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  • av Syeeah Jarrule Bahshay

    I scooped out soft buttery tissue and ligaments before my body had a chance to rot.I noticed the air. I could almost taste the sweet clay; my hunger had been breached.A liter of pus landed near a broken tangled cord, at the base of my neck. Cadavers that couldn't be fixed were placed on wooden benches, and their toe tags removed.

  • av Leslie Lam

    Do you ever wonder why trees live so long or how they stand so tall and are so very strong?Do you think it could be in the roots of a tree where its strength is hidden and our eyes cannot see?If you were a tree...what kind of tree would you be?Enjoy your journey in the day in the life of a tree. Children and adults will appreciate the natural characteristics shared by trees and humans. You will find that trees really do please! This story has repetitive opening sentencing to aid young readers to success and encourages critical thinking and personal growth opportunities for readers of all ages.

  • av K Srinage Ph D

    Key features: Buddhist philosophy in India and ChinaLasting effects of the thoughts of Confucius and Lao TzuSome attempts to update and later to bypass Confucian thoughtsThe oldest philosophical thoughts of India: Vedas and UpanishadsRoots of casteism in India; Manu's Dharma ShastraAttempts of the ancients to justify worldly life: Artha Shastra and Kama SutraRecurrent philosophy supporting religion in IndiaPathways to Philosophy is a text meant to introduce to the Western reader the philosophic background of a fairly large number of Chinese and Indians who migrate to the United States and other English-speaking countries. The book traces briefly the variety and evolution of the wisdom in each of these most populated and developing countries. Being familiar with the philosophic traditions of these people with whom people in the West have to deal for good or bad makes it easy to understand, accept, and appreciate their worth.The book is written as if meant to be an introductory text for a one-semester course to college undergraduates. The instructors, without having to dwell deep into the foreign classics, can easily master the resources with this book as the guide. The student can enjoy the variety of foreign philosophic traditions that will enrich their own.Related texts: Sourcebook in Chinese PhilosophySourcebook in Indian PhilosophyWisdom of China and India

  • - Forty-Three More Stories from the Front Lines of Challenger Brand Strategy
    av Julian Aldridge

    What do Tesla, Apple, Warby Parker, and Nike all have in common? They all challenged the conventions of their category and, in true Challenger Brand style, caused the world to navigate by their beliefs, actions, and standards. In this easily accessible series of stories, Illuminate explores what makes these brands tick and how today's modern marketer can benefit from their example.Packed full of insights, case stories, and real-world examples from my thirty-five-plus years on the front line of Challenger marketing, Illuminate is an essential read for anyone involved in the business of building brands. Particularly Challenger Brands. These are the brands who see imperfections as opportunities, who take umbrage at the lowly expectations that abound in so many categories, who challenge the Monsters in our midst. They are the mavericks who hate the status quo, who create new norms, and who force the world to navigate by their vision of the future. And these are the brands you will learn about in this book. Some are new, some are old, but all are Challengers at heart. And they all have fascinating stories to tell.Because why you do business today is, perhaps, even more important that what you do or how you do it. Yet, every day, we see too many firms chasing the competition, believing that price, product features, or passion alone will make them winners. Companies without a clearly articulated purpose.The result? Low returns. Failed or sub-performing companies. Another dream shattered. Another great idea turned to dust. The losers are the employees, management teams, owners, and boards at all these companies. As well as the investors-the VCs, private equity firms, angel funders, and founders, and the world itself.But it doesn't have to be that way. Most companies focus on what they do and sometimes, how they do it and then expect people to buy their product or service. Challengers, however, broadcast why they do what they do and change the world in the process.Challengers create new sets of rules and expect the world to follow their lead. And they do it with passion and focus, not big budgets. It's why they're some of the fastest growing companies on earth. In Illuminate II, you will learn tips and tricks, gain insights and ideas, and be able to put into practice lessons, from some of the world's most interesting Challenger Brands. Some of the stories you will read have historical routes; some are centered on my recent experience; some will hopefully inspire you to think and act different at, or with, your company, or even in your life; some will provide you clear, tangible lessons and exercises to use. And, hopefully, all of them will help you perfect the art and science of Challenger behavior.

  • av J Edwards

    Space Goblyns is a children's fictional rhyming story. The story follows Lilyoblyn and Squito on one of their regular adventures across the galaxy. They search the furthest corners of space with high hopes of finding new friends.

