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Böcker utgivna av Peter Lang

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  • av Saba Bahamdain

    Das Verhältnis zwischen Religion und Wissen wurde im Verlauf der letzten Jahrhunderteimmer wieder ausführlich von Philosophen und Autoren diskutiert, wobei sich nur selten ein Konsens bilden konnte. Die Beschäftigung mit der heiklen Thematik zeigte sich allerdings nie so stark wie im 19. Jahrhundert, in welchem die Verwissenschaftlichung der Religion und die Re-Metaphysierung des Wissens zwei Rivalitätsmächte bildeten. Genau diese Aspekte thematisierendie WerkeS¿urPhilomène und Madame Gervaisais der Brüder Goncourt, die sich wiederum durch eine strukturierte literarische Darstellungsweise auszeichnen. Die Autoren beziehen sich in ihren Romanen auf Wirklichkeitsmodellierungen, welche sich von wissenschaftlichen Betrachtungen nähren, in konkreten historischen Momenten positionieren und durch einen einzigartigen impressionistischen Stil herausragen. Das Ergebnis ist schließlich eine literarische Ästhetisierung von Religion und Hysterie:So manifestieren sich am Ende reale Beobachtungen, fiktive Überarbeitungen und Überhöhungen, mystische und rationale Welten in einer kunstvollen dichterischen Darstellung der Brüder Goncourt.

  • av Aurora Martínez Ezquerro

    Estudio del léxico religioso en documentación notarial riojana del medievo constituyeuna contribución más al análisis riguroso del vocabulario romance riojano contenidoen instrumentos notariales de La Rioja custodiados, principalmente, en el ArchivoCatedralicio de Calahorra-La Calzada. A partir del estudio de casi centenar y medio dedocumentos (cotejados con los originales), se hace acopio del corpus que conforma elléxico religioso y se ofrece un preciso análisis filológico mediante la confrontación delas palabras investigadas con un amplio repertorio bibliográfico.En el presente libro destaca, asimismo, la importancia otorgada al valor de la fidelidadtextual mostrada en el cotejo asiduo de los textos editados con los documentos originalesy en la recogida de todas las variantes grafico-fónicas, imprescindibles para elestudio de la grafemática y de la fonología históricas. Fruto de este esfuerzo filológicoes la aquilatada interpretación semántica, que rinde aportaciones precisas a la historiadel léxico medieval riojano, en particular, y del hispánico, en general.

  • av Joao Simoes
    1 101

    This book offers an overarching view of the underlying challenges that the energy transitions pose to interstate energy relations. Geopolitics of energy currently epitomizes one of the principal sources for geopolitical vicissitudes affecting global energy landscapes. The ever-changing global energy architecture, global decarbonization plans and low-carbon technology developments are having deep geopolitical consequences. The extensive and rapid adjustment towards low-carbon energy is unsettling the conventional transnational energy structures, affecting economies and altering energy interstate relations. The geopolitics of the energy transitions is a field in the making, hence the existent academic literature is scarce and limited in scope. Current debates on decarbonization tend to mimic the geopolitics of oil and gas when discussing the stakeholders involved in the energy transitions. Besides, energy transitions tend to be studied at the national level overlooking the interactions at regional and global scales. Most research on the geopolitics of the energy transitions to date has mainly focused on the path to achieve the transitions to low carbon energy systems, and less on the global dynamics and the impacts of those transitions to inter-state relations and energy security. The fundamental question that needs dwelling is: How, and to what extent, will the multiple dimensions of the ongoing energy transitions affect existing fundamental geopolitical issues, and what new dynamics may result from the decarbonization process of the planet? The reasons to organize this publication are many, but among them stand one, which is functioning as the driving force behind this project: to contribute to a broader discussion on the ways in which energy transitions and geopolitics intersect.

