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  • av Robert Jordan

    How much time is it? How do we view it? How is it put to use? What is its value to us? This book seeks to address some of these issues, drawing inspiration from a Buddha quotation that reads, "The trouble is, you think you have time."Do you often feel like you don't have enough time for everything you want to do in life?Do you struggle with procrastination, stress, or anxiety because of your busy schedule?Do you wish you could slow down, enjoy the present moment, and make the most of your precious time?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you. Time is one of the most paradoxical and mysterious aspects of our existence. On one hand, it is a valuable and limited resource that we need to manage wisely and efficiently. On the other hand, it is an illusion and a construct that we can transcend and overcome. In this book, you will learn how to master your relationship with time and live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. You will discover:- How to change your mindset and perspective about time and realize that you have more time than you think- How to align your time with your values, goals, and purpose and focus on what matters most to you- How to optimize your time for productivity, creativity, and happiness and achieve more in less time- How to cope with time pressure, stress, and anxiety and find balance and harmony in your life- How to enjoy time without being attached to it and appreciate every second of your life- How to transcend time and live in the present moment, the eternal now, where you can access your true self and infinite potential This book is based on the wisdom and teachings of Buddhism, which offers a profound and practical way of understanding and dealing with time. Buddhism teaches that time is not something external and objective, but rather something internal and subjective. It is a creation of our mind, influenced by our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Therefore, we can change our experience of time by changing our mind. By applying the principles and practices of Buddhism, you will be able to transform your relationship with time and free yourself from its tyranny. You will be able to live in the flow, where time is your friend and ally, not your enemy and obstacle. You will be able to live in the moment, where time is your gift and gratitude, not your curse and regret. Time is the most precious thing we have in life, but also the most elusive and misunderstood. One of the most basic and enigmatic components of human existence is time. We can measure, control, and experience this dimension, but we are unable to completely understand its nature or source. We have an abundance of it, but we frequently waste or ignore it. We have been given this gift, but we frequently take it for granted.This book is not a philosophical or scientific analysis of time. This isn't a self-help manual about time management. It is not a historical or cultural analysis of the various ways that time has been perceived and valued throughout history. Instead, as humans residing in a limited and ever-changing environment, this book is a contemplative and introspective voyage through the idea of time and our relationship with it.The purpose of the book is not to provide an exhaustive or authoritative treatment of time and its consequences. It is intended to be a contemplative and introspective examination of time and how it affects our lives. It is intended to provoke, test, and encourage you to consider time differently and behave accordingly. It is intended to serve as a reminder that time is valuable and that you may make the most of it. Don't waste another minute of your life. Read this book and learn how to make the best use of your time and live the life you always wanted. Time: The Trouble is, You Think You Have Time is a book that will change your life.

