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Böcker utgivna av Springer New York

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  • - Band 3
    av Wolfgang Frede

    1 Lebensmittelüberwachung.- 1.1. Reasons for initiating the work.- 1.1 Geschichtliches.- 1.2 Grundlagen des heutigen Lebensmittelrechts.- 1.3 Grundsätze der Überwachung.- 1.4 Zuständigkeiten und Organisation der Lebensmittelüberwachung in den einzelnen Bundesländern.- 1.5 Durchführung der Überwachung.- 1.5.1 Sorgfaltspflicht der Hersteller.- 1.5.2 Amtliche Überwachung.- 1.5.3 Überwachungsbeamte.- 1.5.4 Zusammenarbeit der an der Überwachung beteiligten Personen.- 1.6 Betriebskontrolle.- 1.7 Entnahme von Proben.- 1.7.1 Zahl und Auswahl der Proben.- 1.7.2 Planprobe.- 1.7.3 Verdachtsprobe.- 1.7.4 Beschwerdeprobe.- 1.7.5 Vergleichsprobe.- 1.7.6 Gegenprobe.- 1.7.7 Proben für Monitoring-Programme.- 1.8 Untersuchung und Gutachten.- 1.8.1 Organisation und Ausstattung der Laboratorien.- 1.8.2 Untersuchungen.- 1.8.3 Untersuchungen unter Berücksichtigung der europäischen Normen EN 45001 bis 45003 und der guten Laborpraxis.- 1.8.4 Gutachten.- 1.9 Maßnahmen der Überwachung.- 1.9.1 Freiwillige Maßnahmen der Betroffenen.- 1.9.2 Anordnungen.- 1.9.3 Beschlagnahme, Sicherstellung.- 1.9.4 Warnung und Information der Öffentlichkeit.- 1.10 Literatur.- 2 Industrielle Qualitätssicherung.- 2.1 Was ist Qualität?.- 2.2 Die Erwartung des Kunden.- 2.3 Qualitätssicherung.- 2.3.1 Historie der Qualitätssicherung.- 2.3.2 Präventives Qualitätsmanagement.- 2.3.3 Aufbau einer Qualitätssicherungsabteilung.- 2.4 Die Instrumente der Qualitätssicherung.- 2.4.1 Qualitätspolitik.- 2.4.2 Briefing und Umsetzung.- 2.4.3 Lebensmittelrechtliche Aspekte.- 2.4.4 Rohwaren-und Packmittelspezifikation.- 2.4.5 Lieferantenaudit.- 2.4.6 Kontrollierte Erzeugung.- 2.4.7 Rohwareneingang.- 2.4.8 Bau-und Anlagendesign.- 2.4.9 Rezeptur-und Herstellanweisung.- 2.4.10 HACCP.- 2.4.11 Quality Monitoring.- 2.4.12 Good Laboratory Practice.- 2.4.13 Good Manufacturing Practice.- 2.4.14 Fertigwarenspezifikation.- 2.4.15 Lager-und Versandanweisungen.- 2.4.16 Loskennzeichnung.- 2.4.17 Warenrückrufsystem und Krisenmanagement.- 2.4.18 Dokumentationssystem und Archivierung.- 2.4.19 Übergeordnete QS-Maßnahmen.- 2.4.20 Qualitätskosten.- 2.4.21 Industrial Organisation und Controlling.- 2.5 Personalqualifikation.- 2.6 Zertifizierung von QS-Systemen.- 2.7 Amtliche Lebensmittelüberwachung.- 2.8 Total Quality Management.- 2.9 Literatur.- 3 Lebensmittelrecht und EG.- 3.1 Einführung.- 3.1.1 Die Europäische Gemeinschaft und ihre Rechtsordnung.- 3.1.2 Die Organe der Europäischen Gemeinschaft.- 3.2 EWG-Vertrag und Einheitliche Europäische Akte - Bestimmungen, die für das Lebensmittelrecht von Bedeutung sind.- 3.3 Rechtssetzung in der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft.- 3.3.1 Rechtssetzungsmaßnahmen.- 3.3.2 Rechtssetzungsverfahren.- 3.4 EG-Lebensmittelrecht und für den Verbraucherschutz bedeutsame Regelungen im EG-Agrarrecht.- 3.4.1 EWG-Verordnungen.- 3.4.2 EWG-Richtlinien.- Horizontale EWG-Richtlinien.- Vertikale EWG-Richtlinien.- 3.4.3 Entscheidungen des Europäischen Gerichtshofes.- 3.4.4 Neuer Ansatz der Kommission im gemeinschaftlichen Lebensmittelrecht.- 3.5 Ausschüsse der Kommission und ihre Aufgaben.- 3.5.1 Wissenschaftlicher Lebensmittelausschuß.- 3.5.2 Beratender Lebensmittelausschuß.- 3.5.3 Weitere Ausschüsse bei der Kommission mit Bedeutung für den Lebensmittelbereich.- 3.6 Prinzipien der Lebensmittelüberwachung in der EG.- 3.7 Literatur.- 4 Lebensmittelbedarfsgegenstände.- 4.1 Warengruppen.- 4.2 Beurteilungsgrundlagen.- 4.2.1 Deutsche Rechtsvorschriften.- 4.2.2 Richtlinien der EG.- 4.2.3 Standardisierung von Prüfverfahren.- 4.2.4 Empfehlungen des Bundesgesundheitsamtes.- 4.3 Warenkunde.- 4.3.1 Metalle.- Aluminium.- Nichtrostende Stähle.- Zinn.- Sonstige Werkstoffe aus Metall.- 4.3.2 Silikatische Materialien.- Glas.- Keramik.- Email.- Übergang von Inhaltsstoffen.- 4.3.3 Papier, Karton und Pappe.- Definitionen.- Papierherstellung.- 4.3.4 Kautschuk und Elas

