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  • av Rafael Magnusson

    Men and women have been anticipating and looking forward to this period of development, transformation, and awakening to new realities for millennia. Prophets, gurus, avatars, dreamers, wise men, wizards, witches, sorcerers, preachers, leaders, and ordinary people have long realised that there is more to life than meets the eye. The Law of Attraction Bible by Dr. Stan Gravely is a collection of facts that the cosmos has handed to the globe in these exciting times. Many of us have spent our lives searching for truth that is not tainted by religion, politics, or human reason. We live in a period where truth is exposed in a variety of ways, causing infinite intellect to spread throughout the globe. Gravely depicts how individuals come on earth to live lives filled with love, joy, peace, goodness, and abundance. People have the ability to design their own lives. We send forth vibratory energy to attract what we want by dreaming, thinking, and envisioning what we want. The Law of Attraction Bible will assist you in awakening and attuning to your inner self, allowing you to enjoy a life of love, joy, serenity, and plenty. Yes, you can live the life you desire.

  • av Kristine Wolves

    Long-distance communication has undergone a revolution thanks to Voip. These days, the majority of businesses, institutions, and even hospitals use it. VoIP calls have evolved into a dependable means of communication for both personal and business purposes, yet many people are still unaware of what it is. All of your questions can be answered in detail by this software called "Getting Rid of Ma Bell."You may learn everything there is to know about mobile voip, including its advantages and how to use it to make calls, by downloading this app to your devices. Voip has certain advantages and disadvantages, which are exposed in this software, just like any service does. This programme serves as a comprehensive voip manual. It briefly covers the following subjects so that you can grasp the idea behind voip calls and what equipment you'll need. What is this VoIP stuff all about? What VoIP should you have? How can I get on the phone? Benefits and drawbacks of VoIP Can business use make use of it? How should one decide?

  • av Serena Newmann

    It can be quite pleasurable and helpful to show care and concern for the Brotherhood of the Elderly, whether it is your own family or a stranger. This gives me a lot of satisfaction. However, for other people, it can be extremely frustrating. You wouldn't know if you hadn't been involved in such issues early in your life. It can make you quite negative and set you on a path to burnout.

  • av Alex W. Riches

    Do you feel insignificant when you consider the legacy you will leave behind? I'm not Mother Theresa, Albert Einstein, or Abraham Lincoln, therefore this isn't for me, oh no!Rethink your thoughts. Don't consider such amazing, globally recognised icons of success for a change. Consider someone who is or was a part of your everyday life, such as a friend, relative, coworker at work, your priest, or any other someone in your immediate vicinity. What immediately comes to mind about him or her? Has he made a positive impact on you or others? Did she produce anything unique that benefited others? Did they challenge a little injustice in the system and improve the rules? You remember, though, that tough old Murphy, your plant manager, was also a loving and fair boss who was well-liked and respected by all of your coworkers. You realise that your uncle Jim spearheaded the effort to register the historic Art Deco movie theatre on your street as a heritage property and save it from being demolished. And for three blocks down the road, every family talks about your mother's amazing apple pies. You are there; it is the legacy! People leave a legacy when they imprint their actions on the minds and emotions of others around them. Now consider what comes to mind for others when they think of you at this moment. Good stuff? Bad things? Depressing content? Oh, you didn't even consider it, did you? Perhaps others in your vicinity don't remember you at all. That undoubtedly makes you feel much smaller than you already did. Oh no. However, you now understand what it is to leave a legacy and how even the most modest individual can do it. Now go ahead and start putting your all into those small but incredible actions that will become part of YOUR legacy.

  • av Fabian W. Ruiz

    Has our society completely lost any sense of individual accountability? Like so many others, do you engage in "the blame game"? The Great Blame Game Escape explores how deranged we've gotten by denying our guilt and playing the victim. Laugh as you go and reclaim your life and independence by taking personal responsibility. It's an entertaining and motivational look at how we can all improve.

  • av Fredericco Wagner

    Self-motivation is most likely the single most important factor in keeping an individual interested and committed to completing a specific task.The doubt factor, which is always present in every scenario, necessitates some level of motivation to keep the doubt in check or at bay. It is not always possible in life to only do or be exposed to things that bring pleasure.There will be times when some discipline is required to complete a task, even if it is unpleasant and unpleasant, and this is where one must be self motivated.