  • av Andrew Aziz

    Trading stocks, currencies, futures, and other financial contracts is not actually complicated and anybody can learn it in a relatively short time. This has been my daily experience for the past decade and even traders who have tried everything for years without success can make their first profits if the art of trading is explained to them in the right way. However, the keyword "in the right way" is important here. This book focuses on technical analysis, explanation and interpretation of price movements and chart patterns as well as on learning effective, ready-to-use trading strategies. However, it is important to go beyond the usual technical analysis, and to analyze the behavior of traders based on psychological factors and phenomena of mass psychology as well. The price movements on the international financial markets arise because millions of people interact with each other every day. Those who learn to read the buyer and seller interaction from the charts will be able to read and handle any price movement. This is true because all price charts follow universal and timeless rules that can be successfully interpreted with the help of effective technical analysis.Over the years, more than one million visitors have already searched for information about trading on our website Every day, traders ask us how they can understand technical analysis and trading in a better manner. This book is a result of the motivation to answer these questions collectively. It is the book I would have wished for at the beginning of my trading career over 15 years ago.The first section of this book provides comprehensive knowledge of the fundamentals and individual components of technical analysis and price analysis. The second section focuses on the most important trading patterns as well as the correct interpretation of chart formations. The third and final section focuses on developing a customized trading strategy. Technical analysis is not an easy or clear discipline, though. To master its concepts, tools, and approaches, one must possess a great deal of knowledge, talent, and experience. It also entails a great deal of difficulties, unknowns, and restrictions that must be resolved. Furthermore, technical analysis is always changing and adjusting to the dynamics and conditions of the market as well as to fresh advancements.Consequently, the goal of this book is to offer a thorough and well-rounded introduction to technical analysis, encompassing its theory, practice, and application. Six chapters, each concentrating on a distinct facet of technical analysis, make up the book. The book seeks to:Describe the basic tenets and presumptions of technical analysis, as well as how it varies from other market analysis techniques.Describe the many kinds of charts, their reading and interpretation, the prevalent chart patterns, and their meanings.Go over the different oscillators and technical indicators and how to combine and apply them to produce trade signals and confirmations.Explain how trading systems and strategies are developed, tested, and optimized. Show how to apply and modify technical analysis to various markets and time periods, as well as how to combine and enhance it with other techniques and information sources.Emphasize the real-world difficulties and traps that arise in technical analysis, how to avoid or go around them, and the best approaches and pointers for doing it well.Examine upcoming trends and advancements in technical analysis and learn how to stay abreast of and capitalize on them.Anyone interested in learning, developing, or using technical analysis-beginners, intermediates, or experts-is the target audience for this work. Although no prior experience or expertise of technical analysis is required, the book assumes that the reader has a basic understanding of trading and the financial markets.

  • av Andrew Aziz

    The Strategic Options day Trader: How to win Trade Plans, Master the Financial Markets and Maximize 200% Profit Daily to Become a day Trader Millionaire Options are financial instruments that give the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specified price and time. Options trading is one of the most versatile and flexible forms of investing, as it allows traders to profit from various market scenarios, such as bullish, bearish, neutral, or volatile.Day trading is a style of trading that involves opening and closing positions within the same trading day, without holding any overnight risk. Day trading is appealing to many traders, as it offers the potential for fast profits, high leverage, and low capital requirements.However, options trading and day trading are also two of the most challenging and risky forms of trading, as they require a high level of knowledge, skill, discipline, and psychology. Options trading and day trading involve complex and dynamic factors, such as price movements, time decay, volatility, liquidity, and market sentiment, that can affect the profitability and risk of each trade.Therefore, options trading and day trading are not suitable for everyone, and they should be approached with caution and care. To succeed as an options day trader, you need to have a solid foundation of options theory and practice, a clear and consistent trading strategy, a reliable and user-friendly trading platform and tools, a strong and resilient trading psychology and discipline, and a continuous and reflective learning process.This book is designed to help you achieve these goals and become a successful and risk-managed options day trader. In this book, you will learn:The basics of options and how they workHoa to master the financial marketHow to master candlesticks patterns How to use call and put options to speculate on price movementsHow to use spreads, straddles, and strangles to profit from volatility and directionHow to use hedging, arbitrage, and delta-neutral strategies to reduce risk and enhance returnsMastering trading calculationsHow to use implied volatility and historical volatility to estimate option pricesHow to use technical analysis and indicators to identify trends and signalsHow to maximize profit on daily basisThe benefits and challenges of day trading optionsHow to choose the best broker and platform for your needs and preferencesHow to use charts, scanners, screeners, and calculators to find and analyze optionsHow to use order types, execution, and risk management tools to execute and monitor tradesThe key terminologies and types of options contractsThe most effective and popular options trading strategies for day tradersThe principles and methods of options pricing and valuationThe tools and techniques of technical analysis and indicatorsThe best options trading platforms and tools for day tradersThe importance and practice of trading psychology and disciplineThe common pitfalls and mistakes to avoid in options trading and day tradingThe real-world examples and case studies of options trading and day tradingHow to apply the concepts and strategies learned in real-world scenariosHow to analyze and learn from successful and unsuccessful tradersBy the end of this book, you will have a comprehensive and practical guide to options trading and day trading that will help you achieve your trading goals and objectives. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, this book will provide you with valuable insights and tips that will enhance your trading performance and results.

