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Böcker utgivna av Pearl Robinson

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  • av Felipe Boschetti

    This work traverses an incredible history of mysteries, battles and achievements, providing a fascinating insight into this enigmatic civilization that left a unique legacy in the region of Central America, and whose traditions remain alive in various countries.

  • av J D Rajotte

    Pilet Whydah dreams of joining the "Hired Blades Association," the world's premier Mercenary organization. The brash, young high school dropout would soon find his prayers answered; when "Faxion of the Deadeye," a notorious member of the famed group passes through his mountain village. Before long, Pilet finds himself on a perilous crash course with this new friend and mentor, as he struggles to train for the deadly "Hired Blades Exam." Meeting a trio of fearsome friends along the way; swordsman Max Quinn, and the aura-casting, arcane sisters Faith and Yuuna Sierro, the group set forth in their quest to become revered Licensed Hired Blades. But under the surface lies traces of a force far more sinister than anyone had imagined. A parasitic entity called "The Wurm" begins to mysteriously grip the creatures of this world, and only The Hired Blades have the power to stop them.

  • av Michele Lee Duncan

    Benny is at the beach with his family and he is a little leery of the ocean. His Uncle David offers to teach him how to build amazing sandcastles. They build the sandcastles together, being mindful of the sand and the tides, and practicing patience. Benny's fear of the water recedes as he becomes absorbed in building the sandcastles one step at a time. While playing with his Uncle, Benny learns lessons about mindfulness and living in the present moment.

  • av Sharon Merz

    Notice 'new' hidden in 'real.' A spiritual journey brings renewal. Author's cover image, expertly chosen, symbolizes healing and resilience.

  • av Becka L Jones

    Kauai is a romantic island where Claire and Noah are going to be married. An obnoxious person interrupts their wedding, making their perfect day not so perfect. Claire has doubts. Will she go through with marrying Noah? The couple hike the Na Pali Coast and face challenges they never had to face before. Will God help this young couple make things right? Will their relationship last and love prevail? Find out in this extraordinary love story where love conquers all.

  • av Tonda Coutu

    When it comes to art, family, love, and finding the best in life, Tonda encompasses all of these. But when it came to a severe health crisis, that was something Tonda hadn't counted on. But after years of medical appointments, treatments, surgeries, trials and errors, and endless pain, Tonda has discovered the strength and love required to fight a harsh battle. Her story of heartbreak, excruciating pain, and the profound fight she underwent to get her life back is one that will leave you breathless and encouraged

  • av Corina Giles

    This kid-friendly limerick isn't about a scary monster, but it is a book that shares the story of a young boy who goes through an array of feelings throughout his day. This book features video-game style characters to connect with a younger crowd and is ideal for anyone working with a child to help them understand their emotions and triggers for their emotions. This picture book was written by a child therapist and designed to be read by parents, therapists, psychotherapists, counselors, school counselors, social workers, teachers, play therapists, paraprofessionals, behavior aids, social emotional specialists and other grown-up helpers working to teach children how to recognize and acknowledge feelings and triggers of others, as well explore and identify similar experiences. If you have or work with a child that is experiencing difficulty recognizing triggers, identifying their emotions, using healthy coping skills, recognizing social cues in others and acknowledging and respecting feelings of others as being valid. The book contains discussion prompts at the end to use with your child to assist them with processing this story and relating it to their own life. This book was designed to help children ages 4 through 11 years old in the following elementary school grades: Kindergarten1st grade2nd grade3rd grade4th grade5th gradeThis is a multi-layered social emotional book that can help your child learn to understand and process their emotions, feelings, symptoms and triggers of others, as well as internally.

  • av Louise Jupp

    Drone Professional 4 is the fourth instalment in the global bestselling Drone Professional series.Edited by best-selling aviation author, Louise Jupp, Drone Professional 4 features 18 professionals in the drone industry share their current best thinking on the technology, best practice and business successEditors: Louise Jupp and Andrew PriestleyContributors include: Wade Hartley, Mahmood Hussein, Armando Koerig Gessinger, Henrik Luehrs, Steve Zerafa, Ken Treloar, Jasper Schmeits, Bob van der Meij, Filippo Tomasello, Lumbwe Chiwele, Nicole Jenkinson, Lucy Erasmus, Ian Kiely, Kim James, David Opateyibo, Jamie Allan, Philip Hicks and Louise Jupp.Topics covered include: a company career path; guidance on business growth and thought leadership; a case study using drones to map seagrass; the importance of training for operational safety; guidance on searching for the best Agtech support; developing new drone regulations in Zambia; guidance on the best metrics for procuring drones for security; best practice for drone management and compliance; a discussion on counter drone tech; the application of drones in engineering consultancies and in the oil and gas industry, and a discussion on the accessibility of UAM/AAM to people with mobility difficulties.This edition is packed with diagrams and illustrations and is an impeccable resource for commercial drone operators worldwide. Drones; drone technology hardware and software; drone legislation and regulations; drone training; commercial drones; professional drone pilots;

