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Böcker utgivna av Trine Day

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  • - The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein
    av Whitney Alyse Webb

  • av Wendy S. Painting

    Presenting startling new biographical details about Timothy McVeigh and exposing stark contradictions and errors contained in previous depictions of the "e;All-American Terrorist,"e; this book traces McVeigh's life from childhood to the Army, throughout the plot to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and the period after his 1995 arrest until his 2001 execution. McVeigh's life, as Dr. Wendy Painting describes it, offers a backdrop for her discussion of not only several intimate and previously unknown details about him, but a number of episodes and circumstances in American History as well. In Aberration in the Heartland, Painting explores Cold War popular culture, all-American apocalyptic fervor, organized racism, contentious politics, militarism, warfare, conspiracy theories, bioethical controversies, mind control, the media's construction of villains and demons, and institutional secrecy and cover-ups. All these stories are examined, compared, and tested in Aberration in the Heartland of the Real, making this book a much closer examination into the personality and life of Timothy McVeigh than has been provided by any other biographical work about him

  • av Whitney Alyse Webb

  • - An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones
    av Antony C. Sutton

    Breaking 170 years of secrecy, this intriguing exposE takes a behind-the-scenes look at Yale's mysterious society, the Order of the Skull and Bones, and its prominent members, numbering among them Tafts, Rockefellers, Pillsburys, and Bushes. Explored is how Skull and Bones initiates have become senators, judges, cabinet secretaries, spies, titans of finance and industry, and even U.S. presidents, including George W. Bush. This book reveals that far from being a campus fraternity, the society is more concerned with the success of its members in the postcollegiate world. Included are a verified membership list, rare reprints of original Order materials revealing the interlocking power centers dominated by Bonesmen, and a peek inside the Tomb, their 140-year-old private clubhouse.

  • - A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft
    av Peter Levenda

    The roots of coincidence and conspiracy in American politics, crime, and culture are investigated in this examination of the connections between religion, political conspiracy, and occultism. Readers are presented with detailed insight into how Charlie Manson became a national bogeyman as well as startling connections between Nobel Prize–winning physicist Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, and synchronicity; serial killers, multiple personality disorder, and demonic possession; and magic, surrealism, and mind control. Not a work of speculative history, this third volume of a three-part set is founded on primary source material and historical documents. Fascinating secrets are divulged involving Hollywood icons such as Marilyn Monroe, David Lynch, and Jane Fonda as well as links between the Cotton Club murders, the Bluegrass conspiracy, and the Son of Sam cult.

  • - A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft
    av Peter Levenda

    "The roots of coincidence and conspiracy in American politics, crime, and culture are examined in this first volume of a three-part set, exposing new connections between religion, political conspiracy, and occultism. Based on the premise that there is a satanic undercurrent to American affairs, this study examines the sinister forces at work throughout history, from ancient American civilizations and the mysterious mound-builder culture to the Salem witch trials, the birth of Mormonism during a ritual of ceremonial magic by Joseph Smith Jr., and Operations Paperclip and Bluebird."

  • av Kevin Fenton

    Questioning actions taken by American intelligence agencies prior to 9/11, this investigation charges that intelligence officials repeatedly and deliberately withheld information from the FBI, thereby allowing hijackers to attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Pinpointing individuals associated with Alec Station, the CIA's Osama bin Laden unit, as primarily responsible for many of the intelligence failures, this account analyzes the circumstances in which critical intelligence information was kept from FBI investigators in the wider context of the CIA's operations against al-Qaeda, concluding that the information was intentionally omitted in order to allow an al-Qaeda attack to go forward against the United States. The book also looks at the findings of the four main 9/11 investigations, claiming they omitted key facts and were blind to the purposefulness of the wrongdoing they investigated. Additionally, it asserts that Alec Station's chief was involved in key post-9/11 events and further intelligence failures, including the failure to capture Osama bin Laden at Tora Bora and the CIA's rendition and torture program.

  • av Vincent Michael Palamara

  • av Benjamin Kendrick Buckley

    This provides a firsthand account of how the United States' top-secret programs can negatively impact a family and what it was like to fight on the frontline of the Civil War, while also helping those from all walks of life who endured childhood trauma, and survive.