  • av Ullrich Pietsch, Vaclav Holy & Tilo Baumbach

  • - Total Information Awareness
    av Newton Lee
    1 021

    Facebook's psychological experiments and Edward Snowden's NSA leaks epitomize a world of increasing information awareness in the social media ecosystem. With over a billion monthly active users, Facebook as a nation is overtaking China as the largest country in the world. President Barack Obama, in his 2011 State of the Union Address, called America "e;the nation of Edison and the Wright brothers"e; and "e;of Google and Facebook."e; U.S. Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel opines that America has become a "e;Facebook nation"e; that demands increased transparency and interactivity from the federal government.Ubiquitous social networks such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and YouTube are creating the technologies, infrastructures, and big data necessary for Total Information Awareness - a controversial surveillance program proposed by DARPA after the 9/11 attacks. NSA's secret PRISM program has reinvigorated WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's accusation that "e;Facebook is the most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented."e;Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg once said, "e;We exist at the intersection of technology and social issues."e; This book offers discourse and practical advice on the privacy issue in the age of big data, business intelligence in social media, e-government and e-activism, as well as personal total information awareness. This expanded edition also includes insights from Wikipedian Emily Temple-Wood and Facebook ROI experts Dennis Yu and Alex Houg.

  • av Gregory C. Reinsel, Raja P. Velu & Kun Chen
    1 137

  • av Paul F. Richardson
    2 007 - 2 747

  • Spara 13%
    av Dieter Jäger
    23 491

    The annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS) began in 1990 as a small workshop called Analysis and Modeling of Neural Systems. The goal of the workshop was to explore the boundary between neuroscience and computation. Riding on the success of several seminal papers, physicists had made "e;Neural Networks"e; fashionable, and soon the quantitative methods used in these abstract model networks started permeating the methods and ideas of experimental neuroscientists. Although experimental neurophysiological approaches provided many advances, it became increasingly evident that mathematical and computational techniques would be required to achieve a comprehensive and quantitative understanding of neural system function. "e;Computational Neuroscience"e; emerged to complement experimental neurophysiology. The Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, published in conjunction with the Organization for Computational Neuroscience, will be an extensive reference work consultable by both researchers and graduate level students. It will be a dynamic, living reference, updatable and containing linkouts and multimedia content whenever relevant.