  • av Patrick Idoko Abem

    Whereas, almost all Catholic moral theologians and ethicists do not have many problems receiving the negative judgment of Donum Vitae on heterologous artificial insemination and regular IVF as procedures of generating human life, only few find it difficult and unacceptable for the Simple Case IVF to be proscribed because they consider it less problematic. The Catholic Scholars who express dissent against the evaluation and conclusion of the Magisterium on the Simple Case seem to suggest that the destruction of human embryos and the use of a donor constitute the only problem of this procedure. But their reasoning can be considered inadequate because it fails to understand the theological and moral basis for the dignity of human procreation. The fact that the Simple Case IVF violates the principle of inseparability of the conjugal act by seeking the generation of human life outside of the conjugal act makes it intrinsically illicit and unacceptable for human procreation.

  • av Ralph Löckener

    Die Festlegung von Verrechnungspreisen zwischen international verbundenenUnternehmen gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. So befasst sich nahezu jedeBetriebsprüfung bei Unternehmen mit Geschäftsbeziehungen zu verbundenenUnternehmen im Ausland mit der Angemessenheit der gewählten Verrechnungspreise. Indiesem Zusammenhang erhalten die Verrechnungspreise für die Nutzung von geistigemEigentum eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit.Das Werk behandelt die Methodik zur Festlegung von Verrechnungspreisen für die Nutzungvon geistigem Eigentum. Dabei wird der Fokus auf die Verrechnungspreisthematik imBusiness-to-Business Markt gelegt. Diesbezüglich werden insbesondere dieVerrechnungspreise für Produkt- und Prozessinnovationen sowie Marken behandelt undgezielte Handlungsempfehlungen gegeben.

  • av Maike Bartsch
    1 501

    Die Existenz einer politischen, teilweise im Geheimen agierenden Polizei war in nachträglichen Bewertungen des napoleonischen ¿Modellstaats¿ auf deutschem Boden für ehemalige Untertanen besonders relevant. Von der Forschung wurde zwar bisher die Diskrepanz zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit der französischen Politik im Satellitenstaat ausgiebig bedacht, nicht aber die Rolle der staatlichen Polizei. Bei der vorliegenden Studie stehen die Akteure im napoleonisch regierten, aber selbstverwalteten Königreich Westphalen im Fokus ¿ und damit das Aufeinandertreffen der Untertanen und Machtvollzieher im lokalen Raum. Zwang und Eigeninteresse, soziale Hintergründe, nationale Zugehörigkeit und Geschlecht prägten die Herrschaftsverhältnisse und Herrschaftspraktiken und deren emotionale Aufladung.

  • av Rafa¿ Wi¿niewski

    Cultural security is a concept that appeared relatively recently, but the issues within its scope - protection of identity and protection of cultural heritage - have accompanied humans almost since the dawn of time. In this monograph, an attempt is made to analyse cultural security taking into account various research perspectives and showing its multifaceted nature. This volume also constitutes a collection of case studies that focuses on the analysis of the state as the basic subject of cultural security. The authors attempted to define cultural security and the approach to it from various, often very different, research perspectives.

  • av Atakan Büyükda¿

    When the German Industrial Revolution is mentioned, some unanswered questions like ¿when?¿, ¿how?¿, ¿by whom?¿ comes to mind. This book opens the curtain of unanswered questions about German Industrialization. Unlike previous studies on German Industrialization, this book, which reveals a highly integrated framework, also examines original areas such as the importance of education in German Industrialization and the pioneering German banking models in the 19th century. Moreover, this book offers the reader a new perspective by examining Turkish-German relations from the perspective of German Industrialization. Making use of Turkish, German and American archive documents, this book aims to provide the reader with rational inferences about German industrialization and the behind-the-scenes of Turkish-German relations with its in-depth literature review and intense analysis.

  • av Severin Sarfert

    Start-ups in Deutschland beteiligen ihre Mitarbeiter vermehrt über sog. virtuelle Anteile (auch bekannt als Phantom Stocks oder Virtual Shares). Die Arbeit beleuchtet die rechtlichen Voraussetzungen und Folgen einer Einführung solcher virtueller Beteiligungsprogramme. Außerdem werden prozessrechtliche Zusammenhänge erörtert und steuer- und sozialversicherungsrechtliche Gesichtspunkte aufgezeigt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei neben der AGB- und AGG-rechtlichen Zulässigkeit der Regelungen, deren Tatbestandsvoraussetzungen und Rechtsfolgen. Analysiert werden sog. Vesting- bzw. Leaver-Klauseln und Voraussetzungen und Höhe von Zahlungsansprüchen aus virtuellen Beteiligungen.

