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Böcker utgivna av The Catholic University of America Press

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    Catholic education stands in need of renewal, for it too has experienced the consequences of the rupture of faith and reason in the modern period. Secularism affects Catholic schools as well as public ones when faith remains confined solely to a religion class or the celebration of the Mass. Our past provides a model of integration: the unity of divine revelations and the liberal arts and a life of wisdom that pursues what is truly highest. Modern people too often settle for less--little comforts and distractions--while the theologians, philosophers, and educators of the past spur us on to stop at nothing less than God's invitation to enter his divine life. This first volume of the Adeodatus Handbook seeks to provide inspiration to return to the central vision of Catholic education: an integrated approach to the liberal artsthat flows from God's initiative toward us and is ordered toward eternal union with him. The essays of this volume unfold the narrative offered in this introduction in more detail. We consider them to be the most essential figures who have established the Catholic approach to education. Two of them, Plato and Aristotle, were pagan authors who formed the philosophical basis of the Catholic approach. The others, flowing from the Incarnation of the Son of God, appropriated the truths of nature contemplated by philosophy and drew them into a sacramental synthesis with the truths of divine revelation. There can be no genuine Christian education that does help the student to contemplate the whole of reality and to live a life of wisdom, rooted in the virtues that perfect human nature while ultimately receptive of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. The majority of the figures addressed in this volume are canonized saints, pointing us to the priority of holiness in Catholic education. Education serves the ultimate aim of human life: our perfect happiness in the beatific vision. To reach this, we need the support of mentors and friends. This requires the concrete embodiment of Christian community within the home and school. It can also, however, flow from our communion with the great sainted educators of our heritage. We have inherited their legacy, and with their prayers and support, we have been tasked with continuing in our own age. We will not be able to replicate their efforts, but with the grace and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we can make our contribution in educating the youth, young adults, seminarians, and lay people of the Church of God.

  • av Regis J. Armstrong

    An annotated translation of Bonaventure's Itinerarium mentis in Deum presenting both the Latin text side-by-side with a new English translation which attempts to avoid the use of Latin cognates while remaining critically faithful to Bonaventure's text. Using endnotes to open the text, Regis Armstrong opens each chapter from the perspective of historical theology referring the reader to authors prior to Bonaventure, e.g. Augustine, the Victorines, Philip the Chancellor, Avicenna, as well as first-and-second-generation Franciscan authors. While maintaining Bonaventure's architectonic approach, Armstrong studies each chapter as Bonaventure does by focusing on its unique character, by means of cosmology, epistemology, biblical theology, and mystical theology. In the same way, the translator attempts to explain his translation of certain cognates into Anglo-Saxon English by citing contemporary linguistic tools like Brepolis Latin Texts. A brief introduction has been added which orientates readers to Bonaventure's life and issues in his text.

  • av Ann Hartle

    Flannery O'Connor is a guide for the Catholic who seeks to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to live the life of faith in the modern world. O'Connor describes herself as a Catholic burdened by the modern consciousness which the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung views as "unhistorical, solitary, and guilty." Ann Hartle understands O'Connor's fiction as her confrontation with this specifically modern form of consciousness. The seventeenth-century philosopher Blaise Pascal helps us to experience the meaning of O'Connor's fiction because Pascal confronted that same consciousness in its origins in Montaigne's philosophy. O'Connor recognizes in Pascal a truly Catholic modern philosopher who speaks to the experience of the searching mind of modern man. Flannery O'Connor and Blaise Pascal approaches O'Connor's fiction from a philosophical perspective rather than the perspective of a literary critic. The goal of this volume is to deepen the experience of the meaning of her stories insofar as they are addressed to a specifically modern audience burdened with the form of consciousness that is highly skeptical of the historical reality of the Christian mystery. Hartle's argument is that modern consciousness rests on the "spiritualization" of the Incarnation. Both Montaigne and Jung abstract a purely human meaning from the historical embodied reality of the Incarnation and place that meaning in the service of modern man's attempt at self-creation and self-redemption. O'Connor presents us with an especially vivid picture of Jung's truly modern individual in Hazel Motes, Hulga Hopewell, George Rayber, and The Misfit. In her comic art, O'Connor brings out the possibility of grace against the background of the pervasive psychological attitude toward human conduct. She shows us how the modern distortions of the human personality can be addressed in a specifically Catholic way, that is, through the meaning of the Catholic sacramental view of life and the Catholic principle of mutual interdependence.

