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Böcker utgivna av Ubiquity Press Ltd

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  • - Should the Consumption of Animal Products Be Banned?
    av Jan Deckers
    310 - 456,-

  • - The Philosophy and Practices That Are Revolutionizing Education and Science

  • - A Guide for the Perplexed

    Publishing Addiction Science is a comprehensive guide for addiction scientists facing the complex process of contributing to scholarly journals. Written by an international group of addiction journal editors and their colleagues, it discusses how to write research articles and systematic reviews, choose a journal, respond to reviewers' reports, become a reviewer, and resolve the often difficult authorship, ethical and citation issues that arise in addiction science publishing.As a "Guide for the Perplexed," Publishing Addiction Science helps novice as well as experienced researchers to deal with these challenges. It is suitable for university courses and forms the basis of the training workshops offered by the International Society of Addiction Journal Editors (ISAJE).Co-sponsored by ISAJE and the scientific journal Addiction, the third edition of Publishing Addiction Science gives special attention to the challenges faced by researchers from developing and non-English-speaking countries and features new chapters on guidance for clinician-scientists and the growth of infrastructure and career opportunities in addiction science.

  • - Economic, Institutional and Sociocultural Factors
    av Yuriy Bilan

    Ukraine is a 'border' society, situated culturally and socio-politically between Eurasian and Euro-Atlantic poles of attraction. The infl uence of these two distinct cultures can be seen throughout Ukrainian society, but particularly in its migration patterns.In this book, Dr Hab. Y. Bilan analyses external migration from Ukraine using the system analysis approach combining econometric analysis and statistical modelling, historiographical and institutional analyses along with quantitative and qualitative sociological analysis with special attention to media discourse and congregational, demographic, gender and regional dimensions.

  • - Source Theory and Its Applications
    av Benjamin Brown

  • - Designing Work Systems to Support Optimal Human Performance
    av Cecilia Berlin

    Production ergonomics - the science and practice of designing industrial workplaces to optimize human well-being and system performance - is a complex challenge for a designer. Humans are a valuable and flexible resource in any system of creation, and as long as they stay healthy, alert and motivated, they perform well and also become more competent over time, which increases their value as a resource. However, if a system designer is not mindful or aware of the many threats to health and system performance that may emerge, the end result may include inefficiency, productivity losses, low working morale, injuries and sick-leave.To help budding system designers and production engineers tackle these design challenges holistically, this book offers a multi-faceted orientation in the prerequisites for healthy and effective human work. We will cover physical, cognitive and organizational aspects of ergonomics, and provide both the individual human perspective and that of groups and populations, ending up with a look at global challenges that require workplaces to become more socially and economically sustainable. This book is written to give you a warm welcome to the subject, and to provide a solid foundation for improving industrial workplaces to attract and retain healthy and productive staff in the long run.

  • - Principer for Utveckling av den Hogre Utbildningen
    av Andrew Casson

    What should a university be? How can universities make a sounder and more lasting contribution to better lives and better societies in a globalised world? From a Swedish perspective, this new book challenges current ideas about what higher education is for. It presents fifteen principles for future development that range from a discussion of the nature of knowledge to the responsibility of the university in the development of society. Universities must become better at allowing and encouraging students to develop independence of thought and action through self-formation, bildung, and personal growth rather than merely preparing them for a specific job, the books says, using a historical perspective to consider these issues.This book is written in Swedish:Vad bör en högskola vara? Högskolans ansvar ifrågasätter nutidens dominerande uppfattningar om vad den högre utbildningen ska syssla med och hur den ska vara utformad. Boken presenterar femton principer för radikal förändring i allt från kunskapssyn till den högre utbildningens ansvar för samhällets framtida utveckling. Högskolor och universitet borde bättre kunna utnyttja de enorma kunskapsresurser de besitter för att ta sig an de stora samhällsutmaningarna. De måste också se till att studenter får utveckla styrka och självständighet i tanke och handling genom en tydligare fokus på bildning och personlig växt och inte bara förbereda dem för de första åren i ett framtida jobb. Framtidens samhälle kommer att kräva att alla medborgare får tillgång till högre utbildning, rätt utformad, återkommande genom hela livet.

  • - Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement

    Edited by organisers of "Digital Classicist" seminars in London and Berlin, this volume explores the impact of computational approaches to the study of antiquity on audiences other than the scholars who conventionally publish it. In addition to colleagues in classics and digital humanities, the eleven chapters herein concern and are addressed to students, heritage professionals and "citizen scientists".Each chapter is a scholarly contribution, presenting research questions in the classics, digital humanities or, in many cases, both. They are all also examples of work within one of the most important areas of academia today: scholarly research and outputs that engage with collaborators and audiences not only including our colleagues, but also students, academics in different fields including the hard sciences, professionals and the broader public. Collaboration and scholarly interaction, particularly with better-funded and more technically advanced disciplines, is essential to digital humanities and perhaps even more so to digital classics. The international perspectives on these issues are especially valuable in an increasingly connected, institutionally and administratively diverse world.This book addresses the broad range of issues scholars and practitioners face in engaging with students, professionals and the public, in accessible and valuable chapters from authors of many backgrounds and areas of expertise, including language and linguistics, history, archaeology and architecture. This collection will be of interest to teachers, scientists, cultural heritage professionals, linguists and enthusiasts of history and antiquity.

  • - Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement

  • - A Research-Based Guide to Break Down Popular Stereotypes About Science and Scientists

    Scientists deserve public recognition. The ways that they are depicted, however, are severely limited in physical and personal traits, helping to establish and enhance stereotypes under the general title of 'scientist'. These stereotypes range from the arrogant researcher who wants to rule the world, to the lab coat wearing 'nerdy' genius, but all generally fall to an extreme view of an existing perception of what a scientist should look and be like. For example, the popular image of 'a scientist' overlooks the presence women almost entirely unless attributed to specific subjects and/or with narrow character depictions. The implications can be far-reaching. Young people, being heavily swayed by what they see and hear in the media, may avoid scientific careers because of these limited or unflattering portrayals of the scientific community, regardless of whether they reflect real life.Based on findings from the Light'13 project, this book examines such stereotypes and questions whether it is possible to adjust people's perception of scientists and to increase interest in science and scientific careers through a series of specific actions and events.

  • av Stefano Costa & Giovanni Luca Pesce

    This is a publication of the conference proceedings from a workshop on Open Source, Free Software and Open Format in the field of archaeological research which took place in Genova, 11 May 2007.Nel pomeriggio dell'8 maggio 2006, a conclusione della prima edizione del workshop "Open source, free software e open format nei processi di ricerca archeologici", proponemmo di ripetere la fruttuosa esperienza appena conclusa a Grosseto. Come gruppo IOSA, facente capo all'Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri, avevamo preliminarmente ottenuto la disponibilità da parte della sezione di Genova (di cui era allora presidente il prof. Tiziano Mannoni) a ospitare una seconda edizione dell'incontro. Il workshop del 2007 doveva costituire (e ha costituito) una prosecuzione delle discussioni avviate nel 2006 sulluso e sviluppo di software libero e open source in tutti gli ambiti dellarcheologia, a cui sono dedicati la maggior parte degli interventi qui pubblicati. A Genova, inoltre, per la prima volta nella storia di questi incontri, fu avviato un dibattito sulle modalità di accesso e disseminazione dei dati archeologici allinterno della comunità scientifica, che si è rivelato centrale negli anni successivi.

