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Böcker utgivna av Peter Lang

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  • av Flavia Bujor

    La poétique de l¿étrangeté est l¿expression d¿un retour au corps par lequel le roman contemporain interroge sa propre capacité à penser le monde social. Dans les ¿uvres de Suzette Mayr, de Marie NDiaye et de Yoko Tawada, étudiées dans cet ouvrage, le corps apparaît comme un objet étrange, dont l¿évidence naturelle ne va plus de soi. Il est caractérisé par sa malléabilité, voire par ses métamorphoses; en même temps, il porte les marques des catégories de la domination. La poétique de l¿étrangeté peut être interprétée comme une traduction littéraire du tournant théorique «matérialiste queer», qui s¿efforce d¿analyser ensemble la dynamique du pouvoir, fondée sur la production des subjectivités, et le caractère structurel de la domination, qui repose sur des bases socio-économiques. Le corps est à la fois dénaturalisé et ressaisi comme le signe d¿une histoire intersectionnelle. Il n¿est pas tant l¿expression d¿une vérité de l¿identité que la construction narrative d¿un point de vue situé. C¿est à partir d¿un corps fictif que s¿écrit une certaine perception du monde, que se redéfinissent les formes romanesques, et que se crée un usage étrange de la langue. Le dialogue entre la théorie et la fiction, qui prend source dans leur étrangeté réciproque, invite alors à imaginer la nature dénaturalisée du corps, tout comme la reconfiguration littéraire du monde social.

  • av Thomas Eckes

    Human ratings are subject to various forms of error and bias. Since the early days of performance assessment, this problem has been sizeable and persistent. For example, expert raters evaluating the quality of an essay, an oral communication, or a work sample, often come up with different ratings for the very same performance. In cases like this, assessment outcomes largely depend upon which raters happen to provide the rating, posing a threat to the validity and fairness of the assessment. This book provides an introduction to a psychometric approach that establishes a coherent framework for drawing reliable, valid, and fair inferences from rater-mediated assessments, thus answering the problem of inevitably fallible human ratings: many-facet Rasch measurement (MFRM). Throughout the book, sample data taken from a writing performance assessment are used to illustrate key concepts, theoretical foundations, and analytic procedures, stimulating the readers to adopt the MFRM approach in their current or future professional context.

  • av Christopher Ndlovu

    This book brings together a series of papers on education in rural Zimbabwe. It is informed throughout by the generative theory of rurality, which sees rural communities as the most significant agents in solving the challenges they face. Against this theoretical backdrop, the 13 chapters challenge policy makers, researchers and educators to confront the problem of poor academic performance among learners in rural learning ecologies. The book demonstrates that rural communities, in Zimbabwe and elsewhere, can improve their educational outcomes through community-led action, involving traditional leadership and other stakeholders. The key message is that communities have the opportunity to become the authors of their own destinies in shaping future educational results."This book brings together important views on improving learning in rural ecologies. The arguments brought forward can lead to responsive policies that can greatly benefit rural education."¿Colwasi Mthunzi, Professor of Curriculum Innovations, Solusi University"A book that brings so much hope for rural learners and also encourages the community and parents/guardians to play an active role in the learning of their children."¿Nosizo Shava, Senior Sociology Lecturer, Hillside Teachers College"Well-articulated papers on the ways of reducing inequalities between rural and urban education."¿Shepherd Ndondo, Post-doc fellow in Philosophy of Education, University of Fort Hare