  • av Alzb&

    Vítejte v mimořádné kulinářské řísi "MAGICKÝ ČAS: NEJLEPSÍ KUCHAŘKA TAMALE", tapisérie protkané zářivými vlákny mexické tradice, kulinářského řemesla a magického kouzla masa. Na těchto stránkách se vydáme na cestu, která přesahuje vsednost, ponoříme se do srdce a duse mexické výroby tamale - kulinářské umělecké formy, která se vetkla do kulturní struktury národa. Zavřete oči a představte si rusné ulice Mexika, kde rytmické zvuky rusných trhů doprovází lákavá vůně masa mísící se s nesčetnými slanými náplněmi. "MAGICKÝ ČAS " je víc nez jen kuchařka; je portálem do bohaté tapisérie mexické gastronomie, kde kazdé tamale je příběh a kazdý recept je poctou generacím zručných rukou, které toto kulinářské řemeslo dovedly k dokonalosti.Kdyz otevíráme dveře do tohoto okouzlujícího světa, vzduch je naplněn očekáváním objevů - objevů prastarých technik, regionálních nuancí a tajemství, která proměňují jednoduché ingredience v mistrovská gastronomická díla. Ať uz jste ostřílený domácí kuchař nebo nováček v kuchyni, tyto stránky jsou pozvánkou, abyste se vydali na transformační cestu do srdce mexické kulinářské tradice.Kazdé otočení stránky odhaluje nejen recept, ale i vyprávění - vyprávění, které shrnuje kulturní význam, společnou radost a smyslové potěsení, které dokonale vytvořené tamale přinásí. "MAGICKÝ ČAS" je vás průvodce, který nabízí vhled do jemností přípravy masa, umného skládání náplní a radosti ze zvládnutí tohoto milovaného mexického kulinářského pokladu.tedy vůní masa přenést do rusných ulic Mexika, kde se u stolů scházely generace, aby si dopřály kouzlo výroby tamale. Ať se vase kuchyně stane plátnem pro umění a váseň, které definují konečný zázitek tamale, od nadčasové klasiky, která obstála ve zkousce času, az po inovativní výtvory, které posouvají hranice tradice . Přidejte se k nám na této kulinářské odysei, kde duch Mexika ozívá v kazdém pečlivě vytvořeném receptu. Ať je vase cesta "MAGICKÝ ČAS" stejně bohatá a naplňující jako staletí stará tradice, kterou oslavuje. Buen _ Provecho !

  • av Félix Smith Estevez

    Ninguna pareja se despierta un día, se casa y vive feliz para siempre, eso solo sucede en las novelas. La pareja trasciende lo obvio, siendo la unión de dos personas que se aman. A menudo, se confunde el amor con simplemente caminar de la mano con alguien que comparte una historia. Aunque suene ilógico, muchos creen entender ese lazo como simple amor, pero a veces es solo emoción o intereses. Es solo la superficie, la fachada de algo más profundo e invisible: el amor esencial. Al sumergirse en las emociones sin conciencia, algunos terminan autodestruyéndose al divorciarse, una agonía eterna del alma. El matrimonio es el núcleo de la familia y la base de nuestra sociedad; es el deber de todas las damas y los caballeros.Este libro te guiará en el uso de los pilares que llevaron a parejas a la felicidad plena y matrimonios exitosos, como los de nuestros abuelos. Aprenderás a amar con entendimiento y madurez, evitando frustraciones y dolor. Decidir hacerlo, es aplicar las claves de la felicidad y traerá abundancia a tu vida. Po eso "NO LO INTENTES, ¡HAZLO!

  • av Stephanie O'Connor

    A story to inspire young children to shine bright and make the world a better place.

