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  • av Elke Cases Berbel

    El sector turístico, uno de los motores de la economía española, trae consigo la creación de puestos de trabajo y ofrece oportunidades tanto a nativos, como a los flujos migratorios que alcanzan España y que, desde la entrada de nuestro país en la CEE, han sufrido un incremento enorme. Esta monografía hace un recorrido por el desarrollo del turismo, con la explicación terminológica y presentación de datos, así como por las diferentes migraciones que han tenido lugar desde y hacia España, para investigar finalmente los lazos que unen estos dos fenómenos entre sí y la vinculación de estos con el idioma de los migrantes. Así, podremos ver si su integración, posibilidades emprendedoras o asimilación dependen de su lugar de procedencia y, por ende, de la cultura que traen consigo.

  • av Leticia Santamaría Ciordia

    El intérprete actual debe ser capaz de adaptarse a los entornos de trabajo remoto desde la flexibilidad, versatilidad y voluntad de rentabilizar los recursos a su alcance. La obra ofrece una perspectiva amplia de varias de las herramientas virtuales y de los sistemas de interpretación remota más populares, en un momento de estabilización y necesidad de regulación de estándares que, en última instancia, vaya en beneficio de desarrolladores de recursos digitales, profesionales y usuarios. Todo ello requiere un trabajo coordinado de revisión de plataformas y tecnologías aplicadas a la profesión, así como la adaptación de los programas de formación a las necesidades del mercado actual de la interpretación en un mundo cada vez más digitalizado, sin por ello perder de vista el factor humano.

  • av Máirtin Mac Con Iomaire

    This collection emerged from a conference held in TU Dublin at a time when the theme of «New Beginnings» seemed particularly apposite. In the few years prior to the gathering, COVID-19 had brought the world to almost a complete standstill. The need to recalibrate, to find new and more effective ways of dealing with the climate crisis, domestic and international politics, literary expression, and technology, was clearly felt by everyone. The fourteen essays deal with literary figures such as Jonathan Swift, George Moore, Colm Tóibín, Richard Murphy, Seamus Heaney, Michael O¿Siadhail, Sally Rooney and Doireann Ní Ghríofa. Other issues broached are the diplomatic work carried out by Seán T. O¿Kelly as Ireland¿s envoy to Paris when an independent Ireland was seeking international recognition; depictions of the AIDS crisis in Irish theatre; the Neganthropocene in the French TV series Zone Blanche; new opportunities for learning through digital archives; strategies to save the rural Irish pub; innovative strategies employed by Ireland on the world stage, and the use of science to manipulate the French public¿s beliefs about COVID-19. The diversity of material and approaches guarantees that New Beginnings will appeal to a large number of readers.

  • av Alain Coën

    Du sommet de La Haye (décembre 1969) à la signature du Traité de Maastricht (février 1992), la dynamique des relations monétaires franco-allemandes a joué un rôle primordial dans la longue genèse de l¿Union économique et monétaire (UEM). En s¿appuyant sur le croisement des sources historiques françaises, allemandes et européennes, l¿étude se propose d¿en analyser les ressorts et les points d¿inflexion.Dans un contexte économique en mutation, les relations monétaires franco-allemandes affichent deux objectifs majeurs : la stabilité économique et monétaire et la promotion d¿une entité européenne forte. Le pouvoir politique français a comme véritable interlocuteur le pouvoir économique allemand, représenté par la Bundesbank. Le « couple » franco-allemand est un mythe politique français que brise la libéralisation économique mondiale.Engrenage économique, où la politique cède le pas à l¿économie, l¿UEM parvient à la stabilité monétaire, mais en refusant l¿Union politique européenne, proposée par l¿Allemagne, la France laisse s¿éloigner le rêve d¿une Europe puissance et établit les bases une Europe allemande.