  • av Cyriaque Sobtafo

    Over recent decades, developing nations have been the beneficiaries of Official Development Assistance (ODA) from European and North American countries. ODA remains the central mechanism in sustaining and financing actions and processes related to international development. Despite these investments, experts continue to raise concerns about Africäs poor performance on several development indicators. This book discusses the main challenges to aid effectiveness in Africa, with a specific focus on the health sector. It provides policymakers, scholars, and development experts with innovative strategies and policy recommendations for refining aid management. The book also provides critical analysis of several global developmental frameworks and related international action plans and commitments, ranging from the 2030 Global Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals to the Paris Climate Agreement. Lastly, the book also analyzes several theoretical frameworks on development, including modernization, world systems, international dependency, neoclassical growth, the concept of gross national happiness, and human development. "Dr Sobtafo brings a wealth of experience and broad practice to bear in what is an important reflective analysis on aid effectiveness and the nexus with development performance. There are lessons and insights that reach beyond Africa."¿Michael Upton, New Zealand Ambassador to Ethiopia and the African Union "The book does first of all place people at the centre of the analysis, hence the pertinence of health and development as a focus. It further questions the common certainties on ODA and economic development and expands the discussion to include key drivers of human development and the necessity of partnership in an interdependent world. A pragmatic approach to deepen our understanding of complex issues that require more than simple solutions. Great ideas and questions for scholars, policy makers, and health and development practitioners."¿ Elhadj As Sy, Chairman, Koffi Annan Foundation; Former Secretary General, The International Federation of Red Cross Crescent Societies (IFRC); and Former UNICEF Regional Director, Eastern and Southern Africa

  • av Susan Petrilli
    1 137

    The Global World is a pivotal formula in present-day «Newspeak». The book¿s leitmotif ¿ if it is true that the faces of today¿s global world are manifold ¿ is that language opens to the other, that the word¿s boundaries are the multiple boundaries of the relation to others, of encounter among differences. Otherness logic is in language and life. The aim is to evidence how, contrary to implications of the newspeak order, new worlds are possible, critical linguistic consciousness is possible ¿ a «word revolution» and pathway to social change. The method is «linguistic» and concerns the language and communication sciences. But to avoid that the limits of the latter influence our perspective on «the global world and its manifold faces», this method is located at the intersection of different scientific perspectives. As such it pertains to «philosophy of language», but in dialogue with the science of verbal and nonverbal signs, today «global semiotics», therefore it is also «semiotic». And given that how to understand «the global world» is not just a theoretical issue, but concerns how we relate to others, to differences in all their forms and aspects, the method proposed with this book is also «semioethic».

  • av Henry A. Giroux

    In the second edition of Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism, Henry A. Giroux uses the metaphor of the zombie to highlight how America has embraced a machinery of social and civil death that chills any vestige of a robust democracy. He charts the various ways in which the political, corporate, and intellectual zombies that rule America embrace death-dealing institutions such as a bloated military, the punishing state, a form of predatory capitalism, and an authoritarian, death-driven set of policies that sanction torture, targeted assassinations, and a permanent war psychology. The author argues that government and corporate paranoia runs deep in America. While maintaining a massive security state, the ruling forces promote the internalization of their ideology, modes of governance, and policies by either seducing citizens with the decadent pleasures of a celebrity-loving consumer culture or by beating them into submission. Giroux calls for a systemic alternative to zombie capitalism through a political and pedagogical imperative to address and inform a new cultural vision, mode of individual subjectivity, and understanding of critical agency. As part of a larger effort to build a broad-based social movement, he argues for a new political language capable of placing education at the center of politics. Connecting the language of critique to the discourse of educated hope he calls for the reclaiming of public spaces and institutions where formative cultures can flourish that nourish the radical imagination, and the ongoing search for justice, equality, and the promise of a democracy to come.

  • av Thomas Metscher

    Die Theorie des Bewusstseins ist Desiderat marxistischen Denkens. Trotz Ausarbeitungen in einzelnen Feldern liegt eine entwickelte Theorie des menschlich-gesellschaftlichen Bewusstseins, die dieses als Konkretum ¿ Einheit von Tätigkeit und Vergegenständlichung ¿ im Detail wie im Ganzen erfasst, in diesem Denken nicht vor. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, diesen Mangel ein Stück weit abzubauen. Bewusstsein in der hier vertretenen Auffassung ist Teil des geschichtlichen Ensembles gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse. Seine Genesis liegt in der gegenständlichen Tätigkeit des Menschen. Es ist unmittelbar als Sprache gegeben, lebenspraktisch präsent als Bewusstsein des Alltags, konstitutiver Bestandteil menschlicher Arbeit. Es existiert in Gestalt eines welterschließenden elementaren Logos, der Bedingung menschlicher Reproduktion wie kultureller Weltbildung ist, als Erkennen, Wissen, Verstehen, in den Grundformen symbolischen und begrifflichen Denkens, den historischen Typen der Rationalität, den objektiven Formen von Religion, Mythos, Kunst, Wissenschaft und Philosophie. Als soziales Verhältnis und institutionelle Realität hat es den Charakter

