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  • - Ja Miten Paasta Pahan Tuolle Puolen - Why God Permits Evil (Finnish)
    av Paramahansa Yogananda

  • - Ilmenna Sielusi Sisaista Vahvuutta -: Living Fearlessly (Finnish)
    av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Elämän on tarkoitus olla suuri seikkailu - kallisarvoinen mahdollisuus toteuttaa jalot tavoitteemme ja saavuttaa kunnioitettavat unelmamme. Pelko moninaisine muotoineen kuitenkin hankaloittaa matkaamme ryöstäen meiltä onnellisuuden ja sisäisen rauhan. Paramahansa Yoganandan Peloton elämä osoittaa, että kokonainen mahdollisuuksien maailma odottaa meitä, jos meillä vain on rohkeutta ylittää pelkomme ja noudattaa sielumme kutsua.Kirjasen aiheita: - Paras tapa onnistua elämässä- Käytännöllisiä vastalääkkeitä peloille ja huolille- Peloton mieli ja terve keho- Vapaudu huolten kantamisesta

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Onko Jumalan kanssa todella mahdollista puhua? Voiko rukouksiinsa saada selkeitä vastauksia? Paramahansa Yogananda, Joogin omaelämäkerran kirjoittaja, vastaa tässä klassikko-oppaassaan näihin ja muihinkin aihetta koskeviin kysymyksiin. Kuinka voit puhua Jumalan kanssa on monen hengellisen etsijän suosikkiteos. Se opastaa kohti intiimiä, vilpitöntä rukousta, jonka avulla luomme syvemmän ja tyydyttävämmän henkilökohtaisen suhteen Jumalaan. Pidä kirjaa yöpöydälläsi - löydät siitä jokaisella lukukerralla uusia innoituksen ja viisauden helmiä.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Wise and inspiring selections from Paramahansa Yogananda's writings on inner peace, with practical applications to help us stay calm, happy, and evenminded, in spite of world conditions. Practical and highly effective, this book empowers the reader to transform anxiety and stress into happiness and peace. Inner Peace offers a potent antidote to our fast-paced world.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    In this classic spiritual guide, Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, dispels the myth that God is beyond our reach. He points out that it is not only possible to talk with God but to receive definite responses to our prayers. Defining the Lord as both the transcendent, universal Spirit and the intimately personal Father, Mother, Friend, and Lover of all, he helps us to realize how close that infinite and all-loving Being is to each one of us. He also explains how we can make our prayers so powerful and persuasive that they will bring a tangible response.