  • av James Francis Day

    What more is there to add about the Shroud of Turin? The linen cloth with the faint image of the crucified Jesus in the position of burial is perhaps more popular today than at any other time. But the Shroud unlocks for us another world, a forgotten world. THE FRAUD OF TURIN, written by Catholic writer James Day, objectively reviews the evidence for a medieval creation, but it is written for religious believers, art lovers, and history buffs showing just how all consuming the Passion of Jesus Christ was to the medieval mind. What emerges is an epic journey with crusaders to Jerusalem's Holy Sepulcher, into Arthurian lore and the search for the Holy Grail, and across the Black Sea into mysterious Constantinople. James Day boldly sets out to find the truth of the world's most famous religious artifact.

  • av Linda Minor

    Gangster Planet, which is thoroughly researched and documented, yet written in a style that entertains while it informs. Much of the book provides historical analysis about how-- as technology is constantly changing-- crime not only persists unabated, but criminals upgrade their modernized techniques of doing business as well. It also shows how criminals involved in drug trafficking work hand-in-hand with more " professional" white-collar criminals who assist in laundering the proceeds of crime through public corporations throughout the world. An alternative subtitle could have been " The Transition of Organized Crime into Transnational Organized Crime" .

  • av Brook Urick

    Brook Urick worked behind the scenes at notorious sugar daddy website SeekingArrangement for five years while trying her own luck as a sugar baby. Part coming of age memoir and part exposé with a twist of grim dating advice, Brook's story parallels her unusual relationship history with her ascension working for a pseudo dating website designed to protect predatory men. Through anecdotal evidence and insider information, she paints the picture of an evil machine that serves as an agency for sex trafficking and exploitation. While working under controversial CEO, Brandon Wade, at Seeking (formerly SeekingArrangement or SA), she perpetuated lies to the media while product developers designed a website that absolved perpetrators through anonymity. The rise in social media facades of unattainable luxury and wealth disparity pushed the Disney generation to sign up as sugar babies in droves. Many were victimized. Most victims don't come forward due to the shame and stigma surrounding sex work. Anonymous abusers are free to return to Seeking and bait their next mark. Brook's account details how a laissez-faire attitude around sex in her early years led to manipulation, coercion and statu

  • av Robert Reynolds Nelson

    This is an " inside look" at one family's struggles against the President of the United States, Lyndon Baines Johnson amidst the JFK assassination and during his presidency. Never before published family archives, Senate testimony, and the secret LBJ tapes show a family beset with death threats, a flawed Senate judgment, and a legacy of a US president that has been secretly sheltered-- until this book.

  • av Rose High Bear

    These teachings were given to Martin through the ancient White Buffalo Calf Woman Pipe as he stepped into his patrilineal and matrilineal heritage as a spiritual leader and holy man in the 1970's. For 25 years, he traveled sharing them with his own people as they began to restore their cultural identity and ceremonies. However, he was also instructed by the Spirit World to share his teachings with everyone - all the colors of mankind with whom he met during his travels- he worked to strengthen race reconciliation and to bring healing between Indian and non-Indian people, which continues to this day between the Lakota people and all the spiritual peoples of the world. This book is everything one ever wanted to know about The Teton Lakota's North American Indigenous people as they were pre-contact from European colonization. We are also offered a glimpse of the spiritual power and highly evolved civilizations they had, that emerged here in America- via oral histories from Lakota Intercessors- just like those from antiquity- such as Moses; the Prophets of the Middle-East; Fu Xi of the I Ching in China; the Toltec Goddess Cihuatyl- also known as the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico- and especially the Tibetans, among many others; from the Four Directions of the World. The 7 Commandments of The Sacred Buffalo Calf Woman therefore necessitates a multi-generational biography of Holy Man Martin Highbear- whose direct lineage goes back in written word to 1834- and encompasses Ancestral teachings handed down from generation to generation, along with supra.natural abilities to heal people and to see into the future, in order to navigate what is to come. It was prophesized by White Buffalo Calf Woman that when the post­ contact and colonized Indigenous people finally returned to their sacred ceremonies, that She would return; much like what is prophesized in the Christian tradition. However, the Lakota were to practice their visions as a way of life- yet honor all the visions of the other cultures- in order for all of the people of the 4 directions of the world to come together in the Medicine Wheel as the 4 colors of humanity, empowering them to help save the world together.