  • av Lucia Berti

    The Philosophical Transactions and the letters preserved in the Royal Society¿s archives provide precious insights into the making of science and the workings of the Republic of Letters in the early and late modern periods. This book investigates the Royal Society¿s relations with Italy through a socio-historical and critical linguistic analysis of the papers concerning Italian research published in the Transactions and of the epistolary exchanges between the Society¿s Fellows and Italian scholars. The aim, from the linguistic perspective, is to describe the features and development of papers based on Italian research published in the journal, as well as the discursive aspects that characterise the exchanges between the two countries. Ultimately, from the historical and cultural point of view, the study will provide a picture of the development of Anglo-Italian relations in scientific context from the seventeenth to the end of the nineteenth century.

  • av Jean Khalfa
    1 037

    The essays collected in this volume study the poetry and thought of four major Francophone Caribbean writers: Saint-John Perse, Aimé Césaire, Frantz Fanon and Édouard Glissant. In a context where identity was a question, an original conception of subjectivity appeared, as the end point rather than the origin of a process which was inseparably poetic and political. It entailed an aesthetics of dispersion or errance, rather than belonging. This volume thus questions the traditional teleological narrative of negritude as ¿renaissance¿ or ¿awakening¿. A careful look at the birth of different negritude movements shows the complexity of this history and explains Fanon¿s philosophical and political critique of the notion. These writers¿ astonishingly rich production rests on original aesthetic ideas and philosophical reflections which the vagaries of history and displacement, and their comparison with major metropolitan literary movements, had masked. Fanon¿s thought is at the heart of the book, but this volume also traces the important debates these authors had with the major French thinkers of their time, notably Bergson, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze.

  • av Richard J. White & Anthony J. Nocella Ii
    451 - 1 081

  • av Florian Mussgnug

    Giorgio Manganelli (1922-1990), one of Italy¿s most radical and original writers, went further than most in exploring the creative possibilities of hybrid genres and open forms. Ostentation, theatricality, and a love of drapery and verbal excess are defining features of his body of work, which ranges from prose fiction, literary criticism, and drama to travel writing, treatises, commentaries, and imaginary interviews.This study examines the wealth of Manganelli¿s imagination ¿ his grotesque animals, speaking corpses, and melancholy spectres ¿ and argues that his spectacular eloquence was shaped by an exceptional awareness of literary and philosophical models. Following Manganelli¿s lead, the author addresses issues such as the boundaries of meaningful language, the relationship between literary and visual texts, fantasy and realism, and the power of literature to express the apprehensions and intimations of human consciousness.

  • av Theo Harden

    Die vorliegende Einführung besteht aus 16 Einheiten, die alle so konzipiert sind, dass sie auch unabhängig voneinander gelesen werden können. Jedes Kapitel führt in einen bestimmten Bereich der Linguistik ein: in Semantik, Sprachgeschichte, Spracherwerb, mentales Lexikon, Pragmatik, Dialektologie, Phonetik, usw. Als Ausgangspunkt und Kapitelüberschrift dienen dabei beispielsweise Fragen wie «Können Wörter müde machen?» (Semantik), «Gibt es Sprachen ohne Grammatik?» (Syntax), «Was ist Deutsch eigentlich für eine Sprache?» (Sprachgeschichte) oder «Wo sind die Wörter im Kopf und wie greift man auf sie zu?», die zugleich das Konzept dieses Buches illustrieren: Die wichtigsten linguistischen Themenkomplexe und Grundlagen sollen nicht nur in leicht zugänglicher und gut verständlicher Form vermittelt werden, sondern es soll auch Neugier auf die Fragen geweckt werden, um die es jeweils geht. Vorkenntnisse werden dabei bewusst nicht vorausgesetzt. Da eine Einführung naturgemäß nur jeweils einen begrenzten Einblick in ein Themengebiet geben kann, werden am Ende jeder Einheit stets auch Literaturtipps zur weitergehenden und vertieften Beschäftigung mit dem behandelten Thema gegeben.

