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  • - The Only Way to Heaven
    av Matt Rankin
    251 - 361

    "Jesus is the Staircase" takes you on a journey up the steps of the only Staircase that reaches Heaven. In Genesis 28, Jacob dreamed of a ladder or "Staircase" that reached Heaven, and he saw the angels of God "ascending and descending" on that Staircase. Years later, in the Gospel of John, Jesus identified Himself as being the Staircase that Jacob had dreamed about when He said, "Hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man." Every prophecy, type and shadow, number, pattern, and symbol in the Old Testament was simply another step on the Staircase that Jacob dreamed about, and Jesus is the fulfillment of it all.As you walk up the steps of the Staircase, unique mysteries are revealed. You will discover how: -The number "66" declares the redemption story of Jesus Christ and why the number "666" is an abomination to God. -The menorah (the golden candlestick) stood in the Tabernacle to give witness to the works that Jesus was coming to accomplish. -The ark of the covenant was a veiled reference to the resurrection of Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit.-God's plan of redemption in Christ was given in a "numerical map" of 3 measures. -The number "40" declares the breach of sin between God and His creation that could not be crossed until Jesus. -There are patterns in the Tabernacle of Moses and the Journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land, which served as a "map" of our salvation in Christ.Through the Old Testament, God showed us what Jesus would look like so that when He came, we would know He is the Son of God-the only way to the Father. "Jesus is the Staircase" compels us to consider the greatness of this one man whom the entire Bible was not only written about, but He is also the one who fulfills it all. Jesus Is The Staircase.

  • av Kelly Caggiano-Hollyfield

    From a military mom in the U.S. Space Force comes an educational reader sure to delight children whose moms are in the military.Matthew's mommy is in the United States Space Force, and all his friends in daycare have mommies that work in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force, or Coast Guard. From boom operator to logistics to space operations - the military has many different jobs that women perform. Join Matthew and his friends as they learn about the important roles that women have in the military.This book will:- Offer an intimate look at the many roles women take on in the military, from logistics to space operations- Show readers the diverse careers of military women, inspiring children to pursue similar careers- Change readers' perspectives on the military and empower them to explore their own career optionsIn this book, readers will find:- A heartwarming story of military moms, with relatable characters for all ages- Colorful illustrations of the military roles women hold- Encouragement for further exploration of careers in the military and the amazing opportunities it provides women

  • av Terrence "T. D. Jorgensen

    The book is a collection of fifty-four individual war stories composed by each veteran of the Veterans For Lunch Bunch who contributed their military experiences in the book, describing memories they recalled of their time in service to our great country, and were a combination of heroic acts of unselfish patriotism by some, as well as an array of semi-humorous anecdotes and unusual experience(s) each had while serving in Vietnam, OR . . . in places they will never admit to having been in. They were never there. They do NOT exist and never have.The Veterans for Lunch Bunch is a group of great men who served in wars and conflicts ranging from WWII to Korea and Vietnam and connects vets over food and fellowship in the northern suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. These wonderful stories were also proofread, edited, and enhanced with graphics and photo images by our Veteran For Lunch Bunch Coordinator - T.D. Jorgensen. The Veterans For Lunch Bunch group hopes all who read these military experiences by our veterans will appreciate them and thank a veteran for ensuring we're all STILL speaking English, not German or Russian, today.

  • av Travis Short
    277 - 371

    The Adventures of Faraday Fox is the story of a red fox traveling across the U.S., from Georgia to Washington state, meeting forest animals and facing perils along the way. Illustrated with beautiful paintings of nature encountered by Faraday.

  • av Larry A. Freeland

    In The Air Warrior, book 2 of the Legacy of Honor trilogy, Sean embarks on a journey of physical and moral courage as he is commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant, completes pilot training in 1943, and is sent to England to fly B-17s with the 8th Army Air Force in WWII. Through Sean's eyes, readers experience firsthand the harrowing bombing missions over Europe, where he and his fellow aircrew comrades face horrific aerial combat. With his will to survive, Sean goes on to serve in the Air Force, fly harrowing missions in the Korean War, and participate in the Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, and the beginning of the Vietnam War. Along the way, he meets several historical figures, including General LeMay, Jimmy Doolittle, James Stewart, and Glen Miller. Despite the perils of war, Sean finds love and marriage with Ana, a young lady he meets while on leave, and they will have three sons to carry on the family's military legacy.This novel is like three books in one. If you enjoyed books like Unbroken and All the Light We Cannot See, you will be captivated by this heart-pounding tale of courage.