  • av Andy Costa

    This book is about an old Indian girl. This girl is around 300 years old; she is a skin walker. She meets this girl she likes, and they get into trouble with each other.

  • av David M. Gaffin

    My dad, Morris Chadwick "Chad" Gaffin, was an all-American kind of guy who was a devout Christian, a professional Scouter with the Boy Scouts of America, and an artillery officer with the US Army during the Cold War. He was a well-meaning and charismatic guy who unfortunately suffered from a mental illness known as bipolar disorder. Despite being diagnosed with this mental illness in the middle of his life, he refused to admit it and take the appropriate medicine. Unfortunately, his mental illness worsened with age, and he began to inadvertently destroy his relationships with people, which prevented him from fully accomplishing his ultimate goal in life of becoming a minister. Most of the bad things in Dad's life were done to himself, but he always saw himself as a victim of evil people out to destroy him. Despite the unflattering and embarrassing realities of his bipolar disorder, this book will fully examine his life and explain how our family dealt with his mental illness and difficult personality. It was sad to watch Dad's life slowly spiral downward into a personal hell as he became his own worst enemy, especially with his personal relationships and finances. For those who knew him best, he was ultimately loved and appreciated as a person who wanted to make a positive impact on the world. Maybe this book could give his life more meaning and serve as a cautionary tale for those with similar loved ones who refuse to seek help.

  • av Rob Ciminelli
    271 - 407

  • av Sharon Rogers

    We Two Brothers is a story about two brothers who do everything together. They are twins who love to spend time together from birth to becoming grandfathers themselves. They like to do everything together--two brothers with a wonderful friendship with each other.

  • av J. M. Vessard

    Would you like to expand your ideas and experiences of creation? This book inspires with stories, messages, inspirational material, and with many higher-dimensional contacts with the light groups of higher dimensions. Those light groups display different dominant colors and frequencies of light. There were also many personal contacts with the author's original light group from the higher dimensions of another galaxy. The ancient mentor of that light group made the most contacts. He gave her experiences of portals to higher dimensions and much information from beyond this world.

  • av David Ajeigbe

    Whenever humans are going through difficult times, they should realize that God is always ready to rescue them from their predicaments. However, humans have short memories; they soon forget how bad things were for them before God's rescue. Therefore, instead of moving closer to God, they perceive a smaller problem as being bigger than the ones from which God had saved them. God is always faithful, and He never changes at all. He expects all to put their trust in Him since He is able and eager to solve human problems according to His will. The Lord is great, and so is His faithfulness. God demonstrated His great love to all humans that he allowed His son to be sacrificed to save them all. Christ gave so much importance to human life that He gave His own life to save theirs. Therefore, there should be nothing to hold humans back from doing His will or from achieving the best that God has in store for all.

  • av Caitlyn Gehl

    An emotional roller coaster, Telling the Truth is here to say all the things I never did, and it's my hope that these words resonate with others. The pull between love and hate and the emotional strangle life can have, this book expresses the words I struggled to.

  • av Leonard M. Roth

    Presents of Mind: The Book is, at its core, a great romance destined for either obliteration by outside forces of great malice and overarching evil or an otherworldly miraculous tale of potential success in the face of unimaginable odds.But let's start at the beginning of this great adventure.Four billion light-years from Earth in an uncharted area of the universe is the planet Cryptx, which is mercilessly ruled by a draconian alien race that has enslaved the Cryptxian inhabitants of the planet. Scientists have been compelled to create a super chip that could bestow on the vile ruling power great, overarching powers. In a deadly, daring long-shot clandestine attack on the secret research facility, scientists steal the forbidden research they have been forced to create and escape the planet in pursuit of freedom. But have they truly escaped the planet and the Black Galactic Guard that cruelly polices Cryptx and protects the ruling party?On Earth, Ralph Wenger, a young man who was seriously injured as a child in an accident where he lost his family, has been left mentally challenged and under the cruel care of a doctor/guardian in Atlanta, Georgia. In a backwoods area of Georgia, Ralph and the alien scientists inadvertently cross paths; and the stolen chip is temporarily implanted in the young man's brain solely to communicate with Ralph, setting in motion a momentous fight of good against evil and a love story for the ages between Ralph and a very skeptical beauty, Annie Pickering, a Georgia Tech student, heading back from Savannah to Atlanta to start her last semester.The story careens and intertwines with a race against time by Ralph and Annie attempting to stay ahead of the profoundly evil, more powerful forces hell-bent on killing Ralph and all others in their way to retrieve the chip from Ralph's brain and to gain the wondrous powers the chip provides to the ultimate possessor.Take the ride of a lifetime with Ralph and Annie as they come to grips with the otherworldly powers of the chip and the mind-numbing terror of impeded death at the hands of more powerful pursuers, requiring ingenuity and stealth to survive.Ultimately, the question devolves to what the present from Cryptx means for Ralph's and Annie's future together--if, against all odds, they can live to enjoy it.