  • av Peter McLaren

    «Pedagogy of Insurrection» by Peter McLaren has won the American Educational Research Association, Division B Outstanding Book Recognition Award 2016.Peter McLaren, named Outstanding Educator in America by the Association of Educators of Latin America and the Caribbean in 2013 and winner of numerous awards for his scholarship and international political activism, has penned another classic work with Pedagogy of Insurrection. One of the educators that Ana Maria (Nita) Araújo Freire credits as an architect of what has come to be known worldwide as critical pedagogy, and who Paulo Freire named his ¿intellectual cousin,¿ McLaren has consistently produced iconoclastic work that has been heralded by educators worldwide as among some of the most significant commentary on the state of education. He is Honorary President of the Instituto McLaren de Pedagogía Crítica y Educación Popular in Ensenada, México, and Honorary Director of the Center for Critical Pedagogy Research at Northeast Normal University in China.

  • av Antonio Inacio Andrioli

    Das Buch befasst sich mit der pädagogischen Dimension von Schüler:innengenossenschaften in Südbrasilien. Die Grundhypothese ist, dass durch genossenschaftliche Praxis ein kooperatives Bewusstsein entwickelt werden kann.Der verwendete theoretische Ansatz gründete sich auf die Arbeit als zentraler und erklärender Kategorie für Bildung. Ausgehend von einer Feldforschung mit den Schüler:innen und teilnehmenden Lehrkräften konnte gezeigt werden,dass die kooperative Arbeit eine erzieherische Erfahrung ist und dass die Werte, die in der Form der Genossenschaften aufgebaut werden, Einfluss auf die Veränderung des Verhaltens und damit auf das Bewusstsein derjenigen Schüler:innen haben, die an diesen Aktivitäten teilnehmen.

  • av Peter D. S. Krey

    This book focuses on Luther¿s very last lectures, which interpret the Joseph story in the final chapters of Genesis. Scholars have frequently neglected the later Luther and the Genesis Lectures, making this an important new contribution to the field. Luther¿s lectures are not a modern scientific commentary, but enarrations, as Kenneth Hagen calls them, filled with public proclamation, expanded narrative, and a performative sense of language. The author furthers Oswald Bayer¿s performative interpretation of Luther¿s theology with a more sophisticated linguistic philosophy, while continuing Bayer¿s theological direction. The book is an important new contribution to Luther studies and will be of interest to seminarians as well as to students of hermeneutics, homiletics, the relevance of the performative in proclamation, and philosophy of language. "Peter D. S. Krey offers a theologically expansive and polyvalent reading of Luther¿s lectures on the last chapters of Genesis, the story of Joseph and his family in Egypt. Composed at the end of his days, the lectures were fully informed not only by Luther¿s mature theology, but also by his own lifelong struggles with hopelessness and fear. Krey¿s writing is lively, at times moving, his scholarship capacious. His book calls renewed attention to this most important work just when our own deeply troubled world needs it most."¿Christine Helmer, Peter B. Ritzma Chair of Humanities, Professor of German and Religious Studies, Northwestern University "Dr. Peter Krey takes the reader on an energetic ride, as he examines Luther¿s reading of the Joseph Story through a variety of intriguing interpretive lenses. With his unique and empathetic approach, Krey has accumulated an original examination of a key section of Luther¿s Genesis lectures. Luther is alive on these pages that lay out the complexity of his theological language in ways that resonate with both mind and heart."¿Rev. Dr. Brooks Schramm and Rev. Dr. Kirsi Stjerna, Editors/Authors of Martin Luther, the Bible, and the Jewish People

