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  • av Roger Phelps

  • av Jane Celia Hatch

  • av Michael J. Cat

  • av Ulf T Sandstrom

    By reading this book, you will embark upon a historic journey of change. Each day when you awake, you face two choices: positive, uplifting thoughts, or negative, destructive thoughts. The choice is yours. It is within your power to select successful or failed thoughts. You can take control of your destiny one moment, one hour, and one day at a time. This book condenses volumes of self-help information into a subtle, powerful message that can renew your sense of purpose and enhance your pursuit of a positive, happy life. Happiness can be forged by a willed desire to learn and improve. If you are receptive to positive thinking, and reflect upon its optimistic message, this book will transform your life. Now...relax... and enjoy this life-transforming story.

  • av David Evans

    Following Solomon Trone into the heart of the conspiracies of the last century, this book traces the story of a simple businessman, leading a sedate life in upstate New York, who was thrown into a Cold War nightmare filled with assassination, secret agents, revolution, and danger. Of particular interest to skeptics of the establishment who lived through the Cold War, this story of deep-seated corruption will also appeal to millennials interested in political action but cynical about the same two-party ideologies passed down the generations. Referencing documentation that many people have died to keep secret, this book gives readers a compelling reason to question assumptions of anyone with staunch political beliefs.

  • av Jay Dyer

    Like no other book before it, this work delves into the deep, dark, and mysterious undertones hidden in Tinsel town's biggest films. Esoteric Hollywood is a game-changer in an arena of tabloid-populated titles. After years of scholarly research, Jay Dyer has compiled his most read essays, combining philosophy, comparative religion, symbolism, and geopolitics and their connections to film. Readers will watch movies with new eyes, able to decipher on their own, as the secret meanings of cinema are unveiled.

  • av Katherine Ann Wilson

    During her decades-long career in film, author Katherine Ann Wilson has amassed an amazing collection of movie memorabilia from 50 different major motion pictures. There are close to 500 photographs of these artifacts, from wardrobe sketches to call sheets, and some rather encyclopedic items like images of crew badges and set cranes. Katherine has been a mentor for film students as well-starting them as gofers, teaching them set etiquette, then taking them all the way through screenplay, set design, camera composition, auditioning, editing, soundtrack composition, copyright, marketing, premieres, film festivals, and world-wide distribution. More than a resource for film mentors like Katherine, this book answers the most unanswered question: How did you get into the movie business? For readers wanting to know how to stay in it, and how to succeed in it, Katherine delves into the art of filmmaking and her personal experiences.

  • av John Ketwig

    Very few of the many books about the Vietnam War fully address why the fighting was conducted in such a cruel manner, why it was prolonged far past its logical end, or what, ultimately, went wrong. American literature has been reluctant to emphasize the fact that between 3.5 and 5 million Southeast Asians died-many of them peasants-that the majority of the bombs dropped from American planes landed on South Vietnam-our ally and an impoverished agricultural society-or that the use of napalm and Agent Orange was, in reality, chemical warfare. Americans have been reluctant to acknowledge the damage done, but after 17 years of another, very similar conflict in Afghanistan, many Americans are beginning to wonder why our highly financed and supported military isn't more effective. This book strongly suggests that the lessons of Vietnam are relevant and worthy of being reconsidered as today's wars are debated. From Captain Kangaroo, Roy Rogers, and Walt Disney to space travel, muscle cars, and The Beatles, the generation that would be sent to fight in Vietnam was uniquely influenced by times that were a-changin'. Like square pegs in a round hole, the post-World War II baby boomers were brought up with values that made widespread social outcry against the horrors of the war predictable and necessary. Those influences and values have long been ignored, but this book revives a spirited discussion and analysis of the first war America lost.

  • av Roger Phelps

    This book is a vigorous effort to answer the question, "e;How did we get here?"e;-a question that troubles virtually every American over the age of fourteen. How did America lose power in the world? How did American democracy become undermined? The press industry, who once would have been charged with answering this question, is not-according to Phelps-currently capable of doing so. Closely read, this book allows an answer to emerge to this compelling American question.

  • av Donald Jeffries

    Bestselling author Donald Jeffries turns his critical eye onto the topic of bullying to show how teachers, principals, and other school officials invariably side with the bullies in the most egregious cases, instead of protecting the victims. He also shows how many so-called anti-bullying activists and nearly all the professional "e;experts"e; excuse bullying and in fact laud sociopathic behavior in general. As Jeffries demonstrates, this curious phenomenon is due to the power and influence of the social hierarchy, and it revolves to a great extent around the enduring popularity of sports. Jeffries talked to parents who'd battled a system that logically should have been working for them, some of whom lost a child to bullycide, the term for children who kill themselves over bullying. His investigation into what has become one of the most talked about issues in America is as explosive and controversial as anything he has written.

