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  • av Bailey Bradford

    Aldric Beamer thought working in an antique shop would be safe and boring. He never expected to find his life-or his heart-in danger...Being the low man on the totem pole is nothing new for Aldric Beamer. The youngest of three siblings, he was always the afterthought in his family, but Aldric''s trying hard not to let the little confidence he has sink any lower.Aldric loves the job he managed to land at Intrinsic Value, so much so that he often works off the clock-or maybe he doesn''t want to go home to his empty apartment. Just as he''s slowly learning to trust his boss and co-workers, he''s attacked outside the store, and all the security he thought he had vanishes with the force of a blow to the head.San Antonio cop Darrell Williams takes one look at the beautiful, bruised man he finds in a dingy alley behind an antiques store, and something in his heart melts. This weakness scares him, making Darrell gruff and indifferent when he should have been-and longs to be-compassionate and caring.Aldric''s no pushover, though. He''s had enough of being ignored and treated like he doesn''t matter as much as everyone else. And he''ll make damn sure Patrol Officer Williams doesn''t dismiss him in any way...

  • av Jon Keys

    Seth and Travis are single parents of junior rodeo competitors. Now their lives are changing, and the two men are fighting for their futures and finding love.Only a few years ago, Travis and Seth began letting their kids compete in the junior rodeo circuit. Seth''s son is working his way through his final season while Travis'' daughter''s interest in her events wanes. No matter what life throws at them, however, their attraction grows, and the two men become closer.Travis is the latest generation of ranchers, beginning with his great-grandfather who migrated to the area from Mexico. Now years of drought and dwindling cattle markets have him questioning how long he can keep the ranch afloat. Seth is a city boy by rearing but a cowboy by heart, and when he loses his marketing job, he and his daughter move in with Travis and his son to save money. Keeping their relationship platonic seemed to be a good idea years ago, but sharing a bedroom now reveals the men''s need to revisit that arrangement.Both Travis and Seth are invested in not only seeing their children succeed but also having their own dreams come true. Unfortunately, even the elements are high on the list of hurdles stacking up against them.

  • av Rabil Alyssa

    Love finds a way.Aaron Beaumont is a mess. Life has never been easy, so why did he think bondage would help? While he solved the problem of making some quick money, it came at a price he wasn''t willing to pay. To his great relief, he''s rescued by Silas Anderson. Silas, a doctor, takes him home and treats his physical injuries, but his gentle touch and reassurance can''t touch Aaron''s internal turmoil.When Aaron tries to return home the next morning, the worst has come to pass. He suddenly finds himself with nowhere to go. Once again, his world collides with Silas''.With the future uncertain, a friendship blossoms into something neither Aaron nor Silas has experienced before, and they know it''s something they may never experience again.However, happiness is just out of reach, and before they have a happily ever after, they must face a demon from the past.

  • av Lister Ae

    A non-binary Dom. An eager young sub. Service, orgasm control, bondage. An initial encounter leads to a synchronous exploration of identity and intimacy.Nic Walker is not your typical Dom-physically female but identifying as male. And Vincent Blake is not your typical twenty-four-year-old straight guy-seductively submissive with a penchant for lacy underwear.When Nic''s Dominatrix friend Daphne encourages them to get together, she can only hope they recognize the compatibility of their desires and personalities.Nic has been holing up alone in their townhouse for too long, getting over a bad ''relationship'', and it''s time for them to start living again. When Nic meets Vincent, neither expects the tentative relationship to take off like a runaway train. But each layer of the attractive and seemingly vulnerable young man Nic exposes ignites their own desires and leads both on a path to revealing the most interesting parts of themselves.Who knew piano practice could be a form of sexual service? Or that a pair of overpriced panties could inspire such devotion?Through bondage, service, objectification and the purchase of large quantities of lacy unmentionables, as well as a few specific sex toys and devices, Nic explores how far Vincent will go to please them and how much of themself they will risk to have him.

  • av April C Griffith

  • av Bailey Bradford

    When one fairy with a faulty memory meets a snarky dragon, the supernatural world will never be the same.Griff was born a Love fairy, but he never quite fitted in. He didn''t want to be part of a least he didn''t think so. What with his wings gone and his memory damaged, he can''t be certain of what he felt in the past. All he does know is he wants his wings back. Without them, he''s grounded.Blaze is a dragon shifter who tends to stick his foot in his mouth-and some other parts in other places-when he really shouldn''t. His brother''s the king, and his sister-in-law is scary. Blaze''s last screw-up got him grounded, unable to shift into his dragon form. His punishment seems harsh to him, but there''s no escaping it.When the Love fairies come to the castle to work on forming an alliance, Blaze has about had it with guarding the horny beings, and he''s disappointed that they don''t stay small and cute. Swatting at something buzzing him, he almost starts and inter-species war when it turns out to be a fairy on a dragonfly.And from that snarky first meeting between Griff and Blaze, something wonderful, and dangerous, will come...

