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  • av Tony Victor

    Ark for a Perilous Time is a tale of a school rooted in ancient mystery traditions and The Fourth Way of G. I. Ark for a Perilous Time is a tale of a school rooted in ancient mystery traditions and The Fourth Way of G. I. Gurdjieff (G).

  • av Annie Vazquez

    A simple and easy book for mindfulness on the go, inspiration and manifesting wishes, My Little Prayer Book: 75 Prayers, Poems & Mantras for Illumination is a must-read for anyone wanting to strengthen their faith. Written by Deepak Chopra meditation graduate, Annie Vazquez who has been featured in Vogue Brasil, NBC and Good Morning America, this book shows you how prayer can create miracles for you. The prayers are easy to read and feature beautiful empowering illustrations by artist Sol Cotti whose work has been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times and Time. This is a nondenominational book that can bring you comfort and peace, and help you trust that everything is always working out in your favor.

  • av Martin Erdmann
    286 - 330,-

  • av Alan Lycka

    Are you ready to live a fantastic life? Discover the 13 golden pearls to help you overcome the biggest challenges in your life... In a world overflowing with hurdles and hardships, this game-changing self-help guide will help you master your challenges and create your ideal path to happiness and success."I love what these guys are doing, the book is great and the work they're doing is important." ― Jack Canfield, coauthor of The Success Principles(TM) and the Chicken Soup for the Soul(R) Series. Discover Unshakeable Happiness Embark on a journey of personal growth as you learn to identify and leverage positive emotions, and unlock real happiness that stands the test of time. Build Unbeatable Resilience Arm yourself with the proven strategies and insights that will help you overcome life's challenges with grace and strength. This book empowers you to build resilience and rise higher with every setback. Foster a Growth Mindset Say goodbye to stagnation, and embrace a life of constant growth. Learn the secrets of maintaining a growth mindset that encourages continuous improvement and nurtures your potential, steering you towards unimagined success. Achieve Work-Life Balance Navigate your professional and personal life with a newfound balance. Discover the golden pearls that help create a harmonious work-life balance, paving the path for both true happiness and prosperity. Why Choose "The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life?" Expert Guidance - With advice grounded in both psychological research and real-life experiences, you are in the capable hands of seasoned life-coaches. Practical Tools and Techniques - This is not just a book, but a treasure trove of practical resources to facilitate your personal development journey. Universal Relevance - Whether you are a corporate mogul or a budding entrepreneur, a student or a homemaker, this book offers valuable insights for everyone, regardless of age or background. Stellar Reviews - Join the ever-growing community of readers who vouch for the transformative power of "The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life." Embark on the transformative journey towards a happier, more successful you. Your first step towards mastering life's challenges begins with investing in this book. Dr. Allen Lycka is a speaker, trainer, author and respected cosmetic dermatologist. His life collapsed when he suddenly developed a right foot drop.. Soon after, his right arm became dysfunctional, and he was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) and given six months to live. Dr. Lycka persisted and is here today as a result of his courage and determination. He is now a mentor, transformational speaker and thought leader.Harriet Tinka is a former New York fashion model, a Woman of Distinction, and a youth instructor who endured being kidnapped, stabbed, and left for dead. She is now a "Powerhouse Empowerment" expert who inspires audiences across North America.Together, Dr Lycka and Harriet wrote The Secrets to Living a Fantastic Life to share the key lessons they've learned, to help you find the golden pearls in your biggest challenges and make your life fantastic too.Dr. Lycka and Harriet Tinka have appeared on numerous TV and radio shows in the U.S. and Canada. Dr. Lycka is a multi-time bLU talk speaker who has inspired audiences around the globe, and Harriet is a Toastmaster Divisional Champion."There are plenty of lessons to pick up from this book. It opens your mind to possibilities. The authors' life stories will make you realize you are not alone in your hurdles." - P. Jimenez

  • av Wendy Norfleet

    Becoming a manager overnight can leave any professional feeling overwhelmed. But help is here! I'm a Leader: Now What? equips you with insights and tools to amplify your talents and transform into the leader you aspire to be. Packed with practical exercises, thought-provoking questions, and inspiring advice, this book provides a clear path for navigating your transition into leadership. Say goodbye to sleepless nights full of worry and self-doubt. I'm a Leader: Now What? will show you how to lead authentically, engage your team, and achieve your organization's goals - one empowered step at a time.