  • av Swami Sri Yukteswar

    Swami Sri Yukteswar kirjoitti tämän ainutlaatuisen tutkielman paramgurunsa eli hengellisen opettajansa opettajan Mahavatar Babajin pyynnöstä. Näin kertoo Paramahansa Yogananda kirjan synnystä tunnetussa teoksessaan Joogin omaelämäkerta. Pyhä tiede vertailee Raamattua ja hindujen pyhiä kirjoituksia toisiinsa ja osoittaa niiden olennaisen ykseyden. Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yoganandan suuresti arvostama guru, hahmottelee teoksessaan sen yhteisen tien, jonka jokainen joutuu kulkemaan saavuttaakseen valaistumisen. Hän kuvaa tarkasti myös sivilisaation laajoja, toistuvia kehityskausia ja avaa näin syvällisen näkökulman historian ja kuohuvan nykymaailman tapahtumien ymmärtämiseen.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Paramahansa Yogananda's life changing book invites us to use the power of spirit to create health, prosperity and happiness. Filled with sensible down-to-earth wisdom, The Law of Success explores the spiritual sources of creativity, positive thinking, and dynamic will, as well as the success-producing power of self-analysis and meditation. It shows how each one of us can naturally attract happiness and harmony.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, offers wisdom and insight that we can use to bring a new richness to our inner life. This book is a remarkable blending of the East and the West, embracing universal spiritual laws that will inspire readers of all faiths to deepen their spiritual practice. In this beautifully-rendered book, Yogananda shows how to apply the power of prayer as a daily source of strength and guidance.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Paramahansa Yogananda''s life changing book invites us to use the power of spirit to create health, prosperity and happiness. Filled with sensible down-to-earth wisdom, The Law of Success explores the spiritual sources of creativity, positive thinking, and dynamic will, as well as the success-producing power of self-analysis and meditation. It shows how each one of us can naturally attract happiness and harmony.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    In this book Paramahansa Yogananda offers prayers and affirmations that beginners and experienced meditators alike can use to awaken the boundless joy, peace, and inner freedom of the soul. Metaphysical Meditations offer more than 300 uplifting meditations, prayers, affirmations, and visualizations and includes introductory instructions on how to meditate. An encouraging guide that teaches us through our own experience how to spiritually enrich our everyday life.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    In this classic spiritual guide, Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, dispels the myth that God is beyond our reach. He points out that it is not only possible to talk with God but to receive definite responses to our prayers. Defining the Lord as both the transcendent, universal Spirit and the intimately personal Father, Mother, Friend, and Lover of all, he helps us to realize how close that infinite and all-loving Being is to each one of us. He also explains how we can make our prayers so powerful and persuasive that they will bring a tangible response.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Paramahansa Yogananda, hengellisen kirjallisuuden klassikon Joogin omaelämäkerta kirjoittaja, otti ensimmäisenä länsimaissa käyttöön affirmaatiot eli vahvistavat lauseet jo yli 70 vuotta sitten. Nykyisin affirmaatiot ovat laajassa käytössä niin sairaaloissa, kuntoutusohjelmissa, urheiluvalmennuksessa kuin yritysmaailmassakin. Yogananda selvittää, miten ja miksi tämä perinteinen tieteellinen menetelmä toimii. Kirja sisältää perusteelliset ohjeet vahvistavien lauseiden käyttöön, selvityksen terveyttämme säätelevistä metafyysisistä lainalaisuuksista sekä yli 60 vahvistuslausetta eri tarkoituksiin, mm. fyysisen terveyden saavuttamiseen, luottamuksen kehittämiseen ja huonoista tottumuksista vapautumiseen.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Albert Einstein once declared: "Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind." In The Science of Religion Paramahansa Yogananda (author of the acclaimed spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi) reveals why the answers to the ultimate questions of both science and religion do not lie in scholarly research or blind belief, but in direct personal experience of a higher Reality that underlies and sustains all life. With compelling logic, he explores the relative effectiveness of various approaches to this goal - from traditional intellectual and religious disciplines to metaphysical practices that lead beyond the conscious and subconscious mind to a superconscious awareness. Stripping away the cloaks of dogma and doctrine, he redefines religion on a basis at once universal and intensely personal.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    In this book Paramahansa Yogananda offers prayers and affirmations that beginners and experienced meditators alike can use to awaken the boundless joy, peace, and inner freedom of the soul. Metaphysical Meditations offer more than 300 uplifting meditations, prayers, affirmations, and visualizations and includes introductory instructions on how to meditate. An encouraging guide that teaches us through our own experience how to spiritually enrich our everyday life.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    In this classic spiritual guide, Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, dispels the myth that God is beyond our reach. He points out that it is not only possible to talk with God but to receive definite responses to our prayers. Defining the Lord as both the transcendent, universal Spirit and the intimately personal Father, Mother, Friend, and Lover of all, he helps us to realize how close that infinite and all-loving Being is to each one of us. He also explains how we can make our prayers so powerful and persuasive that they will bring a tangible response.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    This extraordinary treatise explores parallel passages from the Bible and the Hindu scriptures to reveal the essential unity of all religions. Swami Sri Yukteswar is renowned as the revered guru of the great pioneer of yoga in the West, Paramahansa Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi). In this remarkable work - composed in the year 1894 at the request of the great Indian sage, Mahavatar Babaji - Sri Yukteswar outlines the universal path that every human being must travel to enlightenment. He also explains the vast recurring cycles of history - the yugas that mark the upward ascent of human consciousness over millenniums - amid the ever-changing panorama of turbulent world events.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Wise and inspiring selections from Paramahansa Yogananda's writings on inner peace, with practical applications to help us stay calm, happy, and evenminded, in spite of world conditions. Practical and highly effective, this book empowers the reader to transform anxiety and stress into happiness and peace. Inner Peace offers a potent antidote to our fast-paced world.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Ihmettelemme ehkä useinkin: "Vaikuttavatko rukoukseni?Kuuleeko Jumala minua?" Tämä innoittava kirja kertoo, miten voimme syventää rukoustemme voimaa ja luoda niistä päivittäisen rakkauden, lujuuden ja ohjauksen lähteen. Teos tarjoaa viisautta ja oivalluksia, jotka on valittu Paramahansa Yoganandan kirjoituksista; se on kauniisti laadittu antaumuksellinen opas, joka inspiroi kaikkiin uskontoihin kuuluvia.Kokoelma lausumia, anekdootteja ja viisauden sanoja - Paramahansa Yoganandan vilpittömiä ja rakastavia vastauksia niille, jotka tulivat hakemaan häneltä opastusta. Nämä lyhyet katkelmat kutsuvat lukijaa osallistumaan henkilökohtaisiin keskusteluihin ja kokemuksiin Paramahansa Yoganandan seurassa. Hänen myötätuntoinen ymmärtämyksensä ihmiskuntaa kohtaan ja hänen syvä Jumalan rakkautensa loistavat jokaiselta sivulta