  • av Marina Lozano

    Regarding the podcastHi there! We are Carlo and Roberto from Substract, a creative and marketing firm that specialises in developing distinctive and memorable brand identities. Get ready to embark on a journey to discover the mysteries of branding. In this series, we'll share success stories, conduct in-depth interviews with industry experts, and offer practical advice on breaking through the latest branding frontiers.

  • av Michelle Wolf

    It is already clear that economics, not science or technology, will determine the direction of sustainable energy in the future. Renewable energy sources have found it difficult to compete with the decades-long government support and tax benefits given to the fossil fuel industry. However, as stated in Renewable Energy Finance: Powering the Future, authored by Dr. Charles Donovan, Principal Teaching Fellow at Imperial College Business School, renewable energy is now the safest investment option for investors.This timely book, which features a foreword by Lord Brown and contributions from some of the top authorities on energy finance worldwide, details how investors are investing more than US$250 billion annually in new renewable energy projects and setting themselves up for success in a global investment market that is expected to grow at double-digit rates until.Finance offers a behind-the-scenes look at renewable energy transactions and a window into how nations like the US, India, and China are tackling the world's energy crisis. Renewable Energy Finance provides readers with insightful, useful thoughts on the future of renewable energy investment by bringing together contributions from top academics and executives.

  • av Mary Hall Pearce

    An in-depth look at the many various aspects of alternative medicine and how they might benefit you. Concise, easy to read, and comprehensive. This guide covers many different alternative therapies, such as:- Hypnosis - Color therapy - Yoga - Meditation - Herbal remedies - Vitamin therapy - And many more! Here is just some of what you will learn by reading this amazing book:- The differences between conventional and alternative treatment methods - plus, how to know if an alternative treatment is right for you!- The history of alternative medicine - you may be very surprised by what you read here!- The type of alternative medicine that 25% of the world's population practices - along with its five most popular treatment methods and what each can do for you!- A type of alternative medicine that relies almost solely on herbal remedies - this treatment method has been around for over 2,500 years and could be just what you need to begin feeling better in no time!- The alternative medicine techniques of Native American Indians - these techniques have been used effectively for over 40,000 years, according to many experts ... and they work just as well today as they ever have!- Why practitioners of Ayurvedic Medicine believe the body must be balanced - and how that can be accomplished quickly and easily!- The most popular form of alternative medicine - and five reasons why you should try it to begin feeling better immediately!- Herbal remedies for common ailments - find out how to naturally cure acne, anxiety, burns, warts and much more here!- How to cure numerous ailments including arthritis, constipation, depression and the flu with herbal tea - you'll be amazed at how easy it is to do when you follow these simple tips!- How five products produced by bees could have you feeling better fast - you'll be simply amazed when you read this!- And much, much more.

  • av Barbara Shelthon

    Friends. Business associates. Lovers?Laura Willis is planning their wedding until Ryan is caught cheating. Again. This time, she's with her best friend. She smacks her fist-and her wedding band-in his face and goes to work at Brenda's House of Hair. Brenda, on the other hand, takes shortcuts and goes on a frenzy, causing chaos at the salon. Laura's coworker and hairstylist Matt Stephenson is seeking for a new career and place to live. He decides to take a gamble and create his own salon, inviting Laura to join him. Can their friendship endure the strain, or will their collaborative enterprise prove to be more than any of them anticipated? Readers learn about the romance between recurring characters Matt and Laura in Joint Venture, which takes place a few years before Wisdom to Know. Order your copy today to witness their love story for yourself

  • av Charlotte Khore

    Do you eat to sate your palate or only to increase your appetite? Or do you use food as a means of gaining more control over your life?This book describes how only altering your food can significantly improve your quality of life.Purchase a copy today!

  • - Tips for email campaigns that actually work Perfect gift for marketers
    av Will Bresby

    Tips for email campaigns that actually work. In this book, you'll find topics on email marketing basics for internet marketing, keeping it relevant, short and sweet, informal and personal, using teasers and links, and finding the frequency that works best good for you Use. Marketing email., write a nice subject line so you don't throw your email in the trash, add a free introduction and tailor it to your subscribers' needs. Get your copy today!