  • av M. Frederick Hawthorne
    2 187

    Tracing the life of a giant in inorganic chemistry and key trends in his science, Boranes and Beyond follows Hawthorne from his mid-American origins to the halls of Harvard and UCLA and back again. It naturally details the accomplishments in his lab. This book is a fascinating mixture of science and autobiography. Prof. Hawthorne won the Priestley Medal, the highest award of the American Chemical Society, for his pioneering work in elucidating the chemistry of boron. He has chronicled in this book the developments in his lab which ultimately led to this achievement.Not content to rest on his laurels, after retiring from UCLA Prof. Hawthorne explored the use of boron in biomedicine and directed the International Institute of Nano & Molecular Medicine at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

  • av Robert C. Rogers & Michael Renardy

    Partial differential equations are fundamental to the modeling of natural phenomena, arising in every field of science. Consequently, the desire to understand the solutions of these equations has always had a prominent place in the efforts of mathematicians; it has inspired such diverse fields as complex function theory, functional analysis and algebraic topology. Like algebra, topology, and rational mechanics, partial differential equations are a core area of mathematics. This book aims to provide the background necessary to initiate work on a Ph.D. thesis in PDEs for beginning graduate students. Prerequisites include a truly advanced calculus course and basic complex variables. Lebesgue integration is needed only in Chapter 10, and the necessary tools from functional analysis are developed within the course. The book can be used to teach a variety of different courses. This new edition features new problems throughout and the problems have been rearranged in each section from simplest to most difficult. New examples have also been added. The material on Sobolev spaces has been rearranged and expanded. A new section on nonlinear variational problems with "Young-measure" solutions appears. The reference section has also been expanded.

  • av John Stillwell

    Many people think there is only one ¿right¿ way to teach geometry. For two millennia, the ¿right¿ way was Euclid¿s way, and it is still good in many respects. But in the 1950s the cry ¿Down with triangles!¿ was heard in France and new geometry books appeared, packed with linear algebra but with no diagrams. Was this the new ¿right¿ way, or was the ¿right¿ way something else again, perhaps transformation groups? In this book, I wish to show that geometry can be developed in four fundamentally different ways, and that all should be used if the subject is to be shown in all its splendor. Euclid-style construction and axiomatics seem the best way to start, but linear algebra smooths the later stages by replacing some tortuous arguments by simple calculations. And how can one avoid projective geometry? It not only explains why objects look the way they do; it also explains why geometry is entangled with algebra. Finally, one needs to know that there is not one geometry, but many, and transformation groups are the best way to distinguish between them. Two chapters are devoted to each approach: The ?rst is concrete and introductory, whereas the second is more abstract. Thus, the ?rst chapter on Euclid is about straightedge and compass constructions; the second is about axioms and theorems. The ?rst chapter on linear algebra is about coordinates; the second is about vector spaces and the inner product.

  • av Thomas J. Steinbach
    2 251

    This extensive volume began as a short course primarily geared toward toxicologists who want to expand their understanding of toxicologic pathology in order to be better study directors while also proving to be of great interest to other drug development scientists and regulatory reviewers. The overall goal is to help non-pathologists understand, contextualize, and communicate the pathology data and interpretations from the study pathologist in a practical and usable format. Within the book, readers will find an overview of general pathology concepts that include fundamental vocabulary and the basics of pathophysiological processes, along with numerous chapters devoted to pathology in specific organ systems as well as topics such as biomarkers, correlation of clinical pathology endpoints (chemistry and hematology) with microscopic changes, and well-known pathology findings for classes of toxic substances. Authoritative, practical, and comprehensive, Toxicologic Pathology for Non-Pathologists aims to help non-pathologists understand, converse in, and apply a basic understanding of pathology in their day-to-day careers.