  • av Lexi C. Foss

  • av Travis Short
    241 - 301

  • av Scott Cottrell

    A political thriller set against the current international and military environment. It highlights relevant constitutional issues and DC shenanigans. China, Russia, a drug cartel, and an Islamic terrorist group form a secret cabal bent on shocking the US, taking what they want across the globe. With the President focused on securing a trade agreement with China without Senate approval, his actions put Reagan Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll at risk and ignite the tinderbox of the South China Sea. Colonel Seth Grayson and senior officers at the Pentagon must weigh their oath of office to support and defend the constitution against orders from their commander-in-chief. Their faith is tested as they move to defend Kwajalein and secure international trade routes in the South China Sea. The congressional drama of a potential Presidential impeachment, superimposed on the unthinkable scenario of terrorists with nuclear weapons in the US, adds to tense situations at home and overseas. ¿Colonel Grayson and his wife, Sara, are the central figures in the action on Kwajalein and the Reagan Test Site. Admiral Halsey Burke, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, provides insight into senior-level decisions and taking charge in the Pentagon. Congress is the backdrop for a supercharged impeachment effort. All set in motion by an old Japanese soldier's letter to Grayson's grandfather, Corporal Ralph Grayson, during World War II, bringing Kwajalein front and center.

  • av Rebecca Pinckney

  • av J. M. Patton

    Thundering White Crosses, book#3 of the trilogy, reveals a set of complex themes with contemporary repercussions. With an assignment back at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point as an instructor, Jake finds that the institution of his affection is changing, driven by the winds of political whims and shifting national culture. Jake questions if the future of West Point can remain true to its mission and provide the nation with the same continuity of military leadership as it has in the past or will all the academies become a casualty of the Capitol Beltway. Rumors have circled for years of a high-level Soviet mole. If true, this mole is the most dangerous traitor the nation has experienced. A compulsion to find this mole is forced upon Jake. It is a duty, and it has become personal. Running parallel to the search, someone is vetting and assassinating corrupt politicians, labeling them domestic enemies. Jake's search for the mole takes him to Afghanistan, Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada, and the most dangerous environment-the halls of Capitol Hill. If the trilogy's first two books were a rollercoaster ride, Thundering White Crosses accelerates the ride and exhilarates the reader with compelling twists and turns.

  • av Lexi C. Foss

  • av J R Thorn

    O que quero de presente de Natal é sentir minhas pernas.Porque meus companheiros me quebraram. Depois de anos de adoração, amor e muita intimidade, meus companheiros têm um pedido especial: Um bebezinho Fae. Como uma tola, concordei, mas não posso escolher quem será o pai. Então, meus companheiros vieram com uma solução: uma série de testes determinará quem levará a tarefa a cabo; ou seja, aquele no quarto que me fará questionar se minhas partes femininas estão realmente prontas para isso. No momento? Sim, não consigo sentir minhas pernas. Mas um olhar para os meus companheiros me faz desmoronar. A ideia deles como pais me faz derreter. Mesmo que essa seja a pior hora possível. Meu sonho de abrir uma Academia Fae Inter Reinos está ao meu alcance. Então a gravidez chega com uma reviravolta. Mais do que nunca, vou ter que contar com meus companheiros para me tirar dessa confusão. Desejo sorte a eles. Vão precisar. Porque uma Fae grávida com controle sobre todos os cinco Elementos é um desafio que eles nunca enfrentaram antes. Algo me diz que as festas de fim de ano serão inesquecíveis. Nota das autoras: Rainha dos Elementos: o próximo reinado é um romance independente com final feliz. Ele traz personagens do universo da série A rainha dos Elementos, mas pode ser lido mesmo que você ainda não conheça a trilogia.

  • av Lexi C. Foss

    Blood Day.>There is no escape. Nowhere to run. Obey or die. My name isn't relevant. My identity fails to mean a thing. It's my scores that count. And Master Cedric is hell-bent on failing me. I bow. I beg. I crawl.>I can't fail. My life depends on it.>Welcome to the future where the superior bloodlines make the rules.You're about to enter the Blood University world, where humans have no rights. No choices. And there are no second chances.Proceed at your own risk. Author's Note: This is Part I of the Blood Day Duet, which was previously published in Kindle Vella as Episodes 1-33.