  • av Kd Ellis

  • av S J Coles

  • av Brian Lancaster

  • av Matthew J Metzger

  • av Simone Anderson

  • av Cheryl Dragon

    Finding true love can be a long ride.Everyone knows Lucas Burr, rodeo star and cowboy, the man who put the tiny Texas town of Burrwood on the map. When one nasty and suspicious fall nearly ends his career, Lucas needs help. Jack Gable isn’t Lucas’ first choice but he’s the best physical therapist in town.Out and proud, Jack Gable likes small-town life, but finding Mr. Right is harder than in a city. A former paramedic who’s worked plenty of rodeo nights, Jack is familiar with the damage done to a cowboy’s body. He can heal Lucas…if Lucas cooperates.Lucas is sure he was sabotaged—he’s been riding since he was a kid and the ride felt off. He also owns a quarter of the booming rodeo business and a big family ranch, meaning plenty of suspects to investigate…with Jack along for the ride.Straight shooter Jack is unafraid of small-town gossip…and also not afraid to tell Lucas how he feels. He’s ready to rope him into a very real relationship that could change everything for the more secretive, reserved Lucas.But can Lucas come to terms with his feelings, or will public pressure and judgment tear the couple apart?

  • av Samuel King

    When Toby meets his sexy neighbor Sean, he embarks on a new romance, but there’s also a haunting and a murder mystery to deal with.There’s romance waiting for Toby at Darkwater House. Set on the edge of London’s beautiful Hampstead Heath, what better place for love to blossom with a stunningly handsome stranger?But as Toby explores a passionate relationship with his dream man, dark forces are stirring within the walls of Darkwater House. There’s an angry spirit haunting the corridors and Albert the creepy landlord might be a killer. As passion grows between Toby and his new neighbor Sean, they also work at unearthing the secrets of Darkwater House, looking for the evidence that will convict Albert, finally lay the angry ghost to rest and allow their love story to deepen. 

  • av Catherine Curzon & Eleanor Harkstead

  • av Aver Rigsly

    Love means taking extreme measures.Justin Turner, a young man with only one friend, a part-time job going nowhere, and living at home with his grandmother, needs money fast. He makes the hardest decision of his life--to walk into Eros Elites Services, Inc. and sell his body anonymously for the night at an astounding price. The only problem is, Justin's never even been kissed before, let alone slept with someone else.Adam Creed, the youngest of the infamous Creed family mafia, hides his darkest secret on his own skin. With his demons close at hand and his ruthless family keeping him on a short leash, Adam has spent his life avoiding true intimacy, so why does Eros' sweet new thing with the most amazing laugh have him suddenly desperate for a real chance at love...just when he was about to make his escape?If he wants a shot with Justin, things aren't going to be easy. Between his controlling father, his dangerous brothers and a four-million-dollar cocaine deal, Adam must do whatever it takes...even if that includes finally revealing his scars and secrets buried deep beneath the surface.

  • av L M Somerton

  • - Part Two
    av Samantha Cayto

  • av Elizabeth Hollows

  • - Part One
    av Samantha Cayto

  • av J P Bowie

    An unexpected meeting in a bar gives Detective Sam Walker a real chance of finding long-awaited happiness. All he has to do is stay alive.Detective Sam Walker gets a surprise phone call the day he wakes up with the hangover from hell. The caller informs him that his name is Justin and that they met the night before in a gay bar. Not only met, but kissed and traded phone numbers and Sam has no memory of it at all. Intrigued, Sam wants to meet Justin again, but any chance of that is delayed when he and his partner are assigned a murder investigation and told to take care of it ASAP.Sam has a problem, a deeply personal one that he doesn’t talk about, but when he’s with Justin the problem seems to disappear and he’s convinced he’s been given a new lease on life. His elation is short-lived, however, when the case he and his partner are working on takes a dark turn.Justin also has a problem…Maria Esteban, a fiery-tempered Puerto Rican who owns the fashion company Justin designs for. Theirs is a volatile relationship and when tragedy strikes, the finger of suspicion points at him.Can Sam save Justin not only from a bigoted detective intent on cracking the case quickly, but from a new and unexpected source, too? Or is their love affair doomed before they can truly savor Sam’s newfound freedom from the past?

  • av Matthew J Metzger

    His best friend is getting married—so why isn’t he?Aled’s best friend is getting married.He supposes it’s only natural for his thoughts to turn to his own wedding, and the space on his hand where his ring used to be. He tried and failed, so what’s the point in trying again?Anyway, Gabriel isn’t interested. Between his old friend Kevin, his live-in dominant Aled and his new boyfriend Chris, Gabriel has plenty to keep him occupied without getting involved in any of this wedding nonsense. If he’s changing to appreciate love without sex as well as sex without love, that doesn’t mean he’s any more amenable to expensive parties and silly costumes.But Aled can’t get the question out of his head, and Gabriel can’t shake the feeling that there’s something Aled’s trying to ask him.Is this three-year affair about to become something a little more serious?