  • av Aristotle

    Aristotle's classic work on political philosophy.


    مرحبًا ب ف ي كتاب الطبخ النبان ي اليابان ي السهل، ىوهو ملحمة طهي تتجاوز حدود التفضيلات الغذائية، ىوتدعوك إل عالم حيث يتناغم فن الحياة النباتية بسهولة مع النكهات الخالدة للمطبخ اليابان ي. ف ي نسيج فن الطهو، حيث تصبح البساطة شكلاً من أشكال الفن، يظهر كتاب الطبخ هذا كضوء توجيهي، ينير الطريق لتذوق بساطة 100 من المأكولات النباتية المستوحاة من اليابان.ف ي مجتمع يقدر بشكل مي ايد الأكل الواعي ىوالرحيم، يقف كتاب الطبخ هذا بمثابة شهادة على الاعتقاد بأن الوجبات اللذيذة ىوالمغذية للروح لا تحتاج إل التنازل عن المبادئ أو النكهة. سواء كنت عاشقًا نباتيًا متمرسًا أو ىوافدًا جديدًا إل نمط الحياة النبان ي، فاعتي كتاب الطبخ هذا بوابت إل عالم تتلاف فيه تقاليد الطهي ىوالوعي الحديث.بينما نبدأ ف ي ىرحلة الطهي هذه، تصور المطبخ ليس فقط كمساحة ىععداد ىوجبات الطعام ىولكن كلىوحة فنية يتجلى فيها اعبداع. كل ىوصفة من الوصفات المائة الموجودة ف ي هذه الصفحات هي دعوة ىلاستكشاف التوازن المعقد بير النكهات ىوالقوام ىوالتقنيات الت ي تحدد الطبخ اليابان ي. بدءًا من أعماق الميسو الغنية بالأومامي ىوحت ىرقصة الصويا الرقيقة، يشيد كل طبق باليراء الثقاف ي لليابان مع الالي ام بمبادئ الحياة النباتية.مصطلح يشمل ىأكير من مجرد نهج للطهي؛ فهو يجسد فلسفة تحتضن البساطة المتأصلة ف ي تقاليد الطهي اليابانية. كل ىوصفة هي ج بير الأصالة ىوالابتكار ىوالتقاليد ىوالتكيف. لذل ، مع ارتداء المي ر ىوشحذ السكاكير ، ىدع المطبخ يصبح ملاذك، ىوهذه الوصفات هي دليل بينما نتجول ف ي عالم المأكولات النباتية "اليابانية السهلة". ف ي مغامرة الطهي هذه، نرجو ألا تتذوق النكهات فحسب، بل قد تجد أيضًا اعلهام ىوالبهجة ىواعنجاز ف ي فن المطبخ اليابان ي النبان ي. دعونا تبدأ الرحلة.

  • av Rosalind Goforth

    Prolific author Rosalind Goforth, with her husband Jonathan, were Presbyterian missionaries in China from 1888 to 1935. During the course of this nearly fifty years of ministry they experienced God's direct involvement through the miraculous transformation of souls, through His generous and timely provision for their needs, and through dramatic deliverance from disease, from persecution, and from violence during the 1900 Boxer Rebellion. All of these things were the direct result of prayer and trust. They even got a peek into God's ways in their lives when they would learn of the correlation between a great need and someone on the other side of the world being strongly compelled to pray. This book is a collection of the Goforth's personal testimonies to answered prayer. From the Foreword, "It was at the close of the 1908-10 furlough-during which, as a family, we had been blessed with many and, to our weak faith, wonderful answers to prayer-that my oldest son urged me to put down in some definite form the answers to prayer of my life, and extracted from me a solemn promise that I would do so. But months passed after returning to China, and the record had not been touched. Then came a sudden and serious illness which threatened my life, when the doctor told me I must not delay in getting my affairs in order. It was then that an overwhelming sense of regret took possession of me that I had not set down the prayer testimonies, and solemnly I covenanted with the Lord that if he would raise me up they should be written."

  • av Demoine Kinney

    This book is intended for everyone with the intention of becoming more educated on the banking and fiance revolution, becoming financially free, and becoming a part of the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen. You will find easy-to-follow advice which includes beginning your journey of exploring the new banking industry, learning how to buy and invest for yourself without the hassle of paying expensive fees to brokers or any other middlemen. This book is for everyone who finds themselves feeling frustrated after watching the market soar in value or wondering what the big deal is...I have great news for you! This is your chance to get into this life-changing market while you still can.


