena Camilo Parrón

    This paper presents the experiences of the Universidad de Oriente in relation to the virtualisation of university training processes aimed at achieving the transformation of these processes through the intensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with a view to raising the level of the university in the optimal use of these technologies in accordance with the challenges and demands imposed by the technological era in which we find ourselves. The academic staff involved in research on the use of ICTs in training processes have been offering important theoretical and practical-methodological results linked to these technologies for some years now, influencing the improvement of these processes, as well as obtaining the recognition of the university community for the actions that have been developed and the achievements obtained in this direction.

  • av Rocio Jurado Torrez

    The present work makes mention of the Project of Cultural and Linguistic Revitalization of the Quechua Language, which was developed in the San Jacinto Educational Unit since it presents a low use of the Quechua language, where the lower grades Prekinder, Kinder and 1st and 2nd of Primary, are those who are losing the native language, adopting as official language the Spanish language.In order to strengthen the use of the Quechua language, we developed different activities of a cultural nature that involved raising awareness and motivating the students to speak in Quechua, as well as transmitting the ancestral knowledge of the Quechua culture.The methodology applied in the project was participatory action research, where the Revitalizing group was part of the educational community of San Jacinto.

  • av María Angélica Amable

    The city of La Cruz, province of Corrientes, was originally a Jesuit reduction, founded in 1630 with the name of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción on the Acaraguá river, western tributary of the Uruguay in the province of Misiones (Argentina). After the great battle against the bandeirantes, it was installed next to the Mbororé River, which also flows into the Uruguay. Our Lady of the Assumption of Acaraguá and Mbororé is the only Marian devotion that arose in the reductions that remains to this day. Born in the frontier of the fight against the bandeirantes, today it unites peoples from both margins of Uruguay, from the borders of Brazil and Argentina, who are looking for ways of integration and development.

  • av John Rodrigo Londoño Naranjo

    For the development of this topic it is necessary to distinguish between data and information, because although it is true that there is a big difference between the two, to speak of data is to speak of symbols, codes, numbers, etc.. That these by themselves as an isolated fact does not say anything, but when these are concatenated among others we can say that there is already information, which may or may not be relevant to the process or what is sought, but something very important to keep in mind when looking for these data that provide us with information, is to have enough tact and prudence necessary to not incur in acts contrary to the law, as would be the case of violation of privacy of persons, human dignity among others, no less serious. It is in this way that we analyze from our own legislation as in one way or another has been concerned about the issue, since it has been legislated on it and some reforms have been made, as we can detect in our criminal code with the reform of the code to be inserted in Article 269A and S.S., called computer crimes and everything that has to do with them, but we lack training for operators.

  • av Rafael Guerrero Elecalde
    1 167

    This book is the result of the compilation of various publications that we have been making in the area of Social Sciences Didactics, in the Department of Specific Didactics, at the University of Cordoba, Spain. In our eagerness to train future teachers in concepts, methodology and competencies, which they will later be able to apply in Primary Education classrooms, we have tried to look for ways that would be useful for this purpose. Among the various possibilities, we have considered that the teaching of local history presents several very valid characteristics for the teaching of historical time, chronological time and the development of historical and critical thinking of our students, especially because it favors attention and learning about the environment, increases motivation to learn and discover aspects of their city, allows them to understand the meaning of heritage or the history of their locality in general terms or to encourage critical analysis, as citizens, of what is happening around them.

  • av Andres Chuga

    Workplace Engagement research proposes to address the issue of psychosocial health no longer from negative aspects such as risk factors, burnout or stress, but from a positive perspective, where individual resources that enhance well-being are measured and allow for increased levels of psychological well-being. Previous research has shown that employees with Engagement have a sense of energetic and affective connection with their work activities and perceive themselves as having sufficient capabilities to cope with the demands of their activity.

  • av João Maia
    1 031

    This book is divided into a theoretical component and an empirical research component. The first component analyses the impact of globalisation processes, especially in the area of education. It argues that in order to work towards building a more cohesive and global society, schools should have intercultural education as one of their main guidelines. In this sense, the second component of the work, as a need to assess the reality of Portuguese education, analyses the representations of different cultural groups in the History and Geography of Portugal textbooks of the Portuguese education system. The main aim of this analysis is to find out whether, at least in this respect, educational practices in Portugal are in line with the principles of visibility and equality between cultures.