  • av Madalena Cruz-Ferreira

    Multilinguals are not multiple monolinguals. Yet multilingual assessment proceeds through monolingual norms, as if fair conclusions were possible in the absence of fair comparison. In addition, multilingualism concerns what people do with language, not what languages do to people. Yet research focus remains on multilinguals¿ languages, as if languages existed despite their users. This book redresses these paradoxes. Multilingual scholars, teachers and speech-language clinicians from Europe, Asia, Australia and the US contribute the first studies dedicated to multilingual norms, those found in real-life multilingual development, assessment and use. Readership includes educators, clinicians, decision-makers and researchers interested in multilingualism.

  • av Robin DiAngelo

    What does it mean to be white in a society that proclaims race meaningless, yet is deeply divided by race? In the face of pervasive racial inequality and segregation, most white people cannot answer that question. In the second edition of this seminal text, Robin DiAngelo reveals the factors that make this question so difficult: mis-education about what racism is; ideologies such as individualism and colorblindness; segregation; and the belief that to be complicit in racism is to be an immoral person. These factors contribute to what she terms white racial illiteracy. Speaking as a white person to other white people, DiAngelo clearly and compellingly takes readers through an analysis of white socialization. Weaving research, analysis, stories, images, and familiar examples, she provides the framework needed to develop white racial literacy. She describes how race shapes the lives of white people, explains what makes racism so hard to see, identifies common white racial patterns, and speaks back to popular narratives that work to deny racism. Written as an accessible overview on white identity from an anti-racist framework, What Does It Mean to Be White? is an invaluable resource for members of diversity and anti-racism programs and study groups, and students of sociology, psychology, education, and other disciplines. This revised edition features two new chapters, including one on DiAngelös influential concept of white fragility. Written to be accessible both within and without academia, this revised edition also features discussion questions, an index, and a glossary.

  • av Robert Lumley

    Entering the Frame is the first complete study of the cinema of Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi, pioneers of archival and found-footage films that testify to war, genocide and colonialism in the twentieth century. It explores their early performance-based «scented films» of the 1970s, before focusing on the historical films, such as From the Pole to the Equator, for which they are best known. The book analyses how Gianikian and Ricci Lucchi manipulate rare footage through re-photographing, hand-tinting and altering film speeds, to produce work of an other-worldly quality.Retrospectives of the films of Gianikian and Ricci Lucchi at the Jeu de Paume in Paris (2006) and at MoMA in New York (2009) have signalled international recognition at the highest level, as have appraisals by leading scholars of cinema such as Scott MacDonald and Raymond Bellour. Their work is unusual in attracting different audiences, and in relating art practices to wider ethical, historical and political issues. Gianikian and Ricci Lucchi have transformed old documentary footage into works that resonate in debates about postcolonialism as well as about the documentary form, the corporeality of the viewing experience and the metamorphoses of cinema.The volume includes a preface by the cultural historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Professor of Italian and History at New York University.

  • av Dörthe Führer

    Die Alexandreis Walters von Châtillon war einer der großen literarischen Erfolge des 12. Jahrhunderts und wurde bald auch im Unterricht gelesen. Dort diente sie nicht nur als sprachliches und stilistisches Vorbild, sondern darüber hinaus als Quelle für Sachinformationen aus ganz verschiedenen Bereichen. Wie man mit dem Text arbeitete, lässt sich an vielen kommentierten Handschriften ablesen. Die vorliegende Studie stellt zunächst die Überlieferungslage dar, um dann Entstehung und Variabilität der verbreitetsten Kommentartradition nachzuzeichnen. Ein Vergleich von ihrem Ausgangstext, um 1200 in Orléans verfasst durch Gaufrid von Vitry, mit einer etwa 50 Jahre späteren Pariser Überarbeitung erlaubt es, die Vorgehensweisen und Interessen von zwei Lehrerpersönlichkeiten herauszuarbeiten..