  • av Tony Victor

    Zohar and The Enochian Code of Nalvage examines the informationreceived by John Dee and Edward Kelley during their time scrying andcommunicating with angels. During that time, a mysterious tablet wasshown to them by the angels. They were told it contained the means bywhich to unlock all the secrets of creation, from the beginning of timeuntil the end. This book reveals a never before seen gematria cipher,allowing for the tablet and other parts of Dee's system to be furtherunlocked, including The Heptarchia.The Tablet of Nalvage by its very existence, suggests that it is linked tothe time of tribulation and eventual correction as mentioned in TheZohar. In exploring this connection, we will also unveil a new EnochianTree of Life and see how its gematria unveils the secrets of The Tabletof Nalvage, as well as Dee's Book of Enoch, called The Loageth.

  • av Jean Robert Revolus

    En "Develando el Arca: La búsqueda de la verdad en la historia de Noé", nos embarcamos en un viaje intelectual que aborda el perdurable misterio del Arca de Noé, una historia que ha cautivado la imaginación humana en todas las culturas y religiones. La pregunta central que impulsa nuestra investigación es engañosamente simple: ¿Es esta narrativa milenaria un relato histórico o una parábola teológica? Nuestro enfoque multidisciplinario no deja piedra sin remover, basándose en textos históricos, registros geológicos y hallazgos arqueológicos para ofrecer una exploración exhaustiva.Otra capa de complejidad emerge cuando consideramos los mitos sobre las inundaciones que se extienden más allá de la tradición judeocristiana, desde la Epopeya de Gilgamesh de Mesopotamia hasta la historia hindú de Manu. Estos relatos tan difundidos provocan una pregunta convincente: ¿insinúan una catástrofe histórica compartida o sirven como fábulas morales comunes a la experiencia humana? Mientras tanto, la evidencia geológica presenta un panorama más matizado. Si bien las inundaciones localizadas están bien documentadas, la evidencia de un diluvio global sigue sin ser concluyente.La búsqueda de pruebas tangibles del Arca ha intrigado a exploradores, arqueólogos y fieles durante siglos. Las afirmaciones sobre su descubrimiento, a menudo en la actual Turquía e Irán, alimentan interminables debates y hablan de nuestra perenne fascinación por la historia. Aunque muchas afirmaciones han sido desacreditadas, algunas continúan despertando interés, dando crédito a la idea de que el Arca (o la idea de ella) todavía se apodera de la psique humana.Este libro pretende hacer una disección equilibrada de uno de los cuentos más fascinantes y duraderos de la humanidad. Con una investigación meticulosa y rigor académico, "Unveiling the Ark" ofrece a los lectores la oportunidad de involucrarse profundamente con las innumerables capas de una historia que continúa provocando preguntas sobre la historia, la moralidad y los límites de las creencias humanas.Ya sea que usted se acerque a este trabajo como un escéptico que busca pruebas empíricas o como un creyente en busca de validación espiritual, "Unveiling the Ark" ofrece una mirada completa y matizada a una narrativa que se niega a ser categorizada fácilmente. Lo invita a una exploración cautivadora de una historia que, durante siglos, ha intrigado, desconcertado e inspirado.

  • av Emma Hamm

    He's searched the entire realm for the ultimate treasure... her.Varya lives in the shadows. As a tomb raider, it's easier that way. Known for obtaining the unobtainable, she risks life and limb to provide for her small desert town: a magical chalice with never ending water, an amulet that heals, a map that shows where all the other magical objects are.However, the last stolen treasure came with a problem.The Demon King Greed. When she finds herself saddled with an injured demon, tracked by a horde of warriors, and effectively lost in the desert, well, what's a girl to do? Dump him at his castle with a broken tail, three shattered ribs, and an obsession that she fears might make him hunt her for the rest of her life.Greed has always satisfied himself with owning the best anyone can find. Rare horses, gemstones, magical objects that are one of a kind, he always has the best.Until her. The thief who continues to elude him. Varya doesn't realize he's the cat, and she's the mouse. He'll track her. Play her game. Let her think she's winning, and then he will own her mind, body and soul.Unfortunately, his little thief has other plans.