  • av Carl M. Bender & Steven A. Orszag

  • av Jiming Jiang
    1 551

    Over the past decade there has been an explosion of developments in mixed e?ects models and their applications. This book concentrates on two major classes of mixed e?ects models, linear mixed models and generalized linear mixed models, with the intention of o?ering an up-to-date account of theory and methods in the analysis of these models as well as their applications in various ?elds. The ?rst two chapters are devoted to linear mixed models. We classify l- ear mixed models as Gaussian (linear) mixed models and non-Gaussian linear mixed models. There have been extensive studies in estimation in Gaussian mixed models as well as tests and con?dence intervals. On the other hand, the literature on non-Gaussian linear mixed models is much less extensive, partially because of the di?culties in inference about these models. However, non-Gaussian linear mixed models are important because, in practice, one is never certain that normality holds. This book o?ers a systematic approach to inference about non-Gaussian linear mixed models. In particular, it has included recently developed methods, such as partially observed information, iterative weighted least squares, and jackknife in the context of mixed models. Other new methods introduced in this book include goodness-of-?t tests, p- diction intervals, and mixed model selection. These are, of course, in addition to traditional topics such as maximum likelihood and restricted maximum likelihood in Gaussian mixed models.

  • av Espen Hartveit
    1 387

  • av Juan I. Castrillo
    1 947

  • av Kursad Turksen
    1 511

  • av Srilakshmi Srinivasan & Jyotsna Batra
    1 451

  • av Mahima Bajpayee & Alok Dhawan
    1 511

  • av Daniel Raftery & G. A. Nagana Gowda
    1 947

    This book provides broad coverage of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy-based methods and applications for the analysis of metabolites in a wide range of biological samples, from biofluids, cells, animal models, human, to plants and foods. The applications range from mechanistic understanding, biomarker discovery, environmental studies, and drug discovery to nutrition, while NMR methods include global, targeted, and isotope tracer-based techniques. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, NMR-Based Metabolomics: Methods and Protocols serves as a wealth of information for beginners as well as advanced practitioners and also as stepping stones for further advancesin the field of metabolomics.

  • av Walter Filgueira de Azevedo Jr.
    1 511

  • av Clement Lin & Danzhou Yang
    1 637

  • av Joaqui¿n Ferna¿ndez-Irigoyen & Enrique Santamari¿a
    1 387

    This volume focuses on protein analysis, including a wide range of the use of mass spectrometry and other protein methods within neurobiological disciplines. Chapters cover topics such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) processing and biobanking; label-free quantitative proteomics; SWATH; top-down proteomics; and experimental strategies based on other ¿omics applied to CSF metabolome, lipidome, and microRNAome. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting-edge and thorough, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Proteomics: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows interested in learning more about CSF proteotyping. It is also useful to established researchers seeking furtherinsight into this growing field.

  • av Amanda Claire Brown
    1 511

  • av Ka Wan Li
    1 387

  • av Kelly M. Fulton & Susan M. Twine
    1 637

    This second edition volume expands on the previous edition with new sections describing the characterization of peptides bound to major histocompatibility complexes (MHC) on the surface of the cell. Chapters also cover topics such as using SERPA for antigen identification; antigen content of electroimmunoprecipitates; whole genome-phage display libraries; antigens in immune complexes; and immunoproteomic biomarkers. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and thorough, Immunoprotemics: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is a valuable resource that presents novice and expert researchers with techniques that are easily transferrable to laboratories and provides enhancedhands-on insights into this evolving field.

  • av Swapan K. Ray
    1 637

    This volume explores the latest synthetic procedures for producing receptor-specific retinoids and rexinoids, molecular biology methods, and new technologies to demonstrate the therapeutic activities of molecules. The chapters in this book cover topics such as lentiviral delivery of shRNA constructs into acute promyelocytic leukemia cells for ATRA induced differentiation and autophagy; methods to analyze RAR signaling in colorectal cancer cells; differentiation of primary myoblasts by using RXR agonist; methodology for analyzing effects of retinoid treatment on nervous system development and larval swimming behavior; and protocols for assessment of autophagic flux in ATRA treated 2D and 3D breast cancer cultures. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshootingand avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Retinoid and Rexinoid Signaling: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resources for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and principal investigators who are interested in further exploring the signaling mechanisms of these molecules in their specific preclinical models.

  • av Olof Gissberg, Karin E. Lundin & Rula Zain
    1 511

  • av Marcela Hernández García & Marc G. Dumont
    1 637

  • av Yaron Shav-Tal
    1 387

  • av Carlo Camilloni & Massimiliano Bonomi
    2 251

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