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  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    Come and Find Me. . .Welcome to the Mystery School of Lord Maitreya-the Buddha of mercy, love and compassion.Two thousand years ago, Maitreya sent forth the call to his disciple, Jesus, to come and find him. And so Jesus set out for the Himalayas to nd the Father, Maitreya, and to receive the teachings that would be the key to an age.Now, once again, Maitreya sends forth the call. Are you one of these fiery spirits that Maitreya Buddha is calling?Jesus tells us that the Mystery School of Lord Maitreya is "the open door of the coming of the golden age. This is the open door of the pathway of East and West, of the bodhisattvas and the disciples. . . . For once again it may be said that Maitreya is physically present, not as it was in the rst Eden but by the extension of ourselves in form through the messenger and the Keepers of the Flame."Soon after the announcement of the opening of his Mystery School, Lord Maitreya began a series of profound discourses. He asked us to search these teachings and to discover in them the keys to this Age of Maitreya.In this book you will nd those keys to anchoring the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ in your life. Maitreya beckons: "Come and Find Me."Welcome to the adventure of the ages.

  • - Documentary Evidence of Jesus' 17-Year Journey to the East
    av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    Aveces miramos a los ojos a un extraño y en un destello lo reconocemos: ¡conozco a esta persona! Posiblemente sientas una conexión instantánea en tu alma al mirar a los ojos del ser fiero cuyo retrato adorna la cubierta de este libro. ¿Quién es?Se trata del Maestro Ascendido El Morya. Ahora es un ser puramente espiritual, pero El Morya ha tenido muchas encarnaciones terrenales en las que millones de almas lo conocieron de manera íntima: como padre, hermano, instructor, gobernante y amigo. Fue Abraham. Fue Sir Tomás Moro. Fue Akbar el Grande. Y tuvo muchas más vidas en las que fue un ejemplo de guía y amor paternal.Tú bien podrías ser uno de los millones de personas que lo conocieron. El problema es que lo has olvidado al centrarte en la vida actual.Pero el Maestro Morya no te ha olvidado. Él busca a sus estudiantes y amigos de antaño y tiene los ojos puesto en ti. Su corazón anhela tenerte. Tiene importantes enseñanzas que transmitirte y está listo para llevarte de la mano al siguiente paso del sendero espiritual. ¡Conócelo! Conoce sus vidas pasadas explicadas en el Apéndice. Empápate de sus tiernos cuidados a tu alma, expresados con sus propias palabras en los 26 mensajes de este libro.Deja que El Morya le hable a tu corazón. Agradecerás haber vuelto a conectarte con un querido amigo a quien has conocido durante muchísimo tiempo.

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    Did Our Hearts Not Burn Within Us?The mystics have always known that the Heart is the most important center of consciousness. We can gain visions through the third eye, enlightenment through the crown. But the true fount of cosmic consciousness is always the heart. How do we develop our heart -- the chakra of Divine Love? How can we increase the fire of the heart? How can we expand the threefold flame, the very source of life within us?Within Initiations of the Heart, the ascended masters reveal the mysteries of the heart. Most importantly, as we enter into their world, each one offers a transfer of light -- a unique initiation of the heart.The apostles felt the fire of the heart in their encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus. May you also experience that fire through your encounter with the masters in this age.

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    There is a brotherhood of light ... ... masterful beings who have transcended the wheel of rebirth and graduated from earth's schoolroom. These masters are way-showers. From the heaven realm, they assist mankind in all fields of human endeavor, helping to raise the consciousness of humanity. Each master is also a teacher in search of a student ... desiring to uplift that one for the acceleration of spiritual evolution. Paul the Venetian is a master of the love ray, a teacher of artists--painters, sculptors, musicians, writers, students of voice, as well as those in every medium of art. Once embodied on earth as the Renaissance artist Paolo Veronese, he now works with people everywhere to help them perfect the canvas of their own being, sculpting and refining the consciousness of the Christ within. The Master of Love says to one and all: "I AM your brother, Paul the Venetian. I have come with the solution, the age-old solution to all divisions, dichotomies and all that divides one from another, or the members of the individual. And that solution is love." When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears.

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    There is a brotherhood of light ... ... masterful beings who have transcended the wheel of rebirth and graduated from earth's schoolroom. These masters are way-showers. From the heaven realm, they assist mankind in all fields of human endeavor, helping to raise the consciousness of humanity. Each master is also a teacher in search of a student ... desiring to uplift that one for the acceleration of spiritual evolution. Paul the Venetian is a master of the love ray, a teacher of artists--painters, sculptors, musicians, writers, students of voice, as well as those in every medium of art. Once embodied on earth as the Renaissance artist Paolo Veronese, he now works with people everywhere to help them perfect the canvas of their own being, sculpting and refining the consciousness of the Christ within. The Master of Love says to one and all: "I AM your brother, Paul the Venetian. I have come with the solution, the age-old solution to all divisions, dichotomies and all that divides one from another, or the members of the individual. And that solution is love." When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears.