  • av Christopher Dietzel & Shaheen Shariff
    581 - 1 217

  • av Edward Clemmer
    1 011

    «You have done a magnificent study of Julian. The initial chapters are splendidly researched though I missed the Syon Abbey contribution. Then I loved your final chapters where the footnotes keep giving Julian's text. I especially applaud your seeing the Carmelite aspect which I don't think others have.»(Julia Bolton Holloway, Hermit of the Holy Family, Florence)«A new work on Julian of Norwich is always a cause for celebration and Dr Clemmer's book is no exception. The reader is enabled to follow Julian closely before, during and after her unique visionary experience, examining contemporary history and spirituality from many angles. And the story continues right up to Edith Stein in the twentieth century. This book will delight all Julian lovers, as well as others who want to know Julian better and appreciate her in greater depths.»(Sr Elizabeth Ruth Obbard ODC, Quidenham Carmel, Norwich)Julian of Norwich in Her Phenomenology engages Julian¿s primordial religious experience of May 1373; her subsequent definition to its revelation within her spiritual texts; and their hermeneutics made manifest from centuries of historical context. The meaning of Julian¿s experience continued to unfold throughout her life: with its grace, and by insight with her own use of phenomenological method. The historical manifestation of Julian¿s graced experience is given its closest phenomenological expression within her Short Text (Amherst) and in her Long Text (Sloane), with their collective human-Divine collaborations. But first, they arise phenomenally for Julian in the reciprocal gaze exchanged between her God and her soul. It is by God¿s Trinitarian gift of love, and in her grace-filled collaboration with others, that Julian¿s spiritual texts preserve, and guard, her experience of prayer and contemplation grounded in God: namely, with humanity¿s resting in God¿s substance, and with God¿s resting and ruling in her own soul as God¿s homeliest home.

  • av Gopalan Ravindran

    The spatial and material dimensions of communication have changed dramatically over the past three millennia in South India. The historical and contemporary trajectories of these changes are revealed, explored, documented, critiqued and examined in this work. This book is comprehensive in its engagements with three locations¿spatiality, materiality and communication, in the contexts of Tamil Nadu, South India. The book takes a multidisciplinary approach to communication and media studies. It leverages the multifaceted knowledge seeking spirit of the ancient philosophers of Tamil Nadu for understanding the contexts of spatialities, materialities and communication.Across four sections on historical trajectories, everyday lives, public communication and media materialities, its 20 chapters on diverse topics offer unique engagements of the spatial journeys of people, rulers, philosophers, men, women, as well as their material objects, occupations and media during the past three millennia in South India, with a focus on Tamil Nadu.

  • av Bernd-Ulrich Hergemoller

    Dieses Buch bezieht die Teilbereiche der kirchlichen Personalstruktur, ihrer Hierarchie, ihrer weltlichen Macht und Herrschaft, der theologischen Wissenschaft, des mittelalterlichen Kirchenrechts, der Rhetorik und Urkundenlehre, der Hagiographie und des Bereichs der kirchlichen Baukunst, Malerei und Plastik mit ein. Unter Anführung aussagekräftiger Belegzitate werden die zentralen Begriffe zur mittelalterlichen Theologie und Kirche in diesem Nachschlagewerk gebündelt und ins Neuhochdeutsche übersetzt.

  • av John Haas
    1 031

    The book was awarded the 2011 NCA Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression.This book sets out to explore how hate comes alive in language and actions by examining the nature and persuasive functions of hate in American society. Hate speech may be used for many purposes and have different intended consequences. It may be directed to intimidate an out-group, or to influence the behavior of in-group members. But how does this language function? What does it accomplish? The answers to these questions are addressed by an examination of the communicative messages produced by those with hateful minds. Beginning with an examination of the organized hate movement, the book provides a critique of racist discourse used to recruit and socialize new members, construct enemies, promote valued identities, and encourage ethnoviolence. The book also examines the strategic manipulation of hatred in our everyday lives by politicians, political operatives, and media personalities. Providing a comprehensive overview of hate speech, the book ends by describing the desirable features of an anti-hate discourse that promotes respect for social differences.