  • av William Matson Law

    In William Law's new book Shadows & Light, the reader is taken on a journey following Law and his partner Mark Sobel, a writer and a filmmaker, while they try to unravel the mystery of the Robert F. Kennedy Assassination. The reader will see the assassination through the eyes of not only Law and Sobel, but through the eyes of the witnesses who were present at this historical event.

  • av Daniel Luzadder

    The Manchurian Journalist documents for readers that their concerns about American journalism are justified. It shows that as the watchdog of democracy journalism has, since the Cold War, been compromised by influences unseen and unheard by the public in deciding what people read, hear and subsequently believe. This cultural cold war, led by a CIA and State Department-tied political strategy, involved major news outlets, magazine and book publishers, and worked through a network of unsigned intelligence ' agents' - and influential institutions, foundations and government agencies -- to propagandize the American public, challenge socialism and communism, and preserve an elite " Establishment."

  • av Matt Vaughn

    High strangeness denotes happenings so uncanny they are deemed "utterly absurd." It involves the intersection of multiple paranormal phenomena, revealing an eerie undergirding of reality. MY COSMIC TRIGGER is a deep dive into the subject, covering its history, theories, and notable researchers, analyzing mechanisms behind this cosmic enigma. The author's personal experiences provide a penetrating understanding of the phenomenon by demonstrating how and why extramundane weirdness manifests on a personal level, helping people navigate their own 'synchromystic initiation' with a sense of clarity, fostering a constructive relationship with odd occurrences (not a destabilizing one), and enabling readers to successfully pull their own cosmic trigger.

  • av Gregg Wager

    As the cruel South Dakota winter thawed toward the end of February 1976, a rancher on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation discovered the frostbitten corpse of a Jane Doe at the bottom of a 30-foot cliff, 100 feet from a state highway. An autopsy determined she had died of exposure, while the FBI sent her severed hands to Washington for analysis. Weeks later, a match of fingerprints to feisty American Indian Movement (AIM) activist Anna Mae Pictou-Aquash led to exhumation and another autopsy, this time revealing that she had been shot in the head. Those sympathetic to AIM assumed hers was simply one of nearly 200 unsolved murders during an era when the Reservation was held secretly under martial law, now known as the Reign of Terror. Months before Aquash's murder, a deadly gun battle between AIM members and two young FBI agents forced her to flee with her friend and fellow agitator Leonard Peltier. Although Peltier always denied FBI claims that he was the one who delivered coup de grâ ce shots to the agents, he was eventually convicted of double murder. This prompted unsuccessful popular movements for a Presidential pardon as inept lies from both sides helped stalemate any legal or polit

  • av Anna van Oort

    Wayang: The Shadow Play is a book about an unintentional discovery of MKUltra and SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) programming running in the author's family. The book begins with an outline of her childhood, because much of the research involved remembering the strange and unexplainable things that happened in her life. The investigative journey begins after she has lost it all, this was when she chose to learn why her life was seemingly jinxed instead of giving up on life entirely. At the time she had no idea what an amazing journey was about to unfold. She threw up allover the bed. She was thrown into a mental institution and drugged against her Will. She was abducted! She didn't think she would survive and prepared for her demise. And just as she was knocking at Death's Door, found her long lost ancestors who were the only ones able to help her. Learning about her ancestors was only one of the pieces needed to piece the puzzle of Anna's life together. The book continues with heavily quoted references and research into Psychopathy, Mental Illness, Satanism and Christianity and includes a condensed narrarive of her father's book Tjideng Reunion, a memoir of his experience in the WW2

  • av Juliette Engel

    Russian History told as a romance wrapped in a crime thriller. Moscow Traffic is an international thriller that exposes the roots of a vast Russian human trafficking network through the eyes of Seattle forensic psychologist Peter Stone as he travels to Moscow in search of his missing lover, opera star Caroline Luke. Her empty coffin and passport have arrived at SeaTac airport with Russian documents declaring her dead. Without a body, neither American or Russian police will investigate further, which forces his decision to leave his comfortable life in Seattle and plunge head-first into the perverse world of international organized crime and human trafficking. On his hero's journey, Peter crosses paths with victims, perpetrators, buyers, sellers, saints, ghosts and thieves as the borders of morality and reality blur in a society tormented by its past and fearful of the future. Peter finds himself spinning out of control as he confronts the mystery of his own family's twisted past and its role in the crime that has caused so much pain to Caroline. In a world where nothing is what it seems and only the most adaptable survive, Peter and Caroline must undergo the unearthing of long-hidden secrets that threatens their future.