  • - Johdatus Rukouksen Voimaan: - In the Sanctuary of the Soul (Finnish)
    av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Ihmettelemme ehkä useinkin: "Vaikuttavatko rukoukseni? Kuuleeko Jumala minua?" Tämä innoittava kirja kertoo, miten voimme syventää rukoustemme voimaa ja luoda niistä päivittäisen rakkauden, lujuuden ja ohjauksen lähteen. Teos tarjoaa viisautta ja oivalluksia, jotka on valittu Paramahansa Yoganandan kirjoituksista; se on kauniisti laadittu antaumuksellinen opas, joka inspiroi kaikkiin uskontoihin kuuluvia.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Paramahansa Yogananda's life changing book invites us to use the power of spirit to create health, prosperity and happiness. Filled with sensible down-to-earth wisdom, The Law of Success explores the spiritual sources of creativity, positive thinking, and dynamic will, as well as the success-producing power of self-analysis and meditation. It shows how each one of us can naturally attract happiness and harmony.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    In this book Paramahansa Yogananda offers prayers and affirmations that beginners and experienced meditators alike can use to awaken the boundless joy, peace, and inner freedom of the soul. Metaphysical Meditations offer more than 300 uplifting meditations, prayers, affirmations, and visualizations and includes introductory instructions on how to meditate. An encouraging guide that teaches us through our own experience how to spiritually enrich our everyday life.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    This groundbreaking book reveals the hidden laws for harnessing the power of concentrated thought - not only for physical healing, but to overcome obstacles and create all-around success in our lives. Long before the use of affirmations was embraced in mainstream settings as diverse as hospitals, recovery programs, sports arenas, and corporate suites, Paramahansa Yogananda, celebrated author of Autobiography of a Yogi, understood and taught the deep spiritual principles that make this ancient scientific tool so powerfully effective. Includes comprehensive instructions and a wide variety of affirmations for healing the body, developing confidence, awakening wisdom, curing bad habits, and much more.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    This groundbreaking book reveals the hidden laws for harnessing the power of concentrated thought - not only for physical healing, but to overcome obstacles and create all-around success in our lives. Long before the use of affirmations was embraced in mainstream settings as diverse as hospitals, recovery programs, sports arenas, and corporate suites, Paramahansa Yogananda, celebrated author of Autobiography of a Yogi, understood and taught the deep spiritual principles that make this ancient scientific tool so powerfully effective. Includes comprehensive instructions and a wide variety of affirmations for healing the body, developing confidence, awakening wisdom, curing bad habits, and much more.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    In this book Paramahansa Yogananda offers prayers and affirmations that beginners and experienced meditators alike can use to awaken the boundless joy, peace, and inner freedom of the soul. Metaphysical Meditations offer more than 300 uplifting meditations, prayers, affirmations, and visualizations and includes introductory instructions on how to meditate. An encouraging guide that teaches us through our own experience how to spiritually enrich our everyday life.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    This groundbreaking book reveals the hidden laws for harnessing the power of concentrated thought - not only for physical healing, but to overcome obstacles and create all-around success in our lives. Long before the use of affirmations was embraced in mainstream settings as diverse as hospitals, recovery programs, sports arenas, and corporate suites, Paramahansa Yogananda, celebrated author of Autobiography of a Yogi, understood and taught the deep spiritual principles that make this ancient scientific tool so powerfully effective. Includes comprehensive instructions and a wide variety of affirmations for healing the body, developing confidence, awakening wisdom, curing bad habits, and much more. This groundbreaking book reveals the hidden laws for harnessing the power of concentrated thought - not only for physical healing, but to overcome obstacles and create all-around success in our lives. Long before the use of affirmations was embraced in mainstream settings as diverse as hospitals, recovery programs, sports arenas, and corporate suites, Paramahansa Yogananda, celebrated author of Autobiography of a Yogi, understood and taught the deep spiritual principles that make this ancient scientific tool so powerfully effective. Includes comprehensive instructions and a wide variety of affirmations for healing the body, developing confidence, awakening wisdom, curing bad habits, and much more.