  • av Richie Neil Hao

    The Chinese in the Philippines constitute one of the many Chinese communities globally. Although many Chinese have maintained their cultural traditions, most of them are Filipina/o citizens and have always considered the Philippines home. Embodying "Tsina/o" (Chinese) and "Pina/oy" (Filipina/o) identities, Tsina/oys must learn how to negotiate their hybridity through cultural and linguistic practices in everyday life.Using a multimethodological approach to ethnography (critical ethnographic interview, autoethnography, and cyberethnography), (Trans)national Tsina/oys: Hybrid Performances of Chinese and Filipina/o Identities examines Tsina/oy identity as intersectional performance of ethnicity, nationality, and class in physical and online environments.The book draws from critical intercultural and performance studies to analyze what makes "Tsina/oy" a complex identity and what it could mean for the future in and beyond the Philippines.The book is well-suited for undergraduate and graduate students and academics who study international and intercultural communication, qualitative research methods, and performance studies. It is also of great interest to scholars in anthropology, Asian American studies, cultural studies, ethnic studies, geography, liberal studies, sociology, among other disciplines. "This book is a travelogue to places and spaces of knowing the self in culture; crossing borders to different but familiar locations, and (re)discovering the socializing practices that shape culture and identity. Hao introduces us to complex ways of revisiting notions of intersectionality not just through the complex meeting places of oppressions in social contexts, but through the importance of a diasporic transnational hybridity. He eschews the notion of hybridity as just a mixture of discrete cultures, but the complex co-informing aspects of ethnicity, nationality, class, and the politics of place that shape a sense of self in relation to common origins and the performative variations of identity that are held in contradistinction to those shared roots. Using diverse and interlocking ethnographic and qualitative methodologies, (Trans)national Tsina/oys: Hybrid Performances of Chinese and Filipina/o Identities asks the reader to engage at the intersections, the hyphens, and the parenthetical constructions of hybridity that make the subjects of the study, including himself, both/and always searching for homeplace in communities of recognized co-informing identities that are at once the same and not the same."¿Bryant Keith Alexander, Ph.D., Dean and Professor, College of Communication and Fine Arts, Loyola Marymount University ¿(Trans)national Tsina/oys: Hybrid Performances of Chinese and Filipina/o Identities stands as an exemplar of critical intercultural communication studies and the deep-level insights that it provides as a field to uncover the intricately woven layers of cultural identity, performativity, belonging, and the cultural politics that constitute ¿home.¿ Dr. Haös book also highlights the key role that critical intercultural communication studies plays in unpacking the complex of diasporas in terms of (but not limited to) their identity dynamics, the power effects in claiming/remembering/clarifying one¿s identity in relation to a ¿home¿ (of memory, of place, of relational cultural space), and the thorny assemblage of meaning around ¿belonging.¿¿¿Rona Tamiko Halualani, Ph.D., Professor of Intercultural Communication, Department of Communication Studies, San Jose State University

  • av Daniel H. Olsen

    Since the dawn of humanity, people have traveled in search of meaning and to petition for worldly and otherworldly blessings. In the twenty-first century, the number of people traveling to religious sacred sites on pilgrimage has increased more than at any point in human history. An increased demand for pilgrimage routes and trails with the spiritual rather than the religious walker in mind, has also led various enterprising groups and individuals to develop entirely new pilgrimage routes and trails. This book highlights this new chapter in pilgrimage and trail development with essays by pilgrimage scholars and practitioners working in over ten countries.These include an examination of circular pilgrimage in The Netherlands, weird or «antipilgrimages» in the UK, and the revitalization of ancient trails along the Old Way to Canterbury, in the Baltic States, and on the Kumano Kodo in Japan. Entirely new trails include the Sufi Trail in Turkey, the Western Front Way in Europe, the Abraham Path in Southwest Asia, the Mormon Canadian Trail, and various new religious-themed trails in Lebanon. Human rights pilgrimages include one focused on peace building in Indigenous Australia, another on Indigenous settler pilgrimage protocols in Canada, and an emancipation pilgrimage along the Underground Railroad in the United States.