  • av Rachel Benham

    Discover a heartwarming bedtime tale that resonates with both children and parents alike. In this tender narrative, we journey through the profound truth of how God meticulously crafted each one of us in our mothers' wombs, all for His glorious purpose. From the tiniest toes to the hairs on our heads, this enchanting story reminds us of God's intimate knowledge of every aspect of our being.This captivating and concise story not only provides comfort to children in moments of fear, encouraging them to turn to prayer, but also serves as a gentle nudge for parents to impart the importance of seeking God's wisdom and guidance in their children's lives. The beauty of the gospel is artfully woven into the narrative, sparking meaningful conversations between parents and young readers.Enhancing this enchanting tale is a stunning display of handcrafted artwork, sure to captivate young minds and stir their imagination.Based on the timeless wisdom of Psalm 139:14 (ESV), which declares, "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well," This book celebrates the awe-inspiring wonder of God's beautiful plan.Prepare to embark on a touching journey that both children and parents will cherish-a story that celebrates the extraordinary truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator Himself.

  • av Bertha Terry

  • av Kay L Moody

    "Don't miss this enchanting and epic finale to The Fae of Bitter Thorn series where Faerie could be saved...or destroyed forever."--

  • av Jacqueline Grandey

    In the highly anticipated sequel to Broken Record, the gripping saga of Alexandra Rae and the renowned rock band WHIP continues, delving deeper into the realms of drama, desire, and life-altering choices. As the lead vocalist and Alexandra's best friend, Tyler Black, grapples with emotional recovery following a harrowing overdose incident on stage., He sets out on a path of reinvention as a rock star, pushing Alexandra's patience and testing the limits of WHIP's tolerance. In an effort to honor a promise made to Tyler, Alexandra unwittingly unleashes a series of consequences as she turns to her toxic ex-lover, Gage Heston, leading to an unraveling of her life and exposing her vulnerability. Caught in the midst of escalating tensions between Tyler and the band's commitments, Alexandra's relationship with Trent Van Zant, her boyfriend and keyboard player, is pushed to its breaking point. As her heart shatters and she endures the trials of a world consumed by sex, drugs, and rock and roll, Alexandra questions if her promise to Tyler was worth the pain. Behind the Cigarette is a gripping exploration of love, sacrifice, and the high price of fame.

  • av Courtney Holmes

    Contusions of the Heart is written to express how quickly emotions change with the damaging ways of the world. The contusions of heartbreak, loss, and rejection inflicted on a person, provoke uncertainty and turmoil. Happiness comes and goes, and my poetry brings to life the imperfections of a human being. Why do we love so hard? Why do we hate even harder? With a patient heart, your eyes will set light to visualize the words of pain along with the cuts and bruises and what life can feel like after they are healed. Our darkest moments should never be hidden. As I grow older, I may never understand the cause of empty feelings, even when I am at my best. Learning to understand that I can fill myself with love and hope, and surround myself with it as well, lets me know I oversee my growth. The sun does not ask the moon to shine when the night is over because he knows his purpose. You ought to reveal what hurts the most and accept it. Feel your way through adversity, passion, regret, and failure so you can start the journey of self-love. Free the mind by healing the contusions of your heart. I give you pain, love, and strength in words.

  • av C K Miller

    In this enthralling final installment of the epic Roanfire Saga, love will be tested, loyalties will be strained, and darkness will be confronted as Kea fights to protect all she holds dear."I give you one last chance to become the honored host of my reborn self," Rion continued. "Rise with me, through me, become me.">Her ill-fated attempt to shatter the cursed ruby and protect the queen's unborn child has left her best friend and brother-in-arms in a strange death-like slumber. The telltale white streak in his hair stands as a grim reminder of how close she came to taking his life. Now, she mourns with the rest of the kingdom as word of the king's demise and the abduction of the expecting queen spread across the realm. When news of the Tolean ambassador's impending visit reaches the unprepared court, the kingdom flies into panic over an heirless throne, and they turn to Kea for answers. But Kea knows there is more at stake. The unborn child is everything. Not only for Roanfire's future, but the chosen key to the ruby's nefarious plan to be reborn an immortal goddess of fire. Stopping this rebirth will require a sacrifice larger than Kea can bear; her friends. How can she save her home without becoming worse than the evil she seeks to destroy? Immerse yourself in this spellbinding blend of political intrigue, romance, and ancient magic as the epic tale reaches its breathtaking climax. Brace yourself for an unforgettable adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the final page is turned. Other books in the Roanfire Saga1.) The Phoenix Host2.) The Leviathan Prince3.) The Glacial Rogue