  • - Comment Tre Calmement Actif Et Activement Calme
    av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Wise and inspiring selections from Paramahansa Yogananda's writings on inner peace, with practical applications to help us stay calm, happy, and evenminded, in spite of world conditions. Practical and highly effective, this book empowers the reader to transform anxiety and stress into happiness and peace. Inner Peace offers a potent antidote to our fast-paced world.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, offers wisdom and insight that we can use to bring a new richness to our inner life. This book is a remarkable blending of the East and the West, embracing universal spiritual laws that will inspire readers of all faiths to deepen their spiritual practice. In this beautifully-rendered book, Yogananda shows how to apply the power of prayer as a daily source of strength and guidance.

  • - - The Law of Success (Finnish)
    av Paramahansa Yogananda

    Tämä väkevä kirjanen innostaa meitä ylittämään esteitä, vapautumaan peloista ja tekemään menestyksestä osan omaa elämäämme. Aiheina muun muassa: luovuus, myönteinen ajattelu, dynaaminen tahto, itseanalyysi, meditaation voima jne.

  • av Paramahansa Yogananda

    "For all who have ever sought to understand the enigmas of life, for those who have held within their hearts an uncertain hope about the reality of God, and for seekers who have already turned toward the Supreme in their quest, this anthology of talks by the author of Autobiography of a Yogi offers illuminating insights and encouragement. In its pages, Paramahansa Yogananda explores little-known and rarely explained aspects of such subjects as meditation, life after death, health and healing, the unlimited powers of the human mind, the equality of man and woman, and the interrelatedness of all life.Topics include: * Making Religion Scientific * Will Jesus Reincarnate? * Three Paths to Cosmic Consciousness* The Dream Nature of the World"

  • av Sri Daya Mata

    This volume of informal talks and spiritual counsel by Sri Daya Mata, one of Paramahansa Yogananda's foremost disciples, is a treasured guide to living a life of "Only Love." Daya Mata shares details of the daily path of meditation and inner transformation by which Paramahansa Yogananda led her into the divine consciousness wherein the soul experiences the infinite love of God. With compassion and practical wisdom, she clearly outlines how each of us can find that incomparable fulfillment for ourselves.

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