  • av Douglas Valentine

    Pisces Moon: The Dark Arts of Empire is a non-fiction book about what writer William Burroughs called, "the backlash and bad karma of empire." Set against the author's month-long trip to London, Vietnam and Thailand in early 1991, it tells how the American empire was created by rapacious businessmen backed by a murderous military establishment, media moguls who designed a relentless psychological warfare campaign that glorifies warriors who are programmed to kill on command, and clerics who contrived a religious justification for imperialism, the subordination of women, and the establishment of chattel slavery. Pisces Moon shows how these mythmakers, led by CIA drug traffickers after World War Two, destroyed much of Southeast Asia. It also tells how the myth of American greatest has come home to roost and is now manifest as the vainglorious, militant Christian nationalist movement that wishes to establish a right-wing dictatorship. Pisces Moon argues that the survival of American democracy, and the world, depends upon people being able to distinguish between material evidence and substantiated facts on the one hand, and conspiracy theories, religious beliefs, and supremacist myths on the other.

  • av Robert Guffey

    Examining nearly every conspiracy theory in the public's consciousness today, this investigation seeks to link seemingly unrelated theories through a cultural studies perspective. While looking at conspiracy theories that range from the moon landing and JFK's assassination to the Oklahoma City bombing and Freemasonry, this reconstruction reveals newly discovered connections between wide swaths of events. Linking Dracula to George W. Bush, UFOs to strawberry ice cream, and Jesus Christ to robots from outer space, this is truly an all-original discussion of popular conspiracy theories.

  • av Gerry Docherty

    Nations go to war in a blare of trumpets and glory for high designs like Defence of the smaller nation, Democracy and Justice. Behind this rhetoric is the pain and anguish of slaughter, misery, starvation and death so that rich men grow richer. Beyond Revanche exposes the grotesque injustice of a world war within which small group of French policemen in the Deuxieme Bureau have to come to terms with the reality of destruction. Stretched to the limit they seek answers to the conundrum of who is actually controlling the war in France and beyond. The conspiracy they unearth threatens their very survival and that of France itself. Politics and injustice, sacrifice and conspiracy, violence and murder stalk the grand boulevards of Paris while the apparent ravings of a madman sheds a completely different light on events in the city and the politics of division.13. This fast-paced story will enthral both readers who have no knowledge of the exposure of the French capital to capitulation in the first weeks of the war and those who have some awareness of these shocking times. The sheer complicity of rich and powerful men who willed the evil to their own advantage beggars belief. The main thread of events are witnessed by a young detective struggling to find acceptance and an assassin who is groomed to commit the final ‘necessary' crime before war was declared in 1914. The following four years become an eye-opener to a truth which has been long buried.

  • av John Lee Brook

    Killing God's Enemies relates the origin, history and activities of the church of Christian Identity and its violent outgrowth called the Phineas Priesthood. In doing so, the book reveals the group's philosophy of hate; their methodology, which is death to all blacks, Jews, homosexuals and abortionists; and their goal, which is an America ruled by white men. The church of Christian Identity is a small and obscure religious denomination. Its radical arm- the Phineas Priesthood- barely registers on the radar screens of the general public's consciousness. That is, until it's too late. For the Phineas Priesthood is unlike any other priesthood. There is no seminary and no ordination. There is only one requirement: kill the enemies of God. Killing God's Enemies will tell the fantastic but true tale of how Christian Identity came to exist, where the idea of the Phineas Priesthood came from, relate the violent exploits of the Priesthood's lone warriors, and show how Anti-Semitism forms the fulcrum upon which Christian Identity pivots.

  • av Mary Maxwell

    A scathing look at our legal system, Fraud Upon the Court explores the important topic of fraud committed in a case by a member of the court. Mary Maxwell discusses famous trials in which she believes fraud upon the court has occurred, including the trials of Troy Davis, James Earle Ray, and various 9/11 cases, and advocates the use of a Writ of Coram Nobis to remedy the frauds. The book also explains the biological reason people believe authority and how to have a court case set aside if the judge cheated, no matter how many years ago.