  • - A Study on European Botanic Gardens Collaborative Learning Processes

    From 2007-2013 the European 7th Framework Program Science in Society (FP7) funded a multitude of formal and informal educational institutions to join forces and engage in alternative ways to teach science-inside and outside the classroom-all over Europe. This book reports on one of these projects named INQUIRE which was developed and implemented to support 14 Botanic Gardens and Natural History Museums in 11 European countries, to establish a collaborative learning network and expand their understanding of inquiry based science teaching (IBST).Suzanne Kapelari provides insight into the complex theoretical background and practical considerations that informed the project design and which guided the consortium through a three-year process of collaborative knowledge creation. 'Expansive Learning Theory' is fundamental to this approach and places emphasis on communities as learners, on transformation and creation of culture, on horizontal movement and hybridization of knowledge, and on the formation of theoretical concepts.This book is to be considered for planning and running international science education projects as well as a multifaceted theoretical underpinning of teaching. It serves as a conceptual and practical resource for formal and informal science educators and project managers.

  • - Lecons des Experiences Ouest-Africaines

    De nombreux efforts ont été déployés afin d'améliorer la gestion défaillante du secteur de la sécurité en Afrique de l'Ouest. Mais il ne suffit pas d'instaurer une réforme du secteur de la sécurité (RSS) pour changer de manière radicale, voire transformationnelle, la structure fondamentale du pouvoir et de la gouvernance dans la région. À partir de plusieurs exemples de RSS dans six des pays ouest-africains, l'ouvrage Gouvernance du secteur de la Sécurité : Leçons des expériences ouest-africaines examine non seulement les progrès accomplis par des acteurs nationaux et leurs partenaires internationaux en vue de renforcer la dynamique de la gouvernance du secteur de la sécurité, mais aussi les revers. Rédigée par d'éminents experts nationaux, auteurs ayant puisé dans leur expérience personnelle de ces contextes de réforme, l'étude livre des enseignements novateurs et pragmatiques visant à faciliter la mise en oeuvre d'une gouvernance démocratique du secteur de la sécurité en Afrique de l'Ouest et au-delà.

  • - How Openness Won and Why it Doesn't Feel Like Victory
    av Martin Weller

  • - London 2062

    London is one of the world's leading cities. It is home to an extraordinary concentration and diversity of people, industries, politics, religions, and ideas, and plays an important role in our highly globalised, tightly networked, modern world.What does the future hold for London? Investigating any aspect of the city's future reveals a complex picture of interrelations and dependencies. The London 2062 Programme from University College London brings a new, cross-disciplinary and highly collaborative, approach to investigating this complexity. The programme crosses departmental boundaries within the university, and promotes active collaboration between leading academics and those who shape London through policy and practice.This book approaches the question of London's future by considering the city in terms of Connections, Things, Power and Dreams.

  • av Rachel Woodward, Alison J Williams & K Neil Jenkings

    This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the value of the university armed service units - the University Officer Training Corps, University Royal Naval Units and University Air Squadrons. The units, many of which date back to the early 20th century, exist in order to provide students at UK universities with an experience of the British armed forces. Participation in the units is entirely voluntary, and there is no expectation that students will go on to join the armed forces on graduation, although a proportion of students each year do so.The Value of the University Armed Service Units brings together the results of a research project which explored what the value of the units might be to student participants, to graduates in civilian jobs who had the experience as students, to the armed forces, to universities whose students take part in the units, and to employers of graduates with service unit experience. This book draws on quantitative and qualitative research data to explore whether, how, and why the units have value to these different groups.Significant conclusions include the extent to which the units are able to assist students with the development of their transferable (graduate) skills; the potential significance of the units for future recruitment to the armed forces, particularly the Reserves; and the effect of unit experience in developing an informed understanding of the role and function of the British armed forces amongst the wider civilian population.