  • av Carl Wagenknecht

    Unser Logbuch für Neugeborene hilft Ihnen dabei, den Tagesablauf Ihres Babys festzuhalten. Windelwechsel, Schlafzeiten, Fütterungen, Aktivitäten, die Stimmung des Babys, Medikamente und Notizen sind alle enthalten. Dieser Baby-Tracker ist einfach, schön und leicht zu bedienen.Holen Sie sich Ihr Exemplar noch heute! Eigenschaften Logbuch für neugeborene Babys:- Abmessungen: 6" x 9" Zoll 120 Seiten- Jedes Tagebuch enthält Bereiche zum Eintragen von Datum, Uhrzeit, Fütterung sowie Aktivitäts- und Schlafinformationen- Behalten Sie den Überblick über Arztbesuche, Impfungen, Fütterungen, Schlaf, Aktivitäten, Windelwechsel und mehr- Innen: weißes Papier- Glänzender Taschenbucheinband mit hochwertigem Design

  • av Kondrad Kalemba

    Prosty, por¿czny i ¿atwy w üyciu dziennik projektów krawieckich z premium i nowoczesnym projektem ok¿adki, jest profesjonalnie zaprojektowany, aby pomóc Ci prowadzi¿ szczegó¿owy rejestr: - Nazwa projektu- Typ projektu (Odzie¿ - Dekoracja domu - Inne)- Wzór do szycia- Zrobiony dla, zacz¿ty, sköczony- Ustawienia (Maszyna - Ustawienia - U¿ywana ig¿a - U¿ywana ni¿)- Waga, technika, maszyna, wypalanie- Pomiar, SzkicMateriäy Zapoznaj si¿ z wn¿trzem klikaj¿c na funkcj¿ look inside lub je¿li jeste¿ na telefonie möesz sprawdzi¿ zdj¿cie tylnej ok¿adki. Dziennik projektu szycia:¿ 120 stron¿ B¿yszcz¿ca ok¿adka z Premium i nowoczesnym wzorem ok¿adki¿ Wn¿trze: Dobrej jaköci biäy papier¿ Rozmiar 6 x 9 cali

  • av Pam Athelffled

    Gardening Tracker Log is a perfect way to track your gardening goals for beginners and experienced gardeners.The 120-page logbook is designed to be helpful for both indoor and outdoor gardening of Fruits, Flowers, Vegetable, and Herbs. This simple and straightforward log book includes the following sections:· Gardening Supply info· Fertilizer information· Germination, Planting and Harvesting Dates· Planting and Care instructions· Shopping List for Each Month· Water Requirements and much moreYou can organize and keep track of all your garden projects, record what works and maybe what did not work as well to help you with your future garden plans too.Get your perfect gift today! Features Gardening Tracker Log:· Size 6 x 9 inches· Book with 120 pages· Matte premium cover

  • av Joaquin Jiménez

    Este libro de registro le ayudará a realizar un seguimiento de su alimentación diaria, las emociones, la ingesta de vitaminas y suplementos, las horas de sueño, la ingesta de proteínas, el consumo de agua y muchos más. Este registro le ayudará en su viaje hacia la pérdida de peso y la salud. Lleve un registro de su estado de ánimo, la calidad del sueño, el peso, el agua y la ingesta de alimentos. Le permitirá presentar la información de forma sencilla y revelar patrones que quizá no haya notado antes. Adecuado para personas antes y después de una intervención quirúrgica.Datos personales:- Seguimiento del estado de ánimo- Seguimiento del sueño- Nivel de energía- Nivel de actividad- Medicación- Suplementos- Control de peso- Consumo de agua- Seguimiento de alimentos- Seguimiento de desencadenantes- ¡Y mucho más!¡ Consiga su ejemplar hoy mismo. ! Perfecto para uso personal o como regalo para un ser querido que vaya a someterse a una operación de bypass gástrico.

