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Böcker utgivna av Spinifex Press

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  • av Susan Hawthorne

  • av Cheryl Adam


    "Surrogacy is not liberty. It is a crime. Women will not settle for junk liberty. We want real freedom - the substance, not just the appearance. We want real nourishment for our spirits. We want human dignity. We want it for all of us. We want it for women in Thailand and Bangladesh and Mexico as well as for the women who have not yet been born." -- Gena Corea. In this eloquent and blistering rejection of surrogacy, a range of international activists and experts in the field outline the fundamental human rights abuses that occur when surrogacy is legalised and reject neoliberal notions that the commodification of women's bodies can ever be about the 'choices' women make. Yoshie Yanagihara shows how feminist ideas have been twisted to extend men's freedom and their rights to access surrogacy. Catherine Lynch rails against surrogacy as the creation of babies for the express purpose of removal from their mothers, outlining the tragic outcomes for adopted people. Phyllis Chesler argues that commercial surrogacy is matricidal, "slicing and dicing biological motherhood" into egg donor, 'gestational' mother and adoptive mother. Melissa Farley debunks the myth of 'choice' in surrogacy, arguing that in a male-dominated and racist system, the exploitative sale of women in surrogacy, like in prostitution, is inherently harmful --rich women do not make the choice to become surrogates or prostitutes. "Harm cannot be regulated, because this would mean spreading and universalising it. - Silvia Guerini"" -- from publisher's website.

  • av Khulud Khamis

  • - Beyond Before and After
    av Max Robinson

  • av Lizz Murphy

  • av Merlinda Bobis

  • av Cheryl Adam


    The history of Coogee's McIver's Ladies Baths - Australia's only ocean pool reserved for women - is eloquently told in these stories from women who have found friendship, sanctuary and sheer pleasure as they have gathered and swum at 'the Women's Pool'. Humorously told tales of encounters at the pool sit together with stories of sorrow and regret. Older women tell of the history of the pool and the famed 'Thursday Married Ladies Club'; younger women detail their delight at the natural beauty, the safety and the sense of freedom that the pool offers. No aquatic manspreading here. In this book, women from a diverse range of cultures reveal the role that the women's pool has played in their lives. From the '365ers' who brave the elements all year round to the younger women who seek summer sun on the rocks, a picture emerges of a place of natural beauty and a space for women to simply be themselves. The ancient seasonal cycles find their own rhythm at our pool, at our place of 'women's business'. In the vastness of the largest Continent on Earth, it is a tiny space of companionship if wanted, or solitude if needed.--Mary Goslett

  • - A Haiku Diary
    av Sandy Jeffs

  • - Feminist Challenge to Transgenderism
    av Janice Raymond

    In an age when falsehoods are commonly taken as truth, Janice Raymonds new book illuminates the doublethink of a transgender movement that is able to define men as women, women as men, he as she, dissent as heresy, science as sham, and critics as fascists. Meanwhile, trans mobs are treated as gender patriots whose main enemy is feminists and their dissent from gender orthodoxies. The medicalization of gender dissatisfaction depicted by Raymond in her early visionary book, The Transsexual Empire, has today expanded exponentially into the transgender industrial complex built on big medicine, big pharma, big banks, big foundations, big research centers, some attached to big universities. And the current rise of treating young children with puberty blockers and hormones is a widespread scandal that has been named a medical experiment on children. Whereas transsexualism was mainly a male phenomenon in the past with males undertaking cross-sex hormones and surgery, today it is notably young women who are self-declaring as men in large numbers. The good news is that these young women who formerly identified as trans men or gender non-binary, are now de-transitioning. In this book, they speak movingly about their severances from themselves and other women, their escape from compulsive femininity, their sexual assaults, the misogyny they experienced growing up, and their journeys in recovering their womanhood. Doublethink: A Feminist Challenge to Transgenderism makes us aware of the consequences of a runaway ideology and its costs among them what is at stake when males are allowed to compete in female sports and when parents are not aware of school curricula that confuse sex with gender and that can facilitate a childs hormone treatments without parental consent.

  • av Suniti Namjoshi

    A reworking of fairy tales from the East and West.

  • av Usha Akella

    A poem can glisten like a fresh wound. Usha Akella pays tribute to her own life and to that of other women. Writing from her Niyogi Brahmin sensibility with which she grew up, her poems are the medium for the unsilenced voice both of her own story and those of women across various cultures. She calls for a united womanhood in her poems dedicated to women violated through rape, caste, FGM, foot binding, mysticism, politics, terrorism and other patriarchal abuses to the women who have triumphed against subjugation building new ways of being. Rage has not caste, needs no algorithm,light a pyre with itof chopped thumbs and scripted dreams

  • av Angela Costi

    I can see how I carry Yiayia's war in the ample dunes of my belly, the moment she smelt the guns, she pinched the candle's wick,gathered the startled shadows of her children,flung my baby-mother onto her backand sprinted towards the neutral moon-Migration and the memories of women's traditions are woven throughout these poems. Angela Costi brings the world of Cyprus to Australia. Her mother encounters animosity on Melbourne's trams as Angela learns to thread words in ways that echo her grandmother's embroidery. Here are poems that sing their way across the seas and map histories.