  • av Brian J. Benestad

    Church, State, and Society explains the nuanced understanding of human dignity and the common good found in the Catholic intellectual tradition. It makes the case that liberal-arts education is an essential part of the common good because it helps people understand their dignity and all that justice requires. The book is divided into four parts. The first treats key themes of social life: the dignity of the human person, human rights, natural law, and the common good. Part two focuses on the three principal mediating institutions of civil society: the family, the Church, and the Catholic university. Part three considers the economy, work, poverty, immigration, and the environment, while part four focuses on the international community and just war principles. The conclusion discusses tension between Catholic Social Doctrine and liberal democracy. This second edition contains new chapters on religious liberty, cooperation with evil, issues around gender ideology, and contemporary questions of Catholics in political life, including regarding the reception of the sacraments. The book also includes new material on economic and social teaching of the Magisterium promulgated since the first edition, especially related to the teaching of Benedict XVI.

  • av John Gavin

    Many studies of spiritual development exist under the heading of "Christian Perfection." However, John Gavin revisits such topics as asceticism, prayer, sacraments, virtues, and spiritual combat through scriptural and patristic texts that present the Christian life as one of growth from spiritual infancy to a particular fulfillment or end (telos): divinized humanity as formed and revealed in Jesus Christ. Thus, though Christian maturity does incorporate such things as physical and cognitive development, its true distinction lies in its gifted, supernatural end that does not exclude human freedom. Part One establishes the pillars of Christian maturity - form and finality; virtue and character; vocation and mission - and explores the opposition to maturation in the form of demonic infantilism. Part Two examines the means of maturity given to us in the life of the Church: the Scriptures, the Mysteries (Sacraments), and asceticism. Finally, Part Three reviews four figures of Christian adulthood: the Witness, the Teacher, the Servant, and the Fool. A concluding chapter applies the insights from the previous chapters to our modern world to see in what ways our times need to "grow up." Growing into God includes a variety of early Christian voices: Irenaeus of Lyons, Origen of Alexandria, Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, Basil of Caesarea, Augustine of Hippo, Ambrose of Milan, John Cassian, Dionysius the Areopagite, Mark the Monk, John Moschos, Maximus the Confessor, Symeon the Holy Fool, and others. Their collective insights, all the fruits of great learning and the contemplation of God's Word, describe a wondrous figure: the mature saint transformed by union with the Father, Son, and Spirit.

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    Thomas Aquinas and Medieval Canon Law bridges, for the first time, two worlds of scholarship that have never been explored in book-length form and investigates an under-researched area in Thomistic studies, namely the question of how Thomas Aquinas engaged the ecclesiastical law and jurisprudence of his day.>Neither historians of medieval canon law nor experts on Thomas's thought have previously paid much attention to the canon law tradition as a source for Thomas's work and an influence on his thought. But, as this volume shows, his consideration of mendicant life, law, justice, oaths, penance, clerical orders, the Eucharist, baptism, property, commerce, marriage and more reveal engagement with key canon law texts and concepts and with the jurisprudence of major canonists. The book uncovers how Aquinas encountered canonical regulations and jurisprudence as a Dominican, an educator in both theology and pastoral care, and a participant in the secular-mendicant controversy. In his life, education, community, and his way of thought, Thomas Aquinas could not avoid and necessarily encountered and dealt with the canonical tradition. He did so in a distinctive way, working as he did with his theological and philosophical source material to craft his own great synthesis. What this volume shows, if nothing else, is that the canon law tradition should be taken into consideration when assessing Thomas's synthetic thought. Following the editors' introduction, thirteen scholarly contributions and an epilogue explore Aquinas's interaction with medieval canon law through four major themes: Dominican Matters; Foundations Matters of Faith, Truth, and Law; Moral Matters; and Sacramental Matters. Approximately half the contributors are specialists from the field of medieval canon law, and half are grounded in Thomistic tradition. The result is a unique and scholarly contribution to two major research areas that may open avenues for similar studies of other key figures in the scholastic tradition.

