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  • av Lucian Arthur

    Three awarded short-stories for 2016: a short-story full of suspense and thrilling events showing how to murder someone, pinning the kill on someone else; a quasi-biographical short-story revealing embarrassing moments in a woman's life and her decision to take her life back (better later than never); the revelation of a quirks in the life of the inhabitants of a building that is about to be sold, the owner not knowing what he'd bring upon himself, had he sold the building. Enjoy mathematical planning, humor and good writing!Our very first collection of award winning essays submitted by authors like you. Learn about the struggles of being a girl in a massively-multiplayer online game, about how to build a computer (or not) or about how to properly budget your life (or not). Humor, triumphs and defeats all to be found in this winning collection.

  • av Lillian Lee

    A far from experienced woman. A lot of mishaps. A magnetic man. Lora Lee's career is doing just fine, although she has to deal with artistic temperaments on a daily basis. However, she has had a string of mishaps in her personal life. She's already reached the big forty and she doesn't have too much to show for herself. She believes that Universe hates her when she repeatedly runs into a rude man who later on populates her night dreams and her fantasy during the day. Third time is a charm, they say, and yes, the third time Lora Lee runs into Jake, he decides to take matters in his hands and show her that her life can change.Enjoy the first book of the three-volume hot and steamy series of "White, Dark And In Between" which follows the path of Lora Lee and Jake's encounter, as well as the evolution of their relationship from a booty call to something more meaningful. If you love a hot and steamy erotic romance with likable characters, then this is the book for you. Buy this erotic romance filled with sensuous heat today!

  • av Roxana Nastase

    It's only two days till Christmas, and McNamara has a surprise after surprise, most of them unpleasant. He can't believe things can get any more complicated on Christmas Eve, but he is wrong. A new surprise takes his breath away, and the tough Scottish detective doesn't think he will catch his breath soon enough. Turn a new leaf in the famous DCI's life and let yourself get amused, angered, or awed, living the Christmas cheer.

  • av Roxana Nastase

    He looked for payback. She looked for closure. Will they find out what they are looking for? This short-story introduces the main character of a new crime series Josh Aldridge - PI. The story is a standalone, as the following novels will be as well. Meet Josh Aldridge, a former Saskatoon police officer, now turned PI in Toronto. Learn about his past and what makes him tick.

  • av Alex Csedrik

    Alex Csedrik brings you a short-story collection riddled with metaphors, satire, and unpleasant truths.

  • av Roxana Nastase

    English Grammar might seem difficult. It gets easier with carefully chosen examples and comparisons. You can master English grammar through conversational exercises. They will help you with everyday life in an English environment. Method tested for many years with very good results. This Grammar English Book offers grammar, fully explained and practiced through a variety of exercises; helps with developing and practicing vocabulary and phrasal verbs; is ideal for self-study or classroom use. There are regular consolidation units which help with the First Certificate and TOEFL examinations.This is an ideal resource, helping with adapting communications by presenting English grammar structures. If you want to become fluent in English, this will help you reach your goal of becoming fluent. The tenses that cause more problems to students, like Present Perfect Tense, Past Tense and Past Continuous are explained with detailed examples for each structure and are practiced extensively in exercises, which help not only with mastering the tenses but also developing conversational skills. This book has been developed and tested along several years. I have used the content of this English Grammar Book with very good results.

  • av Herman Edward Seiser

  • av Roxana Nastase

  • av Bobby Cohen

  • av Roxana Nastase

  • av Roxana Nastase

  • av Roxana Nastase

  • av Roxana Nastase

  • av Roxana Nastase

  • av Roxana Nastase

    Un detectiv mai comod, o imigrant¿ superb¿, cu talente mai ciudate, un caz oribil ¿i evenimente paranormale În ultima vreme, dezam¿git, cu inima ¿i mândria r¿nite, Mark nu prea mai äteapt¿ multe bucurii de la viäa sa, ci continu¿ s¿ î¿i fac¿ treaba ca un robot, num¿rând orele r¿mase pân¿ ce poate s¿ se întoarc¿ acas¿. Mark are obiceiul s¿ dispar¿ atunci când este mult¿ treab¿ de f¿cut, dar soarta îi azvârle în poal¿ un caz oribil de traficare uman¿. Oare ce va face detectivul atunci când va trebui s¿ se ocupe de caz el însu¿i? ¿i oare ce va merge prost? Oare va înceta Mark s¿ se autocomp¿timeasc¿ ¿i va lupta pentru cei oropsi¿i? Îi va aduce detectivul pe cei vinoväi în fäa tribunalului? ¿i oare ce se va întâmpla când îi va apare în cale Soledad, o frumoasc¿ sud-americanc¿, care are toate darurile pentru a-i fura inima? Va reu¿i ea s¿ distrug¿ zidurile pe care Mark le-a construit în jurul inimii sale sau va l¿sa în urm¿ o cochilie goal¿ atunci când cazul se va încheia? Ei bine, pentru a urm¿ri ac¿iunea, cite¿te a treia carte din seria MacKay - Detectiv Canadian. Oare te vei reg¿si de partea lui Mark?

