av Serger Jim Serger
This flip book is the perfect gift for the college graduate in your life. Help them stand out from all other job applicants with the career head start they need to land the job.Every year, millions of diplomas will be handed out to recent college graduates.This is a novelty flip book that your graduate should own. Read Jeff's tale, then turn the book over and read Amy's tale. When you have read both, turn to the middle to see the who was hired and why.Just like every year before, those college graduates are being told they are the best. They are the smartest, they have the best resume, and they have what it takes to land the ultimate job. What most college graduates don't understand, is that there are hundreds of other graduates who have similar backgrounds, and who are competing for the same job as they are.How does one stand out from the crowd?They all have diplomas, they all went to college, they all had internships, they all had summer jobs, they all participated in their local community, and they all have the best references. It boils down to one thing, and one thing only. How well are you prepared for the interview? Preparation is the key component. Rehearse, Rehearse and Rehearse. Like they say on Broadway, "Let's run it again." Once you go in for the interview, there is no do over, there is no, "Let's take it from the top." You are given one crack at this, one chance to outshine your fellow college graduates.The interview is a moment in time where you will be given a shot at the titleHere is where your preparation will pay off, so practice and learn how to interview for the job. Remember, you never know how much weight the interviewer has at the company, and you never know who will cross your path, during the interview process on your way to being hired. An interview is just that, it's a one-on-one for you to be at your best, an opportunity to give a lasting impression of who you truly are, under a little stress. This book is based on a true story.