av Albert M. Hillhouse
BY: Albert Hillhouse, Pub. 1982, reprinted 2024, 224 pages, Index, soft cover, ISBN #978-1-63914-204-0. Burke County was one of the first 8 counties created by the Constitution of 1777 after Georgia broke from British control and became an independent state. During the short period 1733-1752 when Georgia was a Trustee Colony, and later a part of this geographical area was known as "Halifax District". In 1793 a portion of Burke was cut off to help create Screven County and in 1796 another portion to form Jefferson County and in 1905 to create Jenkins County. The author has composed 250 short biographies of person from Burke County from 1771-1981. Surnames of persons within: Allen (2), Applewhite, Attaway, Baldwin, Barnes, Bell, Belt, Berol, Berrien (3), Blount (3), Borom, Bostick, Botsford, Braswell, Brinson (2), Bryan (2), Burton, Bussey, Buxton (2), Byne (3), Callaway, Carswell (5), Carr, Carter, Cates (3), Carter (2), Chalker, Chandler, Cherry, Childers, Coalson, Cooley, Corker (3), Cox (4), Craven, D'Antignac, Daniel (3), Davies, Davis (2), Dent, Dickinson, Dixon, Dolinsky, Drew, Emanuel, Evans, Felder, Ford, Franklin, Fryhofer, Fulcher (5), Fullbright, Galphin, Garlick, Garner, Gay, Givens, Gnann, Goulding, Gray, Green (4), Greenwood, Gresham (5), Harden, Hargrove, Harlow (2), Hatcher, Hayne, Heath, Herrington (4), Hillhouse (2), Hillis, Hines, Hodges, Holland, Holmes, Hubert, Hurst, Irwin, Iverson, Jackson (2), Johnson ( 2), Johnston, Jones (12), Kelsey, Kilpatrick (3), Lance, Law, Lawson (3), Lee, Lester, Lewis (5), Lisle, Lively, Lord, Lyons, Macaulay, Mackenzie, McCathern (3), McCloud, McElmurray (6), McMaster, Milledge, Miller (4), Mills, Milner, Milton, Morris, Murphree, Murphy, Neely (5), Odom (2), Oglethorpe, Oliver, Pagenhart, Palmer (6), Pemberton, Perkin (2), Perry, Pettigrew, Pintchuck, Polhill (2), Powell (2), Poiythress, Pugh, Rainwater, Reynolds, Riordan, Rowland, Sanderford, Sapp (3), Scales, Schley, Scott, Sherwood, Shewmake (2), Skinner (2), Stembridge, Story, Sturges (2), Tanham, Tarbutton, Tarver (3), Thomas (5), Thompson (2), Tucker, Twiggs, Wade, Wakelee, Walker (3), Wall, Walton, Warnock, Warren (2), Whitehead (6), and Williams.