  • av Gordon Mills

    Have you ever dreamed of being your own boss, setting your own schedule, and pursuing your passion? If so, you are not alone. Millions of people around the world share the same aspiration of starting their own business. But how do you turn your idea into reality? What are the steps you need to take to launch and grow your venture? And what are the challenges and opportunities you will face along the way?This book is designed to answer these questions and more. It is a comprehensive and practical guide for anyone who wants to start a successful business in 2024. Whether you have a clear vision of what you want to do, or you are still exploring different possibilities, this book will help you navigate the process of entrepreneurship from start to finish.In this book, you will learn:How to find and validate your business idea, and how to research your target market and competitors.How to write a business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections.How to choose the best legal structure for your business, and how to register your business name and obtain the necessary licenses and permits.How to finance your business, and how to apply for loans, grants, and other sources of funding.How to create a brand identity that reflects your values, vision, and personality, and how to design a logo, website, and marketing materials.How to set up your business operations, and how to choose the right tools, systems, and processes to run your business efficiently and effectively.How to market your business, and how to attract, retain, and delight your customers using online and offline channels.How to scale your business, and how to manage your growth, team, and finances as your business expands.This book is based on the latest research, best practices, and real-life examples from successful entrepreneurs across various industries and regions. It also includes tips, tricks, and resources to help you overcome common challenges and pitfalls that many new business owners face. By the end of this book, you will have a clear roadmap and a set of action steps to start your own successful business.Starting a business is not easy, but it is also not impossible. With the right mindset, attitude, and guidance, you can turn your dream into reality. This book will show you how. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

  • av Gordon Mills

    En un mundo donde las mujeres están rompiendo barreras, rompiendo techos de cristal y redefiniendo lo que significa ser jefa, hay un poderoso movimiento en marcha. "Ella se cree jefa" no es sólo una frase, sino una declaración audaz que encarna el espíritu de una nueva generación de mujeres que reclaman sin disculpas su lugar en la mesa del éxito.Con una confianza inquebrantable y una búsqueda incesante de sus sueños, estas mujeres están reescribiendo la narrativa y desafiando las normas sociales que durante mucho tiempo han dictado lo que pueden o no lograr. "Ella se cree jefa" resume la esencia de este movimiento: un mantra empoderador que anima a las mujeres a aprovechar sus fortalezas únicas, liberar su potencial y aprovechar cada oportunidad para crear la vida y la carrera que desean.Este libro innovador es un grito de guerra para mujeres de todos los ámbitos de la vida que se niegan a conformarse con la mediocridad y, en cambio, luchan por la excelencia. Es un himno que resuena en los ambiciosos ambiciosos, los feroces pioneros y los líderes visionarios que se niegan a verse confinados por las limitaciones que se les imponen. Este libro celebra el poder de la confianza en uno mismo y el impacto transformador que se deriva de ser dueño del propio valor y capacidades.A través de historias inspiradoras, ideas prácticas y estrategias prácticas, este material equipa a las mujeres con las herramientas que necesitan para afrontar los desafíos, prejuicios y expectativas que puedan surgir en su viaje. Desmantela la noción de que el éxito está reservado para unos pocos elegidos y, en cambio, empodera a las mujeres para que asuman su poder, abracen su autenticidad y forjen su camino hacia el éxito en sus propios términos.Este libro va más allá de los consejos de liderazgo tradicionales. Profundiza en el corazón y la mente de una dama que se niega a ser definida por las normas sociales y, en cambio, establece sus propios estándares de éxito. Explora el poder transformador del autodescubrimiento, la resiliencia y la búsqueda incesante del crecimiento personal y profesional. Al compartir las historias de mujeres notables que superaron obstáculos y alcanzaron la grandeza, "Ella se considera jefa" proporciona una hoja de ruta para que los lectores den rienda suelta a su propio potencial y creen su legado único.Al embarcarse en este viaje empoderador, prepárese para sentirse inspirado, desafiado y animado. "Ella se cree jefa" es más que un simple libro: es un movimiento que celebra el poder de las mujeres que apoyan a las mujeres, fomentan la colaboración y crean un mundo donde cada mujer tiene la oportunidad de ascender, liderar y generar un impacto.Entonces, si estás listo para abrazar a tu jefe interior, liberarte de las dudas y liberar todo tu potencial, únete al movimiento.En las páginas de este libro, se embarcará en un viaje transformador que desafiará sus creencias, encenderá su pasión y le permitirá avanzar hacia su propia grandeza. A través de las cautivadoras historias de mujeres extraordinarias que desafiaron las probabilidades, superaron obstáculos y se abrieron camino hacia el éxito, descubrirá el potencial sin explotar que reside dentro de usted.Este libro es un poderoso recordatorio de que ser jefe no se limita a un título o puesto: es una mentalidad, una actitud y una forma de vida. Explora la importancia de la confianza en uno mismo, la autodefensa y el autocuidado como pilares fundamentales para el crecimiento personal y profesional.