  • av Fiona Handyside

    From Brigitte Bardot in her bikini at the Cannes Film Festival, to François Ozon¿s intimate portrayals of grief and loss, some of the most iconic and challenging moments in French cinema are associated with the beach. Cinema at the Shore argues that the Parisian cityscape is not the only significant definition of space in French cinema and instead explores the industrial, aesthetic and thematic relations of French cinema to the beach.Examining a range of films from the 1950s to the present day ¿ including popular comedies by Jacques Tati and Patrice Leconte, the lively and ruminative documentaries of Agnès Varda, the classicism of Eric Rohmer, and the provocations of Catherine Breillat ¿ this book showcases the dynamism and importance of the beach as a site for the reconfiguration of French cinematic identity itself. The beach offers a unique crystallization of our attitudes towards nature, culture, the body, space and time. In its constant mobility, its close, yet distinctive, relationship with nature, and its paradoxical centrality in the French cultural imaginary as a site of relaxation and holidays, the beachscape, re-framed and re-imaged by the camera, offers new ways of conceiving of the spatial politics of French cinema.

  • av Lynne M. Webb

    This is the first collection of readings on computer-mediated communication focusing exclusively on interpersonal interactions. Examining messages exchanged via email, Twitter, Facebook, websites, and blogs, the authors analyze communication issues of ongoing importance in relationships including deception, disclosure, identity, influence, perception, privacy, sexual fidelity, and social support. The book examines subjects that attract intense student interest ¿ including online performance of gender, online dating, and using computer-mediated communication to achieve family/work life balance ¿ and will inspire further research and course development in the area of computer-mediated communication in personal relationships. Because it provides a synthesis of ideas at the nexus of interpersonal communication theory and computer-mediated communication theory, the book can serve as a textbook for advanced undergraduate as well as graduate courses.

  • av Bertrand Bocquet

    Les sociétés occidentales contemporaines sont marquées du sceau du « jeunisme » et de l¿obsolescence rapide des innovations. Mais, à trop se focaliser sur la nouveauté, ne se prive-t-on pas de tirer des enseignements du passé ? Le passé n¿a-t-il, pour le dire autrement, aucune valeur pour penser notre présent et, plus encore, notre futur ? Quelles sont les ramifications qui permettent des innovations plus responsables en lien avec des besoins réels ? Ainsi est posée la question de la contribution de l¿histoire des techniques au développement de connaissances sur le processus d¿innovation. Quels sont les concepts clés et les principaux apports de l¿histoire des techniques à l¿innovation ? Comment l¿histoire des techniques peut-elle nous aider à imaginer le futur ?L¿enjeu de ce livre n¿est pas de retourner vers un passé. Il s¿agit d¿apprécier la portée heuristique de l¿histoire des techniques et des biographies d¿innovations pour imaginer des concepts innovants à même d'apporter des réponses inédites aux grands défis du monde contemporain. Les auteurs traitent des exemples issus de secteurs industriels variés. Invité à découvrir les innovations techniques de l'entreprise de Marc Seguin, le lecteur découvrira ainsi l'histoire du four micro-onde en France, en passant par celle du Shock Absorber de SEB ou plus près de nous du vaccin anti-covid de Sanofi.Ce livre s'adresse aux chercheurs de toutes disciplines, intéressés par la valorization de leurs travaux, aux ingénieurs de R&D qui lancent des projets innovants. Il se destine aussi à un public plus large intéressé par la naissance et la diffusion des innovations.

  • av Henry A. Giroux

    Updated with both a new introduction and a series of interviews, the second edition of Education and the Crisis of Public Values examines American society¿s shift away from democratic public values, the ensuing move toward a market-driven mode of education, and the last decade¿s growing social disinvestment in youth. The book discusses the number of ways that the ideal of public education as a democratic public sphere has been under siege, including full-fledged attacks by corporate interests on public school teachers, schools of education, and teacher unions. It also reveals how a business culture cloaked in the guise of generosity and reform has supported a charter school movement that aims to dismantle public schools in favor of a corporate-friendly privatized system. The book encourages educators to become public intellectuals, willing to engage in creating a formative culture of learning that can nurture the ability to defend public and higher education as a general good ¿ one crucial to sustaining a critical citizenry and a democratic society.