    「究極のナチュラル ケーキ クックブック」へようこそ。この本は、贅沢と幸福の完璧なバランスを求める健康志向の人のためにデザインされた料理の旅です。このクックブックは自然がもたらす恵みを称えるもので、甘党を満たすだけでなく体に栄養を与える健康的なケーキのレシピを 100 紹介しています。これらのページをめくりながら、退廃と健康を意識した選択肢が、罪悪感のないおいしいおやつとして融合する世界を発見する準備をしてください。この料理本の背後にある哲学は、健康を追求するために風味を犠牲にする必要はないという信念にあります。自然はさまざまな健康に良い食材を提供し、それらを上手に組み合わせることで、美味しいだけでなく健康の目標にも合うケーキが生まれます。古代の穀物から天然甘味料まで、それぞれのレシピは、自分へのご褒美が栄養補給となるという考えの証です。シンプルで自然な材料を素晴らしいケーキに変える錬金術を探求するこの料理の冒険に参加しましょう。この旅は単にパンを焼くことだけではありません。それは、健康を意識した選択肢を、どのようにしておいしいデザートの生地にシームレスに織り込むことができるかを探求するものです。あなたがベテランのパン屋であろうと、キッチンの初心者であろうと、『究極のナチュラルケーキ クックブック』は、健康、風味、そして一口一口味わうことから得られる喜びに焦点を当てて、伝統的なケーキを再考するためのガイドです。この料理本があなたのパン作りの努力のインスピレーションの源となり、あなたのキッチンを健康と贅沢が風味のシンフォニーの中で融合する空間に変えてくれますように。一度に一切れのケーキを食べる罪悪感のないおやつの意味を再定義してみましょう。

  • av T Lin Charleston

    This book has words of encouragement and affirmation for girls finding their way through life. Each page is a unique and beautiful display of artwork that represents different feelings and choices that she will have. The goal is to help her feel love, understanding, and support through her journey.

  • av Amiko River

    Visit Anima, the Archipelago of Spirits, where every time the spirits fade, a mysterious force chooses five dragons to be the next Spirits of their time. Unlike the past, however, the turmoil caused by the Five has set up more chaos for the next. The new spirits search the world for their past while the Dark Spirit known as the Eternity Prince of the past wreaks havoc on the many islands. Amidst the chaos, Legend, Jewelem, Silver, Sacrifice and Meteor try to settle the destruction of the dark prince. Are his goals merely to attack Anima, or does he believe the stars align for someone to take action against someone out of view? Perfect for fans of series like Wings of Fire, this gripping tale weaves together the strands of destiny, rebellion, and heroic quests that will resonate with young audiences. Book 1 in the "Once Upon a Timeless" series.

  • av Reza Nazari


    הגדה של פסחPassover Haggadah שמחת חיים

  • av P G Wodehouse

    "The Swoop!, or How Clarence Saved England" is a brilliantly comical novel by P. G. Wodehouse, showcasing his unique wit and satirical prowess.

  • av Andy Lidstone

    "Unconditional Boundaries" is a revolutionary guide that redefines the concept of personal and relationship boundaries. This book introduces the transformative framework of 'Unconditional Boundaries.' It's an insightful exploration into crafting meaningful relationships and fostering deep connections while maintaining one's authenticity and protecting emotional well-being. At the heart of this work lies the concept of Unconditional Boundaries, a dual framework comprising 'Bridges' and 'Barriers, ' that offers a new perspective on how we connect with others. 'Bridges' are offered as tools for sharing our values and desires, inviting people into our lives who resonate with our authentic selves. In contrast, 'Barriers' are presented as the defenses that maintain distance from those whose values clash with ours. "Unconditional Boundaries" is a paradigm shift in interpersonal dynamics. Each chapter of the book is carefully crafted to take the reader through various aspects of building and implementing these boundaries. The examples peppered throughout the book, provide relatable scenarios, demonstrating how to apply these principles in different relationship contexts, including romantic, family, and work relationships. What sets "Unconditional Boundaries" apart is its emphasis on building authentic connections over resolving conflicts, focusing on aligning with those who share our values instead of forcing those who don't to change or leave. It challenges traditional notions of boundaries that highlight our differences, replacing them with a holistic approach that builds deeper connections through looking at the values we share. Ideal for people yearning for deeper, more fulfilling relationships, this book is a beacon for those aspiring to cultivate deeper, more authentic connections while staying true to themselves. Embrace the journey of mastering Unconditional Boundaries and transform your relationships into sources of joy, fulfillment, and true belonging.