  • av Patricia Grant

    After so many personal experiences in my life, I decided to put them on paper. My book speaks not just to women but to men as well. Anyone who's going through any obstacles in life, I speak to you from the heart. My words to you, to all of you, please love yourself more than any man could love you, with the exception of God. Love doesn't have to hurt to be okay. When your frowns outweigh your smiles, it's time to just walk away and simply say "I'm done. I don't deserve this hurt, I deserve so much more. HAPPINESS......

  • av Carmen Raposo

    La autora fue inspirada por el Espiritu Santo en la prision a escribir esta novela cristiana. Con unos personajes que ustedes, los lectores, disfrutaran en grande y tendran un nuevo avivamiento, un nuevo encuentro con el Padre, Hijo y Espiritu Santo. Lean la novela. Juan 8, 32: "Conocera la verdad y la verdad los hara libre".

  • av Rigoberto Fernando Amaya

    Es una novela que se remonta a los años 1840-1865, tiempos de esclavitud y liberación de esta época cuando el señor Abraham Lincoln ganó las elecciones presidenciales de los Estados Unidos de Norte América y lastimosamente también su deceso. Trata la historia de una niña raptada, esclavizada y liberada por sí misma, a través de un esfuerzo sobrehumano de supervivencia. Su futuro le depara muchas sorpresas, unas muy dolorosas y otras muy felices. En el transcurso de la narración descubrirás un secreto que obligatoriamente debe ser revelado, pero que, a su vez, debe permanecer oculto. Una bonita secuencia de sucesos que mantienen al lector intrigado, pendiente, deseoso de conocer el desarrollo y final de estos.Hechos que te harán sumergirte en la lectura, encontraras actos obscuros de venganza, olvido quizá, pero habrá justicia. De la misma forma, verás a través de sus páginas sufrimiento, tristezas, aunque también encontrarás superación, esfuerzo, alegrías, y felicidad. El escritor Rigoberto Fernando Amaya te muestra detalles ficticios y reales, algunos de ellos tan específicos que te harán confrontarlos con la vida misma.

  • av Tomás Pacanins Niño

    La guerra de la independencia de Venezuela de Espana fue cruenta, sangrienta y devastadora.Los personajes figurados son los caracteres centrales de esta novela y los que en ellos se muestra losresultados de esta devastacion. Estos personajes interactuan con personajes reales los cuales existieron en esaepoca y hacen presencia en batallas las cuales historicamente sucedieron.Como personaje principal esta un hombre el cual en su juventud paso mucho tiempo viviendo con una delas tribus indigenas de Venezuela. Ahi adquirio su cultura y sus habilidades para poder ejecutar sus hazanas.Al regresar a la civilizacion de aquella epoca se vio involucrado en la guerra de Independencia deVenezuela. En el seno del Ejercito venezolano, debido a su forma de pelear y usar sus armas fue apodado El Indio.Aunque esta es una novela de guerra, tambien describe personajes de diferente cultura, esta llena deromance y de personajes que exaltan la amistad y lealtad, tipico de personas muy virtuosas.Otro personaje que paralelamente actua con El Indio en otro escenario, pero ligado a el, muestra la divisionde nacionalidades, clases y raza existente en esa epoca. Su nombre: RubenUna vez liberados del dominio espanol por el Libertador Simon Bolivar los siguientes paises: Venezuela,Colombia, Ecuador, Peru y creada Bolivia; despues de esa hazana, alabada por Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania yotros paises; los latinoamericanos se dieron a la tarea de destruir y difamar la gloria del Libertador.Esta novela pretende colocar un granito de arena en la defensa de tan glorioso e ilustre padre de la patriavenezolana.

  • av D. D. Darwin

    This is a collection of stories that will take you searching for gold in the desolate desert. Seeking ghosts from the past who want you to pay a debt long past due. Then you can become a king who fights ancient corruption and hatred that challenges his honor and genuine love. But for those of you who want a more modern twist where money, drugs, and sex are the villain, there is that. So remember gold, ghosts, and murder just for you. The best of systems are flawed, especially those contrived by man.

