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Böcker utgivna av Thinkers Publishing

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  • av Vladimir Tukmakov

    In this book Grandmaster Vladimir Tukmakov describes his experiences as captain of national and club teams. He coached also individuals players such as Karpov, Korchnoi, Eljanov, Giri and So, to name some.To improve and grow, every chess player needs to address the issues that prevent him from moving on to a higher level. Collaboration with an experienced mentor can greatly accelerate the player's creative growth and improve his results. In this book the author give the reader a close-up opportunity to witness his coaching experiences with the chess stars.

  • av Ivan Cheparinov

    This book marks the start of a series of four on 1.d4 in which Ivan will share the secrets from two decades spent analyzing and playing it at the pinnacle of world chess. This volume in particular deals with two of the most popular replies Black can play after 1.d4: the King¿s Indian & Grûnfeld Defense. This repertoire book is cutting-edge theory, recommending f3 for White against the fianchetto systems.

  • av Alexander Ipatov

    A game as complex as chess can be approached in an infinite number of ways. Nowadays, in the era of computer chess, GMs generally tend to focus their preparation on looking for playable ideas rather than outright refutations. In his second volume of work, Alex Ipatov once again shows his expertise and creative approach in this regard. The reader is presented with an abundance of interesting ideas for White which can pose real practical problems for Black.

  • av Alojzije Jankovic

    By going through the chapters, you will get acquainted with my way of grandmaster type thinking. I can assure you of one thing: there are better and weaker grandmasters, but you won¿t find a GM who is playing without ideas or, let¿s say, without his way of thinking! As you will find out, I am basically trying to detect the problem or goal of the position and then I am starting to scan factors which can lead to the solution. That process you will find in many examples in the book. GM Alojzije Jankovic, April 2020.

  • av Adrien Demuth

    The Reti opening has been most popular in the most recent years. In his 'Modernized Reti', Adrien shows how this refined opening needs to be handled. With many transpositions into different types of positions, it is one of the richest choices White has when starting the game. If you are looking for a refined, tricky and dynamic way to play as White, Adrien will surely show you the way in his first book for Thinkers Publishing!

  • av Zenon Franco

    I was lucky enough to play against six world champions and several top players in my modest chess career, but the greatest player I feel privileged to have known, to have spent time with him, was Miguel Najdorf, "El Viejo".This is a chess book, with 275 commented games, it covers all his chess career, but it has also many stories. Najdorf was the most important Argentinean chess player, and he was an exceptional person. Oscar Panno said that Najdorf reminded him of Don Quixote, in the part of the book where he tells Sancho Panza, "Wherever I am, that is where the head of the table is going to be". He successfully overcame the most terrible setbacks, as few are capable of doing. Writing about Miguel Najdorf is one of my greatest pleasures as a chess journalist and writer! Zenon Franco Ocampos, April 2021.

  • av Herman Grooten

    Although my first book in this new series was well received, it turned out that a new updated and revised edition would not be an unnecessary luxury. This was partly due to the fact that it did not seem a bad idea to add more comments to a sub-variant in the Italian Game, the Max Lange Attack, which had received little attention in the first edition, but could be further explored. That has happened in this edition. Furthermore, it turned out from practice that the part in the Ruy Lopez where White can choose to close the center with d4-d5 needed further explanation. This closed position with a pawn chain arisen in the center, as we know that from the King¿s Indian Defense, contains some hidden secrets that could be explored a little more. That is why I have compiled several extra pages in which the most important strategic (and also tactical) details of this type of positions are presented. Of course, two model games had to be added for both colors. These have now become the games Sutovsky ¿ Stefanova, Hoogeveen 2015 (for White) and Bruzon Batista ¿ Morozevich, Biel 2006 (for Black), which I have provided with a broad analysis and will be added right behind this strategic overview.Because this book has also become available on the internet platform, it seemed a good idea to generate some extra exercises on top. These should of course not be missing in the printed edition. Since in the original version mainly the tactics were dominant, I have now chosen to split the chapter with the exercises into two parts:¿ Section 1: Tactical exercises¿ Section 2: Strategic exercisesI offer sixteen extra exercises, divided in both sections and adding more than 80 pages to the previous edition. All in all, with this new edition, I hope to have fulfilled the expectations raised in some reviews. I wish the reader a lot of reading and playing fun while working through this book!Herman Grooten, December 2020.