  • av Michaël Abecassis
    1 071

    «This erudite and informative book on French film directors is a comprehensive deep dive into the multi-faceted and interconnected landscape of Francophone cinema. From Akerman to Zidi, via Godard and Gondry, the volume marshals an impressive range of scholars who demonstrate how the French ¿art of directing¿ ¿ whether from established legends or emerging voices ¿ is a blend of the perceptive, the provocative and the populist.»(Ben McCann, Associate Professor of French Studies, University of Adelaide)«This impressive book is full of passion and fun facts. A wonderful work of scholarship, comprehensive and yet personable.»(Dr Christophe Gagne, Associate Professor in French, University of Cambridge)«The Art of Directing is a fabulous new resource for everyone interested in French cinema. Scholars and film-lovers alike will find much to be informed and inspired by in its concise but rich entries on 121 different directors. This will be the starting point for anyone wanting to know more about the directors who have shaped French cinema from the silent era to the present day.»(Mairi McLaughlin, Professor of French, University of California, Berkeley)«From Chantal Akerman to Claude Zidi, from auteur cinema to mainstream filmmaking, this wide-ranging book explores the world of French film directors, many ignored by critics until now. It includes entries by specialists from around the world and will be essential reading for students and lovers of the French-speaking world and film buffs alike.»(Professor Nina Parish, Professor of French and Francophone Studies, University of Sterling)«The Art of Directing is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in French cinema since its beginning. This volume takes us on a fascinating journey where we will meet not only leading figures of the seventh art but also littleknown filmmakers. Comprehensive, thorough, and impressively researched.»(Pierre-Philippe Fraiture, Professor of French, University of Warwick)It is not by chance that films by Renoir, Bresson, Varda, Godard, or Truffaut ¿ to name just a few ¿ have become widely studied around the world, with their directors becoming household names. Yet there are so many others who have made their mark on French and international cinema. The aim of this dictionary is to shed light on the directing process and to help people discover forgotten directors and rediscover prominent ones who have made Francophone cinema what it is today. This book is intended as a reference resource for students, scholars, and academics as well as film lovers, who will find both biographical and filmographic references, allowing them to gain an understanding in a nutshell of a particular director¿s career and its influences as well as its impact upon and legacy for the world of French cinema ¿ and beyond. When one considers all the directors who have impacted French cinema ¿ from the silent era to our current digital and streaming age ¿ this work is as exhaustive and inclusive as possible.

  • av William N. Dunn

    Análisis de política pública, el libro más ampliamente citado sobre la materia, proporciona a los estudiantes una comprehensiva metodología para el análisis de política pública. Parte de la premisa de que el análisis de política pública es una disciplina científico-social aplicada diseñada para solucionar los problemas prácticos que confrontan las organizaciones públicas y las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro. Esta sexta edición, enteramente revisada, contiene varias actualizaciones importantes:¿ Cada capítulo incluye un estudio de caso de "grandes ideas" completamente nuevo en análisis de política pública para estimular el interés del estudiante en problemas apropiados e importantes.¿ El capítulo dedicado a la política pública basada en la evidencia y al papel de los experimentos de campo ha sido reescrito y ampliado en su integridad.¿ Se han agregado nuevas secciones sobre desarrollos importantes en el campo, incluidos el uso de evidencia científica en la factura de la política pública, revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis y "big data".¿ Se incluyen conjuntos de datos en línea para aplicar técnicas analíticas como archivos IBM SPSS 23.0, que son convertibles a los programas estadísticos Excel, Stata y R con el fin de que sirvan a una variedad de necesidades de cursos y estilos de enseñanza.¿ Se incluyen filminas enteramente nuevas en PowerPoint para facilitar el trabajo del instructor mejor que antes.Diseñado para que estudiantes con distintos antecedentes académicos realicen análisis por cuenta propia, sin el requerimiento de conocimientos en microeconomía, Análisis de política pública, sexta edición, ayuda a los estudiantes a desarrollar las habilidades prácticas necesarias para comunicar hallazgos a través de memos, documentos de posición y otras formas de escritura analítica estructurada. El texto involucra a los estudiantes desafiándolos a analizar críticamente los argumentos de profesionales de la política pública así como los de politólogos, economistas y filósofos de la política.

  • av Raúl Montero Gilete

    El objetivo de nuestro estudio es demostrar cómo el concepto culturalmente relevante e interesante de hogar y naturaleza juega un papel activo y central en La Comunidad del Anillo de JRR Tolkien y en Mago y Cristal de Stephen King. Para ello, analizamos la idea de hogar desarrollada en ambas obras desde el punto de vista de la crítica medioambiental, aportando puntos ilustrativos que justifican las implicaciones ecológicas en la obra de Tolkien y, a su vez, contrastando los resultados obtenidos mediante un análisis comparativo con la obra de King. Presentamos la forma en que ambos autores añaden una nueva perspectiva al concepto de hogar, en la que se presenta un enfoque sostenible y ambientalmente integrado en el que la naturaleza no se sitúa en un espacio separado y artificial, sino al mismo nivel que los protagonistas de las historias.