  • av Rowena Dawn

    She looks for peace of mind. He looks for revenge. They both get what they want but with a twist. Diane's an artist and a city girl. She inherits her aunt's ranch house and land and moves there in a journey to rediscover herself. But first, she discovers her inheritance comes with strings attached and people are willing to kill over it. Adam, former soldier and mercenary, wants to avenge his brother's death. Diane is his only means to achieve his purpose. Or that's what he thinks. When things get bad - and they do, Adam finds out that some people just sneak into one's soul and haunt them for eternity.Eyes in the Dark is the stand-alone second book in the Perfect Halves Series. Another tough guy hits the ground. If you like suspense and romance, then this is the book for you. Strong characters and suspense are waiting to fill in your afternoons.

  • av Roxana Nastase

  • av Rowena Dawn

    The clock is ticking. She's on the hunt. He doesn't want to be caught. Finding the right guy isn't easy for anyone and Ella is no exception. After three years wasted in a loveless relationship, Ella decides to take control of her life again, so she cleans house and starts hunting for Mr. Right or Mr. Almost Right. Ella hits the bars excited to find someone to settle down with, only to find out that romance and happily-ever-after aren't on the menu. Mark's only looking to score. Will Ella turn Mark into Mr. Almost Right or will Mark run for the hills when he gets wind of her intentions? Mr. (Almost) Right is a contemporary romance featuring a strong woman able to turn her life around. If you like romance and a bit of laugh, then this is the book for you. Buy this contemporary romance filled with sensuous heat today!

  • av Roxana Nastase

    Greed, envy and ego in a small town in western Oklahoma. Lorna was mean and petty and wanted to control everyone. That signed her death warrant.Discover life in a small town.Secrets, affairs and shocking surprises.If you love mysteries than you will adore this nail biting thriller.

  • av Rowena Dawn

    Ea cauta liniștea. El cauta razbunarea. Amândoi obțin ceea ce vor, dar nu fara surprize. Diane este pictorița și o fata de la oraș. Moștenește ferma unei matuși și se muta acolo pentru a se redescoperi pe sine însași. Dar mai întâi, descopera ca moștenirea vine cu anumite condiții și ca existp oameni dispuși sa ucida pentru ea. Adam, fost soldat și mercenar, dorește sa-și razbune fratele. Diane reprezinta numai un mijloc pentru a-și atinge scopul. Sau cel puțin așa crede el. Când lucrurile se înrautațesc, Adam descopera ca unii oameni știu sa se strecoare în sufletul cuiva pentru totdeauna. Ochi În Întuneric este al doilea roman de sine statator din seria Jumatatea Perfecta. Un alt barbat dur este secerat. Daca îți place o poveste de dragoste și suspans, atunci aceasta este cartea pentru tine. Personaje puternice și aventura așteapta sa-ți umple dupa-amiezile.

  • av Rowena Dawn

    Jay was just looking for fun. What he got was losing his heart and peace of mind. Jay is not a very good guy. He can read minds - even though not very well and not all the time. Yet, he uses his ability to play cards and win the pot. He plays once too many times. He loses his money and hardly escapes with his life and that only because he has a guardian angel. Now, he needs to decide if what he feels for his angel is love or gratitude.

  • av Rowena Dawn

    Ariel nu mai are încredere nici în ea îns¿¿i ¿i nici în puterile ei. Mai mult decât atât, tân¿ra se teme c¿ nu se va îndr¿gosti niciodat¿ ¿i nu mai nutre¿te nici un fel de iluzii c¿ ar avea vreo ¿ans¿ s¿ îl întâlneasc¿ pe F¿t Frumos într-o zi. Pur ¿i simplu, tân¿ra femeie î¿i tr¿ie¿te viäa pe pilot automat, plin¿ de resentimente, neîmpliniri si aproape complet înfrânt¿. În mod obi¿nuit, Ariel nu ¿i-ar fi aruncat ochii la Max a doua oar¿ ¿i abia de i-a tolerat prezen¿a în cele câteva ocazii în care s-au g¿sit în aceläi loc. Cu toate acestea, se v¿de¿te c¿ Max este singurul care o poate ajuta atunci când tân¿ra femeie are mare nevoie de ajutor. Îl va vedea Ariel într-o lumin¿ nou¿? Oare va fi Max cel care va duce la îndep¿rtarea blestemului care o tulbur¿ de la nätere?

  • av Roxana Nastase

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