  • av Sébastien Liagre
    1 087

    Voici la première étude française consacrée à un auteur méconnu et pourtant essentiel pour comprendre la littérature américaine de ce premier xixe siècle. À travers son écriture singulière, John Neal, prenant son contemporain James Fenimore Cooper pour anti-modèle, ambitionne de réformer la littérature américaine, afin de satisfaire au besoin naissant d¿indépendance et de renouveau national. Dans une certaine tradition américaine, la frontière est moins une limite territoriale qüun seuil dynamique, un locus americanus, lieu de tous les possibles. Et c¿est bien en ce sens que le romancier du Maine, homme des transgressions, homme de l¿entre-deux, écrit « à la frontière » : entre littérature et engagement, entre la scène et la chaire, le masculin et le féminin, l¿Indien et le Blanc, sa prose hésite, souvent. Il conviendra en somme d¿analyser au plus près cette fabrique alternative de littérarité qüest l¿écriture nealienne, dans l¿incertitude des commencements, lorsque l¿expression du « génie national » prétend s¿instaurer en critère de jugement et faire table rase des modèles d¿importation.

  • av Klaus Bachmann

    In this volume, six experts from Europe and Africa present new insights from the field about various aspects of Germany¿s colonial rule in Africa, raising doubt about the hitherto interpretations of some important events. The outbreak of violence in Rwanda 1904 was neither an anti-colonial Hutu uprising nor the result of a royal court intrigue against German rule, but instead a response to raids, the White Father missionaries had carried out against the local population. German colonialism in Rwanda was much less benevolent than it is today recalled in Rwanda, because its main edge was directed against the population in the North whose collective memory has been marginalized in the royal abanyiginya narrative, under colonial rule and after the genocide. Other chapters deal with the link between colonial boundaries and ethnic conflict and the counter-intuitive consequences of the German/Namibian settlement about colonial atrocities against the Herero and Nama.

  • av Alain Servantie

    Dans ce petit ouvrage, Michel Carpentier (1930-2022) raconte ses trentesix ans de vie dans les institutions européennes et sa contribution de visionnaire au lancement de plusieurs politiques. Michel Carpentier a intégré la Commission d¿EURATOM le 14 juillet 1959 à Bruxelles, où il fut désigné responsable du service des achats et des marchés. En 1967, lors de la fusion des Commissions, il a rejoint la Direction Générale desAffaires Industrielles, Technologiques et Scientifiques (DG III) où, en 1971, à l¿initiative d¿Altiero Spinelli, alors commissaire responsable de l¿Industrie, il rédigea la première communication de la Commission Européenne sur l¿environnement, « une donnée indissociable de l¿organisation et de la promotion du progrès humain ». Le Service de l¿environnement et de la protection des consommateurs qüil a dirigé jusqüen 1981 a préparé soixante directives visant à la prévention et diminution des pollutions de l¿eau, de l¿air et du bruit, récupération des déchets, protection du milieu naturel, notamment de la faune sauvage, la protection des mers et des fleuves, etc.

  • av Ana Canales

    This book brings together 18 theoretical and empirical chapters that analyse the role of emotion (expression, perception, processing) and identity (notions and representations, construction, conflict) in the process of learning a second language. Studies on the differences in emotionality between L1 and L2 suggest that in L2 there is an alteration that, in many cases, manifests itself as a decrease in the affective load, which can lead to a certain indifference to the emotional content transmitted and to a lesser involvement in communication. It is also known that emotion plays a fundamental role in the construction of identity in a second language in the shaping of the self that feels and communicates and in the ability to cope with the learning process.Most of the studies have focused on the understanding of these issues in balanced bilingual speakers, but there is little evidence on their functioning in speakers with other degrees of proficiency (the case of second language learners) and on their role in the learning process. Better understanding this question is fundamental for the improvement of everything related to second language acquisition. We need new and innovative approaches that lead to more effective programs, increased interest in language learning and the consolidation of multilingual societies.