  • av Heather A. Warfield

    As a niche field, pilgrimage studies has long been multidisciplinary and draws interest from pilgrims, practitioners, and academic scholars. Despite the burgeoning corpus of pilgrimage literature, there is a gap related to disciplinary-specific publications which reflect how pilgrimage is conceptualised and studied by academics. Moreover, many academic publications assume the reader is familiar with particular research methods and/or theoretical paradigms that inform the work, which is often not the case. The goal of the current volume is to present a foundational text for understanding various disciplines that contribute to the field of pilgrimage studies and to bridge the gulf between academic scholarship and ¿popular¿ pilgrimage literature. To this end, each chapter is organised in a similar format, which includes an overview of the discipline or field of study, a brief history, and the types of questions that are addressed by the discipline. Building on this foundation, the chapters include a section on contemporary literature pertaining to pilgrimage or pilgrimage-like phenomena. Authors further consider theoretical perspectives and methodological concerns. Finally, authors explore recommendations for future research and/or directions for advanced exploration. The volume includes chapters from disciplines formerly silent on pilgrimage phenomena such as public administration, information studies, and digital humanities.

  • av Jorge Valdenebro Sánchez

    Cet ouvrage porte sur l¿importance des paramètres culturels dans le domaine de la traduction juridique. Afin de corroborer la pertinence de ces aspects extralinguistiques, le travail est organisé en deux parties¿: une partie théorique et une autre pratique. La partie théorique aborde les systèmes juridiques français et espagnol, le langage et le texte juridiques et la traduction juridique elle-même, notamment les problèmes que les différences culturelles posent et les stratégies à suivre pour y faire face. Concernant la partie pratique, elle concerne l¿analyse conceptuelle contrastive, fondée sur la terminologie pénale française et sa traduction en espagnol péninsulaire. Cette analyse, organisée en quatre niveaux¿(supra, macro, micro et nanoconcepts juridiques), vise à faciliter la tâche du traducteur dans un domaine, le droit, qui est caractérisé par le manque de référents universels. Ainsi, cet ouvrage constitue une recherche dans laquelle la juritraductologie, le droit et la traduction sont combinés de manière théorique et appliquée.

  • av Maurizio Merico

    The book contributes to retracing the elaboration of the corpus of theoretical and methodological approaches, themes and perspectives of analysis from which contemporary research on youth cultures originates. From the privileged vantage point of sociology, the book revisits landmark moments in research on youth cultures: the analytical pathway developed by the Chicago School of Sociology on young people living in the urban mosaic; the background, contents and (in)actuality of Karl Mannheim¿s perspective on generations; the broad debate around the distinctive features of ¿youth culture¿ looping back around to Talcott Parsons; the analysis on youth, dissent and counterculture developed by Goodman, Roszak and Keniston; the research on youth subcultures carried out by the CCCS at Birmingham University.

  • av Jill Suzanne Smith

    «Dr. Hammer¿s account of lives of registered prostitutes illustrates the complexity of discourses on medical supervision and police control of sexuality in early twentieth-century Berlin. This English edition provides historians of sexuality with insight into medical experts¿ role in producing social truth and how the women profiled resisted control.»(Deirdre McGowan, Head of Law, School of Social Sciences, Law, and Education, Technological University Dublin)«For anyone interested in the history of prostitution, retrieving the lives and voices of sex workers poses the greatest challenge. This makes Ten Life Histories of Berlin Prostitutes a particularly precious source. Jill Suzanne Smith¿s and Stephen Carruthers¿s engagingly written introductions adeptly situate Hammer¿s study in the contexts of Imperial Germany around 1900 and Berlin¿s role as a major center of sexual reform. The translation from the German is eminently readable. Thanks to the editors, English-speaking audiences finally have access to this major document on battles over prostitution at the height of the industrial age.»(Julia Roos, Associate Professor of History, Indiana University, Bloomington)This book is an annotated translation into English of Zehn Lebensläufe Berliner Kontollmädchen und zehn Beiträge zur Behandlung der geschlechtlichen Frage (1905) (Ten Life Histories of Berlin Prostitutes under Police Control and Ten Contributions to the Management of the Sexual Question) by Dr. Wilhelm Hammer (1879¿1940(?)). The author worked as an assistant physician at the women¿s ward at the Berlin municipal homeless shelter in the Fröbelstrasse, where he recorded Ten Life Histories. Dr. Hammer wrote Ten Life Histories as a contribution to the Großstadt-Dokumente [Metropolis Documents], a sociological work in fifty volumes edited by Hans Ostwald (1873¿1940) published between 1904 and 1908. In addition to its interest for prostitution research, Ten Life Histories sheds valuable light on aspects of cultural and social life in the German Empire of this period, particularly on the school and welfare systems and, more generally, on women¿s role in society at the time.