  • av Karlheinz Muscheler

    Der Verein ¿Fundare e.V., Gemeinnütziger Verein zur Förderung des Stiftungswesens¿ hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, zu einer aufblühenden Stiftungskultur in Deutschland beizutragen. Dazu sollen insbesondere die wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Grundlagen des Stiftens erforscht werden. Der Erfüllung dieser Aufgabe dient die Zeitschrift Die Stiftung ¿ Jahreshefte zum Stiftungswesen. Sie beinhaltet in ihrer neuesten Ausgabe die Vorträge, die auf dem 15. Stiftungsrechtstag unter dem Globalthema ¿Stiftung und Verantwortung¿ sowie auf dem 16. Stiftungsrechtstag unter dem Globalthema ¿Stiftungsrecht ¿ neue Chancen und Risiken¿, jeweils veranstaltet von Fundare e.V., gehalten wurden. Darüber hinaus haben noch weitere Beiträge Aufnahme gefunden. Es werden nicht nur eingehend zivilrechtliche, sondern auch verwaltungs- und steuerrechtliche Problematiken des Stiftungsrechts beleuchtet, wobei die aktuellen Themen im Stiftungs- und Stiftungssteuerrecht nicht vernachlässigt werden.

  • av Dariush Borbor
    1 077

    «Dariush Borbor has created an impressive lexicographical reference work with zeal and passion for over three decades, having collected the largest possible assemblage of alternatives for every single reduplicate. Linguists from many scientific fields must be grateful to him for his pioneering work.»(Adriano V. Rossi, Professor Emeritus of Iranian Philology, DAAM, University of Naples L¿Orientale and ISMEO, Rome)«The author has created a truly remarkable work on a very strange and little studied area of linguistics. The book contains a wealth of fascinating information and I can only congratulate him on the care and assiduity which he has devoted to it.»(Nicholas Sims-Williams, Professor Emeritus of Iranian and Central Asian Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London)«I had an occasion to look again at your Dictionary of Reduplication. I realized once again how much useful work you have put into compiling it. Your bibliography is comprehensive and very useful. I should like to congratulate you on your assiduous effort to investigate so comprehensively a complex morphological aspect of the Middle Eastern Languages.»(¿ Ehsan Yarshater, Professor Emeritus, Center for Iranian Studies, Columbia University)The present dictionary is an analytical, comparative and etymological presentation of reduplication over a wide spectrum of languages. The range of featured languages ¿ Arabic, Armenian, Kurdish, Persian and Turkish ¿ include three separate families connected only by geographical proximity, each with an extremely rich literary tradition. The dictionary covers multiple independent phenomena in several unrelated languages, the underlying idea being that their reduplications are all somehow connected, and that there exists a general «field» of reduplication. The book is not limited to a single field, but rather for several largely separate ones, such as linguistic relations, the theory of reduplication and etymology. Several other related or unrelated languages such as Icelandic, Japanese, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Hittite, etc. have been included for comparative purposes.The preliminary findings of this study indicate that reduplication in the languages under study, and in nearly all other languages, deal mostly with the fundamental, primary human requirements. Another strong proof of the «universality» of reduplicates are that they closely follow the same and similar formation, development and rule in most related and unrelated languages. In consequence of the universality of reduplication and its near identical development in all related or unrelated languages, it even legitimizes the creation of a grammar of reduplication in the future. A few of the essential features of this book include: a complete revision and updating of the semantics; a particular attention to the cognitive aspects; and, many etymologies that cannot be found elsewhere.

  • av Florian Mayer

    Wie der Wirecard-Skandal exemplarisch belegt, entstehen aus privaten Aktienbeteiligungen nicht nur Gewinne, sondern auch Verluste. Der Autor zeigt auf, dass auch Jahre nach Einführung der Abgeltungsteuer keine klare Einigkeit herrscht, wie grundsätzlich Verluste aus der privaten Aktienbeteiligung steuerlich zu behandeln sind. Neben den zu erarbeitenden gesetzlichen Grundlagen aus dem Verlustblickwinkel einer Aktienbeteiligung liegt der Schwerpunkt u. a. in der Auseinandersetzung mit der hierzu bereits ergangenen Rechtsprechung. Als Ergebnis kommt der Autor zu dem Schluss, dass die ertragsteuerliche Verlustberücksichtigung aus privaten Aktiengeschäften nach Einführung der Abgeltungsteuer systematisch systemwidrig und verfassungsrechtlich verfassungswidrig ist.