  • av Edith Stein

    Finite and Eternal Being bears the imprint of the extraordinary intellectual and spiritual journey of its author. Throughout her precocious youth, her conversion to Catholicism, her life as a Discalced Carmelite nun, and all the way to her martyrdom at the hands of National Socialism, Edith Stein's entire life was a consistent seeking after the truth. After her conversion in 1921, Stein sought to reconcile the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, her previous intellectual master, with the thought of the new intellectual and spiritual masters she found in the Thomistic and Carmelite traditions. Stein produced this volume in the mid-1930s as a complete reworking of her earlier study of being, Potency and Act, and as her final synthesis of phenomenology with Thomistic metaphysics, Carmelite spirituality, modern scientific discoveries, spiritual and psychological debates about the soul, and Trinitarian theology. Starting from the most fundamental principles, the author takes us on a journey through a wide range of classic philosophical themes, such as potency and act, substance and accidents, matter and form, and time and eternity. Stein engages with the great thinkers of the past (e.g., Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Pseudo-Dionysius, Aquinas, Scotus) and of modern times (e.g., Kant, Husserl, Heidegger, Przywara, Conrad-Martius). Ascending to the meaning of being, she demonstrates how all finite being finds its ultimate ground in the eternal Divine Being, the Creator, whose Trinitarian nature is reflected throughout creation. Stein concludes with two appendices-appearing here for the first time in English-""Martin Heidegger's Philosophy of Existence" and "The Interior Castle," a study of St. Teresa of Ávila's mystical treatise. This new translation of Finite and Eternal Being inaugurates a new series, Edith Stein: The Complete Works: Critical English Edition, which replaces the existing series of Stein's writings, also published by ICS Publications. This volume, the twelfth in the new series, brings the recently completed German critical editions (Edith Stein Gesamtausgabe) to the English-speaking world.

  • av Charles G. Kim Jr.

  • av Robert E. Wood

    "Being Human is the fruit of many years teaching Philosophical Anthropology, conducting Phenomenological Workshops, and reading classic texts in the light of a reflective awareness of the field of experience. Being Human is intended to look to what is typically assumed but not examined in much of current philosophical literature"--

  • av Josephine Ward

    The Catholic University of America Press is pleased to continue to present new volumes in our Catholic Women Writers series, which will shed new light on prose work of Catholic women writers from the 19th and 20th centuries. Josephine Ward is one of Catholicism's greatest literary treasures and a foremost contributor to English literary history--except that she has all but completely fallen from the historical record. She spent her life in close companionship with the most active minds working in the late 19th century to restore to the Catholic Church in England the intellectual, sacramental and theological integrity it had once enjoyed before three hundred years of persecution. All seven of her novels are out of print, despite their once high acclaim in the fin de siècle literary world. First published in 1899, One Poor Scruple follows the recusant Riversdale family who have survived the long penal years by observing a quiet aristocratic life of sport and agriculture, never stepping into the public sphere from which Catholics in Britain had been barred for so long. But at the start of the twentieth century, a new generation has emerged. The novel's younger characters are now legally able to go to Oxford and Cambridge and to enter the public life of letters. Emboldened by the confident work of John Henry Newman, this younger generation of Catholics are nonetheless cautioned not to trust the Protestant establishment. One Poor Scruple is a coming-of-age story in which the new generation of more worldly Catholics search for love, friendship and intellectual emancipation in the decadent social world of Edwardian London. Decades before Evelyn Waugh examined in Brideshead Revisitedthe human struggle to distinguish between true and false beauty, Ward's novel examined the challenge of discerning between conflicting desires and of living a life that is as truthful and good as it is beautiful.

  • av Anton Strukelj

    Anton Strukelj, in this English edition of his book Kneeling Theology, which was published in German, Italian, Polish, Russian and Slovenian, based his theme on the concept first developed by Hans Urs von Balthasar. This Swiss intellectual is considered one of the most important theologians of the 20th century. Strukelj sees as his task, through a synthetic survey of questions, to seek from his subjects a holistic perspective regarding the role of the theologian, without doing a critical analysis of all their work. Kneeling Theology analyzes the process and its consequences that gave rise to the religious and cultural developments of the past and the present. It is his thesis that the essence of theology should flow from holiness. He relies for his evidence on the life and work of Hans Urs von Balthasar (which included the insights of Adrienne von Speyr, physician and mystic), Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), the Slovenian theologian Anton Strle (now servant of God) and Anton Vovk, former Archbishop of Ljubljana, fearless witness of Christ and his Church, also servant of God. Strukelj's purpose with this book is to point out that Catholic theology is best served, not only by competent research and a thorough knowledge of Church tradition, but by theologians who approach their work prayerfully and on their knees. The rich theological and pastoral heritage that has been bequeathed to us by a small group of special people in this book has come about because of their scholarship and their holiness. They have, each in their own way, demonstrated what it means to do theology on their knees, and they have shared their scholarship and insights with us.