  • av Almeida Machava

    This book on Company Law in Brazil highlights the innovative options that the Brazilian legislature has developed in the modernization of the legal framework that governs business activities at the same time that it broadens horizons on the perception and knowledge of the business legal regime in Brazil. It is of great importance for academics who will have the opportunity to study and teach modern Brazilian Company Law and discuss the main Brazilian theories and legal options on Company Law. It is intended to serve as a reliable source for scholars who are interested in Brazilian Company Law and general Company Law as it can be used for comparative legal studies. For business operators the book provides reliable information on how business operations can be conducted under the Brazilian legal system. The book offers a comprehensive approach to Brazilian Company Law, ranging from the process of construction and modernization of Company Law in Brazil to the legal regime on insolvency and recovery of commercial entrepreneurs in Brazil. The figure of the commercial entrepreneur is highlighted, listing the main aspects to consider for the acquisition of the status of commercial entrepreneur in Brazil and the special obligations that are imposed on the business operators either individuals or companies.

  • av Simon Gatrell
    1 101

    This new study provides fresh readings of Thomas Hardy¿s work and illuminates the social and cultural history of dress in the nineteenth century. The book argues that Hardy had a more detailed and acute understanding of the importance of dress in forming and regulating personal identity and social relations than any other writer of his time. Structured thematically, it takes into account both nineteenth-century and modern theoretical approaches to the significance of what we wear.The author gives an extended analysis of individual works by Hardy, showing, for example, that A Pair of Blue Eyes is central to the study of the function of clothing in the expression and perception of sexuality. The Hand of Ethelberta, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the d¿Urbervilles and The Woodlanders are examined in order to show the extent to which dress obscures or reveals the nature of the self. Hardy¿s other novels, as well as the short stories and poems, are used to confirm the centrality of dress and clothing in Hardy¿s work. The book also raises issues such as the gendering of dress, cross-dressing, work clothes and working with clothes, dress and the environment, the symbolism of colour in clothes, and the dress conventions relating to death.

  • av Debra L. Merskin
    1 681

    This book is an examination of how American mass media, including advertising, presents Otherness ¿ anyone or anything constructed as different from an established norm ¿ in terms of gender, race, sex, disabilities, and other markers of difference. Using a mythological lens, the book looks below the surface of media content to explore the psychological, social, and economic underpinnings of a system of beliefs that result in prejudice, discrimination, and oppression. Designed to raise awareness of the foundations of historically-based inequities in the American social, cultural, and economic milieu, the author shows how inequalities are maintained, at least in part, by mass media, popular culture, and advertising representations of Otherness. The book aims to increase awareness of stereotyping in the media, and expose how the construction of people as Others contributes to their marginalization. Written in an accessible and engaging style, with student-friendly discussion questions and resources, this book is suitable for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

  • av Fintan Cullen

    «This dazzling collection of essays draws out the complexity of Ireland¿s connections with British imperialism.¿The volume takes an admirably wide-ranging and generous approach to Irish visual culture, showing how features such as Irish fashion, architecture, and museum display have been affected by empire.¿Those interested in Irish art, in Irish culture, and in the legacies of imperialism more generally will find this book insightful, illuminating, and provocative.»(James Moran, Professor of English, University of Nottingham)¿«Ranging across a broad chronological span, this stimulating collection¿s focus on the role of the British empire within Irish art and visuality is much-needed. This book will be invaluable not just for scholars of Irish culture, but for the study of the crucial significance of the visual in the historical formation of empire more generally.»(Fionna Barber, Reader in Art History, Manchester Metropolitan University)This collection of essays discusses how the British empire resonates in a huge array of visual culture in Ireland from the late eighteenth century to the middle of the twentieth. The book is about the way empire has pervaded and continues to pervade Irish art and visual culture. The collection of essays expands the analysis of things visual in terms of Ireland and the British empire to include a broad range of cultural matter: art exhibitions, museums and their displays, architecture, photography, illustrated books, fashion, public and private performances and entertainments, as well as paintings, sculpture, prints and book illustration. The essays only touch on some of the issues that need to be discussed in relation to Ireland and the visual culture of imperialism, but it is hoped that this volume will spark others to investigate the topic and thus greatly expand Irish visual historiography.