  • av Tarquinia Nardella

    Quando si riesce a identificare il punto in cui si avverte il dolore, può essere un aiuto fondamentale per capire il motivo di tale dolore. Questo diario può aiutare a tenere traccia dei sintomi e a trovare un sollievo efficace o a decidere se è necessario rivolgersi a un medico. Con questo diario potrete imparare a riconoscere i tipi, i sintomi, le cause, la diagnosi e il trattamento del vostro mal di testa. Esistono diversi tipi di mal di testa e ognuno di essi sembra avere i propri fattori scatenanti, i propri sintomi e le proprie opzioni di trattamento. I diversi tipi di mal di testa sono anche associati a specifici punti del collo e della testa.Alcuni dei tipi di cefalea più comuni, come la cefalea tensiva, possono manifestarsi in tutta la testa, mentre altri tipi, come la sinusite o la cefalea a grappolo, compaiono tipicamente in un'area più specifica.Questo Diario dell'emicrania è stato appositamente studiato per consentirvi di monitorare con precisione i vostri mal di testa e gli attacchi di emicrania e presenta le seguenti caratteristiche: - Registrazione di:* Data e ora in cui si è verificato il mal di testa* Cosa ha scatenato il mal di testa* Gravità del mal di testa* Tipo e localizzazione del mal di testa* Misure di sollievo provate Libro di bordo dell'emicrania:- 120 pagine - 6x9 pollici - formato perfetto da portare con sé- rilegatura perfetta- copertina opaca di qualità con design premium

  • av Maida Minardi

    Questo diario del dolore, semplice, pratico e facile da usare, è stato progettato in modo professionale per aiutarvi a tenere un registro dettagliato di tutti i vostri infortuni: - Data, Energia- Attività, Sonno- Livello/area del dolore- Pasti (colazione, pranzo, cena, spuntini)- Ora, sintomi, fattori scatenanti- Progressione del dolore (livello del dolore - giorno) Libro di bordo del dolore:- Carta bianca senza acidi di qualità superiore- Formato 6'x9', perfetto per adattarsi a una borsa, una tasca o un sacchetto per un facile utilizzo in viaggio- Libro con 120 pagine con molto spazio da riempire- Copertina elegante e lucida

  • av Bertrand Longchambon

    Ce livre de bord simple, pratique et facile à utiliser, avec une couverture de qualité supérieure, a été conçu par des professionnels pour vous aider à conserver des informations détaillées sur vos projets de couture :¿- Nom du projet- Type de projet (Vêtements - Décoration - Autre)- Modèle de couture- Fait pour, Commencé, Terminé- Installation (Machine - réglages - aiguille utilisée - fil utilisé)- Poids, Technique, Machine, Cuisson- Mesure, CroquisMatériaux Prévisualisez l'intérieur en cliquant sur la fonction "look inside" ou si vous êtes sur mobile, vous pouvez consulter l'image de la quatrième de couverture. Obtenez votre exemplaire dès maintenant !Livre de bord d'un projet de couture:Livre de 120 pagesCouverture brillante avec un design de couverture moderne et de qualité supérieureIntérieur : Papier blanc de bonne qualitéTaille 6 x 9 pouces

  • av Céleste Duchemin

    Notre livre de bord de la douleur, simple, pratique et facile à utiliser, a été conçu par des professionnels pour vous aider à tenir un registre détaillé de vos activités : - Date, Énergie- Activité, Sommeil- Niveau/zone de la douleur- Repas (petit-déjeuner, déjeuner, dîner, collations)- Heure, symptômes, déclencheurs- Progression de la douleur (niveau de douleur - jour)Livre de bord de la douleur:- Papier blanc sans acide de première qualité- Format 6'x9', parfaitement adapté à un sac à main, une poche ou un sac pour une utilisation facile en déplacement.- Livre de 120 pages avec beaucoup d'espace à remplir- Couverture brillante et élégante

  • av Zenobia ¿Liwi¿Ska

    Ten wysokiej jaköci, por¿czny i ¿atwy w üyciu dziennik danych strzelectwa sportowego z nowoczesnym i premium projektem ok¿adki dla strzelców, strzelców wyborowych i strzelców wyborowych zostä profesjonalnie zaprojektowany, aby pomóc Ci w szczegó¿owym rejestrowaniu daty, godziny, lokalizacji, broni palnej, rodzaju lunety, amunicji, g¿¿boköci siedzenia, Dystans, proszek, podk¿ad, mosi¿dz, strony ze schematami Dziennik strzelectwa sportowego:¿ Ksi¿¿ka ze 120 stronami ¿ Matowa ok¿adka z projektem ok¿adki Premium ¿ Wn¿trze: biäa ksi¿ga dobrej jaköci ¿ Rozmiar 6 x 9 cali