  • av Juliette M Engel

    Sparky's story shines the spotlight on crimes against American children that were sanctioned on a national scale by the United States government. At the age of six in 1955, she was sold by her parents to the Sex Magick cult run by the CIA under its illegal program of secret experimentation on mind control called Monarch. By the time she was ten, she'd been purposely split into multiple identities, each one associated with a different age and place as her family moved around the country to avoid Child Protective Services and the police. With each new identity, she forgot the last one. In Imperial Beach, California, inside a tough neighborhood of gangs and brothels abutting the Tijuana Sewer and the Mexican border, she discovered her own courage in the determined persona of a new character, Sparky MacGregor. As she grew older, Sparky's memory faded as she was moved from one location to the next. At the age of seventeen, she escaped from a camp in Big Sur, and left childhood behind. She became a physician, raised a family and moved to Moscow where she founded and ran an underground railroad for child sex trafficking victims from the former USSR. Years later, she returned to Imperial Beach to speak at an international conference on border security. The memory of her lost childhood suddenly returned.

  • av Jeffery Johnson Smith

    How much do we spend on the nature we use? Answer that and you'll know the size of your commonwealth and the coming phase of the economy. Most economists bundle land with capital or leave out land and its rent altogether-and cripple their discipline. "e;Geonomists"e;, OTOH, forecast the last recession to the exact quarter. Counting Bounty highlights a widespread blindspot. Most of us overlook land and its power to twist an economy. Householders typically spend most of their budget on land -beneath their homes and within every purchase like food-without awareness. Tallying rent, this work fills in those blindspots with insights society needs to know. It's not possible to do economics without getting politics all over you. The story begins with the official and academic efforts to minimize the total worth of Earth in America. A perusal of the historical relationship between the elite and the intellectual shows that paying the piper, calling the tune, is the norm, even up to the present. Using a slew of statistics and others' research findings, I track rent to its recipients, to the rentiers who own much and wield much power. The cited sources give the story more legs to stand on than a centipede. Aware reformers can address pressing problems by tapping land value. Towns in Pennsylvania infill instead of sprawl; efficient land use conserves energy. Pittsburgh spurs urban renewal sans subsidy; cities are cash starved. Once towns in Australia experienced factory openings ... during a recession! Aspen Colorado and Hong Kong build affordable housing, narrowing inequality. Alaska and Singapore pay residents a dividend, freeing some to drop out of the rat race. Watching rent flow sheds light on how economies operate, why they sometimes fail, and what a society can do about it. As critical issues reach a tipping point, the problems that misdirecting rent causes, redirecting rent can solve. Drawing attention to the grand total for rent by itself raises the possibility of redirecting

  • av Daniel Estulin

    The break up of countries, the end of the current planetary economic model, the regionalization of economies, the birth of global supra national projects. Change of the cosmic energy of Atlanticism (NATO, USA, North Atlantic) to the Eastern and Pacific zone (Silk Road, China, Eurasia) with Latin America as its second node. The book explains what the new economic model will need to constructed and agreed on after the global collapse of our world in 2 or 3 years.

  • av Katherine Wilson

    With the help of University of Oregon professors, as well as professors from CU Boulder and University of Cincinnati, this book ties together the author's personal experiences and interviews of members of the New Hollywood and those that influenced them, such as the Merry Pranksters and their film crew, Poetic Cinema Filmmakers, still living members of the Beat Generation, and through academic articles and books, from Plato to Yeats and the time's literary theory deconstructionists, answers the question of what created them.