  • av Robert Ris

    The Sveshnikov is undeniably one of the most dynamic and aggressive Sicilians available these days. Most recently, it was made popular again by World Champion Magnus Carlsen in his match against Fabiano Caruana at the end of 2018. The main lines lead to complex positions, and a deep knowledge and understanding of the opening is a real necessity for any player who wishes to enter this battlefield. Our author, Robert Ris, focuses on all the current developments, highlighting the most important and instructive games from recent years, using his own over-the board experiences. Ris is well known for his theoretical knowledge and overall opening expertise. And we are quite convinced that he provides Sicilian players with an up-to date arsenal for playing the Sveshnikov.

  • av Jana Krivec

    ¿Chess is life in miniature.¿(Gary Kasparov, former World Chess Champion)There are numerous similarities between playing a game of chess and living in the game of life. This book describes how psychological aspects that occur during chess playing or any other activity can be used to improve everyday life. Garry Kasparov writes, that self-awareness is essential in order tocombine your knowledge, experience and talent and thus enable you to reach your peak performance (Kasparov, How Life Imitates Chess, 2007). He says that very few people ever take the opportunity to do this kind of analysis. As an active chess player, woman grand master, doctor of psychology and university professor, I frequently monitor my thoughts, feelings and behavior. In doing so I see that I combine experiences and insights I have gained in playing chess with my current academic work. Many times in my life I have realized that my behavior can be traced back to earlier experiences in chess. I have decided to write this book acknowledging and describing all the benefits that chess has brought to my life. Chess has made me who I am! Dr. WGM Jana Krivec

  • av Ivan Sokolov

    Volume 2 continues Ivan's journey in analysing unbalanced middlegame positions. We are convinced that his instructive manual will greatly enhance your skills and develop an accurate feeling for positions you previously felt lost. The final volume, Volume 3, Ivan will present in the Winter of 2018.

  • av Thomas Luther

    This is the second book of the Thinkers¿ Chess Academy series. In the first book we started at a beginner¿s level with checkmates in 1, 2 or 3 moves and the most common tactical motifs. If you have already worked with the first book you will now be much more experienced and ready for some more difficult lessons. We will start with 50 combinations to refresh our memory of the motifs from the first book. Th e chess friends who have not read the first book can treat it as a kind of self-test. If you cannot solve many of the examples it may be better to go back and work through the first book again. It is not a good idea to leave basic knowledge out. It will certainly hinder your progress if you do so. In this book we will not only show you more tactical motifs, but we will also give you an introduction to the basics of chess strategy. You will learn the most important elements of strategy which will help you to find better plans and to understand positions better. At the end of the book a chapter with 50 checkmates of 5+ moves will show you techniques of how to attack or hunt the opponent¿s king and also how to improve your calculation skills and your imagination at the chessboard. Now enough of the prologue, let us go to work and learn lots about chess tactics and strategy! Have a lot of fun while studying chess and enjoy your improvement! Yours, Thomas Luther Grandmaster and FIDE senior trainer

  • av Peter Prohaszka

    "There are countless puzzle books available. However, it is very surprising that there is virtually almost none that gives a comprehensive overview with all of the frequent tactical motifs and themes that occur in practice. The ones that I am aware of are either largely incomplete, not systematic, without text, or old, and therefore the analysis contains lots of mistakes. The ambitious goal of this book is to fill this critical gap by addressing all of these issues.Each of the 25 Chapters contains a thorough introduction with the games best showcasing the motif at hand. Next, the puzzle sections specifically aim to reinforce the reader¿s pattern recognition. There are 365 training puzzles in total, and all of them have a 1-5 star value to show the level of difficulty. The solutions are given at the end of every chapter. This book is dedicated to ambitious players who want to improve their game, as well as for coaches to help their students get to the next level.¿ ¿ Peter Prohaszka