  • av Oreste Foppiani

    Families are actors and drivers in migration and refugee crises. However, the current protection frameworks privilege the individual over the family unit. Consequently, the stories of families in migration have remained under-researched and their challenges under-addressed. This volume explores the interplay between family, separation, and migration in the Middle East, West Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe, and Latin America, and in the context of the 2015 global refugee crisis. Guiding it are two questions: How do family, migration, and separation play out across geographical, political, and historical contexts? And what are the gaps in the protection of migrants and their families? Thirteen authors ¿ academics and practitioners ¿ discuss the international protection for refugees, migration governance, child mobility, disability and immigration, human trafficking, and dilemmas in refugee reporting. The book proposes a paradigm shift in the way we cater to the needs and aspirations of families on the move. Its authors offer evidence-based solutions that cut across polarized discussions on migration and refugees. As such, the volume is aimed at researchers, students, policymakers, and experts working in international relations, migration, human rights, and refugee protection.

  • av Christian Weis

    Herberth Herlitschka (1893-1970) war einer der engagiertesten und einflussreichsten englisch-deutschen Übersetzer der späten Weimarer Republik und der Nachkriegszeit. Sein guter Instinkt und ein weitreichendes Netzwerk in der Welt der internationalen Literaturszene ermöglichten ihm die Übertragung einiger der berühmtesten Schriftsteller der englischsprachigen Moderne. Seine Briefe an Verleger, Agenten und Autoren ermöglichen einen faszinierenden Einblick in die Abläufe und Umwälzungen der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Literaturmärkte zur Zeit der kulturellen Öffnung zwischen den Weltkriegen und bilden die Grundlage für eine in ihrer Tiefe beispiellose Untersuchung dreier seiner Übersetzungen (The Bridge of San Luis Rey, Lady Chatterley¿s Lover, Brave New World). Zusammen betrachtet vermitteln Herlitschkas hier versammelte Korrespondenz und sein Werk einen Querschnitt durch das kulturelle Leben seiner Zeit und bieten einen lebendigen Eindruck von der verbindenden Kraft der Literatur.

  • av Nikolai Clarus
    1 061

    Dieses Glossar bündelt die sprachlichen Besonderheiten der städtischen Kultur des Mittelalters erstmals in zentraler Form. Hierbei wird das Siedlungsphänomen Stadt in vierfacher Hinsicht definiert und erschlossen: Hinsichtlich seiner Rechtsnatur und Verfassung, seiner architektonischen Gestaltung, der Wahrnehmung zentralörtlicher Funktionen sowie seiner sozialen Gruppen und Strukturen. Das Untersuchungsgebiet umfaßt die Städte des mittelalterlichen Reichsgebiets in seiner gesamten Ausdehnung diesseits der Alpen. Erfaßt werden sowohl die mittellateinischen als auch die mittelhoch- und mittelniederdeutschen Vokabeln, die zudem durch aussagekräftige Zitate in den Kontext eingebunden werden.

    1 551

    Kaiser Friedrich II. und sein Astrologe Michael Scotus haben vor allem die deutsche Forschung seit Generationen fasziniert. Allerdings steht das Ausmaß der Faszination oft im umgekehrten Verhältnis zu gesichertem Wissen. Dieses Buch unternimmt im ersten Teil den Versuch einer Neubewertung der bekannten Quellen, während der zweite Teil paradigmatisch den Liber de signis et imaginibus celi untersucht, jenen illustrierten astrologischen Traktat also, der neben dem Liber Physionomie Michaels erfolgreichstes Werk darstellt und im Laufe der Jahrhunderte immer wieder abgeschrieben, übersetzt und in textlichen wie bildlichen Auszügen tradiert wurde ¿ und der hier erstmalig ediert und übersetzt ist.

  • av Anja Böttinger

    Alphabetisierungskurse im Bereich Deutsch als Zweitsprache sind von Heterogenität geprägt. Die Lehrkräfte sind methodisch herausgefordert, da die Teilnehmenden unterschiedliche Ausgangsbedingungen mitbringen und der Unterricht entsprechend angepasst werden muss. Handlungsbedarf sieht das Buch unter anderem in der Verbesserung der Qualität von Alphabetisierungskursen, wobei Binnendifferenzierung als Schwerpunkt der Unterrichtsgestaltung identifiziert wird. In diesem Band werden die Grundlagen zum Thema Binnendifferenzierung aufbereitet und erprobte binnendifferenzierenden Maßnahmen für den Alphabetisierungsbereich erörtert. Die Ergebnisse einer breit angelegten Lehrkräftebefragung belegen, dass Binnendifferenzierung in Alphabetisierungskursen zwar punktuell eingesetzt wird, aber als Unterrichtsprinzip nicht durchgängig verankert ist. Auf Grundlage der gewonnenen Datenbasis liefert dieses Buch konkrete Beispiele in Form von Unterrichtsmaterialien und Stundenentwürfen für den Transfer in den Unterricht.