  • av Juliette M. Engel

    Angels Over Moscow is an inspirational, first-person account of the life of American physician, Dr. Juliette Engel, who founded the non-profit MiraMed Institute to devote her energy and resources to helping reform maternal and infant healthcare in Russia. During a mission to improve medical care for children in orphanages, she discovered a link between the State institutions and an international network that trafficked young Russian girls to Scandinavia for prostitution. She followed their trail north into Norway, where she ran headlong into the international slave trade of the 20th Century-human trafficking. From that point forward, there was no turning back for the determined doctor, as she traveled throughout the former USSR, often at great personal peril, building a network of villagers, educators, police, media, and government officials called the Angel Coalition who committed their talents and resources to fighting human trafficking, and bringing thousands of Russian trafficking victims safely home. As a result of her work, she became eyewitness to the collapse of an empire as the USSR broke apart, and the Russian people struggled to find their identity without losing their humanity. Her strength and personal commitment saved thousands of lives and has helped heal the wounds of a broken nation. In Angels Over Moscow, Dr. Engel describes her journey as the "e;gift of an unexpected life."e; More than that, it is a tribute to American ideals, and to idealists like Dr. Engel, who put her life and freedom on the line to fight the good fight for all of us. Every human being encounters crossroads on the path of life that require fate-altering decisions with unknowable outcomes. Selling my medical practice to live and work in Russia wasn't among my life plans when I first set out to explore what lay beyond the boundaries of my familiar world. How could I anticipate that I'd be drawn down the harder, darker, unexplored road into the tumultuous disorder of Russia? I look ba

  • av Janet Phelan

    Today, we find ourselves embroiled in the midst of a pandemic, one which has collapsed economies, caused death by starvation, and has resulted in severe new restrictions on civil rights in the US and elsewhere. Numerous medical professionals and researchers are questioning the genesis of the Covid- 19 agent, whether or not it was bioengineered and deliberately released and are also questioning the course taken to shut down whole countries and demand that people stay at home. Questions have also been raised as to the verifiability of the numbers alleged to have died from this novel coronavirus, pointing to dictates from the CDC to list deaths not directly caused by the virus as virus-caused deaths. In the midst of this chaos, these articles, written long before the Covid-19 pandemic, point to a monstrous political agenda, implicating media, government, and foreign nations in the plan to launch this. As the country begins to reopen, the trajectory of these articles should result in grave concern for what the future may hold.

  • av Steven Chain

    FLY BY NIGHT is about the helicopter crash on the set of "e;Twilight Zone: The Movie"e; - the Warner Bros. film co-produced by Steven Spielberg and John Landis - that killed actor Vic Morrow, and two children who had been hired illegally.Confidential sources in the studios and in the private worlds of Spielberg and Landis - and in the DA's office, the sheriff's office, Interpol and the FBI - and newly uncovered internal Warner Bros. documents - let the author show the cover-up that ensued, a $5-million-dollar scheme to keep Landis out of jail and Spielberg out of the headlines, resulting in an unbelievable acquittal by a jury that had fallen under the spell of Hollywood. From John Huston, Jackie Cooper, Ralph Bellamy and Don Ameche to Chevy Chase, George Lucas, Dan Aykroyd and Carrie Fisher, both old and new Hollywood found themselves party to this unprecedented event.

  • av Joel N. Kabakov

    What is it about Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (1962) that transports so many readers into "e;life changing"e; exhortations? Is it the direct yet compassionate radical message of what we as a species have failed to realize in our reckless trajectory toward oblivion? Is it whistle blowing of the highest order? Does it offer solutions along with critical analysis? Whatever the formula for success, her success-despite attempts to ban the book-is not arguable. Were her book to attain a modicum of comparable acceptance in these dystopic times then her mission will have been accomplished. She is not above emulation of the masters, a practice she learned as a composer, not an author. But it is something that suits well whatever creative endeavor we practice. Her response to all queries remains, "e;read the book."e;

  • av Harry S. Wylie

  • av Robert Lee Primeaux

    This book is very specific about the legend of Will Chase/Chasing Hawk. The legend of Will Chase/Chasing Hawk has been told only within the Lakotas of the Sioux Nation. But now with the approval of the Elders that have told this story to the author, and only now can this legend be told in print to the people of the world. This story is based on emotion, the personal identity of Chasing Hawk/Will Chase, and the personal philosophy that Will embraces as a man who lives in two worlds as Will Chase/Chasing Hawk, and lives in both worlds with the highest of personal integrity and honour.

  • - Memoir of a Department of State Oath-Taking Survivor
    av Michelle Laureen Stefanick

  • - Three Nights of Desmond
    av Elizabeth Gould & Paul Fitzgerald

  • - The Mob, the connections, the stories
    av Geno Munari

  • - Vincent Bugliosi and the Dallas Conspiracy
    av Gregory S. Donges

  • - Three Trimesters of Stories About Surviving Loss
    av Michelle Dana Mason Fulton

  • av Robert Lee Primeaux

  • - Right of Silence
    av Joseph B Wallenstein

    How Americans got their constitutional rights to legal representation and their of right of silenceTwo men from opposite ends of the human social spectrum who came together in one blazing moment of legal history and how that moment changed their lives and the lives of all Americans.

  • - History's Most Renowned Agents
    av Vincent Palamara

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