  • av Claudia Lora Márquez

    El almanaque fue uno de los impresos más populares del Antiguo Régimen en Europay en América, a cuyas cifras de venta solamente se acercaba la Biblia. En este volumen,se examina la trayectoria editorial y textual de esta singular publicación desde suscomienzos hasta el siglo XVIII, momento en el que experimenta su periodo de máximoapogeo. En particular, se estudia con detenimiento el almanaque literario, unatipología que conoce una especial fortuna en España, Italia y Portugal.En resumen, este libro pretende arrojar algo de luz acerca de la naturaleza del almanaque,contribuyendo así a escribir un capítulo inolvidable de la Historia de la culturaeditorial europea.

  • av Antonio José de Vicente-Yagüe Jara

    Stanislas de Boufflers (1738-1815), más conocido en su época como el caballero deBoufflers, forma parte de esos escritores menores que, por diversas razones, merecennuestra atención. En estas páginas, presentamos a este gran desconocido de laliteratura francesa de finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX, y analizamos su obranarrativa, relatos imprescindibles para comprender la personalidad del autor: por unlado, La Reine de Golconde, cuento libertino que refleja la mentalidad del joven Boufflers;por otro lado, La Mode, L¿Heureux accident, L¿OEuvre de charité, Tamara ou LeLac des pénitents, Le Derviche y Ah ! si..., cuentos morales escritos durante la primeradécada del siglo XIX que ilustran las convicciones conservadoras de Boufflers en losúltimos años de su vida.

  • av Anna Warakomska

    Dieses Buch setzt unsere internationale und fächerübergreifende Forschungsarbeit zum Thema Migranten und ihre Literaturen fort. Der empirischen Untersuchung wurden diesmal die Werke von S¿inasi Dikmen, Osman Engin und Yüksel Pazarkaya unterzogen, deren Analyse Mehmet Öztürk schon vor Jahren zur Inauguraldissertation an der Hacettepe Universität gedient hatte. Im induktiven Verfahren werden hier literarische Bilder von Verhaltensmustern der Mehrheitsgesellschaft den ersten Gastarbeitern gegenüber katalogisiert. In der von den Herausgebern durchgesehenen und korrigierten Abhandlung werden solche Erscheinungen, wie z.B. Enkulturation, Integration, Stereotype, Vorurteile, Multikulturalismus u.dgl.m. sowohl in ihren theoretischen Grundlagen, wie auch in der literarischen Praxis dargestellt. Erweitert um den Werdegang sowie die künstlerische Tätigkeit der im Untertitel genannten Autoren, bilden manche Schlussfolgerungen bezüglich des imaginativen Zusammenlebens ein interessantes Angebot der Lektüre an der Schnittstelle zwischen Geschichtswissenschaft, Soziologie, Psychologie, Pädagogik, Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaft.

  • av Claudio Castro Filho

    El presente volumen reúne algunos escritos originales e inéditos de dramaturgxs de la escena española actual; en concreto, lxs autorxs que han adherido al proyecto son (en orden de presentación): Antonio Miguel Morales, Javier Liñera, Albert Tola y Laura Freijo Justo. Se trata de un conjunto de creadorxs que ha puesto la visibilización de las personas del colectivo LGBTQI+ en el centro de su escritura teatral. La labor testimonial de estos textos autobiográficos viene acompañada por seis ensayos de carácter académico que se centran en la investigación de los diferentes matices que lo queer ha recibido en las tablas españolas al fin de contribuir, desde el ámbito crítico y literario, a una mayor concienciación sobre un corpus de obras teatrales valientes y comprometidas.

  • av Rita Rodríguez Varela

    Viaje de una mujer a Spitzberg es una interesante novela de viajes escrita por Léonie d¿Aunet. Narrada a través de nueve cartas dirigidas a su hermano encontramos un emocionante trayecto por los países del norte de Europa, vistos a través de los ojos de una curiosa y cultivada mujer del siglo XIX. Las grandes colecciones artísticas, la moda, la concepción del espacio urbano, las relaciones familiares, los medios de transporte, las relaciones entre clases sociales o las condiciones laborales de los mineros son algunos de los aspectos en los que profundiza la autora. Este estudio y traducción es un intento de recuperar la memoria de una escritora que gozó de gran éxito literario en su época, como atestiguan las múltiples reediciones de sus novelas, piezas de teatro y libros de viajes, pero que fue olvidada por la historia.