  • av C K Miller

    "Are you ever going to tell me what you dream about?" Ikane asked me. "I'm worried about you, Kea. Dreams don't cause nosebleeds." Keatep Brendagger's guardian was once the greatest warrior in all of Roanfire, but dark memories have left him a pale shadow of the man he once was. Trying to uphold her mentor's honor, Kea struggles to make a life for herself as a soldier in the king's army. Then the nightmares began. Every night the same dream: a city in flames, bloodthirsty pirates rampaging through its streets, and above it all, the specter of a glowing ruby heirloom taunting her with the promise of power to save everyone, but only at a price. As new threats to the kingdom arise, Kea's dream takes on a dangerous edge, rendering her physical training useless. Waking bloody-nosed and trembling, Kea soon learns that a bad dream is more than she thought. The ruby is real, alive, and hiding a deadly secret. It hungers for more than just her soul; it craves Roanfire. In this captivating young adult fantasy novel, Kea must embrace her destiny, overcome her doubt, and uncover the truth about her strange dream before it's too late. With danger at every turn and an ancient evil threatening to destroy everything she loves, will Kea be able to save Roanfire, or will its power turn her into the very thing she's fighting to stop? A new thrilling adventure is waiting for you inside Book 1 of the Roanfire Saga. "The writing is exquisite. The author really drew me into the story by employing all the senses. The action sequences are well-choreographed, exciting, and they just keep coming." - Author Eme Savage "It comes to life, and before you know it, you're addicted and need to read the next chapter." - Amazon ReviewerOther books in the Roanfire Series includeBook Two - The Leviathan PrinceBook three- The Glacial RogueBook four - The Tolean Warrior (Coming May 2023)

  • av Mila Ilkova

    With only a thousand dollars and an existential crisis Mirra Vladi manages to buy property in Big Sur, write and sell a movie script, found a growing international company, and cause a state revolution. But the latter is totally by accident.

  • av Gary Robinson
    326 - 460,-

    This historical novel tells the story of a twelve-year-old Chumash boy and his family who become captives in a California Spanish mission sometime more than 200 years ago. This is historical fiction based entirely on historical fact that reveals the devastating impact the missions had on California Native peoples. Written for fourth, fifth and sixth graders, the story ends on a hopeful note as a small group of Native children are able to escape their captors and begin a journey to join other Native escapees in a remote mountain village. As mandated by the California Department of Education, every 4th grader is taught the ';Mission Unit,' which perpetuates the ';idyllic mission myth' that glorifies the priests, denigrates California Indians and fails to mention that Indians were actually treated as slaves held captive by a Spanish colonial institution. The manuscript has been reviewed and approved by the Director of the Santa Ynez Chumash Culture Department and a member of the California American Indian Education Oversight Committee. It has the endorsement of a fourth grade teacher in California who has shared the story with her class and a local librarian who is excited about sharing the story with elementary age children through the library. It has also been endorsed by the local library branch manager and a former professor of Anthropology within the University of California system.