  • av Ravi Haria

    In my first volume of the Anti-Sicilians, we will be examining the Rossolimo variation. The Sveshnikov and Classical Sicilians, where Black begins with 2…Nc6, have consistently been a popular way for Black to acquire counter-attacking chances straight from the opening. These openings are the favorites of many top level Grandmasters; none more so than Magnus Carlsen, who most famously fashioned the Sveshnikov Sicilian against Fabiano Caruana in the 2018 World Championship match. The Rossolimo variation with 3.Bb5 is the clearest indication that we are attempting to frustrate Black’s counterplay. By delaying opening the center, we can simply wait for Black to show us how he intends to continue before we make any big commitments. Most importantly, we have the positional threat of Bxc6, which Black has to be wary of if he himself tries to open the center too quickly. In nearly all variations our principal aim is to achieve rapid development, ensuring optimal conditions for a timely central break. In the main three systems (3…d6, 3…e6 and 3…g6), my multiple suggestions are based on the dual concepts of playing as actively as possible, whilst simultaneously frustrating Black’s ideals. Our repertoire against 3…d6 emphasizes our ability to consistently interfere with Black’s co-ordination. We’ll immediately break open the center with 6.c3 and 7.d4, before attempting to create endless practical difficulties in the mainline with an e5- e6 push. It’s important to pay attention to the continuous theme of both pawn and exchange sacrifices, where piece quality is often prioritized over piece quantity. As usual, the various lines continuously offer ‘safer alternatives’ – which are by no means worse, but instead offer the opportunity to take the game in a different direction. Against 3…e6, I offer two alternatives: either playing critically with 4.0-0 and 5.d4, or frustrating Black’s development with 4.0-0 and 5.Re1. The first option will result in positions similar to Open Sicilians, except that Black has a slightly inferior knight on g6, as opposed to f6. The latter aims for optimal piece placement which will make it difficult for Black to open the centre – whereas we are ideally positioned to break with c2-c3 and d2-d4. 3…g6 is arguably the most critical line against the Rossolimo. As usual, I analysed two distinct options – either capturing on c6 immediately or playing 4.0-0 and 5.c3 with the aim of occupying the centre. In both lines, we’ll often encounter themes revolving around Black’s weakened dark-squares, as well as attempts to suppress Black’s g7-bishop with a strong e5-pawn. You will quickly realize that a combination of our own dynamic piece play, alongside attempting to create endless practical difficulties for our opponent, are at the heart of every variation we discuss.

  • av Jan Werle

    Choosing the subject wasn't easy at all,since the topic of defense requires a comprehensive analysis from differentangles in order to give the chess player under pressure useful guidelinesduring a game. Of course, the technical part is a matter of findingchallenging, new and interesting positions. I was struggling with describingthe emotions that we have during the game, how they influence ourdecision-making process and what we can do about that. Hence, I tried the bestI could to define the issues the defender encounters during a stressful game.Finally I am confidently sharing with you the lessons that I learned from sportpsychologists and literature, and my experience as a player over 30 years.GM Jan Werle November 2021

  • av Romain Edouard

    Most tactics and training books are good for boosting your calculation ability, but they do not teach you how to calculate. This is the difference I want to make with my own books, by arranging the exercises in different categories so that the thinking process more closely resembles the one we have during a game.Level 1 of my new series consists of learning how to checkmate your opponent. The first three chapters are a rather classical tactics training, then things get harder. In Chapter 4, you have to trap your opponent¿s king; in Chapter 5, you have to win by eliminating the defender in your opponent¿s position; in Chapter 6, by using a decisive double threat and in Chapter 7, with an unexpected winning sacrifice. Chapter 8 consists of a few other problems which required short instructions.You should go through the book chapter by chapter. The complexity of the examples increases throughout the book, and you shouldn¿t skip a category if you consider it too easy. The book covers the full thinking process you should have when trying to mate your opponent, or when the situation of your opponent¿s king may tempt you to look further in a mating direction. As with all training, there is a warm-up, a tough phase, a break, a relaxing phase, then another tough phase, and respecting the pedagogical order of the book will make sure that you derive the maximum benefit from it, and are 100% ready for Level 2.After you have completed all 276 exercises in the book you won¿t let your opponent¿s king escape when it shouldn¿t. Reading it should pay off quickly in terms of results! And this is exactly what I wish you.

