av Walt Pixar
Do you want to bring Storytime and bedtime together?If you are reading through this book right now, there is a good chance that you are looking for away to bring story time and bedtime together, and the good news is, that is one of the best thingsthat you can possibly do for your children. Bringing the two together teaches your child so muchabout the world. It teaches your child that he or she can read and enjoy it. It teaches your childthat story time is not something to be feared, but rather, is something to look forward to, and youdo that by introducing it with yourself.Story time becomes a time of not just adventuring and exercising the mind, as well as a time torelax, it can also become very important family bonding time. Spending time together with your family, especially your children, becomes one of the greatest things that you can do during yourearly years, and this storybook can help you do that.Within this book, you will be guiding your child through exploring culture, seasons, and theworld.You will read stories of children touring the world to go and see great landmarks aroundthe world, and you will read stories of children that are able to connect with nature and exploreworlds far from them, where they are able to do so much more than they ever thought possible,away from people and away from technology.These stories will introduce your child to the idea of exploring the world through literature, andthat is one of the greatest ways that you can. Exploring the world and everything that it has instore for the people is one of the greatest ways that you can help your child to succeed.Another wonderful source for bedtime stories is the vast world of fantasy and adventure thatattract children and stimulate their imaginations, inciting colorful dreams and adventurous plans.These adventures can happen in many great settings and they are as vastly different as each otheras those that can be found in any other genre. While several of these stories may share charactersor creatures, they are still greatly different from each other.Children are endlessly fascinated with the subject of fantasies. They love that break fromrealism, and the imagination of a child knows no bounds. The imagination of a child can beendlessly expanded and feature all sorts of different characters. It can involve unicorns and magic. It could involve time or space travel. It could even be interdimensional! Children love thebreak that they get, especially in a world that is so rigidly full of rules, work, and chores, it is awelcome distraction and vacation to explore a great new fantasy world that is so endlesslydifferent than our own. It can be exciting to meet a unicorn or fly with a dragon. It can be greatto develop superpowers or to meet an alien.This book covers:Eddie Got His Bicycle BackJerry and His PuppyThe Rude Little GirlElsa in jungle The Wise Dove The Dwarfs And The Fashion DesignerThe Six PrincessesThe Hidden PearlsAnd much more!!!Order your copies to get your costumers addicted to this book !