  • av Bryan Rodriguez

    Menopause is still a vital but frequently misunderstood stage of a woman's life in contemporary society. This book explores the complexities of this normal shift, illuminating its social, emotional, and physical aspects. Written by professionals in the fields of gynecology, endocrinology, psychology, and sociology, this book provides a thorough analysis of menopause and its effects. It seeks to dispel myths, address stigmas, and provide women the tools they need to confidently and intelligently navigate this transformative stage by using a multidisciplinary approach. "Breaking Menopause Barriers" provides a roadmap for women to embrace menopause as a time of growth, resilience, and empowerment by fusing cutting-edge research with useful tips and personal tales. This book is an invaluable resource for women, medical professionals, and anyone else hoping to promote a more inclusive and knowledgeable conversation about menopause.

  • av Miracle Jabin

    Marriage, often termed matrimony or wedlock, is a culturally and often legally recognized union between persons called spouses. It provides rights and duties between them, as well as between them and their offspring (if any), and between them and their in-laws. It is practically a cultural universal, however the concept of marriage changes throughout cultures and faiths, and with time. Marriage becomes a social construct to arbitrate the conflicts of interest between consenting individuals and a transactional mechanism to meet their needs. Typically, it is an institution in which interpersonal connections, generally sexual, are recognized or sanctioned. In certain cultures, marriage is advised or regarded to be required before engaging in sexual behavior. A marriage ceremony is termed a wedding, but a private marriage is often dubbed an elopement.Marriage is a wonderful and holy tie between two individuals who love one another. But it is not always simple to maintain a good and happy relationship. Sometimes, couples endure problems that test their commitment, communication, and compatibility. These obstacles might vary from financial stress, adultery, parental concerns, boredom, to health problems, among others. If left unsolved, these issues may lead to resentment, rage, frustration, and even divorce.But there is hope. You may salvage your marriage and rekindle the love and passion that you previously enjoyed with your spouse. You can overcome the basic obstacles that many couples endure and reignite the spark that drew you together in the first place. You may learn how to communicate effectively, overcome disagreements, compromise, support, and appreciate one another. You may reclaim the pleasure and closeness that you deserve in your marriage.This book is a handbook to help you achieve exactly that. It will equip you with realistic and proven techniques to cope with the most frequent marriage difficulties and build your relationship with your spouse. It will also provide you ideas and advice on how to keep your marriage new and interesting, and how to manage with the inevitable changes and transitions that life brings. Whether you are newlyweds or have been married for decades or are now going to marry, this book will help you develop a lasting and meaningful marriage that you can be proud of.

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