  • av Sebastian Arend

    Fragilität als mehrdeutige und ambivalente Konstitution kennzeichnet Figuren, Motive und Schreibweisen in Literatur und Film. Der Fokus auf fragile Phänomene lenkt den Blick auf das Gefährdete, verlangt Aufmerksamkeit für das Schützenswerte sowie das Aushalten von Brüchigkeit. Fragile Zustände können sowohl Unsicherheit hervorrufen als auch produktive Energie freisetzen. Die verbreitete Wahrnehmung unserer Gegenwart als instabil unterstreicht die Aktualität des Begriffs, der bisher in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung keine etablierte Kategorie darstellt.Der Sammelband nähert sich deshalb dem Begriff an, indem in verschiedenen literatur- und filmwissenschaftlichen Fallstudien facettenreiche Perspektiven auf Fragilität entwickelt und in ihrem jeweiligen Kontext diskutiert werden.

  • av Jeremy Waddington

    Trade unions have repeatedly been challenged by neoliberal programmes implemented within Member States of theEuropean Union (EU) and at the European level. The twentyseven country chapters at the core of this book chart the features of the neoliberal challenge in the EU Member States and the measures implemented by unions in their attempts to adapt to changed circumstances since 2000. It is clear that union activity, either independently or in conjunction with allies, will be at the centre of revitalization campaigns if the pieces left from the neoliberal challenges are to be picked up and wielded into a coherent response.This book offers a comprehensive comparative overview of the development, structure, and policies of national trade union movements in the EU. It presents an in-depth analysis of the challenges facing these organizations and their strategic and policy responses from 2000 to 2020.

  • av Hans Jochen Diesfeld

    Was hat die ¿Tropenmedizin" im ¿Globalen Norden" zu suchen? Was kann eine Universität, ein ¿Tropeninstitut", im ¿Globalen Norden" zur Verbesserung der Gesundheitssituation im ¿Globalen Süden" beitragen? Die Antwort: ¿Tropenmedizin" muss sich zu ¿Globaler Medizin" hin entwickeln. Das heutige Heidelberg Institute of Global Health an der Universität Heidelberg ist diesen Weg von seinen Anfängen als Institut für Tropenhygiene 1962 bis heute konsequent gegangen. Hans Jochen Diesfeld hat diesen Weg aktiv gestaltet und begleitet. Er zeichnet ihn in diesem Band nach und zeigt dabei die verschiedenen Einflussfaktoren und Herausforderungen auf. Er erweist damit all denen Referenz, die über vier akademische Generationen hinweg dazu beigetragen haben.

  • av Zuzana Birknerova

    The book focuses on the conceptualization of sensory marketing and neurolinguistic programming as potential tools for implementing neuromarketing, as well as the evaluation of its feedback in relation to factors influencing business behavior. The primary objective of the book is to clarify specific aspects of neuromarketing and neurolinguistic programming in the context of business behavior and to compare how subjectively businesspeople and customers perceive these aspects. It is dedicated to experts in the field of scientific research who engage in the study of neuromarketing and neurolinguistic programming in various contexts, especially in connection with sensory marketing in business behavior. Possibilities of using the presented methodologies, as well as theoretical and methodological knowledge, can be found in the preference of people for work, also in the education, coaching, and training of salespeople, employees, and people in general.

  • av Sylwia Wojciechowska

    Within the past decades, nostalgia has become a misleadingly familiar concept. Whereas popular nostalgia connotes an idealised memory of the past, nost/algia implies a novelty of approach by focusing on the distinction between ¿nostos¿ (the return) and ¿algos¿ (the pain). Discussed with a reference to the pastoral and the Odyssey, the present study examines certain ¿complex¿ deployments of the mode as applied in several autobiographical narratives of two ex-patriate writers, Joseph Conrad and Henry James. The book first traces the history and theory of autobiography and nostalgia. Second, it interprets the nostalgic tensions as complex structures of thought which prompt certain inferences about the writers¿ respective attitudes towards the world and their inner selves.

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