  • av Addison Brasil

    Grief is not something you fix, it's something you honour. First Year of Grief Club: A Gift From From A Friend Who Gets It. (Not someone who would ever claim to know exactly how you're feeling, but from someone who gets that flowers, condolences, and casseroles are just the beginning.) Starting from the first day, it provides a companion through the first year of what Addison Brasil calls real-life grief. The daily, and then weekly offerings are manageable check-ins from a friend who gets it. It's a way of showing your support and also remaining a pillar of support for a year after the loss or the death of a loved one.Author Addison Brasil is no stranger to loss and has spent thirteen years in the Grief Club arena. He lost his brother to cancer, found his father after suicide, and survived a fatal accident that killed a dear friend and left him relearning to walk. And yet still when friends or family experienced loss he would freeze - not wanting to send flowers, empty condolences, or food when he knew the realities of grief are so much more. Out of that comes this book and journal. An alternative to the usual gifts and condolences that will stay with those grieving for the first year of the journey and beyond.It's like having your own personal grief club with you every step of the way. The perfect gift for anyone experiencing loss and to support someone going through it. An invaluable resource that will help them navigate through this dark time and more than that, honour it.THIS IS THE RIGHT BOOK FOR YOU (OR A LOVED ONE) IF YOU ARE LOOKING TO: Honour the experience of griefMove towards acceptance and healing at a pace that reflects real-life griefHave gentle companion guide from a fellow grief friend for the first year of lossUse weekly offerings that will help you feel connected and supported during this timehave a manageable heck in with yourself if you are feeling lost or unsure where to focusRead excerpts from Grief Experts, Authors, and Speakers Build awareness around your life after loss and find actionable tools that work for you by staying curious and compassionateGain emotional support through a connection to a greater community of people experiencing real life griefFind a sense of flow and purpose in your griefOffer compassionate support from someone who has felt the "I will never feel better" grief feelingsGive a meaningful gift to a close friend or co-worker when there has been a death in the family"Addison Brasil has taken his thirteen years of grief and proven that rituals created around honoring one's journey, not trying to fix it, can lead us to our own wisdom and tools for loss." CHIP CONLEY New York Times Bestselling Author, Founder of Modern Elder Academy, and Wisdom Well"Having had the privilege of becoming friends with Addison, I can confidently say that few people speak about healing grief through finding meaningful connection and service as eloquently and thoughtfully as he does. In his book, he shares deeply valuable perspectives that have helped me find the tools and approaches to healing that I had yet to uncover previously. If you or someone you know is suffering, I could not recommend more highly taking the opportunity to immerse yourself into this book."ZAK WILLAMS: Mental Health Advocate, Founder You Can Pym"There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Everyone does it in their own time, but this book certainly helps you along that journey. It offers a life lesson that everyone needs to learn."Dr. RANJ SINGH: Author, Celebrity Doctor & TV Personality " So, please skip the overpriced flowers and undercooked casseroles. Send this book to anyone entering the grief club!"SHELLEY PAXTON Author of Soulbbatical

  • av Willie G Comer

    24 of 24 is an invitation to dedicate 24 minutes of your 24 hour day to God! Broken down into six minute increments of praise, prayer, perusal and pondering, 24 of 24 gives you a simple, yet structured way to do what God desires spend time with us. Get ready to nurture a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God by developing the simple habit of setting aside 24 minutes each day.

  • av Gary Damian Thomas

    When motion-picture storyboard artist Gary Damian Thomas found himself at the mercy of a major Hollywood shutdown, he decided to make the most of the downtime by capturing his new home in Cascais, Portugal in watercolor.

  • av Linda Deane

    Callie and George pursue their quest for the elusive and mysterious bacon. The struggle is real! Will Linda, their evil "owner" thwart them yet again?

  • av Alice Boschulte Murray


    המקובל רבינו הרב שלום מזרחי שרעבי הרש"ש - ספר נהר שלוםהשולחן ערוך של תורת הקבלה

  • av Jacolliot Louis

    Jacolliot, a French lawyer and author, explores the roots of Western esoteric traditions in the East

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