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    En un pasado remoto, el cual no es solo un relato bíblico que muchos consideran como una leyenda, el hombre y la mujer caminaban y hablaban con Dios en el jardín de un paraíso terrenal.Entonces llegó la Caída. Dejamos de ver al Gurú cara a cara. El mundo, convertido en nuestro instructor, a menudo nos dio duras lecciones.Ahora viene Maitreya, Gurú de antaño, que desea volver a abrir la puerta de la antigua escuela de misterios. Pero antes de estar preparados paraentrar, debemos cumplir algunos requisitos.Maitreya desea enseñarnos el camino. El primer paso: restablecer el hilo de contacto con el Gurú...y con nuestro Yo Real.Entra en el sendero del Cristo Cósmico.Recupera la conciencia edénica.Encuentra el camino de regreso al Origen.

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    Now is a time for ushering in a new golden age.Yet the world faces troubles it has not seen in thousands of years. The forces of division seek everywhere to drive a wedge between hearts of light. In the midst of this turmoil, the ascended masters point the way to ushering in the New Heaven and the New Earth. The key is to hold our harmony and to pass the community's initiation to love each stranger, friend or foe that enters our gate."Easier said than done," you may think. To aid us in our striving for so worthy a goal, the masters of East and West have gathered and delivered tremendous keys. They present several goals to strive for:¿ to be so harmonious in the face of surrounding turmoil that a cosmic being can work through you to rescue souls of light¿ to know that by us passing our tests, souls dependent on us will take their tests and meet their inner timetables, allowing great things to happen¿ to give Saint Germain's Creation of the Cloud meditation and heal planet Earth through the power of love¿ to increase our contact with the Brotherhood by the Ashram Rituals and see what Morya will do for us¿ to utilize the magnet of love placed in the community as a forcefield of Divine LoveWhat is it to build the new heaven, the new earth? Morya says it "is entirely an inner building of the temple of God." We will have to learn to plan for infinity and to be prepared for the finite world.Our future is an open door and we will encounter events that we can't control. However, through our calls to the forces of Light, heaven- sent solutions will come as we serve the Light.Take these timely messages of hope and inspiration and make the most of the opportunity still at hand.

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    This book stands with respect on the shoulders of four centuries of Francis Bacon's biographers, referencing historical and cipher inquiries about his noble person and transcendent body of work, but pushing further to ask: Did his vision for the ages, the Great Instauration, die with him? The premise of the fine, foregoing biographies has been to discern and explain the secrets of a great, historic personality, perhaps the world's greatest genius, from a fixed birthdate to a fixed date of death. The less conventional premise of this book is to explain the context of the life of the person, Francis Bacon, as one crucial chapter within a long continuity of lifetimes, yet unending. Francis, and those closest to him, manifested the beginning of the Great Instauration in the form of an extraordinary array of civilization-building services, sacrificially, under persecution, for the love of humanity and the latent divinity within the people. Francis' conclave of literary men saw themselves as brothers, demonstrating a constructive vision and true charity, outside the churches which had suppressed as heresy what the people needed to know about nature and themselves. How did twelve-year old Francis see the need and then generate the beneficial concept of the Great Instauration, meaning the restoration of a golden age of abundance, a paradise lost? This would require prior knowledge and likely actual engagement in such a civilization. Why was it lost? Why did he persevere under Job-like trials to produce a legacy of enlightenment he knew would only bear fruit long after his passing? And, is a soul of this magnitude lost forever to humanity at his passing? None of these questions can be answered entirely by original source documents, especially when for safety's sake Francis deliberately hid or obscured the records of that lifetime. To answer the questions, the scope of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's biography of Francis Bacon honors the existing body of documented research and then necessarily expands the lens of discovery to summarize a continuous chain of prior lives, the lifestream of this soul.

  • av Mark L. Prophet

    En este libro, Morya se revela a sí mismo como el Gurú inimitable. Por lo que dice a sus chelas se descubre en cierto modo la clase de maestro que es. Porque los maestros de hecho tienen su personalidad, y muy fuerte. Morya también revela el estado de conciencia de los chelas y su discipulado, tanto en general como en particular. Por eso publico este libro, para que usted se familiarice más con Morya y consigo mismo como un chela en potencia, o quizá avanzado, en el sendero de la iluminación a través de la maestría sobre usted mismo en todos los planos de su ser.A través de las palabras y frases enfatizadas por su inefable amor y la intensidad de su celo por liberarlo a usted del mortal engaño y el devaneo con el yo inferior, encontrará a Morya que siempre ha conocido y amado, tanto en esta vida como en los mundos de la prexistencia de su alma.ELIZABETH CLARE PROPHET

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    Are You Seeking Oneness with Divinity?You are a Mystic. You walk the steeper path but the high cliffs hold no fear for you who are drawn upward be the heart of the Divine Mother.Whether you follow Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Kuan Yin or others, this book shows you the inner path. Take their hand as they lead you home.

