av Radical Philosophy Collective
Radical Philosophy, Issue 2.07, Spring 2020:EDITORIALProtests, lockdowns - and then?ARTICLESFrom one Arab Spring to another, Gilbert AchcarChilean revolts and the cirsis of neoliberal governance, Sergio Villalobos-RuminottNationalisms by, against and beyond the indian state, Rahul RaoCritique without ontology, Daniele Lorenzini and Martina TazzioliMasses, class and the power of suggestion, Andrea CavallettiHegel's Natural Assumption, Hammam AldouriThe philosophical disability of reason, Keti ChukhrovThe social life of black things, David LloydINTERVIEWA motley crew of our times ? An interview with Marcus RedikerREVIEWSAndrea Long Chu, Females, by Nora FultonLucas Richert, Break on Through : Radical Psychiatry and the American Counterculture, by Steffan BlayneyBrenna Bhandar, Colonial Lives of Property, by Alyosha GoldsteinAmit S. Rai, Jugaad Time, by Chris MoffatRatna Kapur, Gender, Alterity and Human Rights, by Emily JonesMichel Henry, Marx : An Introduction, by Ekin ErkanDan Kidner & Alex sainsbury, Nightcleaners and '36 to '77, by Nicolas Helm-GrovasCONFERENCE REPORTBlack-Palestinian Solidarity conference, by Gary Foley and Suzannah Henry