  • av Euclides Jorge Fernandes Correia

    Since 2008, there has been a diversified increase in the university population in Cape Verde due to the presence of immigrants from the countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Bissau-Guineans. Most of them come from families with low cultural and economic capital. This last factor leads to the existence of certain barriers (linguistic, cultural, curricular and financial) that limit access to higher education. Therefore, the issue of access cannot only be seen from an economic and financial perspective; we need to focus on the "democratization of society" and the "deepening of social justice". The country and its higher education institutions do not have an active affirmative action policy, which has been an "obstacle" for Bissau-Guineans in accessing this level of education. The study aims to get to know the physiognomy of Cape Verdean higher education in the African panorama (its (im)potential and its challenges); to identify the barriers encountered in accessing this level of education and their attitudes towards higher education policies.

  • av Yely Alexander Molina Pereira

    Nowadays the environmental situation should be a matter that concerns us all, but unfortunately it seems to matter to few, however, no matter how small the efforts are, collective work makes success and I am convinced that in the near future there will be more of us who feel committed and contribute in favour of environmental care and conservation, in order to mitigate and if possible reverse the damage caused consciously or unconsciously to the environment.The planting of plants on the banks of rivers, streams, springs and springs, protect and considerably improve the flow of water, therefore in this research three species of plants are proposed, in order to improve and reverse the damage caused to the planet; the species are: Bamboo (Guadua angustifolia Kunth), Bucare (Erythrina poeppigiana) and Naranjilla (Trichanthera gigantea). Considering that each one of them has its particular uses, but that together they form the perfect trio in favour of improving water flows and consequently the environment in general.

  • av Junior Merlin Kranendji
    1 171

    The creation of the SCC in the CAR follows the commission of serious violations of human rights and IHL, particularly since the 2003 crisis to date. Having received the mandate to judge the authors of these particularly serious tragic disregards, this jurisdiction composed of both national and international magistrates and able to apply substantive and procedural international rules, will also have to order reparation measures against the latter. after their guilt has been established. It is in this context that this reflection takes place. It appears from legal considerations that the regime put in place is relatively favorable to victims. However, even if there are relevant provisions in this area, the fact remains that the CPS compensation regime is watered down, notwithstanding the fact that it is intended, in certain respects, to be a slavish copy of that of the International Criminal Court.

  • av Nicolás Nolan

    With the technological progress of the last decades, the amount of chemical compounds with high cytotoxic activity has been increasing. Many of them are dumped into river sources and there they are dispersed in nature and have a negative impact on the environment. A special type of pollutant is called endocrine disruptors which are species that have the ability to replace or mimic specific human and/or animal hormones. In an attempt to mitigate the negative impact of these compounds, it has been found that enzymes are capable of performing bioremediation efficiently and cleanly. Under this premise, the study of the laccase enzyme Coriolopsis gallica in the degradation of three endocrine disrupting compounds bisphenol A, betaestradiol and 4-nonylphenol is carried out.

  • av Mario José Vásquez Pauca

    This book is a compendium of victimological work as a social worker and related careers in these more than 10 years of work as an operator of justice and with the experience of work actively exercised in the main rights or basic needs of people such as in the sectors of Health, Education and Social Programs. Work oriented to vulnerable people, which forces us to be prepared, and take immediate action from the social sciences, with rapid and timely intervention in situations usually complex risk and high risk, which requires us to be continuously trained with specialized knowledge and having the personal conditions - professionals with values and positive attitudes, appropriate to respond individually and institutionally adequately to the complex and multidimensional needs of the people we serve in a prompt and expeditious manner. In the light of a great field of action from victimology, with a great enriching and rewarding experience from the mystique and the gift of service, from the Protection and Assistance Unit of the Public Ministry of Arequipa - Peru to the world.

  • av Diego Andres Peñaranda Vergel

    The "leakage" is a term used in banking institutions to determine when a customer is likely to withdraw their products or ultimately has withdrawn their services from the financial institution. There are studies that show that 1 in 5 people are likely to withdraw their services, which causes economic losses for the entity, because it is more expensive to get new customers than to retain those customers who are already linked to the financial institution. The BBVA bank in the Ocaña branch is no stranger to this situation, which is why it is so important to create strategies that allow us to follow up with customers according to their specific needs. With this we contribute to customer loyalty, going from mono-products to poly-products. In addition, we mitigate customer leakage by publicizing the benefits of savings (CDT, investment funds, my project accounts, etc.), credit (savings, consumption, credit cards, revolving quota, mortgage, etc.) and virtual portals (BBVA Móvil, BBVA Wallet and BBVA Net) that customers can acquire by direct deposit of their payroll with the bank.

  • av Beatriz Manterola Vince
    1 127

    The study attracts towards a reading of fascinating descriptive adventure of childhood, making a historical review of the paradigms that nominate it. It invites the reader to insert him/herself in modernity in an educational model conducive to peace and ecology, taking into account social classes and gender, working from the autonomy and freedom in which children develop in the Montessori methodology.

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