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

  • av Mark L. Prophet & Serapis Bey

  • av Mark L. Prophet

    Mark Prophet had a life of many challenges. He left high school during the Great Depression to support his widowed mother. He laid track on the Soo Line Railroad, served in the Air Force in World War II, was the head of an electrical workers' union in the Midwest. Finally, he achieved the American dream-the house, the job, the new car-only to see it all taken in a great spiritual test. But through all of this, it was his quest for God that was the driving force for his life.As a boy, he would pray for hours at an altar he built in the attic of his house. He received all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit while yet a teenager. And then he found that his search for Reality could not be contained within that path. He studied the Western arcana. He pursued the Eastern paths of yoga and meditation. And above all, he was guided by his Guru, the Ascended Master El Morya.Mark Prophet was never afraid to let the Holy Spirit express through him. He used no notes-each discourse was a fresh revelation from the heart of God. They were delivered with grace and disarming spontaneity-and often a dose of humor. (Who can forget "The Chevy Is My Auto"?)He often quoted the words of Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet, "Was it I who spoke? Was I not also a listener?"Above all, his messages were the product of a profound love for God and man. They were glimpses of the In nite-the Wisdom of the Agesmade practical for a modern world.This volume contains eighteen discourses, including¿ Penetration, Focalization, and Control of Consciousness¿ Developing Ascended Master Love¿ The Artisan in the Temple

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    Antes de la Caída del antiguo continente de Lemuria, hombres y mujeres vivían en una era dorada paradisíaca. Su alma evolucionaba con amor, paz y armonía. Ser el guardián del hermano era un principio que todo el mundo encarnaba. En las eras oscuras que acontecieron después de la Caída, las almas se extraviaron, perdiendo su sentimiento de unidad y unión con Dios y haciéndose cada vez más conscientes deun sentimiento de separación y de sus diferencias externas.Hoy día, muchos gustan de hablar de los principios delamor mientras que, con frecuencia, tienen la mente llena decondenación y rebosan de emociones unos contra otros.Incluso muchas iglesias se han mezclado en la lucha mutuamás que en preparar a los hombres y las mujeres para lasvicisitudes de la vida.En El sendero de la hermandad Mark y Elizabeth Prophetdemuestran cómo la hermandad, actualmente, es algo posibley crucial. Los dos miran con una perspectiva mística a lasDoce Tribus, los Doce Apóstoles, la Familia de la Era de Oroy las claves espirituales para lograr la hermandad mundial,la cual incluye la realización de un espíritu de unidad ycooperación en las organizaciones espirituales.

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    En El sendero del Cristo Universal, los reconocidos autores del exitoso libro Los años perdidos de Jesús vuelven a capturar la esencia del mensaje del Maestro: tú, como Jesús, debes realizar tu Divinidad innata. Estás destinado a unirte a tu Yo Superior, a tu Ser Crístico.Hace mucho tiempo los Padres de la Iglesia suprimieron la enseñanza original de Jesús sobre el Cristo interior. Pero hoy, Mark y Elizabeth Prophet revelan nuestra verdadera identidad y la verdadera meta de nuestra vida en la tierra.Redescubre las claves perdidas de Jesús para hallar a Dios en tu interior, aprender a entrar en contacto con tu fuente interior y acceder así a tu potencial ilimitado.

  • av Elizabeth Clare Prophet & Mark L Prophet

    ¡La fuerza más poderosa del mundo! Conviértete en tu propio maestro. Vuelve a descubrir el arte de la invocación practicado en las eras de oro de la Atlántida y Lemuria.Usa fórmulas precisas de la Palabra para ordenar que la luz fluya de tu mente supraconsciente a la consciente, desechando un potencial creativo ilimitado.Aprende a invocar la llama violeta: una energía de alta frecuencia que puede penetrar tu sistema nervioso, tu corazón y tu cerebro para aumentar el vigor, la longevidad y la percepción extrasensorial.Este fuego espiritual puede convertir pensamientos y sentimientos discordantes: tensión, enojo depresión en un carácter positivo y centrado. Puede aumentar la claridad mental... y ayudarte a contrarrestar los efectos a largo plazo del uso de las drogas.La llama violeta eliminará de tu sistema los venenos emocionales y físicos. Transmutará tu karma negativo. Borrará la causa que provoca la enfermedad. Incluso eliminará los registros angustiosos de vidas pasadas.¡Hará que te sientas contento contigo mismo! Pero debes saber esto: el poder de la llama violeta permanecerá sellado en tu Conciencia Superior hasta que tú lo invoques por medio de La ciencia de la Palabra hablada ¿ Cómo decretar efi cazmente: enseñanzas sobre respiración, ritmo, postura y visualización.¿ Cómo sobreponerse al miedo y hábitos esclavizante por medio de los decretos: un manual de autosuperación.¿ Cómo ponerse en contacto con la Palabra creadora y dirigir su poder hacia todo problema, personal o planetario.¿ Seis formas de pensamiento curativo, a todo color, para tus meditaciones y visualizaciones.

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