  • av Wanda Holland

    Faith and religion-based: keep your faith in God, who gives you strength even when it seems impossible at times. God is our refuge and provides for all our needs.

  • av Claren McGivney

    When all grows dark and full of fear, she hears the words "Breathe for me."Come, be swept away by a sad yet suspenseful mystery and enthralling romance. Breathe for Me, the debut novel by Claren McGivney, is a fictional tale about a girl in her senior year, fated by tragedy, where, just beyond, a chilling, enchanting adventure awaits.You will follow Tess on a breathtaking journey far away from home to a coastal town in Ireland and into a ghost story that is centuries old.Experience her mystical dreams, strange happenings, and unfamiliar surroundings in frightful intrigue.Draped in Celtic folklore and Druid magic, Tess's story will have you wandering cobblestone streets and emerald-green landscapes as she searches for her best friend. And where she finds a sweet, unexpected romance entwined with a fabled mystery amid the ancient, haunted ruins of Ireland.

  • av Tammie Lynne

    Tammy Mitchell is a geriatric nurse in the care ward of Grand Forks Hospital in British Columbia. She lives in Midway, in the house she inherited from her mother when she passed five years previous.Michael Bransen is in the Royal Canadian Dragoons, focused on a personal mission of finding what his father took. While on medical leave to recover from an "accident" that happened when he was stationed over in Syria, he has been brought back to Canada for treatment and ends up in Tammy's ward due to lack of extra beds in the main hospital.The last time they had been together was that fateful September night when she had been twelve and he fifteen. He disappeared with his mother and little brother, and she'd been left standing in the driveway, alone, hurting, and afraid her heart would never heal. She never forgot about him, nor he her, and now after nearly forty years, they have been thrown back into each other's lives because of the very same reason they had once been torn apart.His father's poor judgment in trying to pay off a gambling debt to a Canadian Mafia family may very well have cost Canada the chance to stand with her head high among the great powers around the world. The bad guys will do whatever it takes to stop the brothers from trying to right that bad choice, including hurting the ones they love."How is it that one person's bad decision so long ago could affect so many lives, even today? Include multiple countries and span years in the fixing of that same mistake?" Tammy wonders, "Anything we do now will also affect others for years to come. Can I live with that? Yes, if it serves to help my country; makes things better for my friends, new and old; and saves the life of the one man I've never forgotten."

  • av Alex Korneyev

    This book is dedicated to the prehistory of the Trojan War. This historical fiction is based on ancient myths and describes the events that took place in the fifty-year period preceding the campaign of Achaeans on Ilion.The book consists of five parts. The first part is devoted to the capture of Ilion by Hercules and the enthronement of King Priam. The second describes the adventures of Agamemnon in exile from the moment of the death of his father, King Atreus. The third reflects the accession of Agamemnon in Mycenae and his actions to strengthen the royal power up to his marriage to the daughter of the king of Sparta. The fourth part describes the period from the wedding of Helen and Menelaus to the abduction of Helen by Paris. The fifth part is devoted to the preparation of an assault on Troy up to the gathering of the Achaeans in Aulis.The book reflects such mythological themes as the Calydonian hunt, the Theban campaigns of the Argives, the Oedipus cycle and Eriphyla's necklace, and the last years of Theseus and others. All events, names of heroes, and geographic names are taken from ancient sources. The interpretation of the motives of the characters' actions is the fruit of the author's inspiration.