  • av Wojciech Moranda

    Are you struggling with your chess development? While dedicating hours and hours on improving your craft, your rating simply does not want to move upwards? Spending loads of money on chess books and DVDs, but feeling no real improvement at all? No worries ¿ the book that you are holding in your hands might represent a game changer! Years of coaching experience as well as independent research has allowed the author to identify the key skills that will enhance the progress of just about any player rated between 1600 and 2500. Becoming a strong chess thinker is namely not only reserved exclusively for elite players, but actually constitutes the cornerstone of chess training, being no less important than memorizing opening theory, acquiring middlegame knowledge or practicing endgames. By studying this book, you will:- learn how to universally deal with any position you might encounter in your games, even if you happen to see it for the first time in your life, - have the opportunity to solve 90 unique, hand-picked puzzles, extensively annotated and peculiarly organised for the Readers¿ optimal learning effect, - gain access to more than 300 pages of original grandmaster thoughts and advice, leaving you awestruck and hungry for more afterwards!

  • av Frank Hoffmeister

    This book takes you along a most fascinating journey. Starting with chess games from the 19th Century and the foundation of the Belgium Chess Federation in 1920. Frank Hoffmeister sees this as a personal homage to the KBSB but also explains his personal views on the Belgian chess scene and developments.

  • av Boroljub Zlatanovic

    Endgames with bishops versus knights are one of the most frequently occurring in chess. In his first volume international master and trainer Boroljub Zlatanovic, highlighted in his usual methodological way the concepts that can be mastered with a little effort. The book shows the key elements and different themes. By identifying mistakes made by even the best players, the author indicates the need for correct endgame technique with the light pieces. After practicing his conclusions, you soon will discover you are becoming a far more effective endgame player. This is Boroljub’s second book, after the highly acclaimed ‘Fundamental Chess Strategy in 100 Games’.

  • av Frank Hoffmeister

    This book takes you along a most fascinating journey. Starting with chess games from the 19th Century and the foundation of the Belgium Chess Federation in 1920. Frank Hoffmeister sees this as a personal homage to the KBSB but also explains his personal views on the Belgian chess scene and developments.

  • av Christian Bauer

    Building on his ever creative ideas, Christian Bauer found a way to take a fresh look at the current status of the Alekhine Defense. It's clear that Christian has a definite weak spot for Knights. Surely you will appreciate his best efforts to bamboozle your opponents into self-destruction by using the Alekhine.

  • av Georg Mohr

    Albin Planinc was born in the middle of the Second World War, on 18th April 1944, in the little village of Briše, near the small town of Zagorje ob Savi, approximately 30 kilometers from Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. He spent his childhood with his mother Ljudmila (unofficially Milka), a simple, uneducated woman who earned money from various unskilled jobs’.This fascinating biography of over eighty-five annotated games and stories are being presented by grandmasters Georg Mohr and Adrian Mikhalchishin. It covers Planinc’ entire life and chess career, including his most fascinating games. This fitting tribute of a forgotten chess genius should be found in anyone’s chess library. Thanks to this colorful book Albin Planinc will continue to inspire us all and will keep his spirit alive.

  • av Dariusz Swiercz

    What is the best way to improve your opening knowledge? Memorizing variations? Not really.In the first volume of Dariusz’ trilogy, the author helps you to understand the instructive patterns that arise from the immensely popular Nimzo-Indian Defense. Packed with plenty new ideas, his methods consider the different ways White has at his disposal. His unique approach shows Black has nothing to fear, on the contrary! Thinkers is convinced you will enjoy the read!