  • - Understanding
    av Bishop Steven J. Lopes

    Intended to promote a more widespread knowledge of the Apostolic constitution Anglicanorum coetibus, promulgated by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009. The Apostolic Constitution provided for Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans entering into full communion with the Catholic Church.

  • - A Catholic Synthesis
    av Mark K. Spencer

    Presents a philosophical portrait of human persons on which we are entirely irreducible to anything non-personal, by synthesizing claims from many strands of the Catholic tradition. These include Thomism, Scotism, phenomenology, personalism, nouvelle theologie, analytic philosophy, Greek and Russian thought, and several others.

  • av Bruno of Merseburg

    Bruno composed one of the most important historical works treating the tumultuous period in the history of the German kingdom in the second half of the eleventh century. Bruno's main focus in his Saxon War is the civil wars that engulfed the German kingdom from the mid 1060s through the end of the 1080s.

  • av Rene Laurentin

    Regarding Mary's status as Mother of God, Rene Laurentin's discussion of the Theotokos exhibits his deep ecumenical commitments, as much as his specific attention to Mary's soteriological role as a sticking point for Protestantism.

  • av St. Jerome

    Often cited as a source of biographical information on ancient Christian authors, On Illustrious Men provides St. Jerome's personal evaluations of his forebears and contemporaries, as well as catalogs of patristic writings known to him. Heterodox writers and certain respected non-Christians (Seneca, Josephus, and Philo) are included in this parade of luminaries, which begins with the apostles and concludes with St. Jerome himself and a list of his own works prior to 393, the year in which On Illustrious Men was composed. St. Jerome produced this work in his monastery at Bethlehem, to which he had retreated after his precipitous exit from Roman ecclesiastical politics. He had, however, maintained correspondences with several of his former associates, such as Dexter (the son of Pacian, bishop of Barcelona), to whom he addressed the work. Relying heavily on Eusebius's Ecclesiastical History, St. Jerome attempts to demonstrate the erudition and nobility of character which render Christianity immune to the criticisms of its cultured despisers. Since this work can be regarded as the patrology textbook of its day, its translator, Thomas P. Halton, has continued St. Jerome's mission by compiling bibliographical data on recent editions, translations, and studies of ancient writings mentioned in On Illustrious Men. Extensive footnote material and appendices furnish a wealth of information useful for patristic research. In addition, an index to all of the Fathers of the Church volumes published to date, listed by individual authors, appears in this, the hundredth volume of the series.

  • av Caryll Houselander

    "Caryll Houselander (deceased) is a woman author featured in the Catholic Women Series, which re-publishes books by previously well-known Catholic women writers that have fallen out of print. The Dry Wood is a novel set in a post-war London Docklands parish. A story about a motley group of souls mourning the loss of their parish priest. This novel is a profound meditation on the purpose of human suffering"--

  • - A Critical Reflection on the Theory and the Practice of Selfhood
    av Oliva Blanchette

    Attempts to develop a wisdom about human life that takes the form of a theory of selfhood and to reflect on what is called for in the ethical practice of human existence. The ethical implications of this theory of selfhood are explored, looking at conscience, prudential reasoning, justice, friendship, the law, temperance, courage, and religion.

  • - St. Peter Damian's Theology of the Spiritual Life
    av Gordon Mursell
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    Shows that the paradox at the heart of St Peter Damian's life and everything he cared about was rooted in the remarkable theology of love which finds expression across the whole of his work and gives it both coherence and dynamism.