  • av Patty Hansen

    This frank and revealing true story leave its readers inspired with a speechless sense of wonder. Bipolar Firsthand is a gift to humanity.People with manic depression are like the epicenter of an earthquake; no one nearby is left untouched. Living and breathing within these pages, the author shines light on her soul's darkest hours and highest highs. She states that bipolar illness can be a learned condition, not necessarily a genetic, inherited disease.In Patty's own words, she says this:The day I was born, I hit the ground running; so fast, so awake, so alive, I literally vibrated with excitement. I was given beatings, medication, guilt, and psychiatrists in an effort to calm me.I fought back. I kicked and screamed and finally went crazy. I was diagnosed with manic depression, convinced my teachers were right. After all, there were so many of them, all looking out for my best interests. They said there was no hope for me, so I gave up. I wanted to die.This book is about my journey back to life.I am at peace after being beaten bloody as a child, experiencing the raw emotion of gang rape, having been married and divorced eight times, and attempting suicide more times than I can count.Today, I am a healthy, happy, and powerful person. Everyone can be. An unimaginable amount of deep work has saved my life. Falling down is inevitable. Getting back up is divine. Bipolar Firsthand tells the story of how I did it.My greatest hope is that you become willing to see your innocence and that you come to love your life as much as I love mine. I anticipate that the people who love us will better understand us and come to know that we chose this life before we were born and that they chose this dance with us. We are all here to advance the evolution of our souls. We are quite literally one.Patty's frank and revealing book, Bipolar Firsthand, has been reviewed by the board of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. We find it to be a brave and inspiring work that few people who have gone through a life like Patty has, are able to pull up the courage and persistence it takes to write about it. Thank you, Patty. Well done!Aurora William, MPA NAMI Board President and Support Group Facilitator Mental Health Advocate San Luis Obispo, Ca.Transitions Mental Health Association is proud to announce their endorsement for Patty Hansen's new book, Bipolar Firsthand. It's a brilliant example of the naked emotions connected with Bipolar Illness and its many challenges. Who could spend 7 months in a state mental institution, get married and divorced eight times, attempt suicide four times and then bare her soul, showing the world there's hope of peace and freedom from depression? Patty, now 73, lives a happy, fulfilling life and shows us how she did it.Angela Alvarez, Clinical Director at Transitions Mental Health Association, San Luis Obispo, Ca.

  • av Christine Dianne Steinert

    I hope to inspire others to find strength and hope in recovering from trauma caused by physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. What I have endured in my lifetime has been an uphill battle in conquering my fears and dealing with the painful memories of my past to make a better life for myself. My hope for the readers is to show them that they are not alone.I was lost in my own mind for the majority of my life, but thankfully, I finally found my true self. I was fortunate enough to seek the help of a trustworthy therapist for guidance throughout my long painstaking journey toward wellness. By revealing the fearful secret chambers I had walled off in my brain one by one, I am proud to say that I am a survivor. I hope my readers can find some useful knowledge for surviving even the most hopeless of situations.


    Little Dilly Doo is going about his day when he steps into a puddle of goo and gets himself stuck. And just when he's about to give up, his friends come along and help Dilly with his sticky situation.

  • av Lori A McColl
    191 - 337

    Dorsey Dern is a determined ten-year-old little girl who shows bravery and courage as she ventures out to see her Aunt Noonie, who lives in Bobtown. Her biggest fear is running into a big old bobcat. Along the way, she is faced with several obstacles, including her little brother Ralphie. She not only has to keep herself from running into a big old bobcat. Now she has her little brother to worry about. Will she run into a big old bobcat? Will she make it to her aunt Noonie's house?Continue reading to help Dorsey Dern make it to Bobtown.

  • av Susan Chappell

    The second book opens with all the characters of the first book headed to a grand celebration. The evil Gogatt has not been seen in at least two suns. Things are going so well for the Kalifee people. The crops are good and the brothels are at their highest revenue. The divine lives within all people and the Kalifee know it and express it so well. There is love and love lost. Betrayal is waiting in the wonderful disguise of love, giving, and commitment. These fighting women and men do so much more than fight the enemy. The internal struggle, after all, is the greatest fight of all.

  • av M. L. Dantzker

    Detective Sergeant J. J. "Cowboy" Manford, a fifteen-year veteran of the Caine City Police Department, is the one called out to investigate unusual deaths. His current case initially looks like a suicide, a jumper. However, the facts surrounding the case just aren't adding up to suicide. The more he seeks an answer, the more disconcerting it becomes. Eventually, a crossover of just a few items, no suicide note, and someone who goes by CT lead to the discovery of nine similar cases over a twenty-year period. This discovery leaves Detective Manford seeking a serial killer who has made his kills look like suicides. The ultimate question is, were they suicides or murders?

  • av Darryl Philip

    Twenty years ago, we just didn't have the enormous weight of evidence from our contemporary messengers of God, our near-death experiencers, the gifted psychic mediums, our ancient spiritual teachers, and last but not least the brilliant and courageous scientists and medical doctors. Now, through part 1 and part 2 of Relax...You're Not Going to Die, we're finally able to address and answer some of the most perplexing questions about God and life and why our lives are the way they are. We know now that God is not "working in mysterious ways" but has a definitive plan in place for each and every one of us. This is a time of our spiritual awakening. Your life is more perfect than you know. We are all magnificent, divine, immortal spiritual beings that choose this earthly life for the spiritual growth it offers. You are invited to examine and explore the overwhelming evidence.

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