  • av Yingrui Bi

    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Form und Funktion der auf China bezogenen multimodalen Zeichenverwendungen im öffentlichen Raum in Deutschland; diese werden als China-Repräsentationen bezeichnet. Die China-Repräsentationen werden als konstitutive Zeichenressourcen bei der Ortsherstellung verstanden. Ein interdisziplinäres Merkmal des Projekts besteht in der Kombination der Grounded-Theory-Methodologie sowie der Ethnografie mit diskurslinguistischen Methoden. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, empirisch gestützte Aussagen über den untersuchten Diskurs der China-Repräsentation zu treffen und hierbei eine Grounded Theory zu entwerfen.

  • av Helen Abbott

    The period from the 1850s to the 1890s in Paris marked a key turning point for poets and composers, as they grappled with the new ways in which poetry and music could intersect. Under the particular conditions of the time and place, both art forms underwent significant developments which challenged the status of each form. In both creative and critical work from this era, poets and composers offered tantalising but problematic insights into «musical» poetry and «poetic» music.The central issue examined in this book is that of what happens to poetry when it encounters music, especially as song. The author places Baudelaire¿s famous sonnet «La Mort des amants» at the heart of the analysis, tracing its transposition into song by a succession of both amateur and professional composers, examining works by Villiers de l¿Isle-Adam, Serpette, Rollinat, Debussy and Charpentier, as well as an extraordinary parodic song version by Valade and Verlaine.A companion website offers recordings of each of the songs analysed in this book.

  • av Roz Goldie

    «An original, personal, powerful book. Anyone interested in contemporary Northern Ireland will gain much from reading it.»(Richard English, Professor of Politics and Director, Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, Queen¿s University Belfast)«Goldie provides us with a theoretically informed and empirically rich analysis of the fragile dynamics of post-conflict in Northern Ireland. Looking «away from the clean streets and shining glass» she reveals the deep and dark complexity of transitional processes but clearly maps out the need to bring politics, violence, communities and policy into relation in building a more durable and inclusive peace.»(Brendan Murtagh, Professor of Urban Planning, Queen¿s University Belfast)Rioting at Belfast interfaces in 2021 sparked fears of renewed conflict. A tour around these contested places some days later raised fundamental questions about the peace process. Why was violence still erupting here? Weren¿t sectarian interfaces supposed to have gone with the reforms in governance and legal changes enshrined in the Belfast Agreement? The untidy truth about urban development, continuous violent protest and paramilitary activity sits uncomfortably alongside orchestrated protests against the Irish sea border, the legacy of conflict, the abuse of flags and emblems, slow reform of public administration and lack of political leadership necessary to peace-building. This book provides an extensive history of key components of the Northern Ireland peace process, possible answers to long standing vexed questions and some light under dark shadows.

  • av Sara María Torres Outón

    Esta publicación recoge investigaciones realizadas tanto en el ámbito académico como el profesional de la práctica, enseñanza y ejercicio de la traducción y la interpretación en combinación con las oportunidades que ofrecen hoy en día la variedad y multitud de tecnologías existentes. Por un lado, aborda realidades que afronta el sector, lo que obliga a conocer qué está ocurriendo en la actualidad, y por otro, desafíos que nos trasladan a un horizonte próximo, casi presente.Consta de un total de once contribuciones elaboradas por doce investigadoras e investigadores pertenecientes, mayoritariamente pero no exclusivamente, al ámbito de la traducción adscritos a universidades españolas. Esto permite abarcar diferentes temáticas, desde sinergias hasta retos en la profesión como en las aulas.

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