  • av Pavlovic Milos

    The Najdorf is one of the most respected variations of the Sicilian Defence. Over decades it has remained a sound yet attacking weapon in the hands of the world's finest players including several world champions. Join Robert James Fischer, Kasparov, Anand, Topalov, MVL and legions of club players by playing for a win with Black using the Najdorf. Expert and Grandmaster Milos Pavlovic will be your practical and honest guide in this fifth book for Thinkers Publishing.

  • av Dorsa Derakhshani

    This bookin front of you assists all players in their efforts to improve, and alongtheir way, our young chess guns provided fresh insights how to trap and trickyour opponent in the opening and early middlegame. With the many computer-assistedlearning tools available, the player’s capacity to improve is limitless. Thisbook offers the reader an insider’s candid view of how to unbalance the game inthe modern age of chess.

  • av Romain Edouard

    En este nuevo libro, Romain examina el más reciente aspecto de su carrera: ser asistente de un jugador de la élite. Trabajó con Veselin Topalov desde 2010 hasta 2014, período en el que con su ayuda sobresalen la victoria del búlgaro en la serie Grand Prix 2012-2013 y el convertirse en Candidato a la Corona Mundial. Edouard nos cuenta todo sobre esta mágica experiencia. Al repasar los torneos donde asistió al GM Topalov, el autor, no sólo analiza bellas partidas sino que además explica cómo se las agenciaron para crear nuevas ideas e incluso llega a revelar algunas que no se han jugado todavía. También da respuesta a las preguntas que más curiosidad despiertan en la mayoría de los entusiastas del ajedrez: ¿Cómo te conviertes en ayudante de un jugador de la élite?, ¿En qué consiste ese trabajo?, ¿Cómo se aúnan esfuerzos para colaborar?, ¿Cómo se prepara una partida o torneo importante?, ¿Cómo se comporta un genio ajedrecístico en la vida real?Si disfrutas las partidas fascinantes, las ideas inesperadas en la apertura y deseas conocer lo que sucede tras bambalinas, definitivamente, ¡este libro es para ti!

  • av Lukasz Jarmula

    Do you relish the prospect of setting your opponent awkward problems from the early start of the game? If so, you should just continue reading, for in the Bg5 Najdorf, it’s every man for himself, and only the best informed and most creative resourceful player survive. The Bg5 variation gives White very dangerous attacking ideas, and Blacks really needs to know a precise defense to come out of this variation alive. This book provides weapons that are ideal choices for those who revel in forcing opponents into chaotic and uncomfortable positions.Lukasz Jarmula, a player and writer of international caliber, will be your truthful guide!

  • av Jan Boekelman

    Welcome to the wonderful world of the Averbakh variation against the King's IndianDefense (KID). Who would not want to have a variation against the KID thatkeeps White's position completely under control, that is positional in natureand that stays away from dark and murky waters or messy tactical situations?Many players like to play a variation against the KID that bears the hallmark ofstrong grandmasters and has stood the test of time. This book examines suchvariation with a repertoire for White and an in-depth analysis of all ofBlack's responses.The Averbakh variation represents a shift in White's approach to the fight againstthe KID. Rather than focusing solely on the queenside while accepting a certaindanger of being checkmated on the other side of the board, as it happens in theKID in many lines, White uses a strategy of positional control, in which heuses the KID in a calm, positional way. Initially, the character of the battleis indeed relatively calm and positional, but not too calm to land innear-equal positions immediately. White's development schedules followstrategic logic. In the following parts of the game, White generally retainshis first mover advantage, in positions where he retains control.Repertoire books on the KID start from Black's point of view, overestimating Black'schances and downplaying White's options and plans. In my opinion, that requiresan analytical response from White's point of view. In this book, I will showthat, using recent theoretical developments and my own novelties and analyses,White has a serious chance to come out of the opening with a long-term plus.

  • av Genna Sosonko
    380 - 480,-

  • av Paul van der Sterren

    In his well-known entertaining style, the author takes us through the fascinating history of the World Champions of Chess. A striking and beautiful book full of anecdotes, stories and thrilling games played by the titans of our royal game. It is a book you can read time and again and will surely find a treasured place on your bookshelf!

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