  • av Carminho Furtado

    Este livro de registo da dor, simples, prático e fácil de usar, foi concebido profissionalmente para o ajudar a manter um registo detalhado: - Data, Energia- Actividade, Dormir- Nível/Area de dor- Refeições (Pequeno-almoço, Almoço, Jantar, Lanches)- Tempo, Sintomas, Gatilhos- Progressão da dor(Nível de dor - Hora do dia) Características Livro de registo da dor: - Livro Branco sem Ácido de Qualidade Premium- Tamanho 6'x9', Perfeitamente dimensionado para caber numa bolsa, bolso ou saco para fácil utilização em viagem- Livro com 120 Páginas com muito espaço para preencher- Capa brilhante e elegante

  • av Rosário Florencio

    Livro de registo de jardinagem é uma forma perfeita de acompanhar os seus objectivos de jardinagem para principiantes e jardineiros experientes.Livro de registo de 120 páginas foi concebido para ser útil na jardinagem de interior e exterior de frutas, flores, legumes e ervas aromáticas. Este livro de registo simples e directo inclui as seguintes secções:· - Informações sobre materiais de jardinagem- Informações sobre fertilizantes- Datas de germinação, plantação e colheita- Instruções de plantação e cuidados- Lista de compras para cada mês- Requisitos de água e muito maisPode organizar e manter um registo de todos os seus projectos de jardim, registar o que funciona e talvez o que não funcionou, para o ajudar também nos seus futuros planos de jardim. Livro de registo de jardinagem:- Tamanho perfeito 6 x 9 polegadas- Livro com 120 páginas- Capa elegante premium mate

  • av Melissa Orsolini

    Semplice, pratico e facile da usare, il diario dei progetti di cucito, con una copertina dal design moderno e di qualità, è stato progettato in modo professionale per aiutarvi a tenere un registro dettagliato dei progetti di cucito:- Nome del progetto- Tipo di progetto (Abbigliamento - Decorazioni per la casa - Altro)- Modello di cucito- Fatto per, Iniziato, Finito- Set-up(Macchina - Impostazioni - Ago usato - Filo usato)- Peso, tecnica, macchina, cottura- Misure, SchizzoMateriali Anteprima dell'interno cliccando sulla funzione Guarda dentro o, se siete su cellulare, potete controllare l'immagine della quarta di copertina. Acquistate la vostra copia oggi stesso!Libro di bordo del progetto di cucito:¿ 120 pagine¿ Copertina lucida con design premium e moderno¿ Interno: Carta bianca di buona qualità¿ Formato 6 x 9 pollici

  • av Ben Willkins

    Building Site Log for Foreman, Help you To Record Construction Project Name,Visitors, Schedule, Problems, Safety Issues, Summary of Work, Employee and many many more ... Our logbook designed for Foreman to provides a clear, consistent, complete format to make record-keeping easier. Ideal to keep everything recorded in one place.¿ Date, Day¿ Foreman¿ Contarct No¿ Hours Lost Due to Bad Wheater¿ Wheater conditions¿ Visitors¿ Problems, delays¿ Schedule - completion date, days ahead of schedute,days behind schedute ¿ Safety issues¿ Accidents¿ Summary of Work Performed Today¿ Equipment on Site Get your copy today! Building Site Log for Foreman:¿ Good quality paper with matte modern cover¿ Double-sided pages, to improve thinness and handling¿ Size 8.5 x 11 inches¿ Book with 110 Pages

  • av Herman Bristol

    Get your juice on! You can improve your health through juicing.Juicing is becoming increasingly popular, especially among the health-conscious. It is unclear if this is a passing fad or a long-term trend. However, in order to reap the most benefits from the juicing practice, some considerations must be made. Get all of the information you need right here.Get your copy tod