  • - Opportunities and Challenges of Mobile Research Methodologies

    Daily activity sees data constantly fl owing through cameras, the internet, satellites, radio frequencies, sensors, private appliances, cars, smartphones, tablets and the like. Among all the tools currently used, mobile devices, especially mobile phones, smartphones and tablets, are the most widespread, with their use becoming prevalent in everyday life within both developed and developing countries. Shopping, reading newspapers, participating in forums, projecting and completing surveys, communicating with friends and making new ones, filing tax returns and getting involved in politics are all examples of how ingrained mobile technology is to modern lifestyle.Mobile devices allow a wide range of heterogeneous activities and, as a result, have great potential in terms of the different types of data that can be collected. The use of mobile devices to collect, analyse and apply research data is explored here. This book focuses on the use of mobile devices in various research contexts, aiming to provide a detailed and updated knowledge on what is a comparatively new field of study. This is done considering different aspects: main methodological possibilities and issues; comparison and integration with more traditional survey modes or ways of participating in research; quality of collected data; use in commercial market research; representativeness of studies based only on the mobile-population; analysis of the current spread of mobile devices in several countries, and so on. Thus, the book provides interesting research findings from a wide range of countries and contexts.This book was developed in the framework of WebDataNet's Task Force 19. WebDataNet, was created in 2009 by a group of researchers focusing on the discussion on data collection methods. Supported by the European Union programme for the Coordination of Science and Technology, WebDataNet has become a unique, multidisciplinary network that has brought together leading web-based data collection experts from several institutions, disciplines, and relevant backgrounds from more than 35 different countries.


    This book brings together a series of working papers, produced by interdisciplinary groups of academics within the project, on progress made under the Millennium Development Goals and introduces current debates surrounding the Sustainable Development Goals and the post-2015 agenda.Originating from an interdisciplinary, multi-institution research collaboration, Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development, funded by UCL Grand Challenges. The project brought together over thirty academics from UCL, SOAS, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Birkbeck, Institute of Education, and the Royal Veterinary College, and was coordinated by the London International Development Centre (LIDC). The book explores potential interactions between sustainable development goals in the post-2015 development agenda.Introduced and edited by Prof Jeff Waage (LIDC) and Christopher Yap (LIDC), chapters are dedicated to the topics of Biodiversity and Ecosystems, Human Health, Urban Poverty, Climate and Climate Change, Population Growth, Food and Agriculture, Information, Education and Knowledge, and Governance. Each chapter reflects on the three principle questions of 1) What is the historical process by which goal setting in this sector has developed?, 2) What progress has been achieved with this sector through MDGs and other processes? and 3) What is the current debate about future goal setting?

  • - Substance, surface and medium
    av Kathryn. E, Piquette & Ruth. D. Whitehouse


    This book focuses on the study of the remarkable new source of geographic information that has become available in the form of usergenerated content accessible over the Internet through mobile and Web applications. The exploitation, integration and application of these sources, termed volunteered geographic information (VGI) or crowdsourced geographic information (CGI), offer scientists an unprecedented opportunity to conduct research on a variety of topics at multiple scales and for diversified objectives.The Handbook is organized in five parts, addressing the fundamental questions: What motivates citizens to provide such information in the public domain, and what factors govern/predict its validity? What methods might be used to validate such information? Can VGI be framed within the larger domain of sensor networks, in which inert and static sensors are replaced or combined by intelligent and mobile humans equipped with sensing devices? What limitations are imposed on VGI by differential access to broadband Internet, mobile phones, and other communication technologies, and by concerns over privacy? How do VGI and crowdsourcing enable innovation applications to benefit human society?Chapters examine how crowdsourcing techniques and methods, and the VGI phenomenon, have motivated a multidisciplinary research community to identify both fields of applications and quality criteria depending on the use of VGI. Besides harvesting tools and storage of these data, research has paid remarkable attention to these information resources, in an age when information and participation is one of the most important drivers of development.The collection opens questions and points to new research directions in addition to the findings that each of the authors demonstrates. Despite rapid progress in VGI research, this Handbook also shows that there are technical, social, political and methodological challenges that require further studies and research.

  • - Embracing the Critical and the Personal in Language Pedagogy
    av Gerdi Quist

  • av Michael Robinson

  • - Essays on the Theology of the Commedia
    av John Took

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