  • - Feminism, Passion and Women's Liberation

  • - A Manifesto for Independent Publishing
    av Susan Hawthorne

  • - White Culture & Black Women's Law
    av Zohl De Ishtar

  • av Susan Hawthorne

    this tiny crack in our lives wind and rain strewn stranded on the limen that space between water and sky rain and sun cold and heat When two women and a dog set off on a holiday they have no inkling of what's to come. They wake to find the river has crept up silently during the night. Trapped by floodwater, they devise escape routes only to be faced with more obstacles at every turn. Only the dog remains calm. This novella grips you with its language, its pace, its anxieties.

  • av Beryl Fletcher

    The Silicon Tongue is centred on the life of London-born Alice who was brought to New Zealand as a servant in the 1930s. Tricked by the authorities into believing she was an orphan, Alice tells her story into the tape recorder of a mysterious oral historian and discloses family secrets of rape and adoption. She discovers a kinship with a teenage nethead called Pixel and learns that old women can fly in cyberspace along with the young. Meanwhile, AliceOs daughter Joy finds out that when it comes to family stories there is always more than one version of the truth.

  • av Rose Zwi

    Naryshkin Park is a place where lovers once walked. On 2 October 1941, it became the site of a mass grave. Rose Zwi deftly weaves together clues from survivors' accounts, old photographs, official documents and archival research to form a many-layered account of the proud history and tragic destruction of the Jews of Lithuania.

  • av Francesca Rendle-Short

    Molly Rose Moon dreamt of worms the night before she married Jimmy Brown in Tooting Bec. The young couple were on their way to Australia. When Molly agrees to go on a journey across hemispheres she's looking for an escape from home. Once there she meets Marj. Fat Marj. Imago is a story of love and obsession, of seduction and transformations. The threading together of skins, of bodies. It's a story of metamorphosis, taking and eating, larvae and pupae, the risks of stagnation. Possibilities of death.

  • av Beryl Fletcher

    How do you decide to live? Or do others make that decision for you? In this lyrical novel, Beryl Fletcher explores the paradoxes of modern life. As a new academic, Julia finds her beliefs challenged by her students, reinforced by her friend's mistreatment and dismissed by her family. Just as her mother sought freedom from her family's rural poverty, Julia and her sister Isobel, search for their own solace finding it in different and disparate places.

  • av Lizz Murphy

    This is a book for anyone who has ever shopped, or worked in shops. But whether you find yourself wincing or laughing could depend on which side of the shop counter you're on at the time. Find out what it's like to be a young shopgirl, vent your frustrations with today's supermarket society and the advertising and media industries, take a nostalgic trip back to the days of the corner shop. Using consumerism as a platform, Two Lips Went Shopping follows the thread down laneways where the baby trade and Female Genital Mutilation flourish passing protests of women against war and violence.

  • av Gillian Hanscombe

    First there was the detective novel with its stubble-chinned PI. Then came the feminist super-sleuths. Feisty, fierce and real. Now there's Figments of a Murder. And Babes. Babes is about lust. Babes is about power. But what else is she up to? In her world women are torn asunder by love and lust, by murder and menace. Babes says she calls the shots. But does she?

  • av Diane Fahey & Jordie Albiston

  • av Carol Lefevre

    For the first time since he'd left the island he thought of the starlings massed at dusk in the winter trees behind the children's home. He remembered the rustle of their wings when they twisted in skeins over the fields, or swelled and contracted high above the cliffs, dark wave after dark wave, lifting and falling in a kind of dance. Sister Lucy had said it was a murmuration. He was still quite young, and he had thought the birds were showing him a sign, that there was something written in their fluid patterns. Lives merge and diverge; they soar and plunge, or come to rest in impenetrable silence. Erris Cleary's absence haunts the pages of this exquisite novella, a woman who complicates other lives yet confers unexpected blessings. Fly far, be free, urges Erris. Who can know why she smashes mirrors? Who can say why she does not heed her own advice? Among the sudden shifts and swings, the swerving flight paths taken, something hidden must be uncovered, something dark and rotten, even evil, which has masqueraded as normality. In the end it will be a writer's task to reclaim Erris, to bear witness, to sound in fiction the one true note that will crack the silence.

  • av Heather Brunskell-Evans

  • - The Crisis of Patriarchy
    av Susan Hawthorne

  • - The Glide of Her Tongue
    av Gillian Hanscombe

    Lesbians are often told that we have no culture, that we have no history, and yet lesbians are always rediscovering hidden histories, literary traditions, codes and behaviours that have been obscured, obliterated or proclaimed irrelevant. Sybil: The Glide of Her Tongue challenges that version of history. Gillian Hanscombe has written an exhilarating and richly textured collection of poems.

  • - A Memoir of Grief
    av Janet Fraser

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