  • av Ulrich von Jensen

    Dieses Protokoll wurde sorgfältig erstellt, um Sie bei der Aufzeichnung von Kopfschmerzen und Migräne zu unterstützen, wie es von Medizinern empfohlen wird.Wenn Sie feststellen können, wo Ihre Schmerzen auftreten, kann dies ein Schlüssel sein, um herauszufinden, warum Sie diese Schmerzen haben. Dieses Tagebuch kann Ihnen helfen, Ihre Symptome zu verfolgen und Ihnen dabei helfen, wirksame Linderung zu finden oder zu entscheiden, ob Sie einen Arzt aufsuchen müssen. Mit diesem Tagebuch können Sie lernen, die Arten, Symptome, Ursachen, Diagnose und Behandlung Ihrer Kopfschmerzen zu erkennen. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Kopfschmerzen, und jede scheint ihre eigenen Auslöser, Symptome und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zu haben. Verschiedene Kopfschmerzen sind auch mit bestimmten Stellen im Nacken und Kopf verbunden. Einige der häufigeren Kopfschmerzarten - wie Spannungskopfschmerzen - können im gesamten Kopf auftreten, während andere Arten - wie Sinus- oder Clusterkopfschmerzen - typischerweise in einem bestimmten Bereich auftreten.Dieses Migräne-Tagebuch wurde speziell für Sie entwickelt, damit Sie Ihre Kopfschmerzen und Migräneanfälle genau überwachen können, und verfügt über die folgenden Funktionen: ¿ Aufzeichnung von: * Datum und Uhrzeit des Auftretens der Kopfschmerzen * Was hat die Kopfschmerzen ausgelöst * Schwere Ihrer Kopfschmerzen * Die Art und der Ort Ihrer Kopfschmerzen * Linderungsmaßnahmen, die Sie ausprobiert habenMigräne-Logbuch:¿ 120 Seiten - 6 x 9 Zoll - perfekte Größe zum Mitnehmen ¿ perfekte Bindung ¿ Hochwertiges, mattes Cover mit Premium-Design

  • av Rose-Marie Blanchard

    Ce livre de données de tir sportif de qualité supérieure, pratique et facile à utiliser, avec une couverture moderne et de qualité supérieure pour les tireurs, les tireurs d'élite et les tireuses d'élite, est conçu de manière professionnelle pour vous aider à conserver un enregistrement détaillé de la date, de l'heure, du lieu, de l'arme à feu, du type de lunette, des munitions, de la profondeur d'assise, de la distance, de la poudre, de l'amorce, du laiton, des pages de diagramme. Offrez votre exemplaire dès aujourd'hui !Livre de données sur le tir sportif:Livre de 120 pagesCouverture mate avec design de couverture haut de gammeIntérieur : Papier blanc de bonne qualitéTaille 6 x 9 pouces

  • av Katherine Dawklin

    Simple, handy and easy to use My sewing project logbook with premium and modern cover design, is professionally designed to help you keep detailed record of:· Project Name· Project Type(Clothing - Home Decor - Other)· Sewing Pattern· Made For, Started, Finished· Set-up(Machine - Settings - Needle Used - Thread Used)· Weight, Technique, Machine, Firing· Measurement, SketchMaterials Preview the interior by clicking the look inside feature or if you're on mobile you can check the back cover image. Features My Sewing Project Logbook:¿ 120 pages ¿ Matte Cover with Premium and Modern Cover Design ¿ Interior: Good Quality White Paper ¿ Size 6 x 9 inches

  • av Sarah LeBeau

    Gardez une trace de toutes les activités de votre bébé grâce à cet adorable carnet de bord facile à utiliser ! Ce livre de bord pour nouveau-né vous aidera à suivre la journée de votre bébé. Les changements de couches, les horaires de sommeil, les tétées, les activités, l'humeur du bébé, les médicaments et les notes sont tous inclus. Ce carnet de suivi de bébé est conçu pour être simple, beau et facile à utiliser. Livre de bord de la nounou et du nouveau-né:- Dimensions : 6" x 9" pouces- Chaque carnet comprend des zones pour enregistrer la date, l'heure, l'alimentation ainsi que des informations sur l'activité et le sommeil.- Notez les visites chez le médecin, les vaccinations, les tétées, le sommeil, les activités, les changements de couches et bien plus encore.- Intérieur : papier blanc- Couverture élégante et mate- Livre de 120 pages

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