  • av Lexi C. Foss

  • av Joann Coburn

  • av Lexi C. Foss

  • av Sara Leptis

    Buried in My Heart is the story of a young Libyan woman (the author Sara Leptis is a pseudonym) who went to England for her formal education. When she graduated from university, she returned to her home city of Tripoli full of dreams and ambitions to face a bright future in her beloved homeland. Upon her return, Libya greeted her to face only tragedy, disaster, and deprivation when civil war broke out there in 2011.i This author gives us a gripping first-hand account of this tumultuous time in Libyan history. The author recounts how she fell in love with a man she met on the streets of her city before their world began to implode in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. She tells of her close relationships with Ambassador Chris Stevens and other members of the United States Embassy before that fateful day in Benghazi on September 11, 2011, and the devastating aftermath that followed.This is a story of friends, family, and a country in crisis, and how a terrible civil war changed the fate of two lovers, along with their world. It is an eyewitness account of how a land that had been a peaceful, productive North African paradise became the impoverished, unstable war zone it remains today.Buried in My Heart is a must-read for anyone interested in better understanding real-world love and loss in this highly-charged and tragic period in our 21st century.

  • av Rosemary J. Fisher

  • av Larry Freeland

  • av Lexi C. Foss

  • av J. M. Patton

  • av Lexi C. Foss

    Êtes-vous curieux de savoir comment Tray a rencontré Ella ? Découvrez l'histoire de leur conte de fées dans Le Conte de Faë d'Ella Un préquel. Il était une fois un prince séduisant qui invitait au bal la fille la plus transparente de l'académie. Elle était aveuglée par les étoiles qui brillaient dans ses yeux et par les battements de son coeur solitaire. Elle était loin de se douter que ce prince n'en était pas un, mais un méchant caché derrière un sourire charmant. Ella Les contes de fées et les fins heureuses n'existent pas. Pas dans mon monde. Ma réalité est empreinte de douleur, de deuil et d'une immense haine. Jusqu'à lui.Trayton Nacht, le nouvel élève qui vient d'être transféré à l'Académie Darlington.Il y a une noirceur en lui qui m'interpelle. Tout comme ses yeux qui brillent dans la nuit, et la beauté cruelle de son sourire.>Mais, et s'il était comme tous les autres ? Et si tout ceci n'était qu'une mascarade de plus ? Tray Elle a volé mon coeur il y a bien longtemps. C'était il y a trois ans, dans une ruelle où elle m'a laissé une paire de ballerines bleues détrempées. J'aurais pu lui prendre la vie, mais j'ai découvert la magie faë qui se cache sous sa peau. À présent il est temps pour moi de la recruter, et l'emmener vers son destin. Mais d'abord, nous allons jouer à un petit jeu.Qui s'achèvera dans la destruction.>Ce dont Ella a besoin, c'est d'un Faë des Ténèbres.Un qui pourra l'aider à réduire en cendres l'Académie Darlington.>Note de l'auteure: Cette histoire est une version noire de Cendrillon avec de nombreux éléments liés au harcèlement scolaire. Cette romance paranormale entre un homme et une femme se termine bien, et fait partie de l'univers de la Reine des Faë de Minuit. C'est l'histoire de la rencontre entre Tray et Ella. * * * Ses doigts remontèrent le long de ma colonne vertébrale pour caresser ma nuque tandis que son autre main se posait sur ma hanche. - Maintenant ils voient qui tu es vraiment, Ella, chuchota-t-il. Un joyau étincelant dans une mer de ténèbres.>- Tu me dis des choses tellement étranges. - Et ça ne fait que commencer, ma chérie. Sa bouche se posa si vite sur la mienne que je ne compris pas immédiatement ce qu'il faisait, jusqu'à ce que sa langue entrouvre mes lèvres. Le monde se figea autour de moi. Parce que ce qui s'était passé tout à l'heure dans le couloir, le frôlement de sa bouche sur la mienne, ça n'avait rien à voir avec ça. Il m'embrassait comme si sa vie dépendait de la mienne. C'était si intense que j'avais du mal à respirer, tant il était possessif. Une partie de moi savait que je devais me battre. Tandis que l'autre soupirait tant sa caresse paraissait normale. Je deviens folle. Je n'aurais pas dû l'embrasser, pourtant je le faisais. Et avec vigueur. J'avais même les doigts dans ses cheveux. Mais j'étais trop absorbée par son contact pour y mettre un terme, j'oubliai tout et tout le monde au milieu du bruit blanc provoqué par mes pensées.