  • av Jeffrey Schnapp

    Modernitalia provides a map of the Italian twentieth century in the form of twelve essays by the celebrated cultural historian Jeffrey T. Schnapp. Shuttling back and forth between literature, architecture, design, and the visual arts, the volume explores the metaphysics of speed, futurist and dada typography, real and imaginary forms of architecture, shifting regimes of mass spectacle, the iconography of labour, exhibitions as modes of public mobilization and persuasion, and the emergence of industrial models of literary culture and communication.The figures featured in the book include Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Mario Morasso, Julius Evola, Piero Portaluppi, Giuseppe Terragni, Alessandro Blasetti, Massimo Bontempelli, Giorgio de Chirico, Bruno Munari, Curzio Malaparte, and Henry Furst. Alongside these human protagonists appear granite blocks that drive the design of modern monuments, military searchlights that animate civilian shows, worker armies viewed as machines, sunglasses that tiptoe along the boundary of the private and public, newsreels as twentieth-century interpretations of Trajan¿s column, and book covers and bindings that act as authorial self-portraits. The volume captures the Italian path to cultural modernity in all of its brilliance and multiplicity.

  • av Jurgen Below
    1 221

    Das Handbuch verbindet Repertorium mit Verzeichniswerk. Im ersten primärliterarischen Abschnitt widerspiegelt sich chronographisch die Publikationsgeschichte von Hesses Werk und seinen Lebensstationen durch Rezensionen, Selbstzeugnisse und Zitate aus seinen Briefen, die im zeithistorischen Kontext stehen. Dagegen orientiert sich der zweite Abschnitt an Sachverhalten und thematischen Ordnungsstrukturen über das sekundäre Schrifttum zur Forschung, Komparatistik, Beziehungsstrukturen und Reproduktionen in der wissenschaftlichen Publizistik, den medialen Vermittlungsträgern und institutionellen Aktivitäten. Diese sind durch Quellentexte belegt und informieren über den Verlauf der verschiedenen Rezeptionsverläufe und -formen bis in die Gegenwart. Das Kompendium erfasst durch seine systematische Quellenerschließung aus Wissenschaft und Journalistik Monographien, Aufsätze und unselbständige Publikationen, die zur Beurteilung der Relevanzen der Wirkung des Werkes und des literarischen Kraftfelds zwischen Autor und Rezipienten notwendig sind. Bibliographische Annotationen verdichten die umfangreiche Materialiensammlung.

  • av Juana I. Marin-Arrese

    Evidentiality and Epistemic Modality: Conceptual and Descriptive Issues presents ground-breaking research on the domains of evidentiality and epistemic modality. The book includes papers on key theoretical issues (the nature of evidential inference and the challengeability criterion for evidentiality), and descriptive studies covering various European languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Romanian, Catalan and Latvian), based on general corpora or specific discourse types. The prominent corpus-based contrastive methodology uncovers a wide range of idiosyncratic discourse-pragmatic features of diverse languages, discourses and genres. The contributions are representative of the work on evidentiality and epistemic modality in a substantial number of countries.

  • av Ross F. Collins
    501 - 1 177

  • av Caterina Scarabicchi

    The stories of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe have made the headlines in the news over the last twenty years. How have these human itineraries been represented in contemporary culture? This book considers the migrant¿s story as portrayed in literature, cinema, museums and festivals in Italy and France, in order to explore the widespread ethical complexities related to agency and advocacy. While typically produced in support of migrant communities, these narratives often confine the experience of displaced individuals within a Eurocentric, humanitarian discourse that is difficult to overcome. Through an interdisciplinary and postcolonial approach, the book analyses, among others, recent works by Laurent Gaudé and Emanuele Crialese, the Musée National de l¿Histoire de l¿Immigration in Paris and a community festival in Lampedusa, to highlight the complexity of advocating for migrants from a European perspective.

  • av Peter H. Wolff
    477 - 1 121

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