  • av Robert Makula

    What do you believe in?>Do you believe in the power of wealth? Maybe you believe in love? Or maybe you currently find yourself not believing in anything at all? Whatever you believe in, belief itself is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Having belief is one of the biggest driving factors towards success in people's lives. It offers you a vision, inspiration, and the motivation you need to reach your goals. What Do You Believe In? will provide you with all of the information and insight on different beliefs that you can look to to help instil more motivation, drive, and self-belief into your everyday life. Until you tap into your own belief systems fully, regardless of how they line up with other people's beliefs, you will always be holding yourself back from your true potential. Inside What Do You Believe In?, discover: Why you are so importantDifferent belief systems and how they workWhat you should believe inHow to analyze where beliefs come fromExamples of tradition-based beliefsDifferent religions and explore them in more detailThe power of loveThe importance of status in our livesWhy working is so importantThe benefits of having moneyHow to find the good in your habitual lifestyleThe importance of balancing diet and fitnessThe power of a good night's sleepHow to learn from the pastThe importance of self-confidence >Having a strong belief system is just the beginning of a brand new chapter in your life, one that is filled with success, strong daily habits, and self-confidence in your own abilities and capabilities. Isn't it high time that you stopped living a life of mediocrity, treading water and never quite achieving your full potential? Don't you think it's about time you took your life to all new heights, driven by the motivation and desire that comes from having a strong belief system? If you feel like now is the time you want to bring more success into your life, then grab a copy of What Do You Believe In? today, and begin changing your life for the better.

  • av Erin Biller

    Ammi is a young woman striving for a life of independence in Los Angeles, far away from the troubled childhood she left behind. Loneliness fades as she develops a friendship with the unforgettably kind Joel Hayes, an architect whom she meets over lunch at a park. When Nathem, a striking club owner, enters her life, Ammi is swept into an entirely different world where passions reign and boundaries are blurred. Will her choices lead her into the freedom she craves, or a bondage beyond imagination?This redemption story will keep you turning the pages as Ammi battles to find herself amidst complicated relationships and internal struggles with self-worth and hopelessness.

  • av Cinzi Lavin

  • av Tatenda Charles Munyuki

    $$$The Moto Family, a big family involved in a wide network, an Entity involved in legal and illegal busine$$e$. The family i$ $et in three, One Fami, Two Fami and Three Fami. All have their agenda$, their goal$, their de$ire$ and all can be achieved by doing all they can for the Good of The Family, good or bad... $$$ ZIMBABWE'S Mature BOOK SERIESCRIME, SEX, SCANDAL, DRUGS

  • av William (Bill) D Buhr

    From chasing polar bears in the high Arctic to rotating oil workers in the Persian Gulf, this pilot has encountered experiences of a lifetime. Ride along with him as he fights fires in the Canadian Rockies, experiences the 'boat people' fleeing from Viet Nam in the South China Sea or escapes a Polar Bear attack. There was a time early in his career when he evacuated a 'cat skinner' in the middle of the night who had been impaled by a tree. Share the awe-inspiring views as he gazed out at 9,000-foot peaks after dropping off some Alpine skiers. With a sense of humour, he repeats an old expression in relation to aviation; "Hours & hours of boredom, punctuated by sheer moments of terror!" However, share the experiences with him, which were exhilarating & far from boring! Come along the journey with amazing photos through the eyes of the pilot; more than 300 photos.

  • av Beck Michaels

    "He's the God of Death. She's the bride sent to kill him. Their union may be the end of them both. The Everfrost is ruled by the King in his castle of ice. Some call him the Ice Phoenix, others the God of Death. The clans survive by one law alone: pay the King the homage he is due and never take what belongs to him. But when Sunnèeva Morkháan's brother falls gravely ill, she will have to do exactly that. Against every warning, she sneaks into the castle to steal the one thing that would save him-a magical rose. But you don't steal from the King and live to tell the tale. When the Ice Phoenix discovers her theft and demands payment, the cost is too steep. Mourning and enraged, she challenges him, only to lose. To spare her clan from the King's wrath, her father offers her as a bride, and for a reason she cannot fathom, the King agrees. Revenge is a delicate game Sunnèeva is determined to play, even if killing the God of Death is no easy feat. But as secrets unfold around the alluring King, and dark threats emerge from the shadows, Sunnèeva struggles to hold on to her hatred-and her heart. Inspired by Beauty and the Beast, King's Bride is the first book in Beck Michaels' companion prequel series, the Chronicles of Urn-dark fables founded in forbidden love and strong-willed women who bring kings to their knees." --

  • av Kenneth E. Williams
    676 - 830,-

  • av Cecilia D Porter

  • av Norkor Omaboe

    First aid and CPR in adults, children, and infants.

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