  • av Neil M Pine

    The Conscious Planet represents the prerequisite for the future of humanity! It's a powerful polemic against all things wrong with our modern western culture. This salient and cutting-edge vision of reality projects way out beyond the horizon. All of this critically important information (while formally being highly controversial and provocative subjects), is now all coming to fruition with more public concern and awareness than ever. The truth about pandemics & vaccine horror! Meat recalls and dangerous zoonotic diseases. Extreme weather and climate change. Nuclear power dangers, GMOs, and the nefarious bee killing and cancer-causing herbicides from Monsanto, rainforest destruction, drought, famine, and endangered species, including bees! It's everything the government, and the multinational corporations that control it, don't want you to know. Furthermore, The Conscious Planet exposes a legacy of demagoguery and corporate plutocracy used by our politicians and big industry to cover up the truth about environmental negligence by mitigating or eschewing the facts (Refer to chapter 4 "Peace and Prosperity" ).Over the years, the truth has become obscured by a maelstrom of this mass government and corporate subreption. I also published an article in the Spring of 2010 in Vision Magazine, warning people about the dangers of nuclear power. Contingent upon this article, just one month later, I gave a 20 min speech about non sustainable practices at the University of California, in Riverside and received an Eco Hero Award. And only 1 year later we experienced the worst nuclear disaster in history at Fukushima Japan! (Refer to chapter "The Insidious Nature of Nuclear Power"). This goes way beyond any self-help book. Not only does this information improve your health and psychology, but it will also dramatically reduce your carbon footprint, thus ameliorating all external environment factors surrounding you, making the world a better place for everyone. No other book presents such a dynamic and broad spectrum of subjects and neatly ties them in all together. Animal agriculture represents the most significant factor in the destruction of our planet due to man's ongoing greed and lust for dead flesh. Eating meat is not only terrible for the environment and your health, but it also patronizes evil and inhumane, Auschwitz style slaughterhouse conditions. "Does something have to die in order for you to live?" You have to be some kind of a prima donna to think so. There is a certain pride in knowing that you can live and thrive while not destroying the environment or killing other living creatures. Once you realize this inner truth an enormous burden of guilt may be lifted off your shoulders. Now you are truly living in harmony with nature and you may begin to feel an illumination of spirit. Living without this cycle of death we automatically become more humane, and therefore more human: More Humane ... Less Beastly, More Compassionate ... Less Barbaric, More Gentle ... Less Brutal, More Assertive ... Less Aggressive, More Ethical ... Less Deceitful

  • av Elizabeth Gould & Paul Fitzgerald

  • av Al Dawg

    Hip-hop music, and more so gangster rap, is the greatest psychological operation ever and The Sharter is the necessary antithesis to this multi-generational tragedy. My weapon of choice is comedy when venturing into the jaws of hell. That's what The Sharter is about, a rhetorical tool for millions to move on from the music they grew up with and completely snap out of hip-hop hypnosis. Once the reader sees the tragedy hidden in the humor they will ascend with clearer sight. It's a comedy-crime-classic that exposes the truth in a unique, shitty way. The Sharter takes place in a parallel world not too much different from our own. Many places, names, and brands are the same while others are different. Most of the characters are inspired by real people.

  • av Michael Joseph McCarron

    The Nazi's never surrendered and planned their 4th Reich using neurocognitive weapons. Going underground their technology made it's way to S. America, the Soviet Union, the United States, among other places. We all are bound by the new rules of corporate fascism, long planned by Himmler, and his main strategy for a 4th Reich, financial control. Are we all just living in a computer-controlled information battlespace continued from World War II? This book dissects the matrix of control used by advanced military industrial powers; it breaks down the technology bit by bit so you have an understanding how technology is being used in a battle for your mind. I address these issues from a veteran's insight as a former Signal Intelligence specialist and with some background in the Intelligence Community, I bring forth countermeasures to this control, showing you how you can safeguard your mind from these attacks. Countermeasures that are not available anywhere in the commercial world, yet without them you will be easy prey for these directed targeted pulse modulated attacks first used by the Nazis.

  • av Francis Richard Conolly

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