  • av Jean-Marc Ligny & Lexi C. Foss

  • av J. R. Thorn

    Someone wants me dead. Worse yet, my link to Spirit is dying. Why? Because Exos has been taken by a new enemy. Now I have to rely on my other elements to find my missing link before it's too late. Oh, and I need a guard to protect me while I learn how to defend myself. No big deal. Master the elements, find my lost Spirit, and identify the bad guy. Yeah. Easy. Except Titus is tired of playing by the rules of others.Vox just wants to be friends.>And Cyrus, well, he's a force of nature and very much in charge. I'd better solve this puzzle quickly before my heart starts making choices on my behalf. Because all these fae are beautiful, cunning, and perfect in their own ways. But how can I feel complete without my Spirit? The hunt is on, and whoever is out to hurt me and mine will pay. Note: This is a medium burn reverse harem paranormal romance, and book two of the Elemental Fae Academy trilogy.

  • av J. R. Thorn

    My one piece of advice: Never kiss a stranger. See, I kind of kissed this sexy man at the bar on a dare once, and it turns out he's a Royal Fae destined to be my mate. Now I've been dragged to the Elemental Fae Academy to control the powers I unlocked that night. So kissing? Yeah, that won't happen again. Nope. Lesson learned. Except, I kind of kissed Titus, too. And well, now, I'm in a world of trouble. I keep burning things down, flooding dorms, and I've attracted the campus mean girl brigade. This Fae Realm is a nightmare come to life. Truly. But there are dreams here, too. Sexy ones. And they're in the form of five Elemental Fae mentors. They're supposed to help me control my powers, but who's going to keep the elements from controlling me? Note: This is a medium burn "why choose" paranormal romance, and book one of the Elemental Fae Academy trilogy.

  • av Lexi C. Foss

  • av Michael J. Sullivan

    Vietnam convinced him to live life one day at a time. No dreaming of tomorrow, just survive today. Fantasying about tomorrow, expecting dreams to be some road map to navigate through life, was a waste of time. This was the world for Dylan Steward, a talented reporter and an equally talented musician. His wife, Willow, was the polar opposite. A child of the "Flower Power" generation of the 60s, for her, the purpose of life was to dream, to fantasize about "What if?" to see the world not for what it was but how to make it better. Her dream was to have children. They would be her instrument of change to make the world a better place. At day's end, Dylan often lost himself playing jazz on his Gibson or doing small gigs in San Francisco on weekends. This was his true passion, and Willow knew he should follow it. A job as a reporter for the "LA Times" would bring tragedy for one and fulfillment for another. Dylan's career as a reporter at the "Times" blossomed. His boss, Jimmy Donovan, loved him. He made a few friends, the most intriguing being a crippled old black man, Willis Carpenter, who sold magazines in the lobby. A small jazz club in Venice Beach served to feed Steward's hidden passion. With Willow pregnant, their world seemed idyllic. One day it all changed. A careless move by an obstetric nurse during an examination caused Willow Steward to hemorrhage and die. Dylan's life spiraled out of control. Alcohol became his refuse. Jimmy Donovan was on the verge of firing him. A savior appeared in the unlikely personage of Willis Carpenter, the black man who sold magazines at the "Times." Donovan knew this was his last chance to save Steward's job-and his life. Steward found himself traveling to France to interview Willis Carpenter and a woman name Anastasie Bouchet. There, outside Bordeaux, France, Dylan Steward would learn the power of dreams to overcome the impossible, to make the unbearable bearable, and that a life without dreams is really no life at all.The Dream Seeker follows Mr. Sullivan's emotionally charged the Forgotten Flowers trilogy. ----Sullivan's books touch my heart, and The Dream Seeker is no exception. I loved it. - M. NilandIt is never too late to follow your passion. Loved it. When is your next book coming out? - C. McIntyre----Michael Sullivan, a native Californian and U.S. Army veteran, began his career in teaching, served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, and retired as an associate warden with the California Department of Correction. He is the author of several books, including the popular Forgotten Flowers trilogy, and resides in Sonora, California, with his wife, Virginia,

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