  • - G. K. Chesterton, Graham Greene, Christopher Dawson and David Jones
    av Adam Schwartz

    For most of modern history, Roman Catholics in Britain were a rejected

  • - Wisdom from the Early Church
    av SJ Gavin

    Explores eight mysteries of the Lord's prayer in light of the early Church's wisdom: How can human beings call God ""Father""? Where is God the Father? How can God grow in holiness? Was there ever a time when God did not rule? Are there limitations to God's will? Why should we seek bread? Can we make a deal with God? Does God tempt us?

  • - Vol. 58
    av Gregory

    In the Christian world of the fourth century, the family of St. Gregory of Nyssa was distinguished for its leadership in civic and religious affairs in the region of the Roman Empire known as Pontus. Cardinal Newman, in an essay on the trials of St. Basil, refers to the family circle which produced these two eminent Fathers as 'a sort of nursery of bishops and saints.' From St. Gregory's life of his sister, St. Macrina, a work included in this volume, we learn of the fortitude of the three preceding generations. On her death-bed, St. Macrina, recalling details of their family history, speaks of a great-grandfather martyred and all his property confiscated, and grandparents deprived of their possessions at the time of the Dioceltian persecutions. Their father, Basil of Caesarea, a successful rhetorician, outstanding for his judgment and well known for the dignity of his life, died leaving to his wife, Emmelia, the care of four sons and five daughters. St. Gregory praises his mother for her virtue and for her eagerness to have her children educated in Holy Scripture. After managing their estate and arranging for the future of her children, she was persuaded by St. Macrina to retire from the world and to enter a life common with her maids as sisters and equals. This community of women would have been a counterpart of the monastery founded nearby by St. Basil on the banks of the Iris River. In a moving scene, St. Gregory tells of his mother's death at a rich old age in the arms of her oldest and youngest children, Macrina and Peter. Blessing all of her children, she prays in particular for the sanctification of these two who were, indeed, later canonized as saints. Newman notes the strong influence of the women in the family, and in one of his letters, St. Basil gives credit to his mother and his grandmother, the elder Macrina, for his clear and steadfast idea of God.

  • - Gratian and the Development of Penitential Thought and Law in the Twelfth Century
    av Atria A. Larson

  • - A Summa of the Summa on Justice, Courage, Temperance, and Practical Wisdom
    av Christopher Kaczor

    Provides essential passages from Thomas's treatment of the cardinal virtues in the Summa theologiae. The book contains passages from the Summa of great historical import, contemporary relevance, or intrinsic interest combined with abundant footnotes aiding the modern reader.

  • - Philosophers, Psychologists, and Real-Life Exemplars Show Us How to Achieve It
    av Heidi M. Giebel

    Because research in psychology helps us assess the feasibility of cultivating virtue in ourselves and those we influence, Ethical Excellence focuses on combining sound philosophical analysis of ethical virtue and related concepts with relevant empirical research on how these concepts are manifested and developed in everyday practice.

  • - Thinking Through Catholic Social Teaching
    av Edward Hadas

    For more than a century, the teaching authority of the Catholic Church has attempted to walk along with the modern world, criticizing what is bad and praising what is good. Counsels of Imperfection describes the current state of that fairly bumpy journey.

  • - Essays on the New Evangelization
    av Robert Barron

    In a time of discouragement, how can the Church renew itself and its outreach to all people? Bishop Robert Barron insists that a "dumbed down" Catholicism cannot succeed in today's highly educated society - instead, the Church needs to draw upon its great theological heritage in order to renew its hope in Christ.

  • - Christian Satisfaction in Aquinas
    av Romanus Cessario

    Interprets satisfaction within the context of the divine mercy and not the divine justice. This unique contribution to satisfaction studies owes a great deal to the achievement of Saint Thomas Aquinas. In this sense, the book enacts a retrieval of the theology of the high classical period.

  • - Current Practice and Ethics
    av Matthew Hanley

    The neurological criteria for the determination of death remain controversial within secular and Catholic circles, even though they are widely accepted within the medical community. In Determining Death by Neurological Criteria, Matthew Hanley offers both a practical and a philosophical defense.

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    - From Andalusia to Andalucia

    Places Flannery O'Connor's work in constructive and collaborative dialogue with Spanish literature and literary aesthetics. Contributors explore the ways in which O'Connor's literary and religious vision continues to work in the imaginations of both American and European - mostly Spanish - authors.

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