  • av Thom Collins

    Will an idyllic summer holiday lead Arnie to the love of his life, or the end of it?It should be the start of a perfect vacation. After a period of stress, Arnie Walker takes his nine-year-old son, AJ, home for the holidays. Arnie grew up in Nyemouth, a picturesque fishing town on the North East coast of England, and he wants AJ to experience the kind of carefree, endless summer he enjoyed as a boy. It’s a short-lived dream. While taking an evening walk along the North Point cliff, Arnie and AJ witness a murder attempt.For the volunteer crew of Nyemouth Lifeboat Station, it’s a rescue mission like none before. Helmsman Dominic Melton is part of the team who rescue the victim from the deadly North Sea. When Arnie and Dominic come together in the aftermath of the attack, the attraction is instant. Arnie isn’t looking for a relationship. He’s committed to his son’s wellbeing and has no time for a distraction like Dominic, even though the handsome ex-naval officer is hard to dismiss. Is it possible for Arnie to fulfill his promises to AJ while falling for Dominic?Despite the distraction, a fledgling killer is at large. As feelings between Arnie and Dominic develop, so does the danger they are in. North Point may be a beautiful place to fall in love, but it could also be the most dangerous.

  • av Alexa Milne

    Two men, one with a past and one determined to give them a future.Mick Flanagan has kept himself hidden since his only lover died three years ago. He works at night, keeps to his routine, has impressive facial hair and avoids contact with other people as much as possible. Enter Ceri Llewellyn, with his constantly changing rainbow-colored hair, who, for reasons Mick doesn’t understand, seems determined to talk to him. Gradually, Mick reveals his traumatic past as he begins to trust Ceri enough to shake himself out of his entrenched routines.Ceri Llewellyn has no idea why Mick intrigues him, but he determines to bring this shy man out of his protective shell, especially when he discovers they share a mutual love of all things Doctor Who. Ceri faces his own turning point, a moment when he must decide on his future. The more time he spends with Mick, the more he realises he wants Mick to be a part of this new life. Can Ceri show Mick he’s his perfect companion, give him the new beginning he needs and, above all else, help him find his true self?

  • av Anne Marie James

    What happens when a man who is always alone meets a man who never is?Sergei is the leader within the Russian immigrant community in Raleigh and the head of his family. He is a successful businessman who has carefully cultivated his intimidating persona, not correcting people when they believe him to be the head of the area’s Russian mob. Everyone comes to him if they have a problem. His problem is that he doesn’t know how to tell them no, especially his sister.Stuart spends a lot of time alone, working from home as a graphic and website designer. He doesn’t want to be alone, but it’s simply how things have worked out. Stuart was devastated when his mother let his stepfather kick him out of the house as soon as he graduated high school. Working two—and sometimes three—jobs to put himself through college didn’t leave him a lot of time to socialize. He has had to look out for himself for a long time now and finds it hard to let anyone in. Becoming friends with Lee Clark at Everyone’s Mechanic is one of the best things that has ever happened to him and it leads to him meeting Sergei.Sergei has to break through Stuart’s protective shell and give him a home and family. Stuart needs to teach Sergei that it’s okay to have boundaries, even with loved ones.

  • av Brigham Vaughn & K Evan Coles

    Love, served straight up.Malcolm Elliott has been keeping secrets. Helping his mom through a financial crisis has nearly emptied both his bank account and his kitchen cupboards, despite his thriving career with Corporate Equality Campaign. Malcolm is also bothered by his inability to tell the most important people in his life that he identifies as gray ace.Stuart Morgan has a secret of his own. Though years have passed since the tattooed chef fled the Mormon Church in Utah for New York, he’s never truly come to terms with the kink that ruined that rigid but outwardly perfect life. Experience has also taught Stuart that keeping his love of lacy things under wraps is safer than telling the truth.After Malcom’s boss, Carter, hires Stuart’s restaurant to cater a gala fundraising event, the strait-laced Malcolm is thrown together with badass biker Stuart. Despite their differences and a couple of false starts, the men discover they work well together and a friendship quickly forms.As Malcolm’s feelings for Stuart deepen, his sexuality awakens, but he remains tight-lipped about his problems. And though Stuart grows more and more attached to Malcolm, he remains fearful of confessing his kink.When both of their secrets are finally exposed, they find themselves at a crossroads in which they must choose between playing it safe or finally coming clean to the person they love.

  • av Megan Slayer

  • av Jackson C Garton

  • av Megan Slayer

  • av J P Bowie

  • av Matthew J Metzger

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